"Paladin Post on Codes"
by Drongol

Again with the disclaimer bit--what you're reading is my opinion and mine alone. If you have a problem with it, you come to me, not anyone else. Understand?

Everyone keeps going on about this thing called the Paladins' Code, myself included. But what in the great hairy armpits of Kertigen is this Code? There isn't a single Paladin alive in Elanthia that has seen it, but everyone and their pet hedgehog is discussing what a Paladin can and cannot do and basing their arguments on this Code.

To some people, the Code is a set of rules of etiquette--how to show respect for a lord, how to treat a lady, how to properly hold the cup while sipping tea with Polly Prissypants, and so on. These people are wrong. A Paladin is not (thank Kertigen) defined by courtly behavior and knowing how to properly lick the boots of someone who is supposedly better than you on account of his or her parents. In my opinion, the Code must contain only the most vital guidelines that a Paladin MUST follow to be in good standing within the Guild.

Put simply, a Paladin is a servant of the Thirteen. As our powers come directly from them, serving the Immortals should be the utmost goal of every Paladin. Emphasis must be placed on each Paladin's deities, of course. The actual act of service varies according to which Aspect of the Thirteen a Paladin worships. A Paladin worshipping Rutilor, after all, would have a completely different view on service than a Paladin of Dergati.

A Paladin is not merely a servant of the Immortals, however. His or her service also extends to the people. A Paladin's duty to the public begins with his or her kinsmen or family and extends to every law-abiding citizen of Elanthia. Again, there are as many different viewpoints on how to go about this service as there are Paladins in the guild. The point of differentiation between a true Paladin and one who only gives lip service to the Code, however, is that a true Paladin fights so that others will not have to.

Essentially, I am espousing a two-part Code--serve the Immortals and serve the people of the Dragon's Realms. Contained in those two simple statements is everything a true Paladin needs to bring honor to his or her name, race, and most importantly, the Guild.



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