"Amusement Pier Opens in Crossing"

by Zazu Turning'Leaf

With the opening of the amusement pier in Crossing, Estate Holders now have a variety of entertainments available. Water rides, a Carousel, brawling, displays of strength, and a theatre await to entertain both groups as well as the individual adventurer.

The water ride can actually be done as a team sport. You choose from various inflatable rafts including a Knight, a Castle, a Fire Sprite, and many others. The object is to sink all opponents with your water cannon. It is possible to grab waterlogged gerbils and puffer fish to help sink the other boats. The best method to insure success is to simply ram the other boat. When you sink, you simply start over until the game is finished. The winner is the person who has been sunk the least number of times. There is no waiting with this game: Once you finish sinking your friends, run up the stairs to do it again for one silver kronar.

Next to the cave with the water ride is a crowd around a large pole. Here people of all guilds and all circles can display feats of strength for a mere 50 coppers. The more you try, the better you do. Scores are recorded on the chalkboard.

The Carousel ride is always fun. The object of this game is to catch rings that slide down the awning while riding a sun vulture, a skunk, a dragon, a unicorn, a snowbeast, or an Outrider's Horse. You can trade in your rings for various prizes, including finger puppets. Each ride costs a silver kronar. The ride is addictive, but you have to wait for your stomach to settle before you can ride again.

Do you like to brawl? Then Zakke's bar is the place for you! When you walk into the bar, you are presented with a fine menu board of various libations and a table holding brawling items such as cracked mugs and dented spittoons. The mud pit is in the next room. Opening day was packed with over a dozen brawlers sloshing in the mud. A crowd gathered to cheer the wrestlers as globs of mud fell off their bodies. Luckily, there is a washroom complete with bathing tubs located in the back of the bar. The only cost to participate is a little pain.

The Nightingale's Rest Theater is nestled on the far east side of the pier. The theater is for bards or those escorted by bards, and all bardic abilities may be used on stage. A separate audience seating section is provided so the performers are not disturbed. The opening of the theater was marked by the debut of a puppet play written by Zazu Turning'leaf called, "Coinwize."

Here is an excerpt of the fight scene from that play:

(The Narrator watches a group exit the peltry and make their way down crowded streets. The scene is changed from behind to represent the Town Hall.)

(The Narrator turns his head when he notices a sinister goblin stalking his way towards the group of young puppets.)

(The tiny Goblin puppet and points at the Barbarian.)

A sinister goblin puppet exclaims, "It was you!"

(The barbarian puppet turns, causing it to face the goblin.)

A sinister goblin puppet exclaims, "You killed my family you stinking savage!"

(The Goblin puppet begins to advance on the Barbarian.)

A snarling Barbarian puppet exclaims, "Why you sniveling snot nosed bug eyed creep! What if I did?!"

A gem-encrusted Trader puppet asks, "I'll put my money on the brute, any one else care to wager?"

(The Trader pulls out a notebook and makes some notations.)

An Estate Holder puppet asks, "Why this is just uncivilized!! Goblins, here in the streets of Crossing??!! Where are the Zoluren forces? Where does my tax money go??"

An Estate Holder puppet exclaims, "Guards!!"

(The Estate Holder puppet, raises a tiny wooden hand and points at the goblin.)

The Empath puppet turns and points to the Barbarian.

A smiling Empath puppet says, "Settle down dear, we are safe enough."

(The Barbarian puppet hacks at the goblin with its serving knife sword.)

A sinister goblin puppet asks, "That the best you can do you troll?"

(The Goblin puppet parries the Barbarian and leaps aside.)

A snarling Barbarian puppet asks, "Who you calling a troll?"

(The Barbarian puppet across the stage, causing it to lunge forward, just missing the goblin.)

A sinister goblin puppet exclaims, "You're right, swamp trolls smell better than you!"

(The Goblin puppet quickly jabs its paper knife at the barbarian, catching him in the shoulder.)

A snarling Barbarian puppet exclaims, "Now look what you've done!"

(The Barbarian puppet screams!)

A sinister goblin puppet exclaims, "Hey! Gimme back my knife! Now you're stealing things from me!"

(The Goblin puppet kicks the barbarian in the shin.)

The pier is usually littered with crumpled hats and sticky lollipops. If you follow the trail and dodge flying dolls, you will find a red-nosed pudgy clown. He carries a barrel full of pebbles and for a mere silver kronar, will give you the opportunity to pick a pebble. He gives out prizes based on the color pebble you pull from the barrel.



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