"First Annual Glythtide Faire"

by Flutterbee Wyld-Fyre

Prince Vorclaf opened his home at Ulf'hara Keep to the fine citizens of Elanthia in order to celebrate the First Annual Glythtide Faire. The day began with a parade through the Crossing. The parade was led by the Tavern Troupe buskers known as Buska Rhyme. Songs announcing opening of Glythide Faire echoed through the bustling streets. Dancers spun about the streets while tumblers wove their way in and out of the crowd. Mounted riders representing the Apostles, the Dragon Shield, and the Theren Guard waved banners supporting their groups and the fair. The parade crowd swelled as the group encouraged bystanders to become involved and carried everyone towards Ulf'hara Keep.

Following a brief delay involving artisans putting the final touches on crystal goblets and the cooks making last minute food preparations, Prince Vorclaf welcomed a small mob into his private home. Opening ceremonies included a welcome from the Tavern Troupe, the Apostles, and the Theren Guard. The Faire received Glythtide's blessing, as administered by the kind Cleric Dulcinie. During her ritual blessing, she strung prayer beads, ending with a crystal ram bead. She gave the completed strand to Prince Vorclaf. Following the blessing, laughter echoed through the entry way as Glythtide's Gift was cast by several appreciative bards.

The group proceeded to the receiving area, and folks took their seats as an audience while the stage of the Throne Room was prepared for the upcoming performances. Xaphira, Espritia, and Chabelle each sang a song for Prince Vorclaf. The princely songs were followed by a humorous skit about the day in the life of a king. At that point, Mistress of Ceremonies Zazu and Prince Vorclaf declared the event open.

The next several hours were filled with performers from across the lands determined to entertain the Prince's guests. Songs, stories, and plays from all genre were given the opportunity to take the stage. Bluejae and Catwrist confirmed their wedding vows on stage! Truly, it was a fun filled day with non-stop entertainment. Guest performers included Isembard, Asera, Sammkit, Inessa, Kortny, Firannion, Sardonica, Juliun, Bubb and the Bubbettes, Lethargy, and Daerlynn. Even the Prince joined in the fun and entertained the audience with a bit of interpretive dance. Though it is my opinion that seeing Vorclaf, Grungy, and Bubbinster on stage doing the Dwarven Stomp is something that most folks will not forget.

Mistress of Ceremonies Zazu of the Tavern Troupe, Mistress of Ceremonies Daedra of the Dragon Shield, Master of Ceremonies Dareth of the Theren Guard, and Master of Ceremonies Ravenstorme of the Tavern Troupe kept the audience entertained between acts with humorous dialog and thoughtful commentary. As announcers for the Faire, it was their duty to keep things on schedule.

The final act of the day was interrupted by Mistress of Ceremonies Zazu storming the stage to announce that Apostle Allurana and her father, Dragon Shield Razzer had both fallen to thugs that had stormed the Keep. She called for the security teams manned by the Apostles and the Dragon Shield to protect the Prince and rescue the fallen. The final performance was Daerlynn who braved the unsettling events. With her personal bodyguard, Heston, by her side, Daerlynn completed her performance with a standing ovation.

Speaker for the Tavern Troupe Bubbinster and Prince Vorclaf closed the Glythtide Faire with a word of thanks and a prayer for the fallen.



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