"Picnic Locals in Shard"

by Nymme

So you want some suggestions for places to have a picnic in the great city of Shard. This is an immense undertaking because there are so many beautiful places to choose from. What you must decide is what type of picnic you wish to have. A small one or two person intimate affair, a family outting, or one for a rowdy group of friends. Each type has a different type of area to use.

If you wish to have a smaller more intimate picnic you might try any of the various gardens around the Great Temple. Each one has a different theme and feel to it and you can pick the one that fits your mood that day. Two of my favorite spots are the gazebo in the Garden of Lights and a small glade off of Kukalakai's own garden. The gazebo is very comfortable and has it's own padded seating. The ivy that covers the gazebo makes you feel as if you were the only people alive on the planet. The Glade can only be reached via a darkened tunnel. It is surrounded by a thick grove of trees and is quiet except for the sounds of nature. Both are lovely spots to rest and eat by oneself or in the company of one you love.

For a family outing one needs a different feel to the spot one picks, more open and with much more to view. There is a path down by the river that offers many choices. All along the river flowers bloom and there are many well tended spots to sit and eat. The river offers a lovely distraction for the eyes while the tranquil woods offer a place for the youngest to romp. At the very end of the path by the river is a small orchard, complete with a picnic table and benches. Trees and flowers surround this small grove and a large rock offers a play spot for the children. The noise of the river lends itself as a nice backdrop to the whole experience.

When you have friends along it is an entirely different experience. Up into the Dragon's Breath Forest are two breaks in the trees. Both open into small dead end paths that allow for interesting places to explore and offer mysteries that you and your friends might wish to solve. In the first a doorway that is falling to ruin sits there amidst the forest. But why is it there? The second is a break in the darkness. Do you have the courage to venture further? Or is it enough to speculate about what hides in such true shadows.

For those who wish a friendly picnic with less mystery, you might wish to venture into Stone Clan and into the garden near the Chapel. It is full of herbs and flowers that make for a lovely backdrop to any picnic.

These are just a few of the hundreds of lovely spots in which to picnic while in Shard. These just happen to be among my favorites. Explore the city and surrounding areas yourself! Find your own favorites! There are many out there to choose from.

Happy Picnicking!



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