"Xaphira Shares Her Words"

by Flutterbee Wyld-fyre

With so many fine performers gracing the stage of the Arthe Hollow Inn, this trader is just amazed at the talented folks she is fortunate enough to interview afterwards. I ran into Xaphira Vonara at the Crossing Bard Guild. We were able to find a quiet spot upstairs at the balcony. She is a lovely Elothean bard with long wavy ginger spice hair and jade eyes. I was delighted to see that she had accented her eyes with face paint in the form of delicate jade green ivy leaves.

Xaphira was born in a seaside village east of Dirge. Music was her escape from the tedium of every day life. After her mother passed away, Xaphira was responsible for raising her two younger sisters. Once the youngest no longer needed constant care, they practically shoved Xaphira out the door with instructions to find the Bard Guild. She now makes her home in Kaerna, where she is known for hosting some pretty wild parties that highlight local dancers and singers.

Xaphira is an accomplished bardess. She has performed for the nobility, including the Prince and Lord Valkrin, as well as at Glythide’s Faire and several weddings. She is a member of the Tavern Troupe performance order and speaks on their counsel. In addition, she is a member of the Lorethew Mentor Society. Xaphira is very involved in community events. Any given day you can find her helping young folks seeking direction as well as the more seasoned residents who require a little focus.

I nibbled on some chocolates and paced the balcony floor before asking Xaphira what she enjoyed most about being a bard. Her eyes sparkled as she responded without hesitation, “the other bards.” She enjoys the camaraderie, the companionship, and close knit family atmosphere surrounding the bard guild. Xaphira said it best: “They’re [bards] what makes this life worth while. I love performing, but I wouldn’t need to be a bard to do so. The other bards are the joy of this guild for me."

This Elothean bardess finds inspiration for her songs in different things including dreams, experiences, and suggestions. She does not limit herself. As she put it, “I get an idea, somewhere, and I need to express it.”

Leaning against the railing, I studied the young bardess with care. I checked my notes and asked her what the kindest thing anyone had done for her was. Xaphira leand forward, pushing her ginger hair behind her ears and thought for a moment before blushing slightly. She related a tale of how a young ranger spent time with her, running around town, helping her orient herself to the new city. He wanted to help her get
started on the right foot. This was a big sacrifice for the ranger, because he lingered a little too long inside the city walls. She is thankful for his very kind spirit.

Xaphira’s jade eyes twinkled as she shared the craziest thing she had ever done. “Simple, my first death.” She had boarded the Lybadel in Haven for the first time, wanting to take a short cut to the islands. She was armorless as she was returning from her honeymoon. She danced with a few pirates, because she did not think to ask how to get off the boat.

I flipped through my notes, and remembered to ask the quick personal questions. Her favorite food is chocolate covered strawberries. She loves Suur Wine, an Elothean blend. Her preferred instrument would be her lacquered ebony castanets. And she loves silvery gray colors.

Her favorite saying is, “Sure, I’ll try it, I’ve got plenty of favors” which is usually in response to some trip Bubbinster Bladebender wants to make. The quote she would like to be remembered by is, “Without all parts, no symphony is as beautiful; no life is complete.” She has this stitched in jeweled hues on her scarlet pouch. Her advice to performers is to “find someone who will be happy to give advice on your works BEFORE you debut. I still go to Daerlynn.”

The two songs she has chosen to share with Waerd Aev readers are “Any Other Day” and “Innocence Lost.” The first was inspired by an unexpected relationship from long ago. It is a lovely piece and speaks to the soul. The second work simply demanded to be told. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

By my hand, Flutterbee



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