"Lady, Dear Lady"
by Taolan

O'er emerald fields of swaying grass
I ran in search of her...
O'er tumbling hills and mountain pass
I ran in search of her...

Lady, dear lady, cannae find ye for the dance.
Lady, dear lady, cannae find ye for the dance.

O'er fruitless desert and forests lush
I ran in search of her...
O'er frozen tundra and rocky bluff
I ran in search of her...

Lady, dear lady, cannae find ye clear of day.
Lady, dear lady, cannae find ye clear of day.

O'er all country vast without end
I ran in search of her...
O'er the roads 'cross the land which they mend
I ran in search of her...

Lady, dear lady, cannae find a life with thee.
Lady, dear lady, cannae find a life with thee.




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