
by Juliun Parterre

In Shard, in the past, a long time ago
A baby was born in the mountainous cold
She was left on a doorstep with a card that told
The young girl's name was Fallanas
The beautiful name of Fallanas

She lived with the orphans in the Shardic hills
Where even in summer, the snow fell still
Protected by warmth, they felt no chill
But all was not what it seemed
It was certainly not what it seemed

An outcast, a bother, troublesome, and vain
When not made fun of, she was beat with a cane
Because of the hurt and the sadness and pain
A demon entered her soul
Altered and changed her soul

A sharp blade gleamed in the dead of night
Carefully hidden from sleeping sights
As the moon flowed in, clasping handle tight
She started her night of fun
Her deadly night of fun

The demon in her heart clamored for more
He cried out for blood and cried out for gore
She laughed aloud, moving from floor to floor
As the night wore on and on
It seemed to go on and on





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