"My Therengian Fancy"

by Jeremy Galen Isembard Esq

By-ways lead to secluded groves,
And fields careful-tended with spades.
Roadways all to river's lead,
And to mounts crown'd all in haze.
I, to these, shall e'er go,
Upon yon Northern Route.
And come upon no single soul,
Who I'd not sign about.

A walk I, upon Life's Road.
I'll wander this tangl'd course.
A sailor on the Seas of Fate,
And protector of sacred lore.
There's no burden to this wanderlust,
Naught I'm searching for.
Yet dally now not here with me..
Use caution e'ermore

(First Chorus:)

As ye walk upon these sallowed fields
All cloak'd in lucid fresh and snow...
Dally now not near me love
For now I've got to go

The course of life is o'erwrought
With sharp bends, turns and folds.
Though to many, it seems, that which is sought,
Great riches and wealth untold!
If you'd ask me, all this means naught,
These vaults o'erflow'n with gold.
What price to put on liberty bought?
What price on freedom sold?

(Second Chorus:)

As ye stroll these darken'd glades of green
all mantl'd in bowers sweet...
Dally now not o'erlong
For me? I'll take my leave.

I'll name to thee a prize beyond measure.
Beyond find cloths and works of art.
With her my daliance t'was a pleasure.
Her key unlock'd my heart.
Though forbidden by divinely censure.
I fear we're doom'd to be apart.
Alas! I'll not here abide at leisure.
Alack! I'll soon depart.

(Third Chorus:)

I'll be awander these backwood ways
all armor'd 'n dew and mist...
Dally not will till the last of days
The road I can't resist!





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