"On Any Other Day"

by Xaphira Vonara

On any other day I would have resisted,
On any other day I would have had more strength.
But it wasn't any day,
Life will never be the same.
And now I feel much more
Than on any other day.

At any other time kisses would be flirting,
At any other time, just an innocent game.
But it wasn't any time,
Your kisses were so kind.
And now I feel much more
Than at any other time.

From any other man, the warm arms, just arms,
From any other man, the caresses, just a touch.
But it wasn't any man,
Who so softly took my hand.
And now I feel much more
Than from any other man.

For any other heart I would be guarded,
For any other heart, never showing my true side.
But it wasn't any heart,
That took those walls apart.
And now I feel much more
Than for any other heart.

On any other day I would have resisted,
On any other day I would have had more strength.
But it wasn't any day,
Life will never be the same.
And now I feel much more
Than on any other day.

Now I feel much more
Than on any other day.






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