"Profile: Sharyn Killasha, Staff Writer"

I am happy to have been writing for Waerd Aev for a while and was very happy to have been asked to accept a position as a staff writer. It is terribly exciting to get to work with the talented people who staff the magazine. I am constantly learning new and danger...ummmm, I mean new and wonderful things.

It may seem strange to some of you to find a Ranger interested in writing, but I have been a history buff since I can remember. If history is studied, perhaps we won't repeat the errors of the past. After a while it became apparent to me that studying history wasn't enough, so I soon found a notebook and quill that would stand up to the rigors of the wilds and began penning things on my own. Eventually I got up the courage to send one into Waerd Aev and was very surprised when they didn't send an assassin squad after me.

The one thing that I hope people take home from my articles -- well, in fact, from all of the magazine -- is that there is more to the world we live and play in than meets the eye. Take time to watch what is going on around you, read the books, ask the questions. You just might surprise yourself with what you see and learn, and with the fun that you end up having.

"Madame Speaks!"

by Madame of Fate

Sharyn Killasha, whose occupation is a Ranger, your lucky number is five.

Sharyn, you want to explore life and learn as much as you can. New adventures attract you. For you, the grass is always greener on the other side. Your quick thinking can sometimes make you highly strung, and your curiosity always gets the better of you. You are lively and pleasure-seeking and an excellent talker with a good sense of humor. Routine jobs (like foraging and swimming) bore you. A turn of fate is around every corner, but you must learn to grasp good fortune.1

"Profile: Maedae Lo'Hydra"

portrait by Psychi

First of all, I'd like to thank you all for reading the Waerd Aev. I enjoy editing the written submissions about as much as I love reading what is sent in, which is a lot!

I was hired as the Waerd Aev's submissions editor about a year ago. Prior to that, I was working in a local academy as a librarian. I know what you are all thinking, a librarian, how boring. Although I'll admit that being a librarian isn't quite as exciting as what many of the readers out there do, I have been able to experience my own conflicts and rewards as an adventurer might. And no, I don't mean kicking out the local bums that sleep on the library sofas. The conflicts I speak about are the feelings and emotions upon reading the stories and chronicles of Elanthia. The rewards I mentioned are the knowledge and power that I gain after reading these stories. I challenge all of you to experience this adventure if you have not had an opportunity. My best tip is to find documents written in Common. Most books written in Common aren't as biased, especially in regards to various races.

Now that I've told you a bit about my true passion, let me tell you a couple more personal things about myself. And in case you are wondering, no, I don't wear librarian skirts and hang out at librarian coffee stands. I lived in a convent most of my life so I have a very conservative outlook on the world. But, I also have sporadic moments of wildness where I just need to try new things for myself. After being released from the convent five years ago, I have spent much free time wandering and exploring the world. I know I haven't seen everything there is to see, but I'm not brave enough to venture where few have gone. However, I try to chronicle the world as I see it. So, if you see a little gnome around your ankles, it just might be me!

"Profile: C.L."

portrait by Psychi

C.L. is the art submissions editor for Waerd Aev, and so is the one to honor (or blame) for most things happening in that area. She does indeed have a full name, but for reasons she will not divulge prefers to be referred to by her initials for the sake of this publication.

Before joining the Waerd Aev staff, C.L. worked at a number of odd jobs around the Crossing, where she has lived since her birth in the year 338. She says that she enjoys her work here, where all of the polishing and repair can be done with the aid of a writing quill.

Besides her job, which she admits takes up a fair portion of her time, she also enjoys reading, sketching, and poking her nose into places where it generally isn't welcome. She doesn't care much for long walks on the beach or romantic sunsets but will be quick to voice her support for a good thick pair of socks and a blazing fire. Her favorite colors are grey or dusty blue, and her favorite foods are Therengian apples, particularly the golden ones.






1 Reference: The Psychic Workbook by Craig Hamilton-Parker (pp 126-134)



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