Order of the Iron Circle - Li Tumbra Mir


A brilliant white flash envelopes your senses, blinding but strangely comforting. You begain to hear welcoming voices calling to your spirit, envigorating you. Confused but calm, you attempt to glance around you, only to find yourself drowning in visions that flood through all senses known to you. You see noble men and women gathered at a great Iron Table, faces poised on some goal, a bond between them so obvious that it would not be hard to convince you they had a telepathic link. Just as you become engulfed in the gathering and brilliance of the Iron Table, the vision fades, replaced by another.

Your feelings of awe and admiration, of curiosity and anxiety, are all quickly washed away by a vision not nearly as pleasant. Every scream, every cry, every unanswered call for help rip through your soul like the claws of a deathspirit through a ship rat. You try to stifle a cry, but realize your own agony lends itself to the pleas and torments of the others. About you lay bodies, hundreds of them, perhaps thousands, most mutilated and disfigured. Falling to your knees, you feel sticky red liquid that covers so many acres, you wander if even a blade of grass still remains. As you glance to your left, your heart takes a break from its normal task as you notice a familiar face lying in a pool of crimson life water, arm torn from its socket and laying across a mail breastplate. You cringe and feel your insides ready to cough themselves up, but before you can recognize who the friend or family member is, the vision fades.

Back in the realms of brilliant white light, you pant and perspire heavily, body fully exhausted. A voice, with the sound of a hundred voices in chorus, "sings" out to you in a gentle, but stern tone.

"Those times are returning, noble one. Once again, the Iron Table must be formed, the Circle reunited."

A vision of 3 dragons appears before you, smiting an evil army of great stature. A great leader appears with fiery red hair, sitting atop one of the dragons with a fierce and noble look in his eyes. Then you see in the heavens a brilliant Circle forming....it seems endless. As it sprays its magical radiance across the lands, a peace settles in your soul, and all around you seems to become tranquil and at ease. The voice speaks again.

"Loyal one, I extend to you a great responsibility, burden, and blessing all in one." You then see a great hand extend to you with an image of a Circle with multiple rings hovering over its palm. It has a magical and powerful aura about it as the Circle rotates and beckons to you.

" But it is up to you to take it."



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