The Tavern Troupe


Welcome to the Tavern Troupe!
The only Official Performing Order of Elanthia

First and foremost, welcome to the Troupe! No doubt everyone is glad to have you as a new member of our ever-changing group, and the lot of us look forward to working with you in our humble attempts at bringing entertainment to the five provinces of Elanthia! The Tavern Troupe is devoted to bringing the finest of entertainment to whoever desires it. You, as a member, are part of that entertainment now.

Over time you'll have opportunities to create, direct, and be in various plays which the Tavern Troupe offers its patrons. You'll have the chance to sing tales of romance to happy wedding couples, songs of celebration to rowdy patrons, and poems of morn to the deceased. It's quite important to note, of course, that all of these things require effort and skill to do. Hence, there are a few minor rules and conditions that you'll have to meet if you're to be a productive member of such a group.

Chances are you're a new member if you're reading this booklet. Well that means there's a few things that need to be done. Not to worry, as they're all simple and relatively painless, and once they're out of the way you won't have to worry about them again.

NOTE*** If this guide isn't enough or leaves you with any questions, make a note that as long as Bubbinster is speaker, most everything and everyone can be subject to his direct rulings. If you have any questions, feel free to see Bub!


1. First Things First
2. The Troupe Higherarchy
3. Troupe Meetings
4. Taking Part in a Play
5. Writing a Play
6. Proposing an Event
7. Problems

1. First Things First

All right, no doubt you've gotten that official letter telling you you're a member of the Tavern Troupe! There are several things you should do as soon as possible upon receiving this letter of congratulations. The most important of them deal with communication. You can't be a member of the finest performance group in the land if you have no way to keep in touch!

To help eliminate this problem, the Troupe has its own Yahoo Group. It is urgent that you become a member of the Tavern Troupe Yahoo Group as soon as possible so you can send and receive scrolls from the various members and have some sort of an idea as to what is going on and when. In fact, you'll find that it's almost impossible to be a member without these scrolls in your inbox, so hop to! All you have to do is...

1. Go to the page
2. Go to the New Users Register area.
3. Fill out the form. (It is strongly recommended that your ID name be along the lines of your in-game name to make it easier to locate you specifically. Feel free to fill out only what you need to in order to become a member, nothing more unless you want to.)

After you've gotten your ID, maybe even before, you'll receive a scroll in your inbox that will invite you to join the Yahoo Group/Mailing list. Just do what the scroll tells you and you're all set!

Also on this helpful site is a calendar posted with all the upcoming events on it. Just switch to the monthly view to find out what is going on each month.

By the by, it is an excellent idea to read over the bylaws to get a general idea of how the troupe runs. Most likely you already have. If not, you can head over to the Tavern Troupe's official website located at This helpful and informational site contains the troupe charter, by-laws, member list, and much much more.

2. The Troupe Higherarchy

This is a beginners guide to being a member of the Tavern Troupe, and most of what you find can be found in greater detail in the troupe's bylaws. Still, it wouldn't hurt to mention the layout of the troupe. Generally the leader and final decision-maker of the group is known as the "Speaker". There is also a "Vice Speaker" who will take the place of the Speaker in the event that he/she leaves the troupe. The "Troupe Treasurer" takes care of all financial aspects of the Tavern Troupe, including making sure you pay your dues. The troupe's main voting body is know as the "Council of Ten" and is run by the lead Council Member. The bylaws go into details as to how and what each position's duties are. Any Trouper can be elected as a sub-officer, which is generally a duty granted by the Speaker to fulfill a particular task voluntarily on a regular basis.

3. Troupe Meetings

Well no doubt now that you have a pigeon to keep in touch with the rest of the Troupe you'll begin receiving notices of current events relating to our performing order. Among these events are the monthly meetings. (Council members meet three times a month. Twice at the private council meetings to discuss affairs and once at the monthly meeting to talk to and interact with the other members.) The monthly meetings are the most important gatherings the Troupe has and it is very strongly encouraged that you show up! Its only once a month and if you are a devoted member, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Most all other meetings are voluntary, but this one isn't. At these meetings directors will ask for actors and singers, also you will be required at the meeting to pay your monthly dues (1 copper). Of course, the Troupe understands that sometimes missing the monthly meeting can't be helped. Missing two meetings in a row without a suitable explanation will result in a review of your membership and is grounds for termination. It is certainly nothing personal, but we need members that have time to contribute to the Troupe.

If you're going to your first monthly meeting any time soon, there's little you should worry about. The Speaker will send out a scroll to everyone that gives the schedule for that meeting several days in advance (it will also be posted on the calendar). You will probably notice that you, and the other new members of the Tavern Troupe, are on the schedule. Basically, since the monthly meeting is the only one that every member is required to show up for, you will be introduced to everyone and have a chance to get to know people better.

Meeting Etiquette: There's very little to say here, as it is mostly expected of all members to know how to behave at most any meeting. The Troupe Bylaws explain most of the rules for the Tavern Troupe. Still, there are a few notably important rules and unwritten ethics that apply to the general order of meetings that wouldn't hurt for you to know. These are directed at all members of the Tavern Troupe, all of the time.

1. When someone else has the floor, try to keep quiet! No, no, not perfectly stifled! All members are friendly and enjoy a good comment here and there, no matter who has the floor. Generally, however, it is a good idea to try to keep your comments small in numbers unless the floor is open for discussion.

2. We don't tolerate uncalled for comments towards other members! This goes for meetings as well as ...hmm...every other second of your life. If you disagree with someone on an issue at a meeting, it is fine to discuss your point of view and even argue. Keep in mind, however, that everyone has their own opinion and in no way are you or anyone else allowed to make a personal attack on a Trouper for their ideas. This should go without saying. We're all good friends here in the Troupe and chances are small that this rule will be broken. If it is, expect the Speaker to make you sorry you broke it in the first place.

3. Be yourself! The Troupe is a group of committed friends. From the moment you're a member, feel free speak your mind! If you prefer to be quiet and sit back and observe the meetings, then by all means do so. But if you feel like putting in your two coppers on an issue, you're more than welcome to! If it's a short comment on an issue at hand, then feel free to belt it out. If you want to discuss something in length that is a concern or an idea of yours, just whisper to the officer in charge of the meeting and they'll most likely give you the floor. Just make sure it's for a legitimate reason.

4. Taking Part in a Play

The number one thing that the Tavern Troupe is famous for is doing a great job at putting on plays for its patrons. Being a new member certainly doesn't disqualify you from this type of thing! We encourage it! Any time a willing patron chooses a play from the Troupe's list, the writer of that play acts as director and chooses members to take on the various roles needed. It helps if you have prior understanding of how the plays work, but the major way to learn how to act out a play is simply by having a go at it!

Once you've responded to a scroll requesting volunteers, you will be required to attend all rehearsals. Rehearsals will be held, usually twice, to help teach members the play and work out the minor flaws here and there. You might want to do the following things before rehearsal.

1. Have a copy of the play script with you. If you don't have one, ask your director to send you a copy. Become familiar with it and read it through a few times. The better you know the play, the easier you'll find it is to do.

2. Make your script your script. It is well known to seasoned troupers that having the script in front of you with your lines marked very clearly can make rehearsals go much smoother. Try marking where you come in to the play, where you leave, and other important places on your parchment.

3. Enjoy yourself! Rehearsals and plays are great fun, though somewhat nerve racking. But alas, we do get paid. As you'll notice in the bylaws, each performer will receive at least 2 platinum Kronars for participating in a play. What other place can you have fun with your friends and get paid to do it!?

5. Writing a Play

If you really want to be creative, than get out your quill and some spare parchment and get to work on a play for the Tavern Troupe to perform for its patrons. The Troupe does all kinds of plays, from outright bawdy to gentle romance. Just make sure to note the rules for writing a play, as are listed in the bylaws. Remember, if you write one, you must have time to direct it if a patron chooses it! Once your play is done, submit it to the Speaker. He or she will confirm it and submit it to the Council for voting on. Once the Council votes it in as an official play, it will be up for grabs for any patrons that take an interest in it!

6. Proposing an Event

Have you ever wanted to hold an event, but never had the chance or the funding? Well you're more than welcome to propose an event for the Troupe as long as you're a member! If the play is approved we will help you with everything you need. What kind of events? General ideas are dancing contests, song contests, and story telling contests. More creative ideas such as raffles and auctions are also acceptable. Anything you think is a good idea! To propose your event to the Troupe, send a scroll to the speaker describing your idea, the amount you will need to use from the Troupe funds, and any other information you think vital. The council will probably seek you out if they have any questions. If the idea is a good one, and most all of our brilliant members' are, the council will vote and approve it and you can go ahead with your plans. Remember, you're spending the Troupe's Kronar so put it to good use! Get out there and show Elanthia what you're made of!

7. Problems

The Troupe is a great order and every member is no doubt glad to have you with us! However, even the finest groups have problems once in a while. It is very important for you to know a few things that have caused troubles in the past specifically. Again, it is URGENT that you read the bylaws. These are only some notable ways to deal with a problem in the Troupe.

1. If you have a problem with another member, take it up DIRECTLY with a Council Member or Officer of the Tavern Troupe. NOT over the troupe scroll.

2. Do NOT use the Troupe Yahoo pigeon on anything except business relating to the troupe.

3. Unless you are clearly the one that is not in the wrong, any problem you have will most likely be frowned upon by the Speaker. If nothing else, avoid "incidences" and "problems". This should be easy as everyone in the Troupe gets along great. It is expected to stay that way.

4. Generally, if you are concerned about anything at all, it is probably best to take it up with a Council Member or Officer. Remember, we're all good friends here, and if at any time you find you're not having fun you may leave without consequence. Though if you wish to return you will have to go through the application process again.

That's All, Trouper!

One last time, congratulations! The Tavern Troupe is proud to have you with us and we all hope to see you around, not only at the meetings but also anywhere and everywhere in Elanthia! You're sure to be a valuable member of the Troupe and we all can't wait to meet you if we haven't already!



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