"Lord Sorrow Elected to Moon Mage Council"
by Y.T.

THE CROSSING, ZOLUREN -- In a nearly unanimous decision, the evil overlord formerly known as Sura was elected to the High Council of Moon Mages just this day.

Former Council member Khaman Vairson was more than enthusiastic about the decision. "Lord Sorrow is what is best for the guild. It is an honor to have such a great man sitting the chair I formerly occupied, and I am privileged to have stepped down so that he may take his rightful place."

Moon Mage Grandmaster Taramaine Tamim was just as ecstatic. "Sorrow brings ruthless determination, and incredible drive to succeed at all costs, and a whole bevy of warriors who, with the proper motivation, could finally wipe those pesky Warrior Mages and their ugly familiars off the face of Elanthia once and for all."

"Besides," the Grandmaster continued, "he's going to teach us how to do that neat trick where you make your opponent burst apart. Moon Mages, rejoice! Who needs an off-kilter weatherman with an ego trip, anyways?"

Lord Sura could not be contacted for comment, but his longtime friend and business associate Prayk gave this writer a moment of his time, saying "My master Lord Sorrow is most pleased by the Council's decision. He is more than certain that he will be able to further the causes of the Guild of Moon Mages. Having no current affiliation with any sect, Lord Sorrow will be an unbiased, refreshingly unique perspective to the Council."

"Plus, he gets unlimited access to the Zaulfung Stones and his own Y'shai bodyguard, which is just gravy."

Councilmember Sorrow is expected to push the causes of evil, destruction, and using magic for neat, overtly fatal purposes.


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