"Moonlight Vigil Prayer"
by Tabinia


Under the moonlight
Thee will be mine tonight
Bewailing in the darkness.
As I stalk and stare
I will tell thee all I dare
Awaiting the rightness.

Beware thine brightest hour
For thee will no longer flower
Under my carelessness.
Thee might dream
Of unraveling my beam
Seeking for togetherness.

As the world revolves
Thee finds thy resolve
Under my paleness.
As thee lies struggling
I become a changling
Ruling the brightness.

Thine death is nigh
I am circling high
Altering my luminousness.
Surrounded by tragedy
Seeking a new strategy
Whispering of loneliness.

Precious are my jewels
For thee seeks the tools
Surrounded by hardness.
For the special prize
Thee must pay a price
Enduring my harshness.

For one found worthy
Thee must curb thy purfidy
Starting with thy softness.
Striving for perfection
Is likened to an infection
Staring into blankness.

Beautiful is thine face
More profound in any case
Asking for forgiveness.
To while away thy time
By commiting to any crime
Abusing my righteousness.

Stormy waters ebb and flow
Fleeing to shelter ere my blow
Angering eye of viciousness.
Mourning of my loss
As waters boil and toss
Victims of my unfavorableness.

Plow the lands for even soil
Sow the fields for all to toil
Marveling at my handiness.
Thy soul of life delays
As thee body decays
Forever lost to consciousness.

To look in wonder
Thy pauses to ponder
Stealing away my playfulness.
Do stop and shout
Be of good cheer and stout
Forever altering my peacefulness.

Disturbing is thy thought
In action, words, deeds, and wrought
Spreading thy deceitfulness.
Divorced from body and soul
Thee burns as flames in a bowl
Pandering to my restfulness.

Stealing thine own true love
Can be frightening to the dove
Trampling my blackness.
Towering over another
Forcing eyes to lower
Chastizes my boldness.

Wilder glories do thee seek
Tamer pastures for the weak
Challenging my insaneness.
Torturing thyself for me
Glorifying rights to be
Thought of with wickedness.



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