"The Kaldar"
by Helga Vanakies

Note: Helga was one of the original Kaldars and this is a compilation of the information shared during the introductory event.


The Kaldar are a strong people, forged on the fires of the battlefield. We stand tall, though not as tall as the Gor'Togs, and our muscles are strong from constant warfare with the hated Gorbesh. The Kaldar are said to be good-looking by the other races, but that is not held as important by my people. Strength and skill are held in much higher regard.

The Kaldar, before our pilgrimage to this land, lived in small tribes headed by those elders whose strength and skill earned them the highest respect. While individual tribes may well have had differences in tradition, all Kaldar are united in their hatred of the Gorbesh. Individual tribes often harried those Gorbesh who strayed outside their accursed cities, but it took the combined strength of several tribes to raze a Gorbesh settlement to the ground.

And raze them we did. Life in our homelands was a constant battle, with the Kaldar both attacking and defending. When the Gorbesh gathered to attack a tribe, all others who were true to the spirit of the Kaldar would hasten to assist their beleaguered brethren. These battles would often leave many Kaldar slain, but such a fate is far superior than allowing our people to be destroyed piecemeal by the detested Gorbesh.

The Kaldar and the Gorbesh were not alone in our homeland. Also present were the Gnomes, who lived both with the hated Gorbesh scum and our own tribes. While I know little of the Gnomes who sided with the Gorbesh, their cleverness undoubtedly accounts for the devastating weapons of war fielded by their thrice-accursed armies.

Those Gnomes who lived within my own tribe were often put to use as weaponsmiths, crafting the tools a Kaldar put to good use on the field. It must be said that a Kaldar, in and of itself, is a weapon. The instrument in our hands means little, as a true Kaldar will always know how to use it effectively.

That said, there are many traditions that many Kaldar have left behind on the battlefields of their homelands. The most important of these, which is still upheld by my tribesmen, is the proper form of address to a Kaldar worthy of respect. Such a Kaldar is to be referred to with the appellation "Kaldar-" before their name. Such was the way those who traveled with the Seer referred to themselves, but many have forgotten. In my own case, another Kaldar who wished to give me my due respect would call me "Kaldar-Helga." To do otherwise is a grave insult, implying that one is not worthy of respect.

The move to the cities of the North has caused many disastrous problems amongst my people. Kaldar are becoming soft, speaking of peace and even settling in the disgusting fortresses of the Gorbesh. I myself doubt that, had Seer Trimbolt foreseen these calamities, he would have led us north in search of the Dragon.

And yet, lead us he did. While not all Kaldar chose to follow him, many did, for various reasons. Personally, I doubted that Trimbolt's predictions were valid, but my Blood-Sister, Kaldar-Wilda, believed in the seer. I refused to allow her to travel without me, and so I went to this land to be by her side. Our bond, forged in battle years ago, required me to put aside my own wishes to protect her.

And so I, in the company of Trimbolt, came to the city of Shard, and from there to the Crossing. While my people have grown weak and soft, I have remained strong. I only hope that my people will one day join me.


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