"Why Elves Can't Be Trusted"
by Drongol Hammerer

Ed. Note: This piece is published in conjunction with the one preceding, "Mountain Elves." Please bear in mind that
both are the opinions of their authors and do not represent the stance of Waerd Aev or the Realms.

Being the eldest, wisest, and sturdiest of races, Dwarves know many things that other races have yet to learn. However, no lesson has ever been more costly than this--Elves cannot be trusted, no matter how they might prattle on about honor.

Kertigen's Beard, they even refuse to tell the truth about events in the past. The lie that they have stated regarding the events of Rendstone have managed to seep into publication, while the true story--the Dwarven story--remains untold. No longer.

The Dwarves have long been lords of stone and masters of the mountain. As such, when a group of wretched-looking Elves began inhabiting some of the worst caves in the most barren of peaks, we Dwarves had no problem allowing them to live in peace, so long as they left their betters well alone. We even went so far as to trade with the pointy-eared traitors, allowing them to survive in such a hostile environment. This was our first mistake.

With our help, the Elves in our mountains grew in number, eventually overcrowding the caverns they had settled into. Whereas a proper Dwarf settlement would begin to excavate new areas to reside in, the lazy Elves set their mind towards conquest, raiding our holds to gain supplies and take over our caverns.

Eventually, the aggressions of the Elves turned to all-out warfare. A force of the traitorous Elves gathered with the intent of exterminating my ancestors and claiming our holds for their own. Still seeking peace, our Clanleaders sought to parlay, seeing if there was a way to put aside our grudges and live peacefully apart. As a show of goodwill, our Elders set aside their weapons, confident that the trust would be held. This was our second mistake.

The Elves all carried daggers covered with sticky black venom, and they attempted to attack while our leaders were unarmed. Despite their treachery, the Elves were defeated handily, pummeled into submission by the granite-hard fists of our leaders.

Forewarned as to the dangerous nature of the Elves, our leaders ordered us to attack. While the Elves were quickly defeated, they killed many proud Dwarven warriors that day with their poison and their treachery.

Here is where the Dwarves made their third mistake. Despite knowing better, my kind chose not to execute every last Elf on the mountains, but rather only those who led the attack and attempted to assassinate our Elders. As a show of our great mercy, we even allowed the Elfqueen to live, and she, like the rest of her kind, was put to work repaying the cost of their treachery. We went so far as to feed and shelter the murderers, though none of us knew why. Perhaps we felt pity for their frail bodies and their weak minds.

Eventually, the Elves plotted once more to overthrow their betters, and they attacked again. In another bloody battle, the Elves were defeated and driven south to the mountains of Ilithi, which suited us fine--let their own kind deal with their traitorous ways. We rebuilt and continued to go about our lives, having learned a valuable lesson: There is nothing in this world that is surer than the glitter of gold and the treachery of Elves.

This is the truth. Let it stand throughout the ages.


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