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Simutronics Volunteer Web Monitor Application & Information
Last updated: August 22, 2001

Thank you for considering being part of the Simutronics web team. Our most valuable assets are our people and we attempt to pick our team members with the utmost care. This application contains a description of what being a Simutronics Web Monitor is and is not, followed by a detailed questionnaire to help us in our selection process.

The primary responsibilities of the Web Monitor are Fan Website Administration and Simutronics Visibility.

Fan Website Administration

Web monitor duties involving the fan website program:

· Approve (or reject) fan site submissions

· Review existing fan sites

Check for dead links from our fan website page, and URLs that need to be updated

Ensure that fan sites are linking to us properly, according to our guidelines (linking to the correct URL, etc.)

Check that fan websites list the Simutronics trademarks and copyrights correctly

· Suggest new sites that Simutronics should link to

· Answer fan webmaster questions about how to modify or improve their sites

· Make sure that fan sites are of constructive use for Simutronics customers, and do not include things like:
· Promotion of ways to "hack" the games

· Profanity or other non-family-oriented material (pornography, etc.)

· Slurs or personal attacks on Simutronics customers or personnel

· Large amounts of non-Simutronics material (like if a site is trying to get us to link to it just so they can sell real estate or some other merchandise)

Web monitors help to ensure that Simutronics is represented as visibly and as positively as possible "out there" on the World-Wide Web.

Web monitors also work as "Simutronics evangelists" and are extremely valuable in helping Simutronics to promote itself out on the web. This could mean things like:

· Work with fan site webmasters to help them improve their own sites' visibility, such as how to list their own sites on multiple search engines

· Look for other game-oriented sites out on the web that are not currently telling their visitors about Simutronics games, and bringing the site's existence to the attention of Simutronics management

· Keeping an eye out for other areas where Simutronics games are discussed, and helping to see that our products are represented in as positive a manner as possible

· In the case of a site or mailing list that is being used for malicious purposes, working with Simutronics and the appropriate authorities or webmasters to get the material removed as quickly as possible
Types of Web Monitors
There are different levels of web monitors. Some will focus on fan website review, and will not have any contact with the fan webmasters directly, but will just recommend sites for contact. Other monitors will be involved in correspondence with webmasters about updating their sites. Other monitors may choose to have their primary duty simply be to surf the web and look for locations that require further attention. Some monitors may choose to do all or a combination of the above. And some monitors of course will be in a supervisory or managerial role.

The Web Monitor position is basically a volunteer one. There is some compensation in the nature of a free account and occasional in-game benefits, but there is no other contractual agreement between the monitor and Simutronics. 

Web monitors will be compensated with a recurring credit of $14.95/month which will pay for their basic subscription on the game of their choice. Web monitors who take on additional duties may also receive further credits, such as points which can be traded in for alterations, and/or credits for premium and platinum usage, or basic subscriptions on other Simutronics games. 

NOTE: Alterations received as compensation are subject to certain guidelines. Modifications of inventory are limited to appearance only, and will not modify the way that an item behaves or functions. There are also limits to the kinds of things that can be altered. See the wedding item guidelines for more details. Furthermore, alterations received as monitor compensation are for personal use only, and are not to be used to create any kind of game imbalance.  The selling of such "compensation" altered items, either in-game or via an out-of-game auction site or some other method, is strictly prohibited and can result in immediate termination, along with confiscation of all such altered items, regardless of their current owner and what in-game or out-of-game price may have been paid for them.
What to Expect

Once you send in your application, it will be filed and you will receive notification that we have received it. We do not look over the applications until such time as we have an opening for a new Web Monitor.

You will not receive any other notification UNLESS you are accepted to interview. At that time we will Email you or contact you in the game and set up an online interview. The only initial Email you will receive is the one stating that we have received your application.

We pick applications by running your responses through a weighting system that changes depending on our needs. For example, if we need a monitor who is better at surfing multiple websites, more than we need one who can carefully review a page for copyright adherence, we may assign more weight to those questions on the application. The database then automatically selects those who best fit the criteria. Therefore there are no "correct" answers to the questions in the application.

Be very honest when rating yourself. Even if in some areas you cannot rate yourself highly, that will not always matter. If/when we contact you and ask you questions, it will soon become obvious whether or not you've been honest in your application.

Web Monitor job skills, duties & responsibilities include:

· A commitment of at least 4 hours per week

· The ability to maintain a calm, courteous, and professional demeanor while interacting with customers, staff, and other web monitors

· A clean billing and policy (lockout/warning) record for 6-12 months

· Weekly participation in a web monitor message board or mailing list.

· Submitting regular reports as determined by your supervisor (probably 2-4 per month)

· Representing Simutronics in a professional manner at all times

· Being punctual and reliable

· Excellent online communication/typing skills

· A good working knowledge of how the web/internet works

· Current, up-to-date versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer and/or Netscape Navigator

· Familiarity with HTML is recommended but not required

· Having your own webpage is a plus but not required
proceed to the web monitor application form »


Rated E: Everyone Interactive -- The content of this site may change due to interactive exchanges.  Mild Violence.

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