Character Restoral Policy
You may wish to also see our
Restoral FAQ.
- Criteria
Characters restored must have been permanently rerolled or killed. If
your character was lost due to data corruption (such as a game crash or hard
drive failure on our part) then this form is NOT for you and you should see
our data
corruption restoral page instead.
- Lockouts and Billing Closures
Characters which are locked out or forfeited for either billing or in game
reasons are not eligible.
- Transferred Characters
Characters which have been transferred to another player's account are
considered under the control of the receiving account, and are not eligible
for consideration from prior accounts.
- Cost
The cost is $250, which must be collected prior to the release of the character.
If the fee is disputed through their credit card company, the character is
forfeited and the account closed.
- What is Restored
Restorations will include character, items, lockers, money (on person, notes,
and in bank).
- Warnings and Lockouts
All warnings/lockouts etc. will remain on the character -- subject to the
same timing effect as if the character simply had not been played in the intervening
- Timeframe
Earliest date of eligible restorations is 3/6/2000. No earlier restorations
can be done due to a change in backup equipment/software as of 3/5/2000.
- Disclaimer
Despite our best intentions, it is possible that we will be unable to restore
the character, or the inventory, for which you are looking.
Expanded Paid Restoral Rules
Effective 8/1/2006
Starting on August 1, 2006, we will be expanding the coverage of our Paid
Restoral Process to include characters that have converted professions.
This means that any Paldins (or Savants or Monks when they are released)
which converted from a Warrior or Cleric will be permitted to use the Paid
Restoral Process to restore their character back to their original
profession for the cost of 250 dollars. The following rules will apply:
- Characters that were converted after this change in policy will be given
30 days in which to request that they be reverted to their prior profession.
Any request to revert the character received after 30 days will not be approved.
- Characters that were converted prior to this announcement, but were upon
a closed account at the time of this announcement, will be granted 30 days
from the date of reactivation to request that the character be reverted to
its prior profession. Any request received after this time has expired will
not be approved.
Characters requested to be reverted using this policy will be restored in
the following manner:
- The level and experience of the character will remain the same as the day
they converted to their new profession. This means that any level and
experience gains the character has made from the date they converted until
the date they are restored will be nullified.
- All inventory, locker and bank balances on the restored character will be
removed and the current character's inventory, locker and bank balances will
be transferred to the restored character.
- All skills (Artisan or Guild, where applicable), house affiliations and
society settings will be transferred to the restored character. Any
experience gained from the artisan guild skill advancement will be added to
the restored character.
- Reverted characters will be provided 7 days skill migration grace time,
one FIXSKILL attempt and 2 days stat adjustment grace time at the
time of restoral.
Providing of stat adjustment grace time is subject to review
by the Restoral Department and may not apply in all cases.
We understand that customers may make mistakes with their characters at given
times. This expansion in policy is to provide those customers who regrettably
converted their character the ability to revert that choice. Any questions regarding
this expansion of policy should be directed to