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The Fallen
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Throne City

Abandoned as the Seven Star Empire crumbled over a thousand years ago, it was later re-discovered by the Moon Mage Guild and slowly restored. Half the city remains in ruins, but the northern half boasts shops and libraries of interest to the scholarly mage. The ruins, however, are dangerous and home to mysteries and angiswaerd.

Province: Therengia

Points of Interest: The ruins, the restored Imperial Palace and its libraries, the transport turtles, and the spell library.

Rumors: Some say that Moon Mages seek the city for the secrets of Enchanting, while Thieves come to steal the archaeological treasures the Moon Mages have uncovered.

Indigenous Creatures:
blue-belly crocodileheggarangi boarmarbled angiswaerdriver boa
river caimanalley thug

Rated E: Everyone Interactive -- The content of this site may change due to interactive exchanges.  Mild Violence.

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