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Barbarian New Player Guide

By Barbarian Bractos Saorn

As you walk into the bar in the guild hall, you notice a barbarian at a corner table regarding you carefully, seeming to be searching for a pattern in your movements. He takes the smoldering cigar from his mouth and slowly rubs it out into the palm of his hand as his gaze continues in your direction. He motions Rushleel to bring two ales to his table, as you obey your compulsion to walk over to him.

"New to the guild, eh? No need to answer that. But don't just stand there like some baffled mage. Pull up a seat and have a drink! If you like I can fill in some of the gaps that Agonar and Mo leave in their speeches about the guild."

"You know, of course, barbarians understand weapons better than any of them other guilds, but there's far more to being a barbarian than just your mundane weapons. Lot's more. Let’s begin with the force that fuels your Barbarian abilities."


"Inner Fire is what we call the force inside you that fuels your barbaric abilities. It's inside you and you carry it with you, it’s not like that silly outside force that mages rely on like a crutch. Berserking uses a lot of Inner Fire, battle dances use Inner Fire, and if a spell overcomes your magic resistance you can lose a bit of your Inner Fire. You regain Inner Fire over time and by killing creatures."

"You can check your Inner Fire by meditating on a flame. A lot of different things will work, cigars work, for instance. Just sit or kneel and meditate on the flame (MEDITATE CIGAR, for instance). Then wait for a bit and you will eventually see an image of yourself surrounded by flames of a certain size or height. Twice your height is full Inner Fire, and a dim glow is minimum Inner Fire. There are quite a few levels in between those that you'll discover for yourself, it's pretty straightforward really.

"Meditating on a flame takes a bit of time and is a little inconvenient since you have to have a flame handy. There are other things you can meditate on that work better, though they are quite expensive. They're called chakrel amulets, and Vishlan lately has had a rough cut chakrel amulet for sale in his shop in the Crossing Guild Hall for 25 plats. A rough cut amulet takes the place of a flame and works a little faster; you just meditate on it and wait for a vision of your Inner Fire level. There are also even finer chakrel amulets, often cut into different shapes symbolic of our battle dances, like this one." He pulls a noble chakrel dragon amulet hung from a blackened steel chain from inside a leather scrip and lets it spin in the light a bit.

"These," he says, tapping the amulet to make it spin a bit more, "will give you an instant vision of your Inner Fire level." You have to sit or kneel, but there is virtually no wait at all between when you begin to meditate and when you receive your vision of your Inner Fire level. Vishlan has only had them for sale at festivals and his price on them was around fifty platinum.


"As a barbarian you're more resistant to magic than those who failed to make the right choice and join the barbarian guild. Your magic resistance is based significantly on your statistics, though as to exactly which statistics it’s really guesswork. Personally I think discipline and charisma seem to have a lot to do with it. Regardless, whenever a spell is cast that affects you directly or indirectly (like an area effect) your magic resistance has a chance to affect the spell. There are three possible outcomes: your resistance can defeat the spell entirely and make it fail; your resistance will reduce the effectiveness of the spell; or the spell will overwhelm your resistance entirely. The second of these is by far the most common and you won't seem to notice anything. The spell, however, will have only 1 to 99 percent of its normal effect and duration. If you defeat the spell entirely, you usually see some silly lights around the casting mage and then nothing. If the spell defeats your resistance entirely, then you will feel a reduction in your Inner Fire. Others usually just see you frown.

"Targeted magic spells are just a little bit different. With targeted magic your resistance affects the targeting magic and not the magic that creates whatever is trying to be targeted at you. Successfully resisting those spells you will just see the magic miss you.

"Spells that affect an area are harder to resist than spells that are cast or targeted directly at you. And bard magic through their singing is the hardest of the area magic to resist. Also because bards sing them magic songs from room to room, your resistance will be checked any time a bard singing a magic song enters the room you are in. If you enter a room where the bard is already singing, then you get no resistance check and get affected by the enchante's magic.

"Your magic resistance is at its highest when you are burning Inner Fire as greatly as possible. This means while you are dancing or Berserking, and the higher circle dances and Berserks give a greater boost to your magic resistance than the lower ones.

"Since a lot of folk need the crutch of magic, when you are in a group you should try to remember to leave the group momentarily when beneficial magic is cast. If you stay in the group you can decrease the benefit of those spells to others, or make the spells fail entirely. Likewise, when paladins are around and often ask if folks want courage, you should usually not join the paladin for that spell; your resistance will lower the spells effect for everyone.


"There are nearly two dozen types of weapons you can learn to use. There are hundreds of different weapons, but they fall all into twenty-two groups or so. For instance a broadsword is heavy edged and so is a longsword and a battle axe is heavy edged too. (You can see all possible weapon skills by using EXP WEAPONS ALL). You also learn to parry and to fight multiple opponents just as fast as you learn to use weapons. (The Parry and Multiple Engaged Opponents skills are also part of the Weapons skill set).

"For your first ten circles, you'll need to train two weapons equally to advance. You learned some weapons skills when you joined, but you don't have to use those; you can pick any of the weapons to train in. You'll need four ranks per circle in your weapons to advance, for now. That means you need 8 ranks in each of two weapons for second circle and twelve for third. You'll also need to learn the same amount of parry (4 ranks per circle), and half as much multi opponent skill (2 ranks per circle). After tenth your weapons requirements go up, and so does your multi requirement, but the parry requirement stays the same.

"By the way, if you want to find out what skills you need to advance to the next circle, just go to a guild leader and ask them about experience (ASK AGONAR ABOUT EXP, for instance).

"Later on you'll need to train a third weapon to advance, and much later on five weapons. You can, of course, train more weapons than you need to advance, and a fair number of barbarians do so, some even train all twenty-two weapon skills.

"But WHAT weapons should you train? You can choose any that you like, but I suppose I have some information that could help you with that too.

"There's a lot of ways of dividing the weapons into groups. Lots of folks look at them as edged weapons (light edged or LE, medium edged or ME, heavy edged or HE, and two handed edged or 2HE), blunt weapons (light blunt or LB, medium blunt or MB, large/heavy blunt or HB, and two handed blunt or 2HB), the missiles (short bow or SB, long bow or LB, composite bow or CB, sling, staff sling, light crossbow or LX, heavy crossbow or HX, light thrown or LT, and heavy thrown or HT), and the pole arms (halberd, pike, short staff or SS, and quarterstaff or QS), and then Brawling. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages, so I'll go over some of them for you.


"Edged weapons are probably the most popular of the non-missile weapons. The best forgers in the lands can make some very impressive blades, with more improvement over most store-bought blades than in other weapon classes. Light edges do less damage, but are easier to swing faster and because they're usually lighter they don't sap your fatigue as much when you're using them. Medium edged does more damage than light edge generally speaking, and heavy edged does more than medium edged. Two handed edged does the most damage, but you can't use a shield while swinging a blade with two hands, so keep that in mind. Likewise, light edges are usually more balanced, while the bigger edges take the best advantage of your strength. So if you want to take advantage of your agility, a smaller blade will usually do the job better than a bigger blade, while the bigger blades let you use your strength to greater effect when devastating your foes.

"Oh, some creatures can be resistant to a particular kind of damage, like puncture or slice or impact, that's not too often but it is something to keep in mind, and a good reason to use weapons that deal different kinds of damage. So you might want to train a weapon class that has puncture and slice weapons, like the blades or pole arms do, and a weapon that does impact damage as well, and then also maybe a missile weapon. Training one of each of those types of weapons would give you the most versatility and ability to use the most effective type of weapon against a particular opponent. Of course, if you intend to forge one day, it may be wise to train a set of weapon types, like all edges or all blunts or all pole arms. That's because if you're forging a heavy edge blade your skill with light edge, medium edge, and two handed edge also factors in, just like all your blunt weapon skills factor into forging a blunt.

"Blunt weapons are generally much less balanced than edged weapons, and so a bit harder to connect with, but when they connect they imbalance your opponent more than edged weapons, and when your opponents are imbalanced, they are easier to hit. Blunts generally require more strength to swing and more stamina to keep swinging than a blade. But once you have your opponent off balance, you're more likely to keep them off balance using a blunt.

"Even though they're called pole arms, and there is a pole range, not all pole arms can attack at pole range. Also, some pole arms only require one hand to use; the lance at Steelclaw Clan to the South for instance is a one-handed halberd that also strikes at pole range.


"Barbarians have some special abilities when it comes to missile weapons, though you mostly won't see them until you're pretty good with a bow. You'll learn to load a bow faster from a quiver when your agility and reflex get pretty good, the exact point seems to vary a bit dependent on your bow skill (its around agility and reflex at 26-30 each). And once you're an expert (200 ranks) in short bow, longbow, or composite bow, and have 30 agility and reflex, you'll be able to dual load - that's loading and shooting two arrows at once - as long as you are also dancing the eagle battle dance.

"You can also parry missile weapons (but not the missiles themselves) with a melee or pole range weapon. That's something that only barbarians and paladins can do.


"Some barbarians do a lot of brawling, and most brawl at least a bit. To start brawling you simply need to BRAWL, and you stop brawling in the same way. While brawling you can PUNCH, KICK, BITE, GOUGE, BUTT, GRAPPLE, TACKLE, SHOVE, CIRCLE, WEAVE, CHOKE, in addition to the normal combat maneuvers you have. Once you're grappled you can also pull your opponent around by kneeling, sitting, and standing up.

"You can also use a lot of items at heavy thrown weapon when you're brawling that you can't otherwise. Shields for instance, you can use that way.

"As a barbarian you can CHOKE your opponents. You need to be pretty strong to pull it off, but if you choke them, they'll slowly lose their ability to breathe and will die. If you CHOKE them a second time, if you're strong enough to pull that off, you can snap their neck and kill them a lot faster than waiting for them to asphyxiate.

"Brawling is a weapon skill, of course, and using brawling style does let you train both brawling and your weapon in hand at pretty much the same time. But it's a bit easier for your opponents to hit you when you're brawling, so be mindful of that. But I do hear that the guild leaders might be teaching us some new brawling styles in a while that might eliminate some of that.


"As you improve with your weapons, you'll have a better chance of hitting the various specific body parts of your opponent. You can try this at any skill level, but early on you might not have much luck (To slice a specific spot for instance you would SLICE RIGHT ARM).

"You don't learn any more about your weapons by using those attacks, but by targeting the same spots repeatedly, you can defeat your opponents faster sometimes. You can stun them more easily that way, and create worse wounds by repeated attacks.


"You can appraise a weapon to find out more about it, such as what kind of damage it deals. At first you won't get too much information, but keep practicing your appraising and you'll get more and more information when you appraise. Appraisal, by the way, is one of the lore skills, that as a barbarian you learn much slower than you learn weapon skills. (EXP LORE ALL will show all of your lore skills and ranks). The guild leaders do require that you learn a little bit of lore in order to advance for the first ten circles. You'll need to learn half a rank per circle in Appraisal and in Mechanical Lore. You learn Appraisal by using APPRAISE on things, and you learn Mechanical Lore by doing things like scraping pelts and hides with a hide scraper or carving branches or braiding vines and grass, and a lot of other things of that nature.

"Oh, and by the way, once you have a bit of appraisal you can appraise creatures you're fighting and get a read on how you stack up against them in a fight. That'll teach you appraisal too. You can appraise your armor too, and just like with other things, the more appraisal skill you have, the more information you will get when you appraise it.


"I guess now would be a good time to talk about what armor skills you need as a barbarian. There are six different armor skills; shield, leather, light chain, heavy chain, light plate, and heavy plate. (EXP ARMOR ALL to see all of your armor skills). You should have learned some armor skills when you joined the guild: 2 ranks of shield, 3 ranks of leather, and one and a half ranks each in light chain and heavy chain. For your first ten circles you have to train shield and one other armor skill to advance. You'll need two ranks per circle in shield, and 3 ranks per circle in one other armor skill.

"I won't tell you what other type of armor to train, but I will tell you the advantages and disadvantages of them to help you decide. The three main things to consider with armor are its weight, its hindrance, and how it guards you from damage. As you gain skill in a type of armor, that armor hinders you less and less until you have worked off the maximum amount of hindrance possible. In other words a piece of armor that might make you greatly hindered at ten ranks might only make you lightly hindered with one hundred ranks. Anyway, barbarians can work the most hindrance off of leather armor with skill, then chain armor, then plate.

"Mind you, hindrance is different than weight or encumbrance. Leather is not the lightest armor out there. For the most part chain is lighter than leather, especially paladin forged chain though that can be very expensive. So although leather will usually hinder you less than chain, it is heavier and may cause more of a burden to you than wearing chain would. Plate, for the most part, is both heavier and more hindering than either leather or chain, and barbarians can work off less hindrance in plate than they can in either leather or chain.

"If you're planning on working any stealthy skills, like hiding or stalking or stealing, metal armor will make it more difficult to succeed. Both because of the hindrance it imposes and because it's metal and metal makes noise that leather armor doesn't.

"Of course, you can train more than one armor type at a time; you just wear different types of armor on different parts of your body. The different parts of your body that you can protect with armor are your head, neck, eyes, back, chest, abdomen, arms, hands, and legs. Some pieces of armor protect more than one location. A chain shirt, for instance, usually protects your arms, chest, abdomen, and back. Careful though, there are a couple of shirts that don't protect your arms. APPRAISE the armor to see what areas it protects. Likewise some helms protect just your head, some your head and eyes, some your head, eyes, and neck, and some just your head and neck. So to train two types of armor you could wear, say, a light chain shirt on your torso, a heavy chain helm, heavy chain gloves, and heavy chain greaves. (The ironworks in Riverhaven is your best bet to get the heavy chain items).

"Now, you could add a piece of leather to that and learn leather skill at the same time. Say, for instance, getting a leather helm instead of the chain one. Mind you, mixing leather and chain will add a hindrance penalty, so be careful about it. You could also add light plate and heavy plate by changing, for instance to light plate gauntlets and heavy plate greaves, and getting a leather helm that doesn't protect your neck and a heavy chain aventail for your neck. Mixing plate with other armors will also add a hindrance penalty, so if you wear leather and chain and plate you'll have two additional hindrance penalties. Mixing light chain with heavy chain or light plate with heavy plate doesn't incur any hindrance penalties.


"Alright, so that's weapons and armor, the last important combat skill is a survival skill; Evasion. Evasion skill is your skill at avoiding or dodging your opponents attacks. The more hindrance and encumbrance you have, the harder it is to evade. Since evading attacks is very good for your health, you should always be aware of your hindrance and burden when you're in combat. And hopefully, you'll always be in combat. (To check your hindrance, appraise your torso armor and look at how hindered it says you are considering all the armor you are wearing. To check your encumbrance just type ENC.)


"So all that being said, let's talk about combat itself. Make sure you're wearing your armor (INV ARMOR for a list of the armor that you are wearing) since it don't do you much good if you're not wearing it. Shields is the opposite, of course, wearing them don't help you, you want them in your left hand (If you REMOVE SHIELD it should automatically go into your left hand, you can also WEAR SHIELD to sling it over your shoulder). Get your weapon in your right hand. (Try WIELD< weapon>). When you come across an opponent and want to get closer to them, ADVANCE or ENGAGE them (ADV <critter name> or ENG <critter name>). If you're outdoors you'll then be at missile range, then after a few seconds at pole range, then at melee range. If you're indoors, you start right out at pole range. Oh, if you really need to you can always RETREAT.

"From missile range you can only use missile weapons. At pole range you can use missile weapons and some pole range weapons like, for instance, some halberds, some pikes, and greatswords. At melee range you can use missile weapons, pole weapons, and melee weapons.


"I'll talk more about missile weapons after we talk about non-missile weapons, so hold off if you have questions about them. Once you are within range of your opponent, you should use some of the combat maneuvers. You can JAB, THRUST, LUNGE, SLICE, CHOP, SWEEP, DRAW, FEINT, PARRY, DODGE, and BASH. Each maneuver has different potential for damaging your opponent and has a different effect on your balance and position. Also, different combinations of maneuvers work together differently. You should try different combinations and see how they work for you. Starting out, , however, just use ATTACK. ATTACK will choose a three maneuver sequence that will help you gain balance. Pay attention to the sequence, and then you can start using the specific maneuvers. Ask around about what sequences are best too, for heavy edged weapons you could try PARRY SWEEP SLICE CHOP and then repeat from PARRY. Ask around if those combinations aren't working for you, critters seem to be catching on a bit and there are other good combinations too.

"You can check your balance and position, and that of your opponents and allies by ASSESSing during combat. For the most part you want to first maneuver for position and then use the harder hitting attacks. Swinging a weapon also can tire you out, so check your FATIGUE and pay attention to how tired you're getting. If you're getting too tired, slow down the rate at which you are swinging, toss in a couple extra PARRY or DODGE maneuvers, and regain some fatigue. If you keep swinging and losing fatigue you can even make yourself fall down from exhaustion in combat; generally not the best tactic for a fight, you know.


"Missile weapons work a little differently. Thrown weapons are the easiest; you can keep a shield in your left hand and draw the throwing weapon and then just THROW <CRITTER>, then GET <WEAPON>, and throw again. Bows and slings you need to LOAD, and then AIM, and then SHOOT. When you have the best aim possible you'll sense that you have your best shot. Waiting to have the best shot will improve the hits you get, though you do not have to wait, and you even don't have to use AIM; you can just load and shoot. Light crossbows, and the arbalest (which is a heavy crossbow), and slings can be aimed with a shield in hand. Most heavy crossbows, short bows, longbows, and composite bows require two hands to aim. By the way, while you have a bow or sling in hand, it's harder for you to evade attacks, and so you'll probably notice that your opponents can hit you a bit more frequently and a bit harder than when you are using melee weapons.

"I mentioned hindrance and burden earlier and that you should keep them low. The reason is that the more hindered and burden you are, the harder it will be to defend yourself and to RETREAT from combat if you need to. Higher hindrance and burden also make it harder to use stealthy skills, like hiding or stalking.

"Once you kill a critter, you should get a knife in your right hand, free up your left hand, and SKIN <CRITTER>. That will work your skinning skill (a survival skill), and once you successfully skin the critters, you can sell the pelts and/or skins and other parts to the tanner and make some money. Also be sure to SEARCH <CRITTER>, after you skin them, to see if they had any valuables on them, quite a few critters do. If you don't search the dead critters, they will eventually decay, but searching vastly speeds up the rate of decay, so skinning them first and then searching them is usually the best course of action.


”You should know, if you don’t already, that the Guild Leaders will require you to train many different survival skills for your first ten circles. (Such as skinning, swimming, climbing, etc).. They require that you get two ranks per circle in each of ten different survival skills for the first ten circles. After tenth circle, they only require you to train six skills, and then much later on they require that you train eight each circle. (To see all your survival skills, type EXP SURVIVAL ALL). There are thirteen survival skills that barbarians can train: Evasion, Perception, Hiding, Disarm Traps, Escaping, Foraging, Swimming, Climbing, Lockpicking, Stalking, First Aid, Escaping, and Skinning. Escaping can be dangerous to train at low circles, so unless you listen to a class on it, it’s probably not a good option to train at first. Other than that you can pick any ten of those to train. You'll learn evasion automatically from being in combat, and skinning is pretty easy too as long as you're hunting skinnable critters (not all critters can be skinned).


" Oh, one more thing about combat is that you can change whether you are focusing your defenses on your evasion, your parry, or your shield. Just check your STANCE to see what defenses you are relying upon to what extent. (STANCE EVASION will set your stance to evasion 100, parry 40, shield 40; STANCE SHIELD will set your stance to evasion 40, parry 40, shield 100; and STANCE PARRY will set your stance to evasion 40, parry 100, and shield 40. You can also set your stances more specifically through STANCE EVASION ##, STANCE SHIELD ##, and STANCE PARRY ##. You have 180 points to allocate among your three defenses, and every ten circles up to 100th you gain an extra point, so that at 30th circle you will have 183 points to allocate among your defenses.)

"So you wanted to know about the real barbarian abilities like Roars, Berserking, and battle dances?" He chortles into his ale as he regards you carefully. "I suppose there's no harm in letting you in on some of that. The first of them abilities that you get is Berserk at second circle, so I'll talk about that first.


"Berserks allows you to summon the rage of a true warrior and fight like one possessed. They can snap you out of a stun when you start it and during it (at each "pulse" of the Berserk stuns are broken and you vault to your feet if you are not standing), they can give you incredible balance, great strength, more vitality, and more stamina. They can increase the power of your Roars, help you free yourself from webs, and increase your ability to fight with multiple opponents. The duration varies depending on a number of things. First, there is how much Inner Fire you had when you started the Berserk, the more you had the longer and more powerful the Berserk will be. Second, staying at melee with critters and keeping dead opponents on the ground (don't search them that means) will help you keep your Berserker rage going. Berserking depletes a lot of your Inner Fire. When the Berserk ends, you'll take a stun if it was a powerful Berserk, and you'll be dog tired from all the frothing, seething and bloodlusting. Berserks can be a real lifesaver, nothing really like it until you learn the dragon dance at 60th circle, which is sort of like a controlled Berserk.

“There are a bunch of different Berserks, and each helps in different ways, here’s a list of them and when you’re able to use them:

2nd - Blood
5th - Stone
12th - Nightmare
20th - Flame
35th - Cyclone
50th - Steel
70th - Grave
80th - the ability to Berserk out of a Dance form
100th - Kuniyo
120th - Everild
150th - Trothfang
180th - the ability to Berserk while maintaining enough control to continue a Dance form


"At fifth circle you'll be allowed to learn your first Roar. There's more than two dozen Roars that you can learn, though you can only learn one at fifth and then another every ten more circles (5, 15, 25, 35, etc.). Some of them, however, have minimum circle requirements to learn. If you don't care for any of them, you don't have to pick one right away; you can always wait until you advanced more circles and the guild leaders are willing to let you select from a greater number of Roars. You might have to travel to learn the Roars of your choice too; each guild leader teaches four or five Roars, and none of them duplicate what the other guild leaders teach. Oh, by the way, there are both intimidation Roars and Inspirational Battle Cries. The Roars are to intimidate your opponents, while the Battle Cries are to inspire your allies.

"The Intimidation Roars are:

  • Kuniyo's Spirit
  • Everild's Rage
  • Trothfang's Butchery
  • Tempestuous Fury
  • Death's Embrace
  • Death's Lullaby
  • Death's Shriek
  • Magic's Bane
  • Mage's Lament
  • Caution of the Spider
  • Serpent's Hiss of Warning
  • Slash the Shadows
  • Screech of Madness
  • Banshee's Wail
  • Insane Laughter
  • Weighted Justice
  • Anger the Earth
  • Lash of Torment


"And the Battle Cries are:

  • Honor
  • Vengeance
  • Steadfastness
  • Pride
  • Nobility
  • Bravery
  • Bloodthirst
  • Superiority


"Your Inner Fire fuels your battle dances, the first of which you can get at tenth circle. Once you're allowed to get it, you should ask Rushleel, the bartender at the Crossing Guild Hall about it, and he'll give you a hint about where the dance pit is that you need to find where you can learn the dance. The dance pits are spread across the provinces and are not too conspicuous, you might even say hidden. If you get really stuck, you can always ask an older barbarian, they are usually pleased to help out.

"The first dance is called Swan; mainly it gives you a nice boost to your balance, which can be very helpful in combat. Once you have it, to start the dance (DANCE SWAN) you need to have enough Inner Fire. Your dance's duration and effectiveness are affected by your hindrance, your burden, your discipline, and likely a few other things as well. To see what Swan does, go ahead into combat and start the dance. Then, keep assessing your balance and position, and watch how your balance changes when you feel the dance balance you, which you should feel periodically throughout your dance.

"After Swan dance you get a dance every four circles for a while: Cobra, Badger, Eagle, Bear, and Wolverine. At 40th circle you can get Panther, and at 60th you can get Dragon. The dances each have different bonuses they give you, and generally speaking, the higher the circle required for the dance, the more Inner Fire is needed and used by it.


"As far as what you hunt, you might want to start with rats in the shipyard in Crossing, or the frogs out the East Gate in Riverhaven. Both of them critters is good to about 25 ranks in weapons and defenses, and by the time you get there you should be ready for goblins out the West Gate of Crossing or out the North Gate of Riverhaven. Goblins should train you to 35 ranks or so, and then you can try goblin shamans (out Haven West Gate), wood trolls (near Crossing and North of Langenfirth too), or cougars (West of Crossing Goblins and with wood trolls near Langenfirth), or thunder rams near Langenfirth. If you want something in-between rats and goblins, try badgers near Crossing and Salt Crabs in Riverhaven. Watch the crabs though; you're best with blunt weapons against them.


"You might have seen barbarians walking around introducing themselves with different titles. Those titles are something the guild leaders will let you brag about as you gain circles, skills, and abilities.

There are an enormous number of titles you can choose from, as your skill grows, so do your choices. (To see what titles you can use, type TITLE PRE LIST, to select one type TITLE PRE CHOOSE <CATEGORY> <TITLE>.


"You might have heard that barbarians are particularly good at forging weapons. That sure is true, but that's also something that takes a whole lot of skill with your weapons, and plenty of mechanical lore. There's a forge just for barbarians a bit south of the Crossing Guild Hall, and one right behind the Riverhaven Guild Hall. There are also public forges near Dirge and in Mer'kresh and Ratha, and an estate holder forge in Leth Deriel. Not only do you need skill in the weapon you are trying to forge, but skill in related weapons helps too. So if you want to forge a broadsword (HE), your LE, ME, and 2HE skills can help you do it, though not as much as your HE skill. It works the same with blunts, LB, MB, HB, and 2HB, and with pole arms, halberd, pike, quarterstaff, and short staff. You can start practicing in the forge whenever you want, but to forge weapons that are better than what are readily available in the stores, you'll want to be at least expert in your weapons (200 ranks or above), and ardent or better in mechanical lore (100 or above). Like I said, it takes a lot of skill to make the best weapons.


"Don't forget you can BELCH like a barbarian, and to SNUFF cigars like a barbarian, you can CHALLENGE <critter> like a barbarian too, and even GRUNT. You can also DESCRIBE other barbarians to try and tell what battle dance, if any, they are currently using.


"I do have a chart here somewhere that shows all the abilities
barbarians have right now and when you get them (though some are just
rough approximations about when you might first get them):"

2 Berserk
5 First Roar

Swan Dance
+1% Stance

14 Cobra Dance
15 Second Roar
18 Badger Dance
20 +1% Stance
22 Eagle Dance
25 Third Roar
26 Bear Dance
30 Wolverine Dance
35 Fourth Roar
40 Panther Dance
+1% Stance
Dual Load Possible (for some)
45 Fifth Roar
50 +1% Stance
55 Sixth Roar
60 Dragon Dance
+1% Stance
65 Seventh Roar
70 +1% Stance
75 Eighth Roar
80 +1% Stance
85 Ninth Roar
90 +1% Stance
100+ War Stomp
+1% Stance (100, 110, 120, etc.)
Roars (105, 115, 125, etc.)



Rated E: Everyone Interactive -- The content of this site may change due to interactive exchanges.  Mild Violence.

Go Play!