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Empath New Player Guide

Some of the most valued lessons received when joining the Empath Guild come not from a spell or skill being taught, but in the wise words passed down from the experience of others. These words are written in the hopes that they may benefit you in your career as a Healer.

As Empaths, we bear the pain of all the people of the Lands. We stand between Life and the Starry Path, protecting people from Death, saving them from the darkness of Chaos. We cannot harm people; it is not something we can ever do without regretting it. We feel the pain of anyone we touch. The work we do is unique to us alone. Only Empaths have the skill to transfer injury, poison, and disease. We alone are tuned so keenly to the suffering of others that we may take it onto ourselves, and offer health to those who need it in return.

May you find guidance within these pages, and the inspiration to heal.

THE BASICS: I've Joined the Guild.


To begin, the gifts of Hodierna (Elanthia's patron goddess of Healers) allow us to take wounds, poison, and even disease from our patients and transfer it to ourselves. Once wounds are transferred to our bodies, we can use our magic to heal ourselves.

When you have joined the Guild, you should ASK the Guild leader about MAGIC. The Guild leader will tell you about the spells you are eligible to learn. You will receive first the External Wound Healing (EWH) spell. This will allow you to repair external wounds on your body after transferring them from a patient. To use this spell, you will need to prepare it using the command PREPare EWH <mana amount>. After you prepare it, wait for a message indicating you are ready to cast, and then CAST <body part>. As you grow, you will be given other spells to learn. These other spells are often prepared and cast in the same, or similar, manner. You may wish to seek advice from an older Empath or a Mentor if you experience difficulty with healing yourself. Though it is recommended by many that you gain the ability to heal both internal and external wounds and scars as quickly as you can, it is up to your skill and your healing style which spells you will choose in later years.

Another thing you will receive as you grow and gain ranks in your profession are Time Development Points (TDPs). These can be used to increase your statistics, or your ability to perform certain types of skills. You can view your statistics by checking your INFOrmation. Many Empaths invest their TDPs in increasing their Stamina because Stamina helps Empaths resist the debilitating effects of poison, disease, and constant injury. How you elect to use your TDPs should depend on how you want to shape your life. You may want to seek recommendations from other adventurers for additional information on the options available.

Joining the Guild will allow you to begin healing others. To see a person's wounds, touch the person who is injured. Use the command TOUCH <person>. When you touch your patient, you are shown all of his/her wounds, and vitality loss.

To begin healing, use the command TAKE <Person> <WOUND TYPE> <body part>

TAKE <person> INT RIGHT ARM to heal internal wounds in the arm
TAKE <person> INT RIGHT ARM SCAR, to heal the scar left when you have healed the arm

The commands are the same with external wounds. Simply replace INT with EXT for external. There are variations of this combination, such as using the word TRANSFER rather than TAKE. It is important to be aware that some terminology may cause different messaging; we recommend experimenting to determine which method works best for you. You may also want to ask your fellow healers for advice on the method they prefer.

Initially, the young healer will find it difficult to maintain the connection with the patient. This is not uncommon, and may take many levels of knowledge to overcome. Be cautious not to press this and risk overhealing. Since it is easy to overheal when young, it is very important to keep an eye on your vitality. You can do this by checking your HEALTH. Many young Empaths experience their first death due to healing rather than by an attack in the fields. Even too many scars can cause death, so it is important to watch those areas in which you have layered your healing. Try and heal any bad injuries you have transferred to yourself before healing another patient with an injury in the same location. If you are very young, and haven’t yet gained all the spells necessary to heal yourself, you may want to ask an older Empath to assist you with cleaning your own wounds. Be sure to appreciate the assistance when given, as Empaths do not gain any skill from healing another Empath.

The command BREAK <person> is very important to know. It is recommended you use this when you check your health and notice your vitality has dropped drastically, if you are taking a wound too severe for you to heal in one transfer, or if you are near death. This command will break the healing link between you and a patient, ceasing the transfer of their wound to your body. A less effective way to break a link is to leave the room your patient is in for a minute or so. Be advised that if you have TOUCHed and TAKEn multiple times from a patient, you will need to either BREAK the link multiple times to cease transferring wounds entirely, or BREAK <person> ALL. Use this last option with caution, and always verify that all links have truly been broken.

One more piece of general information: As Empaths, we must remember to never attack another person or creature. Doing harm, even to something as pesky as a shiprat, results in our being stunned and developing Empathic shock. The shock will take away your ability to heal. The length of time this lasts depends on what kind of harm we have done. If the attack results in the death of what you have struck, you will never be able to heal again.

Where Do I Go to Gain Experience Healing People?

It's a misconception in Elanthia that Empaths are required to heal everyone. It is important to remember this golden rule: an Empath's first priority is to remain healthy. With every wound an Empath takes, they must heal twice as much as they have taken. This can become a crucial point when a new healer takes on the first typical healing challenge-the Infirmary, located in the Crossing Empath Guild.

An Empath must deal with disruptions in the Infirmary on a daily basis. While the Infirmary is primarily a place to be healed, many also view the Infirmary as a valuable resource for knowledge, and come to practice skills, and teach and learn in classes of various types. While this makes the Infirmary a wonderful place of learning, it also serves to add to the noise surrounding those that most need to concentrate. A lapse of concentration can lead to mistakes...mistakes in this profession can mean death.

While some folk seem to understand that the Empaths work as hard as is safely possible, many that come to the Infirmary are there for one reason and one reason only: to get healed as quickly as possible. Often, a gentle nudge or reminder to those being disruptive will encourage them to cease any unnecessary activity. Remember, too, that you are not obligated to heal anyone. The gift of healing is one you can choose with whom to share.

As a general rule of thumb, don't jump in and start helping with a patient already being healed. Ask the attending Empath if they would like assistance first. The practice of transferring wounds is a difficult skill to master, and some Empaths may object to sharing their opportunity to learn. In addition, the attending healer may become confused if wounds they are planning to take in a certain order begin to disappear. Be careful to look before beginning a shift of healing to ensure that those already present receive the same courtesy that you would like to receive.

When the healing is completed, the healer is often offered a payment of some sort. This takes many forms: pelts, coins, gems, herbs. The choice of whether or not to accept a tip is up to each individual healer. While some choose to request a simple hug or thank you in exchange for a healing, others believe that a financial contribution should be expected of those that wish healing. It is important to remember, though, that just as acknowledgment of healing is expected, so too is appreciation of any thanks received. Doing so establishes a good reputation and the foundation for a returning clientele.

Lastly, to help reduce the amount of confusion in an already confused atmosphere, familiarize yourself with what does and does not belong in the room. There are places to put unwanted things in both the Infirmary and the main room. The white cabinet in the Infirmary, the bucket of viscous gloop in the main room, the barrel outside the Empath Guild, and the donation shelf are all alternatives to dropping trash on the ground. While many of our patients are too impatient or unaware to care about the upkeep of the Infirmary, consider the courtesy you extend to your fellow healers when you choose to pick up a stray bolt or arrow and dispose of it properly.

Are There Any Tricks To Help Make Me a Better Healer?

There are many skills in addition to the basic ones required by the Empath Guild Leaders that will prove beneficial should you choose to learn them. Magical Devices knowledge is just one of the hidden secrets to effective healing and general Empath skill. Using magical devices as a skill is not usually considered until you are relatively established in the guild; however, we encourage you to take advantage of this helpful tool.

When first learning how to use magical devices, it is probably best to start by getting a runestone. They are commonly dropped by some creatures, and are sometimes carried in surplus by adventurers. Asking around your guild for an extra runestone is a good idea. There are several different kinds of magical devices in the lands that function similarly to a runestone, so we'll keep the explanation general here.

Each type of runestone contains a different spell. FOCUSing on the runestone can help determine what spell is encased in the runestone, and the magnitude of its power. The spells vary, from harmless spells to offensive combat spells. Because of this, it is a good idea to ask what spell is in the runestone, or what it does, if you wish to use the spell. Runestones with offensive combat spells should not be used by Empaths.

All of this focusing leads to utilizing one of the best tools for an Empath: cambrinth. Cambrinth items function a little differently than runestones, and come in many forms: from rings to earrings, animal figurines to hair nets. Cambrinth items are capable of storing small amounts of harness, and then releasing it when you cast a spell. This comes in handy when in low-mana rooms, or when casting a high-powered spell.

For more information about magical devices, please refer to the magic documentation.

Hey, Those Runestones Are Cool, What Else is Out There?

As Empaths of the realms, we are expected to grow in both Survival and Lore knowledge. Finding herbs by foraging is a fundamental Empath survival skill, and the more you practice, the more adept you will become in finding a variety of herbs. Because an Empath's studies are required to encompass many aspects, alchemy becomes a perfect way to acquire many levels of knowledge. As you grow and gain experience in life, you will find many uses for the things mentioned in this section.

Elanthia has many natural herbs possessing defined healing properties. Many of these natural medicines can be foraged and used to aid us in the healing process. It is recommended that healers experiment with their foraging skill to determine which items are attainable by foraging. If you do not wish to forage for the herbs, some can be purchased at various herbalists in the provinces. Two such fine establishments include Mauriga's Botanicals in the Crossing and Tiger Clan Home Cottage.

Sometimes we can prepare these herbs further using alchemical processes to increase their properties. Alchemy is the practice of combining substances, such as natural herbs containing healing properties, with catalysts. The philosophy behind this practice is to create more potent compounds that can heal wounds. There are many combinations for possible alchemical results. Experimentation is always the best course, though asking others can also help provide clues to medicinal recipes. These days, a knowledgeable Empath has the best chance at surviving. When the spells fail, it is nice to have a standby.

I've Learned a Lot, Now I'd Like to Explore

While many Empaths are perfectly content to sit in one location and heal the wounded that pass by, some Empaths feel this is too confining for their tastes, and they prefer to heal and adventure in the various hunting grounds in Elanthia. These are what we call "Field Empaths," because they heal in the hunting fields. While this practice is mostly associated with older Empaths possessing the Battle Empath title, this aspect of our profession is not limited to any specific rank. However, if you are considering this type of lifestyle, you should keep a few things in mind.

First, you need to decide if you want to allow any creatures in the fields to approach you, or if you prefer to stand back and let the hunters do what they do best. Asking to be guarded in the field is perfectly acceptable; however, if you are in an area where creatures outnumber hunters, it can be difficult to be guarded constantly. Exercise caution at all times! There is always a chance the critter will injure you, and when you are trying to save another's life, there is no need to jeopardize your own.

If you are the type who wants to wrestle a bit with critters, armor is highly recommended. Most Empaths like leather armor because it is light and easy to maneuver in, but armor should be a personal choice. Having a shield or a parrying weapon handy helps as well, but be careful that you don't use the weapon incorrectly (i.e. jabbing at the creature!). Parrying with the weapon, however, will help you maintain your balance. Also, a vital skill to learn if you plan to heal or fight in the field is evasion. This will aid in your ability to dodge attacks if you are engaged with a creature. These skills can be learned by listening to classes taught by more experienced persons, or by actively using the skill in a combat situation.

As mentioned previously, the commitment Empaths make to the preservation of life prevents us from actively hunting or fighting critters. If you do choose to hold a weapon for parrying purposes, be careful that you are parrying only with it. Jabbing, slicing, or otherwise using the weapon in a threatening manner will cause you to feel ill in your stomach. Making contact with a creature will result in a long stun and possible additional injury should you fall beneath the creature’s attack while immobilized. If the creature dies as a result of your attack, the end result of the stun you experience is a loss of the healing skill that is so necessary for the Empath profession. Be aware of your actions in the field at all times; Empaths serve themselves and others well by being observant.

If you are out healing in the fields, try to be in an area with decent life mana, or at least make sure you are not too injured. Injuries hinder your ability to evade attacks, and sometimes even a slight wound can result in bleeding when an angry creature hits a previously injured area. It is a good idea to practice your Power Perception skill so that you can use the magic in the room to your advantage, as well as decipher if you can dash into a nearby room to cast your spells more effectively. To see the mana in each room and better your Power Perception skill, simply CONCentrate in each room you are in.

Those adventurers who fight in the fields welcome Field Empaths. It is a genuine service to the hunters of Elanthia, particularly those that wish to avoid entering cities and towns. Going directly to those that need assistance enables hunters to continue hunting with little interruption. You will find, should you choose this path of the profession, that the emotional and financial rewards to field healing are addictive.

A Few Last Words

The life of a healer is not an easy one, but the benefits of doing a good day's healing often outweigh the pain absorbed during the course of this work. It is hoped that the information contained here will help start you on the path to becoming a well-balanced Empath.

CONTRIBUTORS: This guide was originally posted on the Mentor Web site, and has been updated and modified. We'd like to thank Auroria, Callyste, Damaria, Florine, Nynnia, Vivianna, and Sizear for their contributions to the original work.


Rated E: Everyone Interactive -- The content of this site may change due to interactive exchanges.  Mild Violence.

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