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The standard material for all weapons (except ranged weapons and staves) and armor is steel. The standard material for ranged weapons and staves is wood. The primary material for shields may be either metal or wood. However, if the primary material for a shield is wood, it is assumed the shield is banded with steel. If the primary material for a shield is metal, then it is assumed the shield is ALSO made of wood.

Weapon and Armor Materials

The following is a list of all known weapon and armor materials. These materials do not apply to ranged weapons or staves. But they may apply to shields.

Alexandrite Imflass Modwir Urglaes
Bronze Invar Obsidian Urnon
Coraesine Iron Ora Vaalorn
Drakar Ironwood Ora, Black Veil Iron
Eahnor Kelyn Ora White Veniom
Eonake Krodera Razern Vultite
Faenor Leather Rhimar Witchwood
Glaes (Mein) Mithglin Rolaren Wood
Golvern Mithril Steel Zorchar

Lockpick Materials

As these materials are often used as decorative enhancements for weapons and armor, they have been provided in order to reduce confusion.

Alum Laje Vaalin

Woods for Staves, Shields, and Bows

The following is a listing of magical woods which can be used to create rune staves and shields as well as ranged weapons. Additional information is also provided below.

The DU/ST Bonus, Offensive Bonus, and Defensive Bonus values only apply when used to craft staves, bows, crossbows, or shields. If used to craft any other weapon or armor, the properties of normal wood apply (-90 ST, -20 DU). The base breakage values for staves, bows, and crossbows assume a wooden construction. Shields assume wooden with steel reinforcement.

The stave/shield woods that have a rarity of "uncommon" may be used as weapon hafts/shafts for other weapons, but will not impart any special properties to those weapons. Combining one of these magical woods with a magical metal in a shield will not stack bonuses; only the metal bonus will apply.

These woods should not generally be applied to commonplace uses. For example, making a picture frame out of fireleaf or faewood is about as sensible as making a candlestick out of rolaren.

There should be no more bows or staves created with metals; all are to be crafted from wood. The mundane woods of Elanthia, such as maoral or fel, may still be used to craft staves, shields, and bows (see following restrictions for bows). Similar to forging a sword from steel, though, these mundane woods may be enchanted to create magical items. Shields may still be crafted from metal; the assumption is that such shields are normal wood with magical metal reinforcement.

Of the mundane woods of Elanthia, only the following materials are usable for bows: yew, maple, oak, ash, elm, hazelwood, fel, haon, and maoral.

Carmiln Hoarbeam Mesille Sephwir
Deringo Illthorn Mossbark Villswood
Faewood Ipantor Orase Witchwood
Fireleaf Kakore Rowan Wyrwood
Glowbark Lor Ruic Yew


Weapon and Armor Materials
Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: -100/-40
Offensive Bonus: -19
Defensive Bonus: N/A
Rarity: rare


Alexandrite is fabulously rare. While certainly not the strongest of materials, it lives in an aura of mystery unrivaled by any other mineral. Fine quality natural Alexandrite changes color under different types of light. In daylight it is a medium green to bluish green color and when illuminated by torchlight it will appear a violet-red color. The stronger the color change, the more expensive the sample and Alexandrite can be very expensive, indeed. It has a vitreous luster and ranges from transparent to translucent. Most weapons crafted in Alexandrite are more ornamental than functional.
Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: -50/-15
Offensive Bonus: -5
Defensive Bonus:


Rarity: Common


Bronze is an amalgam of various metals. Through history, bronze has been used in crafting items ranging from weapons and statues to bells and instruments. Properties of bronze differ slightly throughout Elanthia, due to imprecise and creative mixtures of its components.
Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: +40/+20?
Offensive Bonus: +15
Defensive Bonus: DNA
Rarity: Extremely Rare


Coraesine is among the rarest metals in Elanthia, and only a handful of locations where it can be mined are known, most all near large foci of mana. In color, it is a misty white, its surface swirled with veins of dark grey, and it is rumored that it can be dyed, but not by normal means. When it is found in natural form, it is most always in large chunks the size of a giantman's fist. Its natural enchantment is roughly the equivalent of glaes.

Coraesine is a highly magical metal, and often unpredictable in nature, giving birth to tales that it has a sentience about it. Some legends say that it is the petrified forms of great air elementals defeated by their earthen cousins and forever imprisoned in the form they hate most. It has several unusual properties, and can only be forged into a weapon or ornamentation, as its inherent magical qualities are more dangerous than beneficial when used as armor. Some magical weapons of this material have been known to speed the wielder up in an instant, allowing them to strike more than once, and emit powerful blasts of air intense enough to wound a foe. There is a darker side to the metal as well - it can actually turn its abilities on the wielder if it is not used to them, or as the more superstitious say, does not like them. The longer one wields some pure coraesine weapons, the more beneficial they will be, as if the material itself becomes attuned to its user. There are less-pure forms of coraesine that have been forged into weapons, and while they retain their natural enchantment, their more prized abilities do not show themselves. Less-pure weapons of coraesine retain some of their abilities, but due to the varying levels of quality in metals, and especially highly magical metals such as coraesine, this is usually dependant on the individual weapon or smith who forged it.

The Faendryl were the first to discover coraesine after their exile, in the mines of Rhoska-Tor. They worked easily with the highly magical metal, amused by the fact that even if they were brought down in battle, their weapons would sometimes avenge them when the enemy tried to wield them. It has been discovered in other locations, but none have been able to work it as well as the Faendryl.

Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: +0/+0
Offensive Bonus: +5
Defensive Bonus: DNA
Rarity: Rare


Drakar is most commonly found as an amorphous lump of brilliant white hue, speckled with dots of crimson, and is unreflective and flat. It is found within long-dormant volcanoes and other sites where such primal fiery energy touched the land in the past. Its origins are somewhat mysterious, but the current theory among the less superstitious of scholars is that it grows deep within the very core of Elanthia, and that volcanic activity will at times bring some to the surface. Since lava is always a hazard to miners, the aid of a mage is almost always required to keep the volatile substance at bay when mining for this rare metal.

The theoretical birthplace of drakar is fitting for its nature, for it is the metal of fire. A smith must take special caution when forging this metal, as it can often melt stone when heated. Drakar can not be dyed, but no matter what color it is naturally found in, it will almost always glow an angry red when whisked through the air quickly. When used to forge weapons, drakar appears to retain the heat of a forge, its temperature uncomfortably warm, but not enough to burn the wielder. Drakar is naturally half the enchant of ora, and is somewhat rare due to the fact that there are no safe places to mine it.

Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: +50/+24
Offensive Bonus: +18
Defensive Bonus: +18
Rarity: Extremely Rare


One of the precious metals claimed by the Elven people, eahnor was first found on the edge of Ta'Illistim by traveling scholars. Along the eastern side of the DragonSpine run veins of this unique metal with a naturally crimson hue. It is said that the first veins of eahnor discovered by the elves were so beautiful and stunning that Loenthran poets wrote songs and stories of the DragonSpine being the petrified form of an actual drake, its mystical fire forever encased in the mountains. Elven forgers had the metal collected, and along with scholars, studied ways to harness the magical properties of this metal, which falls just short of vultite's enchantment.

While eahnor can be dyed, most of the Elven people, especially citizens of Ta'Vaalor, like to keep its beautiful crimson color. Eahnor was one of the first metals traded by the Elves with the Western Elanthian cities.

Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: +55/+20
Offensive Bonus: +20
Defensive Bonus: DNA
Rarity: Very Rare


Eonake is often referred to as a metal touched by Eonak himself, and is considered a high honor to wield amongst dwarven clansmen. In addition to the folklore surrounding eonake, it has a natural enchantment equivalent to vultite, and its inherent ability of being sanctified in the hands of a devout cleric makes it one of the most sought-after metals amongst clergy of Elanthia. Eonake ranges in color from a brilliant white to a silvery-grey hue, and holds a perfect, lustrous shine when polished.

Eonake is not found in large quantities in one certain area, thus there are no specific places to mine it. It is one of the most widely-deposited metals in Elanthia, found in small amounts in many various locations. Oddly, wherever eonake is found, a minuscule amount of the metal urglaes is usually somewhere nearby. This lends credence to the folklore that this very rare metal was used against the Ur-Daemons themselves. It is absolutely devastating to undead beings, often said to burn them greatly on occasion.

Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: +45/+15
Offensive Bonus: +8
Defensive Bonus: DnA
Rarity: Rare


Also among the metals claimed by the Elven people, faenor should not be confused with eahnor. Its enchantment is somewhat less, falling a bit short of that of ora. Faenor was discovered near the DragonSpine, often found in caverns whose entrances are hidden by forests. "Faenor pockets", as they are called, are clusters of the precious metal harvested by elven miners deep in these caverns, and are usually about the size of a giantman's fist.

The coloration of the metal is quite spectacular, its light verdant hue contrasting with darker green or deep grey veins running throughout the metal. Superstitions and folklore suggest that the metal was created by the lesser spirits of the forests, for battles against those who harm the forest.

While it is dyeable, faenor will usually retain its darker-hued veins. Many forgers have tried various methods to remove them, however, none have succeeded. Unfortunately, faenor tends to become very brittle when pounded thin, and thus it cannot be made into armor. Faenor can, however, be honed into a weapon, and is used for beautiful ornamentation on various items and jewelry.

Glaes (Mein)
Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: +65/+24
Offensive Bonus: +15
Defensive Bonus: +15
Rarity: Rare


Glaes is a slightly translucent, commonly black or dark-colored glass formed within the intense, volatile atmosphere of a volcano. It is quite heavy even after undergoing forging, but it is very strong and durable and thus is often sought after by adventurers going up against heavily-armed foes. Glaes can be dyed, but it almost always retains its translucent, shiny look. Glaes has a natural enchantment slightly lower than vultite. In the past, it was often referred to by traders around Darkstone Bay as 'mein', but the name 'glaes' has become commonly used worldwide as information between cultures spread.

Glaes was once quite rare, only being found in long-dormant lava fields in small quantities, but the relatively recent discovery of Teras Island by dwarven miners has led to it becoming a much more commonly-traded material in Elanthia. Numerous large deposits of glaes were found to be on the island, and the dwarven mining companies scrambled to colonize where they could there. New forms of glaes were found on the volcanic island, ranging through many different colors, the rarest and most valued being rainbow glaes.

Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: +99/+24
Offensive Bonus: +25
Defensive Bonus: +25
Rarity: Extremely Rare


Golvern is one of the strongest naturally-formed metals known to Elanthian civilization, growing deep in caverns underneath the DragonSpine mountains where incredible pressures have formed it. It is usually a rich golden color, slightly reddish at times, but never without the golden luster, and grows in veins between dense rocks. It can be dyed, and its natural enchantment is slightly higher than vultite. It is very, very rare due to its location, most of it beyond the delvings of even the most skilled dwarven miners.

Golvern was first discovered by the Dwarves as they explored the network of caverns underneath the DragonSpine, and has since become valued among artisans of other cultures. Due to its scarcity, is it most commonly seen in small amounts used for ornamentation, though its strength and natural enchantment make it suitable for creating some of the finest - and most costly - weapons and armor.

Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: +0/+0
Offensive Bonus: +5
Defensive Bonus: DNA
Rarity: Rare


Gornar is always a ruddy brown color, often mistaken for stone due to its similarity in look and feel. It is found deep within the earth, often going unnoticed in mines since its appearance blends in with the surrounding rock. This may account for its rarity, as the Dwarves discovered it fairly recently and it has since been looked for and traded widely throughout Elanthia. Its natural enchantment is equivalent to that of mithril.

Because of its unusual ability to unleash a blast of intense vibrations, like that of an earthquake, some legends say that gornar deposits are the remnants of powerful earth elementals that have been destroyed by their creators. A smith must be careful when forging this magical metal, as it can shake right out of the forger's grip very easily.

Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: +40/+20
Offensive Bonus: +12
Defensive Bonus: +12
Rarity: Uncommon


Imflass is generally considered to be one of the most beautiful of metals, usually a very bright silver hue tinted a light blue or green, its rarest and most pure form sometimes holding a warm golden color. Deposits of the metal are often found in coastal cliffs and caverns eroded over time by the sea, but it has also been mined in some older mountainous areas. It is one of the lightest commonly-found metals in existence, rivaled only by veniom. It is usually able to be dyed, and will never lose its shine even after countless bloody battles. Its natural enchantment is equivalent to slightly above that of ora.

Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: +15/+5
Offensive Bonus: +2
Defensive Bonus: +2
Rarity: Infrequent


Invar is often referred to as dwarven steel. It is made through a complex and secret process only the dwarves know, and their smiths guard its secrets well. It is not inherently magical in nature, but because of the uniqueness of it, most smiths regard it as a metal unto its own. Because of the exquisitely well-forged properties of invar, when wielded it is far more effective than plain steel or bronze, and is also a bit sturdier. The finished result is usually a weapon of a matte black hue, speckled with dots of red, but the metal can be dyed.
Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: -10/-10
Offensive Bonus: 0
Defensive Bonus: 0
Rarity: Very Common


Iron is produced through a complicated smelting process in which the iron is extracted from its ores. While sometimes just as strong as steel, it normally loses much of its strength when worked. Many blacksmiths work in iron to satisfy the needs of those of little fortune, but the conversion of iron to steel makes for a much stronger and lighter material that can be strengthened through tempering processes.
Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: +10/+5
Offensive Bonus: 0
Defensive Bonus: N/A
Rarity: Infrequent


The name ironwood refers to the core of this tree, however, the tough inner bark is of a valuable nature as well, having long been used in making cordage and nets. Ironwood is heavy and strong, making it an ideal wood for shields that values rock-hard strength, at the expense of added weight. While the ironwood is valued for its products, the complicated business of lumbering it makes it a poor choice when looking for firewood. As well, it is an expensive wood.
Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: +55/+15
Offensive Bonus: +5
Defensive Bonus: DNA
Rarity: Very Rare


Kelyn is usually found in caverns and rocky ground near the edges of the continents, and it ranges in color from a matte black hue to mottled red or even dark green. It cannot be dyed, and has a natural enchantment equivalent to mithril. It is a bit stronger than steel when forged, and is commonly used for very good maces and other forms of blunt weapons, though it can hold a nasty edge just as well as most other metals.

Kelyn was first found by humans living in coastal communities, and is quite rare overall. Because of its sturdiness, it is often used to reinforce the soft metal high-quality lockpicks are made of.

Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: +60/+05
Offensive Bonus: +25
Defensive Bonus: DNA
Rarity: Extremely Rare


Krodera is a silver-hued metal, and casts distorted reflections even when forged into a perfectly smooth and polished surface. It is extremely rare, usually found deep beneath huge ancient craters that have since been masked by the growing landscape. Its natural enchantment is equivalent to that of mithril, and pure krodera is generally only forged into weapons or small ornamentations. It is unsuitable for most types of armor as its magic turns inward rather than outward, causing more than an inconvenience for the would-be wearer.

Krodera is anti-magical in nature, in its purest form reflecting magic as easily as light reflects off the surface of water. Scholars say that it radiates a powerful magical aura, and depending on the purity of the krodera, this aura can totally encompass the wielder, nullifying or severely hampering magical spells cast at or cast by its user. Impure krodera has been rumored to be forged into armor, but its powers pale in comparison to that of a true krodera weapon.

Krodera was first discovered by the Humans during the rise of the Empire, and the current Empress is rumored to be very interested in its inherent anti-magical properties. It has been found in other parts of the world, but is still quite rare.

Type: Armor
DU/ST Bonus: -50/-10
Offensive Bonus: DNA
Defensive Bonus: -5
Rarity: Very Common


Made from the skin or hide of animals and cured by tanning to prevent decay and to impart flexibility and toughness, leather armors have been utilized since virtually the dawn of history. Other uses for leather include boots, garments, coverings, tents, and containers. Pelts are prepared for tanning by scraping and cleaning. After tanning, leather is generally treated with fats to assure pliability. While not as strong as metal armors, leather armor grants much freedom of movement and comfort to the wearer, which is sometimes a necessity in lifestyles that demand agility, stealth and (more often than some would like you to believe) beating a hasty retreat.
Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: +50/+20
Offensive Bonus: +15
Defensive Bonus: +15
Rarity: Rare


Mithglin is an alloy of mithril and vultite, an attempt to blend the two strong materials into one extremely sturdy material. The process involves high levels of heat to create this strong alloy, and it is not uncommon for the vultite's natural color to be replaced with a coal black color. The resulting metal is usually a bluish material swirled with black. It can hold a dye and is roughly equivalent in natural enchantment to glaes.

It is not known which race first forged mithglin, but the process seems to be known through all cultures. It is quite rare, as the process takes much careful work on the part of the smith, and with one small mistake, weeks of work can easily be ruined.

Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: +40/+20
Offensive Bonus: +5
Defensive Bonus: +5
Rarity: Uncommon


First discovered by the dwarves of Kalaza, veins of mithril are found in deep caves, and usually have a dull grey to bluish hue. It has a natural enchantment a quarter that of vultite, and is most prized as it is extremely dense and strong as both weapon and armor.

Dwarves were the only race that could forge mithril for many years, but eventually the skill was learned by the other races. Even so, no one has learned to work so well with the metal as the great dwarven smiths, and they pride themselves on their skill with this ancient and versatile metal. The magical stability of mithril is so great that when used to craft thick boxes for treasure, mana cannot even penetrate it.

Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: -80/-10
Offensive Bonus: -10
Defensive Bonus:  
Rarity: Common


The modwir is relatively swift of growth. A seedling will reach a height of a hundred feet and a trunk diameter of thirty to fifty inches in thirty years. The mature bark is scaly grey with irregular but generally vertical grooves, often marked with white streaks of gum of resin from broken branches. The wood has long been prized for shipbuilding.
Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: -50/-15
Offensive Bonus: -5
Defensive Bonus:  
Rarity: Infrequent


Lethally sharp, obsidian weapons are also quite brittle. The sheer force of a blow from an obsidian-edged sword is said to be capable of cleaving a horse in two. Of course, obsidian-tipped projectiles are almost incapable of causing serious injury to armored men.
Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: +30/+15
Offensive Bonus: +10
Defensive Bonus: +10
Rarity: Common


Ora is one of the more common metals of Elanthia, and its uses are quite varied. Veins of it can often be found underneath or within mountains, and there have been reports of stores of it within hilly terrain. There is one very large ora mine in Rhoska-Tor, where all types are sometimes found. In its natural state, it is usually smooth, sometimes pitted, and has a light grey tone. It can hold a dye, but this can take considerable effort on the part of the smith. Ora found naturally in pure black or white form can never be dyed by normal means. When forged properly, it holds a natural enchantment half that of vultite. There are different types of ora, which hold varying types of magic.

Ora, Black
Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: +30/+15
Offensive Bonus: +10
Defensive Bonus: +10
Rarity: Very Rare


Black ora is the most rare form of ora, and when found in a natural black state the metal's magical properties are a direct opposite of the white variant. Though its basic properties are the same as common ora, it holds a magical curse within it when black. It is usually used by dark sorcerers, clerics, or mages because of its nature. Other than that small bit of information, not much else is known due to the extreme rarity of pure black ora.
Ora, White
Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: +30/+15
Offensive Bonus: +10
Defensive Bonus: +10
Rarity: Uncommon


White ora is slightly rarer than regular ora, and is more valued. It has the same basic properties as common ora, but it has the unusual natural ability to harm the undead under the right conditions. Through much study of this strange variant of ora, it is said that the magic within the metal reacts to the aura of a cleric, becoming sanctified in their hands. This allows them to wield it against undead beings without the aid of blessing magic.
Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: +15/+5
Offensive Bonus: +10
Defensive Bonus: DNA
Rarity: Very Rare


Razern forms in clusters of small, sharp shards, often buried under tons of surrounding rock in deep underground mines and tunnels. The shards sometimes have a small streak of blue running the length of them, shining with the flawlessly smooth and glossy surface of the razern. Smiths often boast if they can keep this very subtle blue streak when forging a weapon out of razern. Its natural enchantment is half that of vultite.

Razern is very sought-after among rogues and warriors, as when properly forged it can be folded a great many times without losing its rigidity, allowing a smith to make the keenest edges and barbs without the need for extra weighting or balancing. The end result is a weapon that can easily inflict horrible wounds.

Razern was first discovered by giantman miners very early in history, and was long a secret only known to them. It has since spread to other cultures, but it is still very rare.

Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: +0/+0
Offensive Bonus: +5
Defensive Bonus: DNA
Rarity: Rare


Rhimar is always some sort of bluish color, ranging from blue-white to a deep steel-blue, and cannot be dyed. It is found in the chilly northern mountains of Elanthia, often located deep within peaks that have been covered in snow for longer than any race can remember. Often a sparkly, light blue, natural deposits of rhimar sometimes form in the shape of a mass of tiny whorls, and gazing upon a chunk of pure rhimar one is often reminded of an intense blizzard. It has a natural enchantment equivalent to that of mithril.

Even the intense heat of a forge cannot distill the magical chill within rhimar, and this makes it an ideal weapon for adventurers going against foes with a fiery bent. Often it will flare up with an intense, cold blue light, releasing the magical energies within it when it strikes an enemy. It was first found by members of the Wsalamir giantman clan, and they hold it as a sacred metal, as it embodies the fierce cold of their homes.

Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: +65/+20
Offensive Bonus: +20
Defensive Bonus: +20
Rarity: Very Rare


Rolaren is an extremely durable and strong alloy, its forging a skillful blending of mithril with a combination of trace metals that increase its strength and ability to attack and protect. The resulting mixture usually results in weapons or armor of a deep blue-grey to black color, which can hold a dye with some difficulty. Its enchantment is normally equivalent to that of vultite.

The technique is little-known outside the forges where rolaren is made, and very difficult to master. Legends of both the dwarven and giantman cultures say that the first rolaren was forged as a joint effort between the greatest smiths of both their races in ancient times.

Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: default (+0/+0)
Offensive Bonus: +0
Defensive Bonus: +0
Rarity: Very Common


The most typical of all alloys in the lands, steel is favored by the common smith as the all-purpose utility metal. Useful for making almost any tools, it is also the chief metal used in the production of fairly cheap and reliable weapons, as steel edges are much better than iron for keeping sharp. Steel is much better than iron for keeping a sharp edge. It is made through a process of heating bars of iron with charcoal in a closed furnace so that the surface of the iron acquires a high carbon content.
Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: +30/+15
Offensive Bonus: +12
Defensive Bonus: +24
Rarity: Extremely Rare


One of the most volatile and rare metals in Elanthia, urglaes is often thought of as the metal the Ur-Daemons used in combat against the Drakes. The only large deposits of the metal are found in ancient, long-dormant veins of lava. The blasted lands around Maelshyve also hold some deposits, and it is thought that Despana herself was very fond of it and perhaps used it in her horrible magical workings. In color, it is usually a deep black, like that of a void. Normally this metal appears in the form of small shards. Perfect spheres of up to three feet in diameter have also been found, often streaked with misty veins of crimson. These spheres have been said to hold great magical - and often terrible - power, but are even rarer than normal shards of urglaes. Legends say that they were not of natural make, but a magical tool of the Ur-Daemons themselves. Because of the extreme rarity of these artifacts, these legends have not been tested by learned mages.

Urglaes in its pure form is highly magical. It is often thought of as a metal of pure darkness, and has been the end of many a talented smith. When forged without the aid of magic, it is unpredictable, and reports of explosions, horrible transformations of the smith's limbs, and a variety of highly effective, long-lasting curses are said to be possible when working with this dangerous material. If the urglaes is tamed through magical means, it can be used to create highly effective weapons and armor, the enchantment usually roughly equivalent to that of imflass. With the range of urglaes' abilities, it can be used to create devastating weapons. Not all of its darker magical properties can be turned to work with the wielder, so there is sometimes a grave cost when using equipment forged of pure urglaes.

Like all metals, there are less-pure forms of urglaes. Often flecks of it are mixed with obsidian or some other dark stone and then undergo intense magical rituals to cleanse the small amount of material of its dark magic. This is often used for small decorations on weapons or armor, and is not harmful to those who choose to wear or wield it.

Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: +70/+20
Offensive Bonus: +20
Defensive Bonus: DNA
Rarity: Extremely Rare


Urnon is a very rare metal, crystalline in form when found in its natural solid state in some of the most remote mountain caves of Elanthia. Urnon is a highly magical metal, with an inherently chaotic nature. Pure urnon will shift its shape randomly, changing from crystal-form to any number of shapes, be they liquid, over thousands of geometric forms, many different abstract forms, and at times into the forms of nearby objects. This has led to legends that it may possess some strange form of sentience, though the more realistic explanation is that it somehow stems from its identity as chaos made metal. Urnon only appears to shapeshift when exposed to sentient life. The group of dwarves who first discovered it reported that within hours the clusters they brought back began to "change its dern face more'n a Nalfein elflin!"

The hue of urnon can range through the full spectrum of color, often changing as much as its ever-shifting shapes. At times it can pulse as if it were a living rainbow, but this is quite a rare event. Like all metals, there are less-pure forms of it, and these are most often uniformly dark in color, and cannot change shape. The poorer quality the urnon, the more stable it appears to be. An interesting effect of lower-quality urnon is that when used as a weapon, it will usually retain one of its powers - the ability to release a very corrosive substance, much like acid, when hitting a foe. Granted, the power of the magic is far less potent than that of pure urnon's, but this makes it even more valuable, since even the poorest quality urnon will still be of some use. Most urnon naturally holds an enchantment equal to that of vultite.

Urnon often must be worked upon by skilled mages before it is forged so that the chaos imbued in the material can be used to the wielder's advantage, otherwise it will simply not hold the form a smith attempts to pound it into. There are stories that shards of pure urnon were once given as playthings to children from wealthy families of some cultures, but the practice was soon abandoned when it was found that one of its forms was that of a sphere studded with razor-sharp spikes.

Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: +30/+10
Offensive Bonus: +18
Defensive Bonus: +18
Rarity: Rare


Named so after the Vaalor elves who first discovered and forged it, vaalorn is an Elven metal, relatively lightweight and capable of being forged into highly effective blades. Only the Vaalor elves know the secrets of dyeing the material, and the most common hues are white, blue, red and gold. It is found in crevices and caverns in remote areas of the DragonSpine, and many an elven miner has been delighted by finding the natural sparkling blue and white streaks of the veins of vaalorn ore contrasting with the deep black stone of the cavern walls. Its natural enchantment is slightly lower than vultite. It is extremely rare, and the Vaalor elves closely guard its secrets.

Veil Iron
Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: +75/+24
Offensive Bonus: +25
Defensive Bonus: +25
Rarity: Extremely Rare


Veil iron is one of the most rare metals in Elanthia, the purest samples of it almost too valuable to price. Found within large meteors that have fallen from the sky, veil iron is incredibly strong and durable. When forged, it usually has an enchantment slightly higher than vultite, and the most pure form of veil iron has the ability to drain items of magical power within close proximity. It is predominantly black or charcoal grey in color, speckled or streaked with small bits of white or blue.

Veil iron was actually one of the first metals found by the denizens of Elanthia, long before any empire rose or fell, even before the Ur-Daemon war. Veil iron spearheads from long-ago ancient tribes that existed during the Rule of Drakes have even been found, and paintings depicting meteors falling from the sky have also been seen on the walls of caves from the same long-gone people.

Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: DNA (+0/+0)
Offensive Bonus: DNA (+0)
Defensive Bonus: DNA (+0)
Rarity: rare


Veniom forms only in the caverns at the base of the eastern side of the DragonSpine mountains, and is naturally extremely light in weight, even as an impure ore. In its natural state, veniom is a bluish color streaked with silvery specks, forming long veins inside the DragonSpine mountains.

The metal is fairly easy to dye, and the Elves especially have been interested in uses for this rare and valuable metal since they first discovered it. The Illistim have perfected the process of refining veniom into its most valued form, a state so free of impurities that the metal will actually float above the ground. They have incorporated this pure veniom into some of their creations, the most prominent of which are the elven airships.

Veniom is fairly soft for a metal and rarely used to make weapons and armor, except in small amounts for lightening or ornamentation. Besides being a very beautiful decoration, good-quality veniom will also make weapons or other items slightly lighter than normal, making it highly valuable to smiths around Elanthia.


Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: +40/+15
Offensive Bonus: +20
Defensive Bonus: +20
Rarity: Uncommon


One of the most commonly-traded magical metals in all of Elanthia, vultite is most often a light blue-grey ore streaked with veins of bright silver in its natural state. Vultite is easily mined as it forms a dense crust on the rock face of a mountain, rather than deep within, and deposits are often located near the surface without need for extensive excavation. It can be easily dyed, and is often a standard when comparing enchantments due to its being so widespread across so many different cultures. Its natural enchantment is equal to that of four common wizard's enchantments. It is a favorite metal among smiths as it makes versatile weapons, and is also light as far as metals go.
Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: -80/-15
Offensive Bonus: -5
Defensive Bonus:  
Rarity: Very Rare


The witchwood is a large tree with a crooked trunk and open crown of many spreading branches. The foliage, flowers, fruit, bark and wood are all aromatic. Shiny dark leaves that are almost black are under-faced with a silvery grey hue. The leafstalks are slender with 1-2 glands. Witchwood bark is as dark as its foliage, grey or brown, and rough with irregular ridges. A cousin of the mistwood tree, it is often said that the likeness of gnarled faces can sometimes be seen in the bark pattern of the witchwood. The flowers are greyish green, on long stalks back of new leaves in early spring; multiple 1/4" male flowers erupt in long gin heads 5/8" wide; solitary female flowers are usually found on separate trees and are lavender in color. The fruit is long, and oblong in shape and of a dark purple color, very sour to taste. The fruit is poisonous unless it is processed, and is said to have medicinal purposes depending on the preparation. The wood is not usually used in construction, as it is too soft. However, it is often used for heating purposes and is prized for use in the making of wands and flutes.
Type: Weapon, Armor
DU/ST Bonus: -90/-20
Offensive Bonus: -20
Defensive Bonus: 0
Rarity: Very Common


Normally fashioned by unskilled hands, wooden weapons and armors are generally the utensils of the poor. Aside from useful its applications in arrows and spears, it is normally a very weak, very cheap medium with which to stock your armory. Wooden weapons are most often found in the hands of peasants attempting revolt in the form of hastily carved swords or breastplates, or in the hands of odorous drunks stirring up trouble in taverns in the form of a spoon or a chair.
Type: Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: +0/+0
Offensive Bonus: +5
Defensive Bonus: DNA
Rarity: Rare


Veins of zorchar are often found atop high mountain peaks, forming vertical, arcing patterns down the sides of the peak. Appropriately, the mountains in which it is found are often the site of huge storms that rage with an almost unnatural fury. In color, it is bright white or dark blue, often giving off a dim glow that has no warmth, and it has a flat, unreflective surface. Its natural enchantment is equivalent to mithril. Zorchar can only be crafted into weapons, as armor made of the material is apt to give the wearer nasty jolts at random intervals.

Zorchar is an unusual metal, and tales concerning its creation abound, the most popular describing elementals of lightning striking a mountain and using up all their energy, becoming eternally infused into the surrounding rock and imbuing it with their qualities. When striking an opponent, a zorchar weapon will at times shock the foe, much akin to being struck by lightning. Smiths need to be cautious so as to not release this energy when striking the heated metal with a forging hammer.

The Grot'Karesh Hammer giantman clan were the first to discover zorchar, and have used it extensively in their workings to this day. It has since spread beyond their realm of influence, but they are among the most knowledgeable in it.

Lockpick Materials:


Alum is usually found in ancient riverbeds and long, winding rivers that have been in existence since before recorded history. It is quite varied in coloration, found in many shades of grey and often tinted with traces of other elements found nearby. Its most common form is tiny spheres of a dark, flat grey color speckled with spots of white, but it can be dyed. It is very brittle when forged, and thus unsuitable for making weapons and armor, though it is often used for ornamentation. It is, however, an ideal material for crafting precision lockpicks and other devices which do not have to withstand the forces of battle. Technically, it was first discovered by halflings, though they were not the first to commonly use it for lockpicks and ornamentation. Their most common use for it was a children's game that used the natural alum spheres.


Laje is a somewhat uncommon metal found mainly in the western mountains of the DragonSpine. It is most often chalky in texture and dark red in color. It is a very soft metal, but not so much as vaalin is, and thus nearly worthless to smiths other than for purposes of adornment. It is able to hold a dye.

It is, however, very valuable to locksmiths, who will often edge their lockpicks with the metal or craft the pieces completely out of it.



Vaalin is a beautiful ornamental metal, much sought after by jewelers. It is usually found within caverns and grottos where crystalline formations are abundant, and grows in clusters of orb-like formations in the walls or on the ground of these caverns. In its natural state, it is often a lustrous white hue, like that of a pearl, and its surface swims with opalescent, swirling patterns, reminiscent of oil upon water, and it is slightly translucent. As light hits it, a rainbow sheen spreads across the surface of the vaalin, highlighting its ornate, shimmering patterns of color. The metal can be dyed, and a master jeweler can manipulate the rainbow patterns to match or contrast with the dye, allowing for many different and wonderful combinations of the metal to be created.

Vaalin is very soft and pliable, and thus extremely unsuitable for forging weapons and armor, but is often used for decorations on expensive accoutrements of battle. It is one of the softest metals, and because of this, it is used to make the finest quality lockpicks, as the most minuscule of grooves can easily be worked in the soft material. It was first discovered by the Elves and quickly spread by merchants throughout Elanthia.

Woods for Staves, Shields, and Bows
Type: Ranged Weapons, Shields, Staves
DU/ST Bonus: 20/5
Offensive Bonus: +6
Defensive Bonus: +6
Rarity: Uncommon


There exist certain groups of trees that have always been revered. Superstitions surround them, that their branches, for example, should never be lopped or pruned. The carmiln is such a tree, almost always found in groups, or groves, and usually situated near a spring. carmiln is a hard-wooded tree, with oblong leaves bearing deeply incised edges, and bunches of finely scented white flowers in spring. Because of its density and durability it is considered to be a fine wood for a variety of uses. However, the myths of bad luck following indiscriminate cutting of it often accounts for a variation on the cost of the milled lumber. Those limbs harvested within the stricture of the ancient laws governing what time of day, month and season it is done are usually more difficult to find as well as preferred for use, especially in the creation of magical items.
Type: Ranged Weapons, Shields, Staves
DU/ST Bonus: 30/10
Offensive Bonus: +8
Defensive Bonus: +8
Rarity: Uncommon


A tall, brushy tree, the deringo hails from the southern regions of the west side of the Elanthian continent. It is a fairly common wood, often found growing in the same forests as other hardwoods such as oak, ash and maple. While its magical influences are not usually of great power, the availability of it as well as the ease of harvesting the deringo make it an extremely popular wood for all manner of magical articles. In the fall, the deringo is known for its vivid yellow-gold foliage, and the dramatic effect given by each of its leaves being edged in black.
Type: Shields, Staves
DU/ST Bonus: 20/5
Offensive Bonus: +20
Defensive Bonus: +20
Rarity: Infrequent


A favorite of Imaera's, faewood has long been a preferred material for use in holy items. A tall tree with a rounded crown, the faewood greets spring with upright clusters of showy white flowers that are exceptionally fragrant. It is said that one can locate a faewood tree in spring from a mile or more distance. The tree's foliage is dark green and short-stalked, and its smooth bark is brown to gray. Faewood trees yield a pale brown, smooth or slightly pitted fruit that contains shiny brown seeds. These seeds are known to have healing properties, but they require refinement for in their natural state, they are poisonous.
Type: Shields, Staves
DU/ST Bonus: 35/15
Offensive Bonus: +22
Defensive Bonus: +22
Rarity: Very rare


From the Barony of Riverwood comes the fireleaf tree, whose bright orange and red leaves in autumn give the impression of the tree being enflamed from a distance. During the spring and summer, the fireleaf is robed in dark green elliptical leaves with a slight ruby hue on their undersides, each of which ends in a short tooth. The tree's bark is gray-green and furrowed into long ridges. Fireleaf trees have long been considered an excellent wood for staves and shields, and it is believed that the more vivid red the underside of the leaves, the more potent is the tree's magical potential.
Type: Ranged Weapons, Shields, Staves
DU/ST Bonus: 40/20
Offensive Bonus: +22
Defensive Bonus: +22
Rarity: Very rare


Glowbark trees are named for the propensity of the trees to have tiny, phosphorescent organisms living in the bark of the trees, giving them a luminescence seen only during the darkest night of the moon's phase. It is also believed that the strong magic residing in the glowbark's wood adds to this shine, as well as benefiting the organisms. The glowbark is a medium-sized tree with generous, straight boughs, making it a fine choice for the production of magical items of all types. Glowbarks grow well in secluded forests within the western reaches of the Elven Nations.

Ranged Weapons, Shields, Staves

DU/ST Bonus: 35/5
Offensive Bonus: +12
Defensive Bonus: +12
Rarity: Infrequent


Named both for the silver-grayish hue of the wood and for the arctic region in which it grows, this strong variety of fir is a handsome tree with pointed crown of aromatic foliage. Its needles are evergreen, spreading almost at right angles in two rows on slender, hairy twigs. The hoarbeam's cones are long and cylindrical, tinted a dark purple, and they sit upright on topmost branches. Prized for a variety of uses, the hoarbeam's wood is light-colored and has a faint, irregular grain. It is resilient but still possesses enough elasticity to make it a fine choice for use in making bows. The hoarbeam is commonly found in northern forests, and it is said that the further north the specimens are harvested, the stronger will be its inherent magical qualities.
Type: Shields, Staves
DU/ST Bonus: 40/20
Offensive Bonus: +25
Defensive Bonus: +25
Rarity: Extremely rare


From a rare tree found in Gyldemar Forest, the wood of the illthorn is preferred for items that aid in warding magic, though it does not inherently provide such a benefit. The illthorn is a large, aromatic tree with straight trunk and conical crown that becomes round and spreading. Its leaves are star-shaped with 5, and sometimes 7, long-pointed finely sawtoothed lobes. The bark of the illthorn is grey and deeply furrowed into narrow scaly ridges. These ridges conceal the tree's long thorns, which can quickly burrow deeply into hands or body, and then come easily off the bole to remain imbedded beneath the skin. While the thorns do carry a weak poison, they have never been known to be deadly to anything larger than small rodents and birds. The poison can, however, impart a flu-like illness that lasts from a few hours to a couple days. The illthorn is not well suited for bows due to its lack of elasticity, however, with its innate magical talent, it yields excellent staves and shields.
Type: Ranged Weapons
DU/ST Bonus: 25/10
Offensive Bonus: +17
Defensive Bonus: +17
Rarity: Very rare


Long a favorite of bowers throughout both sylvan and human territories, the ipantor tree is usually found in upland forests that occupying the foot of mountain ranges. It does not tolerate hot, arid climates, instead preferring a rich, loamy soil. The Western DragonSpires is the principal region where ipantor wood is harvested, and the tall, slender trees with their straight boughs and yellow-green leaves add grace and stature to the hardwood forests there. While the ipantor is a superior material for bows, something in the constituency of its inherent magic makes it unsuitable for other magical articles.
Type: Shields, Staves
DU/ST Bonus: 25/10
Offensive Bonus: +10
Defensive Bonus: +10
Rarity: Uncommon


The kakore tree resembles the birch, in that it commonly has multiple boles instead of one. Its leaves are a silvery green shade with scalloped edges, and feature a tint of scarlet on the leaves' undersides which has earned it the nickname of "bloodleaf" trees. It is commonly found in marshy areas, and does not tolerate arid climates. Its wood is dense, with little give, and is of a beautiful deep reddish-brown hue. Thus, it is not usually a good choice for uses that require a supple snap such as the production of bows. Its magical inherency is subtle, but its widespread populations, as well as the beauty of its finish, promote the kakore's popularity for use in medium-grade magical items.
Type: Staves
DU/ST Bonus: 30/10
Offensive Bonus: +25
Defensive Bonus: +25

Very rare


The lor, or commonly called the silver lor, is a tall, slender tree that grows to great heights. Often called lovers' trees, it was the custom of the Faendryl elves to plant lor trees as a pair, and there are records of some of these famous pairs living well past 600 years. First found in abundance within the extensive forests surrounding the early Faendryl settlements, the lor has declined in succeeding centuries, and is now quite rare. Efforts to initiate plantings of lor trees in other parts of the Elven Nations have met with little success, resulting in workable lor wood being extremely rare and expensive when it is found. The lor, with its graceful lofty boughs has long symbolized wisdom, or having long sight with a clear vision of what is beyond and yet to come. For this reason, the most common use of lor wood is in the production of staves.
Type: Ranged Weapons, Shields, Staves
DU/ST Bonus: 20/5
Offensive Bonus: +15
Defensive Bonus: +15
Rarity: Infrequent


The mesille tree is a tall, strong deciduous tree, often found on mountain slopes, and in areas with a cool climate. Its wood is both hard and resilient, and its foliage is reminiscent of the pin oak. Valued for both the density of the wood as well as its golden brown color and beautiful grain, the mesille is a fine choice for the production of a variety of magical articles.
Type: Ranged Weapons, Shields, Staves
DU/ST Bonus: 30/10
Offensive Bonus: +15
Defensive Bonus: +15
Rarity: Uncommon


With its characteristic, shaggy bark on boles and limbs, the mossbark tree is easily identified within the hardwood forests it generally occupies. Featuring small, oblong leaves, it is a mid-sized tree with wide-reaching branches, giving the specimens a squat, wide shape. Mossbarks often grow in dense groves, where the moss from their branches combines to block passage through the trees. It is believed with good evidence that the mossbark uses this combination of mosses as a secondary means of propagation. While mossbark wood doesn't carry powerful magical ability, none-the-less, what talent it does have makes it a popular choice for all manner of magical items. The finished wood is light in hue, similar, although lighter than pine.
Type: Shields, Staves
DU/ST Bonus: 20/10
Offensive Bonus: +20
Defensive Bonus: +20
Rarity: Uncommon


Harvested from its native forests in the Pinefar forests, orase wood has long been a favorite material for magical articles by the halflings who settled those mountains. Hardy in the most rugged climates, the orase is a medium-sized tree that coexists well with the conifers of that region. Its bark is rough, and its branches are usually forked and irregular, making it a good material for staves and shields, but unsuitable for use by bowers. It has a highly defined grain that makes the shields produced from it highly prized. It is, additionally, exceeding hard and dense and carries a substantial magical talent.
Type: Staves
DU/ST Bonus: 20/5
Offensive Bonus: +5
Defensive Bonus: +5
Rarity: Uncommon


The rowan has long enjoyed its reputation to protect against enchantment, however there is also evidence that supports the fact that it has the capacity to channel enchantment as well when formed into rune staves, or sticks upon which runes are inscribed. Among the more rural human and sylvan communities, there are instances recorded where rowan wood is used for metal divining, as hazel twigs are used for water. Rowan has played a central role in druidic ceremonies for centuries, and among rural populations, sprigs are often placed over the main door of the house and also worn on the person to ward off false enchantment.

Examine a red rowan berry and you will discover that unlike other fruits that bear just a round hollow or dimple opposite their stalks, it carries a tiny, five-pointed star, or pentagram -- the ancient magical symbol for protection.
Type: Ranged Weapons
DU/ST Bonus: 25/10
Offensive Bonus: +20
Defensive Bonus: +20
Rarity: Uncommon


The ruic tree is usually found in southern forests, with mild climates and dependable precipitation. It is a tall, wide-boughed tree with a thick canopy, and produces a superior, reddish-gold wood for use in making bows. While it carries a good magical influence for that use, it is not generally used for other magical articles because of its tendency to 'snap', i.e. send a current -- or backlash -- of magic back through the individual casting the charge. The general consensus is that the energy released from the bow through the shaft as the arrows leaves it prohibits a 'snap' from occurring with bows made from the wood.
Type: Ranged Weapons
DU/ST Bonus: 30/15
Offensive Bonus: +25
Defensive Bonus: +25
Rarity: Extremely rare


A cousin to the modwir, the sephwir is a highly magical wood that hails from the western DragonSpires, found growing within the fabled forests of Yuriqen. Thus, any quantities of sephwir remaining in use today can be assumed to have been harvested before the Yuriqen forests were closed. This results in the wood being both rare and almost priceless. There are unverified reports of individual trees growing in the Turamzzyrian region of Helt, however no living trees are commonly known. Attempts to propagate the trees in other areas have met with no success, and it is thought that this is due to a critical connection between the magic known to have been resident in the soil of Yuriqen and the sephwir trees living there. Sephwir makes a superior wood for bows, and weapons crafted of the beautiful, silver-hued wood figure prominently in fables surrounding the archer armies of the Yuriqen Sylvans.
Type: Ranged Weapons, Shields, Staves
DU/ST Bonus: 30/15
Offensive Bonus: +18
Defensive Bonus: +18
Rarity: Infrequent


The villswood tree is a medium-sized tree that is principally found in Wyrdeep Forest, although there are known instances of it growing within forests on the eastern side of the continent. It is thought that the villswood tree was brought west by migrating bands of Sylvans in past ages. The villswood has large, dark green leaves, and is as valued for its sprays of fragrant flowers in spring as it is for its sturdy, magical wood with its characteristic saw-blade grain.
Type: Staves
DU/ST Bonus: 10/5
Offensive Bonus: +17
Defensive Bonus: +17
Rarity: Very rare


The witchwood is a large tree with a crooked trunk and open crown of many spreading branches. The foliage, flowers, fruit, bark and wood are all aromatic. Shiny dark leaves that are almost black are under-faced with a silvery grey hue. The leafstalks are sender with 1-2 glands. Witchwood bark is as dark as its foliage, grey or brown, and rough with irregular ridges. A cousin of the mistwood tree, it is often said that the likeness of gnarled faces can sometimes be seen in the bark pattern of the witchwood. The flowers are greyish green, on long stalks back of new leaves in early spring; multiple 1/4" male flowers erupt in long gin heads 5/8" wide; solitary female flowers are usually found on separate trees and are lavender in color. The fruit is long, and oblong in shape and of a dark purple color, very sour to taste. The fruit is poisonous unless it is processed, and is said to have medicinal purposes depending on the preparation. The wood is not usually used in construction, as it is too soft. However, it is often used for heating purposes and is prized for use in the making of wands and flutes.
Type: Ranged Weapons
DU/ST Bonus: 30/10
Offensive Bonus: +24
Defensive Bonus: +24
Rarity: Very rare


Obtaining the precious wood of the great wyrwood is a dangerous proposition. According to stories told by the men and elves of the mysterious Wyrdeep Forest, these rare, solitary trees are said to entangle and hang woodsmen and hunters with grisly results. Thought to be a cousin of the willow, the wyrwood is a large tree with 1 or more straight and usually leaning trunks, upright branches, and narrow or irregular crown. Its leaves are narrow and lance-shaped, often slightly curved to one side, and they grow densely upon the tree's boughs. While these trees have been known to grow within the forest, they are most commonly found not too far distant from streams. They are known to have an exceptionally deep taproot, which probably accounts for their ability to live a distance from a water source, having tapped instead into underground springs. It is also thought that the taproot is the source for their superior magical qualities. Wyrwood is usually only used to produce bows; any contact of the wood with metal soon produces corrosion of the ore, with the result that the studs and banding common with shields and staves is unsatisfactory.
Type: Ranged Weapon
DU/ST Bonus: 0/0
Offensive Bonus: +2
Defensive Bonus: +2
Rarity: Uncommon


Yews have a tremendous capacity for longevity, and it is from this that the yew has come to symbolize great age, rebirth and reincarnation. The yew produces a close-grained, elastic wood that is similar to maple.


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