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Houses of Elanthia
Part 2 · Revision 2.2

· Costs
· Planning & Applying for a New House
· Appeasing Local Government
· Building Construction
· Ground Rules

Houses part 1 · Houses part 2 · current Houses

In order to maintain a House, certain obligations to the local government must be met. These take the form of fees and monthly expenses along with permits to build, expand and so on as outlined below. As with any government, these are not all the possible costs. Many things are open to negotiation between a House and the Council that are not covered here and these figures should not be presumed to be definitive.

Monthly Costs:

1. Organization Duties
The local government exercises a MONTHLY duty on the House organization based on its classification:

less than 21 members: 4,000 silvers/month
21-50 members: 8,000 silvers/month
51-100 members: 15,000 silvers/month
over 100 members: 30,000 silvers/month

2. Property Duties
Ownership of property incurs a MONTHLY duty due to the government. This duty is based on the number of rooms the building maintains, not including lockers.

up to 15 rooms:   5,000 silvers/month
15-30 rooms: +3,000 silvers/month
each additional room over 30: +1,000 silvers/month

3. Overhead
Each organization has a certain amount of overhead which is incurred MONTHLY. This overhead represents supplies, maintenance and other expenses incurred by the organization:

250+ silvers/room/month (amount will vary based on decor)
1,000+ silvers/month to restock bar (if applicable)
5,000 silvers/month for security of locker facility (if applicable)
Planning & Applying for a New House
Applications for new Houses will be taken once a year for a limited number of slots. Due consideration will be given to all applicants, with the House Controller making the final decision, based on a variety of factors. A notice will be posted in the House Clerk's office of Moot Hall, announcing the dates that applications will be accepted. A person who has an interest in forming a House must submit a letter of intent to the local government (email to feedback) of the following format and information:

"__________, hereby intend to establish an officially recognized House of Elanthia, to be named the House of __________. A petition for acceptance will follow."

A response will be sent back indicating the requested House name has been reserved for a duration of one week, during which time a petition for acceptance is expected.

An initial interest must be demonstrated for the House; therefore a minimum committed membership of 5 characters must present their signatures on the petition for acceptance. This is done by each potential member (who meets membership requirements) sending local government (GemStone IV Feedback, or the House Controller, hereafter referred to as "Simutronics") a letter stating their intention to join this organization.

To submit the petition for acceptance, the character who has been chosen as Chairman must email Simutronics with the necessary information and have its initial members (but no more than 5 of them) email Simutronics with their intention to join the organization. These 5 individuals must pass the minimum membership standard. The fee for submitting a petition for acceptance (75,000 silvers) must be paid by the Chairman at this time. The Chairman must contact a GameMaster online and transfer the silvers before sending the petition. The GameMaster will log the transfer of funds. This fee is refundable if the application is rejected.

An additional 75,000 silvers is required once the application has been accepted. This fee provides for the establishment of the House accounts and record-keeping by the city.

To demonstrate fiscal responsibility, the House must also deposit a minimum of 75,000 silvers into the House endowment fund as soon as feasible after the establishment of the House Account and Investing of Officers. Failure to complete this act within thirty days of Investment or prior to obtaining a building permit will result in forfeiture of all monies and revocation of House status.

The Chairman may include any letters of recommendation by other players which he/she feels may further the cause. An endorsement by another respected House is also a plus.

Heavy consideration is given to the status of a person in the community. Those persons having current difficulties with the justice system, i.e. wanted posters, shall clear them up before being considered eligible for candidacy.

The Petition for Acceptance must be prepared and submitted with the following information:

1. The names of the three House Officers (as well as the co-officers if chosen).

2. A Statement of Purpose which describes the intended purpose of the House organization. This can be as simple or complex as necessary. Note: Most Houses use a stock statement of purpose:

"The House of _______ is being established for the purpose of promoting the lawful goals of its membership as it may, from time to time, determine to be of mutual benefit."

3. A Statement of Governing. The style of internal government in a House organization is self-determined. The statement of governing becomes part of the 'bylaws' of the House and may not be changed (since this is the condition upon which the House is accepted by local government).

Sample styles of governing:

Autocratic: The Chairman has total authority and responsibility over the organization's activities.

Democratic: Decisions are made by a vote of the majority with the Chairman breaking all ties and controlling the agenda for issues to be brought before a vote.

4. The term of officers and method of selection of new ones must be stated. The two most common methods are:

For Life: each officer is the established officer for life, and their heirs are empowered to take their place upon the death of an officer. Unfilled positions are appointed by the consensus of existing officers.

Limited: the officer has a term which is established (1 year, etc.) and at the end of the term elections are held within the membership to elect new officers.

5. The Bylaws of the House must also be included in the petition for acceptance. The Statement of Governing is considered part of the bylaws, but detailed separately due to its importance. The Bylaws must include the following details:
· Membership Requirements/Procedures

· Membership Services Provided

· Membership Rules and Regulations
Appeasing Local Government

Local Government is sensitive about acceptance of new Houses since they comprise a political power; however, the officials can be appeased in different ways to help smooth the way towards acceptance. One possibility might be to assist local officials with a problem which they have (for example recovering stolen property). Another possibility is bribery. Bribes are commonplace and although frowned upon they are legal in most communities. A bribe typically must be at least 25,000 silvers to have any impact on the more powerful political NPCs.

After the Petition for Acceptance has been received, the House Controller will arrange a date when the provisional House leadership will sit down with local officials to discuss such matters.

Building Construction

Each House must obtain a building permit, and construct a building from which they will operate their organization. This building is technically property of the House; however, the establishment and utilization of it is tightly controlled by local government. After the Petition for Acceptance has been approved, the membership must submit a construction plan for their House building. Construction will require 10 to 12 weeks (not counting possible schedule and cost over-runs).

The cost of the building permit depends on the location of the building. The classification of the area is determined by the GameMaster. The House is allowed to decide in which of the following areas the building will be constructed; exact locations may incur a surcharge.

Low Class District: 15,000 silvers
Middle Class District: 30,000 silvers
High Class District: 75,000 silvers
Commercial District: 100,000 silvers

The building must be located within the governed area of the local government. For instance, within the walls of Wehnimer's Landing. The House may request a specific location; however, local government has the final decision on the location. House buildings may be built inside the walls of any town with a local government, such as in Wehnimer's Landing, Icemule Trace, and on Teras Isle.

Each House may have only one main building constructed and, at a later date, may arrange to have an annex built if the membership grows enough to warrant a second building.

A House may borrow 50% of the required capital for the construction of the edifice from the government. This expense is applied to the House debt records. This is not applicable if the House is constructing a new building.

The Building Proposal must include the following details:

1. Outside Facade

Supply a description of the building's outside and the object which will be the 'door' into the building.

2. Rooms

The proposal must number each room (1, 2, 3, ... ) and include a description for each plus exits (north, east, etc.) and which room they connect to. All objects included in the room (furnishing, doors, etc.) must be specified with both type and name. All descriptions must be under 512 characters, preferably under 256 characters.

3. Objects

All objects must specify their type and where they are located (they must all be non-moveable) and their object name. Objects may include an examine description. All object names must be of the form "article, adjective, noun".

(Examples: "a,wooden,table" "some,ornate,chairs" "several,,casks")

Desks and tables are intended for use as furniture, and not as storage areas. For proper storage of objects the House must acquire a storage facility (i.e. House lockers).

4. Financial

The base cost for a building is 10 million silvers. For that base cost the building will be constructed with:

· Ten common rooms (dining room, foyer, kitchen, basement, attic, etc.)
· A forty item locker with two entrances.
· A single node.
· Ten private rooms with three touchable objects apiece.
· Two bars with a total of ten food or drink items each.
· Atmospheric messaging i.e. "The clatter of dishes comes from the kitchen as a maid rushes out to re-stock the bar."
· A Gatekeeper.
· A Coat of Arms.
· An armory table. (Like a small, sharable locker)
· A magical workshop with one table to keep a few items on.

Included with all of the above are doors, stairways and regular compass exits for all rooms.

Additional rooms can be added at the cost of 75,000 silvers per common room and 100,000 for a private room (three objects per room included).

Other additions such as a third bar, additional entrances to the lockers, secret doors, etc., must be negotiated as to cost and design.

The following items are not acceptable for any House:

· Creatures of any kind (including pets).
· Shops or stores.
· Complex systems more appropriate to the game as a whole.
· Special powers or skills for members.
· Anything deemed unsuitable by the House Controller.

Plans must be submitted no later than 30 days after obtaining a permit, or the permit will lapse. Extensions may be had for half the original permit price if done before expiration. After expiration will incur full fees.

Any required revisions must be made by the House in a timely manner. Remember, 'As ye submit, so shall ye be built.'

Ground Rules

1. To preserve the integrity of the global game system, all decisions by the House Controller are considered final, and those participating in the House system must respect these decisions.

2. All actions by House members or leadership are expected to be carried out using the highest standards of roleplaying.

3. Malicious abuse of the House system, such as the financial components, beyond the scope and intent of the House concept presented here will result in the disbanding of the House or replacement of its leadership, at the discretion of the House Controller. Furthermore, those involved will be blacklisted from forming another House, or belonging to any other House.

4. Houses must conform to the basic 'feel' of Elanthia. Thus no cable TV or chrome-plated bar-stools with Naugahyde covers (unless you can provide actual Nauga skins) will be considered. The GameMaster who will build the House will review the plans and make recommendations for changes. Plans will be amended and revised by players and resubmitted. The GameMaster reserves the right to make ad-hoc editorial changes to the building to fit properly into the environment or to remove logical incongruities.

5. Any additional rooms added for continuity or technical adjustment will not count against the House total unless the House is provided a chance to modify their plans to eliminate the need for such. Reasonable attempts will be made to consult with House Officers during construction and for any changes deemed necessary but Simutronics retains final judgement on suitability of any design. Private rooms are done at the discretion of House Officers and any designs must be routed from the player to their Officers for approval. All designs will be final upon acceptance by the House and any changes after that point will count as either new construction or re-design and will be priced accordingly.

6. By participating in the House system, players indicate that they have read these ground rules and all relevant Tomes articles and agree to them. It is the responsibility of each House Chairman to instruct potential new members and other officers to read the House documentation before joining and inform them of the dictates of this paragraph.


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