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Major Elemental Spell Circle


501 Sleep
502 Chromatic Circle
503 Thurfel's Ward
504 Slow
505 Hand of Tonis
506 Celerity
507 Elemental Deflection
508 Elemental Bias
509 Strength
510 Hurl Boulder
511 Floating Disk
512 Ice Patch
513 Elemental Focus
514 Stone Fist
515 Rapid Fire
516 Mana Leech
517 Charge Item
518 Cone of Elements
519 Immolation
520 Mage Armor
525 Meteor Swarm
530 Elemental Disjunction
535 Haste
540 Temporal Reversion
550 Time Stop

spell policy · spell circles


501 · Sleep [SLEEP]
Duration: Variable

Type: Attack

A very relaxed feeling will overcome the target of this spell and dull its senses, possibly causing it to fall into a magically induced slumber. The actual effect depends on how badly the creature fails its elemental warding.

Creatures which do not sleep, such as the undead, are unaffected by this spell.

The mana cost for this spell is calculated by a seed 1 summation of the target's level. That is, a level 1 target costs 1 mana whereas a level 105 target costs 14 mana.

When imbedded by the Magic Item Creation spell or charged by the Charge Item spell, Sleep counts as a level 8 spell.
502 · Chromatic Circle [chromcir]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack

Chromatic Circle (502) is a warding spell that surrounds its target with a circle of elemental magic. When successfully cast, the target will sustain both concussion and critical damage with its associated status effects. There are five (5) elemental energy types that function with this spell: Air, Earth, Fire, Water and the combinative element, Lightning. Casters who have permanently attuned to an element have the option of using that element with this spell. For non-attuned casters one of the 5 elements is randomly selected. This spell costs two mana to cast and can result in a DS penalty on follow up attacks by training in Elemental Lore(s).
503 · Thurfel's Ward [THURWARD]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Major Elemental spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Defense

Although the logic behind this spell is quite simple, its effect is very potent. With a few quick gestures, the caster can cause glowing specks of sparkling silver energy begin to spin around him or her. The result is that the wizard gains +20 Defense Strength (DS), +1 for every 4 Major Elemental spells known beyond 503.

With the increased defense bonus there is an increase in mana cost. The base mana cost is 3, +1 for every 3 DS bonus over 20.

When Thurfel's Ward is cast upon others, the bonus is a flat +20 DS with a flat mana cost of 3.
504 · Slow [SLOW]
Duration: 60 seconds

Type: Attack

This spell makes the air surrounding its victim viscous, effectively slowing down all actions. The result is that the target's actions/roundtimes take longer. How much longer depends upon the skill of the caster as well as the total roundtime of the action being attempted.

The target will experience a large increase in Roundtime (RT) based on the Wizard's [LINK] Elemental Lore, Air training[/LINK]; +1 RT at 100 skill, +2 RT at 200 skill, and a maximum of +3 RT at 300 skill.
505 · Hand of Tonis [HANDTONIS]
Duration: 5 seconds +1 second per 2 warding failure

Type: Attack

Named in honor of the Arkati with similar powers, the Hand of Tonis spell harnesses the power of the element of air to steal the breath from its target, thereby stunning them! This spell is also useful to blow away clouds and clear clutter from the area.

After training in 20 ranks of [LINK] Elemental Lore, Air[/LINK], Hand of Tonis becomes a bolt spell if cast from a stance above guarded. Ranks over 20 increases the Damage Factor (DF) of the spell's bolting capabilities.
506 · Celerity [CELERITY]
Duration: 60 seconds

Type: Utility

Celerity reduces the stamina cost, possibly to zero, for all Quickstrike actions that reduce combat roundtimes (see QUICKSTRIKE for a full listing). It has a non-stackable 60 second duration. If not natively self-cast, there is a four minute period starting at the time of first application during which Celerity may not be re-applied to the same target. There is no such delay when the spell is natively self-cast.

All offensive combat actions automatically apply the lowest RT possible whether or not the Quickstrike ability is explicitly invoked. Users of Celerity need not use Quickstrike to gain the maximum zero-stamina RT reduction, or may use Quickstrike to gain additional RT reduction at a lesser stamina cost than would otherwise be the case.
507 · Elemental Deflection [DEFLECT]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Major Elemental spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Defense

Since it is not always possible to carry a shield, this self-cast spell can be a blessing. Elemental Deflection provides a bonus of +20 Defense Strength (Melee, Ranged, and Bolt DS), +1 for every 2 Major Elemental spells known over 507.

The increase bonus results in an increased mana cost. The base mana cost is 7, +1 for every 3 bonus.
Overtraining in Major Elemental spell ranks does not yield additional bonus past the caster's level.
508 · Elemental Bias [ELEMBIAS]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Major Elemental spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Defense

Because Elemental Deflection offers limited spell defense, this self-cast spell can provide excellent additional protection. It works like Elemental Deflection by creating an invisible minor shield around the caster, but this one works against magical attack spells by adding +20 to elemental warding defense.
509 · Strength [STRENGTH]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Major Elemental spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Offense/Utility

An ancient spell which has long been a part of a wizard's spell book. The strength spell enables the recipient to better utilize his or her body and thus cause an apparent increase in strength. This has the effect of adding +15 to the target's physical attack strength.

Training in [LINK] Elemental Lore, Earth[/LINK] increases the Attack Strength (AS) bonus provided by this spell. A minimum of 4 ranks of Earth Lore are required to achieve a +1 AS increase, with the maximum increase of +16 AS achieved at 184 ranks. This added bonus is a self-cast benefit for the Wizard's use only.
510 · Hurl Boulder [HURLBOULDER]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack

A small boulder is shot from the palm of the caster to slam into an opponent with devastating force. This is an elemental attack spell and uses the [LINK] Aimed Spells[/LINK] skill.

The spell will become more effective with increased training in [LINK] Elemental Lore, Earth[/LINK].
511 · Floating Disk [FLOATDISK]
Duration: Special

Type: Utility

The floating disk spell, which is believed to be one of Melgorehn's inventions, creates an insubstantial disk that can be used to hold objects by the target. The disk will follow the target around for the duration of the spell and allows for the temporary hauling of objects from one place to another. The disk's owner is the only one able to OPEN or CLOSE the disk.

Disk item capacity has a base of 8 (this includes items inside other items). Training in [LINK] Elemental Lore, Air[/LINK] increases item capacity. 10 ranks of Elemental Lore, Air will increase the total item capacity to 9, with the maximum of 20 items at 186 ranks. Floating Disk weight capacity is set at 500 pounds.

Floating Disk has an indefinite duration and will continue to exist until the player logs off or disconnects or some other situation breaks the magical 'thread' which binds the disk to its owner. When this happens, the disk will vanish and the objects will fall to the ground.

Wizards casting this spell upon themselves will discover the description of the disk is more colorful. It is believed that certain types of gems and other objects normally found as common loot can be used to influence the results of casting this spell by wizards upon themselves. It has proven ineffective for other professions.
Note: GemStone IV will attempt to keep the disk around for awhile after a disconnect so the caster can attempt to reconnect; this duration is only a couple of minutes -- so get back online fast. We cannot be responsible for objects lost while being transported on a disk. Also remember that any items forgotten and left in a disk when the owner leaves will not be replaced if lost. Most wizards will advise owners to never put precious items in a disk.
512 · Ice Patch [ICEPATCH]
Duration: Determined by warding failure

Type: Attack

Untargetted, this spell allows a caster to create a large patch of slippery ice, covering much of the surrounding area. Characters and creatures trying to engage in melee or thrown weapon combat on the ice patch will find that they may slip either before or after an attack is made. Training in [LINK] Elemental Lore, Water[/LINK] increases both the duration of the patch and how effective it is at making the opponent slip and fall, with possible damage.

If Ice Patch is directed at a specific target, it will root them in place, hampering combat. Then, with Elemental Lore, Water training, it is possible to cast Minor Water (903) at the target and it will convert to minor cold (the spell found in blue wands). 10 ranks of Elemental Lore, Water will allow one cast of 903-converted minor cold, with the maximum being thirteen casts at 196 ranks.
Elemental Lore, Water bonus thresholds: 10, 20, 31, 43, 56, 70, 85, 101, 118, 136, 155, 175, and 196 ranks.
513 · Elemental Focus [ELEMFOCUS]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Major Elemental spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Offense

This spell will give the caster/target a bonus of +20 to their spell Attack Strength (AS) and a penalty of -40 to their physical AS. The caster/target will receive a +1 bonus to their spell AS for every two Major Elemental spell ranks over 13, capped at the caster's level.

For example, if the caster has 23 Major Elemental spell ranks, the spell AS bonus will be +25.

With the increased bonus there is an increase in mana cost; 13 base mana +1 for every additional bonus gained.

The duration for 513 Elemental Focus is significantly shorter when cast at a target.
514 · Stone Fist [STONEFIST]
Duration: Approximately 15 seconds + 1/4 warding

Type: Attack

Using the elemental powers of Earth, the Wizard is able to conjure a massive stone fist. This fist will grab on to the enemy, leaving it rooted where it stands, and hampering combat. The Wizard may then direct the stone fist to weaken the foe into submission, enabling him to attack with the final blow.

While held by one stone fist, targets are immune to additional casts of the spell. After the initial 14 mana cast, the fist remains linked to the caster's hand. Using various hand gestures, the caster can command the fist to act. These commands require additional mana and are subject to the rules of normal casting. To invoke an action, it must be targeted at the foe held by the caster's stone fist.

Stone Fist commands:

WAVE (2 mana) The fist will wave the target, leaving it somewhat disoriented and confused, adding Roundtime. This will not break the fist's hold on the target.

PUSH (2 mana) The fist will push the target to the ground, leaving it somewhat disoriented, knocking it down and adding Roundtime. This will break the fist's hold on the target.

THROW (3 mana) The fist will throw the target to the ground violently, causing it to sustain damage and knocking it to the ground. This will break the fist's hold on the target.

The following commands require training in [LINK] Elemental Lore, Earth[/LINK] to use consistently. SLAP requires the least Lore skill out of the three, while POUND requires the most Lore skill.

SLAP (4 mana) The fist will slap the target, causing damage. This will break the fist's hold on the target.

CLENCH (6 mana) The fist will squeeze the target in its grasp, crushing it. This does damage to chest, back, and abdomen. This command does not break the fist's hold on the target.

POUND (8 mana) The fist will pound the target on the ground while keeping it in its grasp. Damage to head/neck or limbs only. This command does not break the fist's hold on the target.
Casting Stone Fist at certain items will crush them. Use at your own risk!
515 · Rapid Fire [RAPIDFIRE]
Duration: 60 Seconds

Type: Utility

This powerful spell is used to augment attack spells, in particular elemental attack spells. Once cast, the next spell which is prepared will be prepared again once cast, automatically for the duration of the Rapid Fire spell. Therefore once Rapid Fire is in effect, you may then prepare, for example, a Minor Fire spell and then continue to cast it with no preparation step (or time) in-between for as long as the Rapid Fire spell is in effect. Note that to switch spells being used, use a RELEASE command and then PREPARE a new spell.
516 · Mana Leech [MANALEECH]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack/Utility

Casting this spell at a target forms a mystical conduit between the caster and the target. If the target is unfortunate enough to fail its warding, a dull ray of mana-draining power will touch it and drain a random amount of mana and transfer it to the caster. On a successful cast, the mana cost to the caster is 1 mana. On failed casts, the mana cost to the caster is 16 mana. The mana points received will not exceed the caster's normal maximum mana.

The [LINK] Elemental Mana Control[/LINK] skill aids in determining how often the caster can get a maximum amount of mana from the target.
517 · Charge Item [CHARGEITEM]
Duration: Variable

Type: Utility

This spell enables the caster to redirect their mana into a magical focus. This focus must be a specially treated gem of at least 1000 silvers in value. By casting this spell at the treated gem, the focus will be created and begin to accumulate mana. The wizard must then concentrate on maintaining the focus and continue to cast the spell until the gem has become sufficiently charged.

The initial cast is 17 mana, while each additional cast is one mana until the treated gem tones of enchantment. At this point, energy from the focus can be directed into the desired chargeable item. The mana cost to recharge an item is based on spell level, spell sphere, and in part, by training in [LINK] Elemental Mana Control[/LINK].

Chances of success are based on a success margin, the level of the spell to be charged, as well as the spell circle.

Extraordinary failure has been known to result in loss of mana points, injury, and even possibly the destruction of the item.

[LINK] Magic Item Use[/LINK], [LINK] Elemental Mana Control[/LINK], and a dedication to the Major Elemental Spell Circle will result in a greater success in charging items.
[LINK] More information on Charge Item[/LINK]
518 · Cone of Elements [CONEELEM]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack

Cone of Elements (Cone) causes a bolt of elemental energy to arc to a large number of enemies in the room, multi-casting a variety or any one of eight bolt spells based on the caster's attunement or Elemental Lore training on multiple targets. When CAST normally, Cone will ignore other player characters (PCs) in the room. When EVOKEd, Cone will cast a group-friendly version against more potential targets, including hidden and invisible ones, which will become visible upon a successful hit. The caster's Elemental Mana Control skill will determine how many targets are hit depending on how the spell is activated.

Being attuned to a specific element will automatically cast the respective bolt specified below. If the caster has no attunement set, or if the caster is attuned to "random," it will randomly choose between fire, cold, earth, air, or lightning damage. There is also the option to specify the type of element if the caster meets the lore requirements for that element (e.g. EVOKE COLD, CAST FIRE).
519 · Immolation [IMMOLATION]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack

This spell releases incredible destruction by fire when the target fails a warding roll.

There is a chance of a flat-out incineration kill on a target using Immolation, enhanced further by training in [LINK] Elemental Lore, Fire[/LINK]. If the target was not incinerated, the damage done by the flames is greater with training Fire Lore. This will increase the chance of the initial burst of the flame being focused on one area, causing more critical damage.
520 · Mage Armor [MAGEARMOR]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Major Elemental spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Defense

Mage Armor manipulates the elemental forces within a wizard's body, forming a layer of elemental energy that shifts with their movements. This self-cast spell provides additional protection from physical attacks in the form of critical padding.

The base amount of padding for native casters is "somewhat" (5 points) at 20 Major Elemental ranks, increasing every 15 Major Elemental ranks to a max of "heavy" (10 points) at 95 ranks. Non-native casters can only achieve light critical padding (2 points) with this spell, and elemental aspects are not available to non-native casters.
525 · Meteor Swarm [METEORS]
Duration: Variable

Type: Attack

Perhaps one of the most destructive spells known to spell users is Meteor Swarm. The caster throws his or her arms skyward while uttering the phrases of invocation. While this seems innocent at first, about 20 seconds later a devastating barrage of flaming meteors will begin to fall on the area inflicting terrible damage to anyone or anything unfortunate enough to be in the area. The meteors will continue to fall in a wide radius around the area for several minutes after the initial strike.
While this spell is much more effective outdoors, it may shake structures and injure those inside with falling debris.
530 · Elemental Disjunction [DISJOIN]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack

Elemental Disjunction weakens the target's connection to the elements. This results in a random number of spells being dispelled from the target. Elemental spells will be dispelled before spells from other spheres of magic. Diligent training in the [LINK] Major Elemental[/LINK] spell circle helps to increase the minimum number of spells dispelled. Caster and target levels are also factored in determining the number of spells dispelled. At minimum, two spells will be dispelled (provided at least two spells are active on the target).

For purposes of determining sphere nativity, hybrid spell circles are considered to be in all spheres for which they are connected. That is, [LINK] Sorcerer[/LINK] spells are in-sphere for Elemental and Spiritual, while [LINK] Bard Spellsongs[/LINK] are in-sphere for Elemental and Mental.
535 · Haste [HASTE]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Major Elemental spell rank known; cumulative

Haste reduces nearly all roundtimes (RT) except for the offensive combat actions, and selected utility actions, that are affected by the Celerity spell. Example areas of RT reduction are the imposed RT from offensive creature and combat maneuvers carried out against the caster, or the movement RT incurred when traversing certain obstacles. Training in additional ranks of the Major Elemental spell circle (benefit capped at level) and Elemental Lore, Air increase the RT reduction by 1% for every five ranks.
540 · Temporal Reversion [TEMPORAL]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Major Elemental spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Defense

This spell allows the Wizard to turn back the hands of time when successfully attacked physically. The Temporal Reversion effect returns the Wizard to the moment before the attack was initiated. Being forewarned of a potentially powerful incoming assault, the Wizard automatically prepares himself with a +200 DS boost and a significant chance to avoid critter-based maneuver attacks.

The ability to shift time is always a chancy thing. The spell is only successful based upon:

10% + (Elemental Mana Control bonus/20)

550 · Time Stop [TIMESTOP]
Duration: Immediate

Time Stop will remove a base 60 seconds of roundtime from the caster and reduce the duration of negative effects by the same amount (e.g. stuns, Bind (214), etc). It can be activated while in roundtime and while under most status conditions (stunned, webbed, immobile, etc) with the STOP TIME command. It may be used at a base of once per day and uses resets at midnight ET. Additional uses may be unlocked by training in Elemental Lore, Earth. Training in Elemental Lore, Air will increase the amount removed from roundtime and negative effects.

Elemental Wave effects of increasing power may be unlocked by training in Elemental Lore, Water and Elemental Lore, Fire.

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