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Ranger Base Spell Circle


601 Natural Colors
602 Resist Elements
603 Wild Entropy
604 Nature's Bounty
605 Whispering Willow
606 Phoen's Strength
607 Sounds
608 Camouflage
609 Sunburst
610 Tangleweed
611 Moonbeam
612 Breeze
613 Self Control
614 Imbue
615 Call Swarm
616 Spike Thorn
617 Sneaking
618 Mobility
619 Mass Calm
620 Resist Nature
625 Nature's Touch
630 Animal Companion
635 Nature's Fury
640 Wall of Thorns
650 Assume Aspect

spell policy · spell circles


601 · Natural Colors [NTRCOLOR]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Ranger spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Defense

This spell attunes the target with their surroundings, making him or her more difficult to see, and correspondingly more difficult to attack, giving the caster +10 to their Defense Strength (DS).

The target also receives a hiding bonus in natural terrains (not hard/flat or in town). This bonus is increased by training in the Ranger spell circle. Casting the Sneaking (617) spell in conjuction with this spell provides a higher hiding bonus than when using Natural Colors alone. Other stealth activities, such as STALKing, remaining unseen while hidden, and unhiding unseen are also easier while this spell is in effect.

Training in Spiritual Lore, Blessings provides an additional +1 increase to the roll bonus for stealth activities at the first rank, with a maximum of +13 at 91 ranks. Another benefit of the Blessings Lore skill is a +1 DS increase at 5 ranks, with a maximum of and additional +10 DS at 95 ranks.
Archers! Use this spell for a bonus to remain hidden while sniping.
602 · Resist Elements [RESELEM]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Ranger spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Defense

Resist Elements creates an area of near-constant temperature around the caster, offering protection in the form of +15 to Defense Strength (DS) against fire, ice, and electricity bolts, while also providing a bonus to the resistance of damage based on inclement weather conditions.

Training in [LINK] Spiritual Lore, Blessings[/LINK] provides an additional bolt DS bonus of +1 at 5 ranks, to a maximum of +10 at 95 ranks. Blessings Lore also increases the bonus to the resistance of damage based on extreme weather.
603 · Wild Entropy [WILDENTROPY]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack

A warding spell that inflicts cycles of disintegration damage and negative nature resistance.
604 · Nature's Bounty [NATBOUNTY]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Ranger spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Utility

This spell will make the caster more dexterous and better able to skin a carcass. Dedication to the Ranger spell circle increases the bonus to Skinning.

While under the effect of this spell, the caster's sense of the plant-life in the local area is greatly heightened. Living herbs and other plants in the area, which might otherwise be difficult to find, will become obvious to the caster. This spell is very useful on expeditions to gather herbs and other valuable plants. Dedication to the Ranger spell circle increases the bonus to Foraging.

Training in [LINK] Spiritual Lore, Blessings[/LINK] increases the skin value +1% at 5 ranks, with a maximum +10% value increase at 95 ranks.
605 · Whispering Willow [WHISWILLOW]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Ranger spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Utility

This spell will allow the caster to project her voice over a long distance, while having it remain but a mere whisper. When attempting to communicate with someone who is also outdoors, the natural surroundings of the area will carry the caster's voice to whomever she wishes to speak with.

Training in [LINK] Spiritual Lore, Summoning[/LINK] provides the caster with the ability to whisper to others that may be hidden/invisible, indoors, and even cross-realms at certain training thresholds. The following table shows the requirements of the potential whisper target's room, realm, visibility, and locale. Each rank thresshold attained encompasses the abilities of the previous ranks.

RankSame RoomSame RealmVisibleOutdoors
0 X X X
4 XX
16 X X
20 X 
24  XX
28  X
32   X

   •  At 0 ranks, you can whisper to those who are in the same realm, visible, and outdoors.
   •  At 4 ranks, you can whisper to those who are in the same realm, visible, and indoors.
   •  At 8 ranks, you can whisper to those who are hidden or invisible, as long as they are in the same outdoor room as you.
   •  At 12 ranks, you can whisper to those who are hidden or invisible, as long as they are in the same room as you (indoors or outdoors).
   •  At 16 ranks, you can whisper to those who are hidden or invisible, as long as they are somewhere in an outdoor locale in the same realm as you.
   •  At 20 ranks, you can whisper to those who are hidden or invisible, as long as they are somewhere in the same realm as you.
   •  At 24 ranks, you can whisper to those in a different realm, as long as they are visible and outdoors.
   •  At 28 ranks, you can whisper to those in a different realm, as long as they are visible.
   •  At 32 ranks, you can whisper to those in a different realm regardless of visibility, as long as they are outdoors.
   •  At 36 ranks, you can whisper to those in a different realm regardless of visibility.

It is not possible to remotely whisper to someone who is under the effects of the Unpresence (204), or is in a room that prevents location.

If the ranger first casts the spell Nature's Touch (625) she is able to use Whispering Willow indoors.
606 · Phoen's Strength [PHOENSTR]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Ranger spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Offense

[LINK] Phoen[/LINK], god of the sun and husband of [LINK] Oleani[/LINK], lends His great strength to the caster when this spell is cast. This spell will increase the caster's inner strength, giving her a +10 to Attack Strength (AS) for the duration of the spell. Additionally, Phoen's Strength provides a bonus to encumbrance and weapon-swinging Roundtime (RT). This spell may only be cast outdoors.

Archers will find that Phoen's Strength aids in reducing the Roundtime (RT) for cocking a crossbow as well as the RT for firing a bow.
607 · Sounds [SOUNDS]
Duration: 120 seconds; cumulative

Type: Attack

This spell creates distracting sounds all around the target, making them less able to defend themselves. The base penalty to the target is -20 to their defense and works best on targets up to 15 levels above the caster. For every additional level above the caster past 15 levels, there is a 20% failure per level until the target is 20 levels above the caster, at which point it will not work.

Training in the Ranger Spell Circle adds a bonus to this spell, maximizing at the 70th spell level, giving the target a maximum penalty of -50 to its defense. The level of the target can affect this bonus, but the penalty will always be at least -20 to the target's defense on a successful cast.

The target will also suffer a base 10% hindrance to spell casting ability. This percent chance is increased with training in [LINK] Spiritual Lore, Summoning[/LINK] by an additional 1% at 1 rank to a maximum additional 13% at 91 ranks.

Sounds penalizes archers and hurlers while AIMing, hindering the chance that they will hit their mark. This spell also hinders those who are attempting to DISARM traps.
The spell casting hindrance of this spell is separate from the spell casting hindrance one would suffer from wearing heavier armors.
608 · Camouflage [CAMOUFLAGE]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Offense

While casting this spell outdoors, the ranger is able to blend in with the surroundings, placing him into hiding. Adding +30 to Attack Strength (AS), Camouflage significantly increases the chance for the ranger to strike the target when attacking from a hidden position, and also provides a bonus to remaining unseen while hidden. Additionally, Camouflage provides a level-based bonus to unhiding unseen. If the ranger is discovered from hiding, the +30 Attack Strength (AS) bonus does not apply.

Camouflage also provides a bonus to the ranger who has acquired the [LINK] Shadow Mastery[/LINK] combat maneuver (CMAN) skill. While SNEAKing, the caster retains 10% of the AS bonus per Shadow Mastery rank. The results are cumulative, so every room that the ranger sneaks will reduce the AS bonus retained until it reaches zero.

If the ranger first casts the spell Nature's Touch (625) he is able to use Camouflage indoors.

Archers! Use this spell for a bonus to remain hidden while sniping.
609 · Sunburst [SUNBURST]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack/Utility

A great pulse of light will come from the caster's hand when this spell is cast, causing all those hidden to become obvious to all in the room. While this will not reveal invisible targets to the caster, it will make her aware of their presence.

When Sun Burst is focused directly on a target, the caster will attempt to temporarily blind them. When successfully cast in this manner, living targets will suffer a severe perception loss, as well as a decreased chance to evade any incoming attacks. Undead targets will recoil from the intense burst of light, giving them Roundtime. Targets that cannot see, due to injury, the Blind spell, or previous effects of a focused Sun Burst are immune.
Sun Burst comes in handy when arrows or thrown weapons are hidden in a room.
610 · Tangleweed [TANGLE]
Duration: Variable

Type: Attack

This level-based spell will cause a vine to animate (or grow) in a particular area and begin to lash about at creatures present. The vine will attempt to knock over a target that is struck, regardless of caster stance. If the the vine's target is already prone, it will attempt to root the foe in place, hampering combat. Casting Tangleweed from any stance above neutral will cause the vine to damage the target as well as knock it down. It is also possible to direct the vine's wrath by casting the spell at a particular target.

Training in [LINK] Spiritual Lore, Summoning[/LINK] increases the chance to poison the target. This poison will drain the target's strength. The percent chance to induce strength drain is equal to Summoning Lore skill divided by 2.

This is naturally an outdoor spell, but may be cast indoors if the Ranger has the Nature's Touch (625) spell active.
Tangleweed does not work on all types of critters; try casting at different creatures to figure it out!
611 · Moonbeam [MOONBEAM]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack

A maneuver-based attack spell to immobilize a target, with a duration of up to 60 seconds.

May also be EVOKEd as a bolt spell to deal cold damage, with a chance to immobilize over time; extra cycles per 30 ranks of Blessings lore.
612 · Breeze [BREEZE]
Duration: 3 seconds per level, not stackable, not refreshable

Type: Utility

This spell will create a small whirlwind in an area, creating moderately strong breezes which will blow away many forms of clouds, including gas clouds, poison clouds, and many fog clouds. While this spell does not directly modify combat, it can be invaluable protection for some dangerous hunting environments.

Training in [LINK] Spiritual Lore, Summoning[/LINK] will allow the Breeze to temporarily hinder the movements of any creatures in the area for a few seconds. This percent chance is calculated on a per-target basis and is equal to the ranger's Spiritual Lore, Summoning skill divided by 2.

The ranger may dispel Breeze by typing STOP BREEZE or STOP 612 in the command prompt.
Light objects lying about the area have a tendency to get tossed about by this spell.
613 · Self Control [SELFCONTR]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Ranger spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Defense/Utility

This powerful spell will allow the caster to focus her will, as well as energy from the natural surroundings, and set up a powerful protection field around her. Self Control will not only offer physical protection by adding +20 Defense Strength (DS), except Bolt DS, +1 for every 2 Ranger Spell ranks beyond 13, but spell protection as well by adding +20 Spirit Target Defense (TD).

Self Control also provides a bonus to spotting and disarming traps while utilizing the DISARM command on treasure boxes. This bonus is increased by training in the Ranger spell circle.

Additionally, Self Control assists the caster in resisting certain fear-based attacks.

Archers and hurlers who are AIMing, receive an increasing bonus in the chance to hit their mark, which is based on Ranger spell ranks.

Training in [LINK] Spiritual Lore, Blessings[/LINK] provides an additional Spirit Target Defense bonus of +1 at 5 ranks, to a maximum of +10 at 95 ranks.

Unlike many other spells that have increasing bonuses, Self Control's mana cost does not increase; the mana cost is 13 per cast.
Overtraining in Ranger spell ranks does not yield additional bonus past the caster's level.

614 · Imbue [IMBUE]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Utility

Imbue allows a Ranger to take a piece of natural, organic material and alter it by channeling energy into the object, changing its basic structure. The result will allow the object to be turned into a magical item by someone with the spell Magic Item Creation. The amount of mana the new magical item will hold is dependent upon a dedication to the [LINK] Ranger Spell Circle[/LINK], the [LINK] Mana Control, Spiritual[/LINK] skill, and the [LINK] Discipline[/LINK] and [LINK] Intuition[/LINK] stat bonuses.

Rangers can cast imbue at foraged items such as sticks, mezereon bark, tree bark, wyrmwood bark and wiregrass. Below is a table that describes the item that can be imbued, the magical item it can become, and the maximum amount of mana it can hold.

ItemMagical ItemMax Mana
mezereon/tree/wyrmwood barkamulet50

Training in [LINK] Spiritual Lore, Summoning[/LINK] increases the maximum mana capacity by an additional +1 mana at 1 rank up to an additional +13 mana at 91 ranks.

If the ranger first casts the spell Nature's Touch (625) she is able to use Imbue indoors.
Some organic objects, due to their structure, may be unaffected by this spell.
615 · Call Swarm [CALLSWARM]
Duration: Variable, not stackable, not refreshable

Type: Attack

Using his/her innate ability to interact with nature, the ranger summons insects from the surrounding area to swarm against a foe. The venomous bites of the swarm of insects and their distracting noise aid the ranger on the battleground.

When casting Call Swarm, the ranger's stance will determine the initial attack that the swarm will inflict upon its target. Only the initial effect is controllable; subsequent effects will be random. Success of the spell is based on the ranger's relative level, [LINK] Discipline[/LINK] and [LINK] Influence[/LINK] stat bonuses, and dedication to the Ranger spell circle.

ForwardDS penalty
NeutralAS penalty
GuardedRandom Poison or Disease
DefensiveInduce roundtime

The swarm will remain to find a new target after its original one has been defeated.

Training in [LINK] Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning[/LINK] increases the potency of the swarm by +1 at 5 ranks up to an additional +16 at 200 ranks. The exact benefit of this training is based on the current effect of the swarm, such as increased damage, increased penalties, or increased roundtime.
616 · Spike Thorn [SPIKETHORN]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack

This spell will cause large, spiked thorns to grow under the target which will very likely cause damage to it. The amount of damage inflicted depends not only on the ranger's level and dedication to the Ranger spell circle, but also the target's level, and the conditions under which it was cast. Targets much higher in level than the caster may completely dodge this attack altogether.

Training in [LINK] Spiritual Lore, Summoning[/LINK] provides a percent chance for one extra damage cycle, using (Summoning Lore skill/2)-30.

While this spell will work indoors, it is more powerful when used where there is already vegetation present in the area.

The spell Nature's Touch (625) will alleviate the penalties for casting the spell indoors.
617 · Sneaking [SNEAKING]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Ranger spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Utility

When active, this spell will allow the caster to control all sound that emanates from his body, allowing greater success with stealth activities such as hiding, STALKing, SNEAKing, remaining unseen while hidden, and unhiding unseen.

Sneaking provides an additional hiding bonus in natural terrains (no bonus increase for hard/flat or in town), which is increased by training in the Ranger spell circle.

Training in [LINK] Spiritual Lore, Blessings[/LINK] decreases the chance that the ranger will slip in icy conditions.

When the caster has the Natural Colors or Mass Colors spell active with Sneaking, the two together make the caster nearly imperceptible when outdoors, thus allowing him to move from room to room unnoticed by all except only the most perceptive.

Although this spell allows the caster to move around mostly unnoticed, if a creature or player specifically looks around the room for a new target, the caster will still be noticed as the combination of the two spells does not allow for perfect invisibility.
Archers! Use this spell for a bonus to remain hidden while sniping.
618 · Mobility [MOBILITY]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Ranger spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Defense/Utility

Mobility increases the ability to react to many maneuver attacks as well as providing the defense equivalent of 20 [LINK] Dodging[/LINK] skill ranks, +1 for every Ranger spell known over 618.

The target receives an increase to the base hiding bonus provided by this spell when in natural terrains (not hard/flat or in town). This bonus is increased by training in the Ranger spell circle. Other stealth activities, such as STALKing, remaining unseen while hidden, and unhiding unseen are also easier while this spell is in effect.

The spell also provides a bonus to STEALing, which increases with training in the Ranger spell circle.

With the increased bonus comes an increased mana cost. The base mana cost is 18, +1 for every 5 bonus.
619 · Mass Calm [MASSCALM]
Duration: Variable, refreshable

Type: Attack

An experienced ranger is adept in all forms of animal empathy. With this spell, the ranger takes the right non-threatening actions, says the correct soothing words, and makes calming gestures in order to sedate all creatures in the room. Although this spell has a short duration, it is very difficult to ward against.
620 · Resist Nature [RESISTNATURE]
Duration: Variable

Type: Utility

This spell allows a ranger to infuse cloth and leather armors with resistances to weeds, spikethorns, and elements. Similar to a Wizard's Enchant ability, this utility spell is a process of due diligence.

Once the ranger has obtained a suitable set of armor to be made resistant, the spell is cast upon it. Various factors play a role in the success of this initial cast. If the cast is successful, the ranger will know the armor is ready for the next step. It is important for the ranger to know the armor that he or she is casting upon, as attempting this spell on already-resistant armor may result in an unfavorable situation.

The selection of resistance type is made by applying the appropriate potion to a prepared armor. These potions are created from special plants that may be gathered from certain locations. A NPC herbalist prepares the potions from the plants gathered. The various styles of armor require varying amounts of potion to be applied. The potions are somewhat volatile, and will lose their effectiveness after a reasonable period of time. It is in the ranger's best interest to use a potion as soon as possible after receiving it from the NPC.

After the proper amount of potion has been applied to the armor, the ranger must cast the spell again upon the armor to seal the resistance in. There is a chance of failure on this cast as well. Additionally, it is important to ensure you have used the proper amount of potion for the armor type before attempting to seal the armor. Failure to do so may result in yet another unfavorable situation.

In any event, the armor used during the attempt will not be harmed.

The resulting armor will have a Resistance Strength and a Resistance Life, which are determined by a number of factors. Resistance Strength (RS) is defined as the actual amount of resistance provided against criticals of the type infused in the armor. Resistance Life (RL) is defined as the amount of resistance left in the armor.

The RS of the armor does not degrade with use; however, the RL decreases as the armor absorbs damage of the type the resistance is intended to protect against. When the RL is exhausted, the resistance is no longer inherent in the armor.

Additionally, resistant armor that is physically damaged may have its RL shortened depending on how badly it is damaged. Keeping the armor in good repair will provde for the best RL.

Any ranger who obtains this spell may attempt to use it with no further training in any of the skills that affect it. A few of the ranger's stats play a part in this spell, but the skills mentioned here serve as bonuses to the final result of the spell. In addition to the listed stats/skills below, there may be other factors that influence the result as well.

Aura, Discipline, and Wisdom stat bonuses will play a part, though not equal ones, in this spell.

Armor infused by the spell will reduce the critical damage of the specified resistance type by a percentage based upon the caster's Spiritual Lore, Blessings training. This resistance strength is equal to 20% + (Spiritual Lore, Blessings ranks / 2).

The duration of the resistance, or resistance life, is influenced by Mana Control, Spiritual and Ranger Spell ranks.

Training in Mana Control, Spiritual will also allow the ranger to cast the spell on damage or crit padded armor. It is possible for the ranger to add resistance to "lightly" padded armor beginning at 1 rank of Mana Control, Spiritual. "Very heavily" padded cloth and leather armors can have added resistances at 91 ranks.

Rangers may ASSESS armor that has been protected by Resist Nature in order to gauge resistance strength/life.

If the ranger first casts the spell Nature's Touch (625) she is able to use Resist Nature indoors.
625 · Nature's Touch [NATURETCH]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Ranger spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Defense/Utility

A Ranger with this spell active will feel the power of nature surround her, no matter where she is. This means the Ranger will be able to summon the energy to cast certain spells as if she were outside, even if she is inside.

Additionally, Nature's Touch provides a bonus of +1 Spiritual Target Defense (TD), +1 for every 2 Ranger spell ranks known over 25, to the maximum of a +12 bonus (achieved at 49 ranks).
630 · Animal Companion [ANIMALCOM]
Duration: Special

Type: Attack/Utility

Once a ranger is attuned enough to nature to cast the 30th level spell in their circle, they are able to summon forth a beast of the wild to serve as their companion. The Animal Companion spell will call one of four types of animals (canine, rodent, feline, avian). A ranger may establish an affinity with the animal, befriend it, and develop a long-lasting bond with their companion.
See Also:[LINK] Notes on Animal Companion[/LINK].
635 · Nature's Fury [NATFURY]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack

Only Rangers are able to channel the chaos found in nature. Using this powerful, mass attack spell, the Ranger is able to draw upon the forces of nature to wipe out his foes. Those not in the Ranger's group are subject to damage based on both the climate and terrain of the area.

Training in [LINK] Spiritual Lore, Summoning[/LINK] provides the chance to increase the number of damage cycles done by Nature's Fury. The percent chance that another damage cycle will be done is equal to the ranger's lore skill. For example, a ranger with 15 Spiritual Lore, Summoning ranks, which equates to 70 skill, would have a 70% chance of gaining an extra damage cycle. This percentage chance is uncapped, so if the caster has a 130 Spiritual Lore, Summoning skill bonus, he will always have one extra damage cycle and a 30% chance of another damage cycle on top of that.
640 · Wall of Thorns [WALLTHORNS]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds for every Ranger spell rank known; cumulative

Type: Defense

Casting this spell creates a wall of living thorns around the ranger. This wall will provide a +20 Defense Strength (DS) bonus as well as possibly block incoming attacks with the thorns. The chance the wall of thorns will block the ranger from an incoming attack is a flat percentage that is not affected by additional factors. There is also a chance to inflict the blocked attackers with a lethargy-based poison.

This spell will be most successful when used in an appropriate climate and terrain. When the ranger attacks, the wall of thorns will part to allow the ranger freedom of movement.

If the ranger first casts the spell Nature's Touch (625) he is able to use Wall of Thorns indoors.
Wall of Thorns will scratch a [LINK] garrote[/LINK] attacker if the victim is wearing WoT. Poisoning of the attacker may or may not result.
650 · Assume Aspect [ASSUME]
Duration: See below

Type: Utility

Assume Aspect allows a Ranger to channel the spirits of nature in order to assume beneficial characteristics of certain wild beasts.
[LINK] Detailed information on Assume Aspect[/LINK]

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