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Minor Mental Spell Circle


1201 Force Orb
1202 Iron Skin
1203 Powersink
1204 Foresight
1205 Soothing Word
1206 Telekinesis
1207 Force Projection
1208 Mindward
1209 Dragonclaw
1210 Thought Lash
1211 Confusion
1212 Shroud of Deception
1213 Mind over Body
1214 Brace
1215 Blink
1216 Focus Barrier
1217 Vision
1218 Mental Dispel
1219 Vertigo
1220 Premonition
1225 Mindwipe
1235 Provoke

spell policy · spell circles

Spells with a duration of "focus" use special rules. A caster can only maintain one focus spell at a time. It will remain active as long as he can focus. That is, while he is able to think clearly and is not stunned for a period of time. A group of mentalists can, together, provide multiple focus spells for the group but still only one each.


1201 · Force Orb [forceorb]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack

The caster summons a translucent orb of force that attacks the target. If the target fails to ward the mental attack, he or she will take some concussion damage and be crushed. Training in [LINK] Mental Lore, Manipulation[/LINK] increases the concussion damage of this attack.
1202 · Iron Skin [ironskin]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds per rank of Minor Mental spells; cumulative

Type: Defense

The caster transforms his skin into a thick hide that acts like armor. The caster will gain the defensive benefits of wearing armor without suffering the penalties as it is his own skin protecting him. The base effect is to create a [LINK] full leather[/LINK] equivalent (Armor Subgroup (AsG) 6), and can be increased to more powerful armor with training. The AsG increases by one according to [LINK] seed[/LINK] 1 of one fifth the caster's ranks in [LINK] Mental Lore, Transformation[/LINK]. Monks also receive an innate bonus to the AsG of [LINK] seed[/LINK] 1 of one fifth the caster's level.

For example, a level 15 Monk (15/5 = 3, seed 1 gives a bonus of 2) with 5 ranks of [LINK] Mental Lore, Transformation[/LINK] (5/5 = 1, [LINK] seed[/LINK] 1 gives a bonus of 1) can cast Iron Skin to create the equivalent of [LINK] leather breastplate[/LINK] (AsG 9 = 6 +2 + 1). Another example, a Savant with 105 ranks of [LINK] Mental Lore, Transformation[/LINK] (105/5 = 21, [LINK] seed[/LINK] 1 gives a bonus of 6) can cast Iron Skin to create the equivalent of [LINK] brigandine armor[/LINK] (AsG 12 = 6 + 6).
Wearing any armor heavier than robes (AsG 2) will completely nullify this effect!
1203 · Powersink [powersink]
Duration: 120 seconds

Type: Attack

Powersink hinders a target's access to the mana weave causing him to take a longer time to prepare a spell. This spell is difficult to defend against. The caster can affect additional targets by training in [LINK] Mental Mana Control[/LINK]. An extra target is gained every [LINK] seed[/LINK] 6 of (MMC skill bonus/10). For example, with 35 ranks of MMC (130 skill bonus), the caster can affect a total of three targets (130/10 = 13, [LINK] seed[/LINK] 6 gives a bonus of 2).
1204 · Foresight [foresight]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds per rank of Minor Mental spells; cumulative

Type: Defense

The target is able to see visions of the future, allowing him to anticipate incoming attacks. This translates to a bonus of +10 to physical Defensive Strength (DS).
1205 · Soothing Word [soothe]
Duration: Special

Type: Utility

Immediately removes a detrimental emotional effect from the target (fear, rage, etc.). At 25 ranks of [LINK] Mental Lore, Telepathy[/LINK], Soothing Word grants the target immunity to the sheer fear of undead for 30 seconds.
1206 · Telekinesis [telekinesis]
Not yet implemented
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack

Allows the caster to mentally throw objects at a target for damage. The damage factor and mana cost are based upon the object's encumbrance. This is a mental bolt attack and uses the [LINK] Spell Aiming[/LINK] skill.
1207 · Force Projection [forceproj]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack

A single target knockdown that uses the standard maneuver defense roll, but is difficult to resist. The caster's strength with Force Projection increases with training in [LINK] Minor Mental[/LINK] spell ranks and with [LINK] Mental Lore, Manipulation[/LINK].
1208 · Mindward [mindward]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds per rank of Minor Mental spells; cumulative

Type: Defense

This spell protects the target's mind from harmful warding spells. The bonus is +20 Mental Target Defense (MTD) + 1 MTD for every 2 [LINK] Minor Mental[/LINK] spell ranks beyond 8, with a maximum bonus of +40. With the increase in defense comes an increase in mana cost; 8 base mana +1 for every 2 additional MTD bonus gained. When Mindward is cast upon others, the bonus is a flat +20 MTD with a flat mana cost of 8.
Overtraining in [LINK] Minor Mental[/LINK] spell ranks does not yield additional bonus past the caster's level.
1209 · Dragonclaw [dragonclaw]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds per rank of Minor Mental spells; cumulative

Type: Utility

This spell will cause the caster's hands to grow hard and scaly. As such, they gain +10 to their Unarmed Attack Factor, are able to hit magical creatures without special equipment, and gain the ability to randomly flare an attack that bypasses all of a target's magical defense, reducing their Unarmed Defense Factor. These effects apply to all unarmed attacks (jab, punch, kick, and grapple).

Training in [LINK] Mental Lore, Transformation[/LINK] provides an additional +1 increase to the caster's UAF at 1 rank, to a maximum of an additional +19 at 190 ranks (seed 1 of the [LINK] Summation Chart[/LINK]).
1210 · Thought Lash [thoughtlash]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack

Creates a crackling whip of psychic energy that strikes the target for damage and leaves a residue energy that increases subsequent critical damage on the target. Training in [LINK] Mental Lore, Manipulation[/LINK] increases the critical damage of subsequent attacks. This is a mental warding spell.
1211 · Confusion [confusion]
Duration: Variable, based on warding margin and the caster's Influence bonus

Type: Attack

The target stumbles about in a daze and may attack either his allies or foes. The caster is able to manipulate the target into attacking the target's allies more often by training in [LINK] Mental Lore, Telepathy[/LINK]. The target will also be unable to perform special actions (e.g., maneuver attacks). This is a mental warding spell.
1212 · Shroud of Deception [shroud]
Not yet implemented
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds per rank of Minor Mental spells; cumulative

Type: Utility

The caster is able to cloak himself in an illusion, disguising his form in order to take on the appearance of another race, gender, or profession, as well as the physical features to match. The attributes which can be disguised are subject to the caster's [LINK] Minor Mental[/LINK] spell ranks.

Spell RanksAttributes
0Eye Color
 Eye Trait
 Hair Color
 Hair Style
 Hair Texture
 Hair Quirks
 Skin Color
 Nose Trait
 Facial Features
 Distinguishing Mark

[*] Custom requires knowledge of the spell to utilize.

The SHROUD verb may be used to construct a profile prior to casting the spell. Every aspect of a configuration (such as eye color) change requires 1 mana and 3 seconds of cast roundtime. Example:

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>INCANT 1212
1213 · Mind over Body [mindoverbody]
Duration: Focus

Type: Utility

The caster uses his mental concentration to make the physically taxing activities of his group easier to undertake. This reduces stamina cost for all actions by 20 percent. Training in [LINK] Mental Lore, Telepathy[/LINK] increases the reduction by 5% per [LINK] seed[/LINK] 3 of skill bonus/10.
1214 · Brace [brace]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds per rank of Minor Mental spells; cumulative

Type: Defense

Thick plates of bone grow from the caster's forearms. If not using a shield or weapon, these plates grant the chance to parry melee and ranged attacks. Melee strikes that hit the caster's arms (or a weaponless parry) have a chance to disarm the attacker. The chance to disarm is 25% + 2% per [LINK] seed[/LINK] 3 summation of [LINK] Mental Lore, Transformation[/LINK].
1215 · Blink [blink]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds per rank of Minor Mental spells; cumulative

Type: Defense

The target has a chance of getting a second opportunity to avoid physical or bolt attacks that otherwise would have hit him by teleporting to a short distance away (within in the same room). The percent chance to get a second attack roll is 25 + [LINK] seed[/LINK] 1 of ranks in [LINK] Mental Lore, Transference[/LINK]. The Blink spell dissipates early on a successful avoidance.

When cast on others, Blink has a flat 2 minute duration, which is not refreshable.
1216 · Focus Barrier [focusbarrier]
Duration: Focus

Type: Defense

The caster creates a barrier of force around his group, providing them with +30 physical Defense Strength (DS).
1217 · Vision [vision]
Duration: 15 seconds

Type: Utility

The caster can remotely watch a target for a short time. The caster is only capable of establishing this mental link with targets who are alive, or still have lingering mental energies (that is, they have died within the last 30 seconds).

Training in [LINK] Mental Lore, Divination[/LINK] allows the caster to watch others in different realms (variant amount required determined by distance). The required lore for distance is broken down into three tiers: adjacent (30), near-adjacent (60), and far (90). An example of adjacent realms is Wehnimer's Landing to the Shadow Lands; near-adjacent is Wehnimer's Landing to Icemule Trace; and far is Wehnimer's Landing to Ta'Illistim.
1218 · Mental Dispel [mentaldispel]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack/Utility

When cast on a character or creature, this spell will have one of the following effects:

1. Cause the target to lose any prepared spell, along with the appropriate number of mana points for that spell. Losing a spell in this manner will sometimes cause the target to suffer nerve damage.

2. Cause a magical effect in force on the target to be canceled. The mana cost for this version of the spell can be reduced by one point for every 75 skill bonus in the [LINK] Mental Mana Control[/LINK] skill.

3. Cause the target to lose a portion, or all, of their mana.

When cast on an item, this spell has a chance to drain charges, dispel any stored spells, or remove some other special quality.

There is no warding check for this spell. The effect of casting on a character or creature is in the order given above. When cast on items, the chance of failure and the results depend on the level of the caster and the level and type of stored spell or enchantment.
Combining this magic with either Spirit Dispel or Elemental Dispel has been known to cause negative and potentially dangerous effects on the target.
1219 · Vertigo [vertigo]
Duration: Variable, based on warding margin

Type: Attack

Instantaneously transports multiple targets to the Astral Plane and back, resulting in a disorientation that causes targets to fall down and suffer roundtime (RT). This is a mental warding spell. Training in [LINK] Mental Lore, Transference[/LINK] reduces the warding margin required for stronger effects against the target.
1220 · Premonition [premonition]
Duration: 1200 seconds + 60 seconds per rank of Minor Mental spells; cumulative

Type: Defense

The caster sees a series of possible future events, allowing him the chance to better defend himself. The caster gets a defensive bonus against maneuver attacks and +20 to all Defense Strength (DS) types, and +1 DS for every 2 [LINK] Minor Mental[/LINK] spell ranks beyond 20. With the increase in defense comes an increase in mana cost; 20 base mana +1 for every 2 additional DS bonus gained.
Overtraining in [LINK] Minor Mental[/LINK] spell ranks does not yield additional bonus past the caster's level.
1225 · Mindwipe [mindwipe]
Not yet implemented
Type: Attack

A difficult-to-defend warding spell, with successes reducing the target's effective level. A single target version of the spell may be cast for 13 mana, while the multiple-target version costs 25 mana.
1235 · Provoke [provoke]
Duration: 180 seconds

Type: Utility

The caster sends thoughts of rage throughout an area that incites the local creatures. This effect potentially increases the generation rate for sentient creatures in the area. The rate can be further increased by training in [LINK] Mental Lore, Telepathy[/LINK].

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