A Traveler's Guide to the Turamzzyrian Empire
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Oire is on the west coast of the Empire, nestled between Torre
and Seareach. The lands are rich for farming and cattle, but offer
little else in the way of natural resources, and the area is one
of the poorest in the Empire. The shore in Oire is mostly crags
and cliffs, making shipping difficult. Only small port villages
and towns have cropped up along the ocean. Oire enjoys mild, temperate
climates with only occasional large storms sweeping up from the
south and west.
Oire is a quiet little barony that draws little attention from
the rest of the Empire, and the people like it that way. The culture
is mostly agrarian, with the wars and political intrigues often
plaguing other human territories having almost completely bypassed
Oire. The Villaunnes have been the ruling family for several generations.
While none of the barons or baronesses have come to prominence within
the Empire, they have been generally much loved by their people.
The Villaunne family maintains a long tradition of being fair-minded
rulers who are truly dedicated to their holdings. This is reflected
in the general contentment level of the citizens of Oire.
New Myssar
New Myssar is a large, sprawling city in the hills in the center
of Oire. The city is simple, comprising mostly traders from the
surrounding farms and grazing lands. The city is not opulent, and
offers little to visiting dignitaries, so it is rarely traveled
to. The troops there are few and poorly maintained.
The mostly simple people of Oire do have an overwhelming sense
of pride where one thing is concerned, and that is their wines.
Oirean vintages, in particular the luscious Oire grenache and the
ruby-hued Oire port, are appreciated throughout the Empire and they
frequently grace the tables of nobility. The citizens claim to have
the most sophisticated palates in all of Elanthia and their children
are raised from a relatively young age to be able to appreciate
and discuss various wines in depth.
Due to the mostly rural nature of Oire, the seasons play a large
part in the daily lives of the people. Oleani, Phoen, Imaera, and
Lorminstra are the most revered of the Arkati. Many of the roads
and farms have small shrines where frequent offerings are made.
The city of New Myssar has two large, and surprisingly ornate, temples
dedicated to Oleani and Imaera. Weekend farmer's markets and small
faires are commonplace throughout the summer months where the hardworking
people get a chance to enjoy some fun.
The most important celebration of the year is the Rite of Spring,
which is held on the first day of Ivastaen. The normally easy-going
and somewhat reserved citizens throw all caution to the wind for
this raucous (some might say debauched) festival. The Rite celebrates
the union of Oleani and Phoen, love, and fertility. Large feasts
are held in all the towns and villages, with food and strong drink
in abundance. Music and dancing are a central part of the celebrations,
and bards often travel from all over to participate. As night falls,
couples and groups wander into the fields and woods for trysts under
the spring moons. Children conceived on that night are considered
to be especially blessed.