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History of the Turamzzyrian Empire

Timeline of Events
c. 3725 A Dwarven clan discovers the opal-laden sandstone cliffs along Solhaven Bay's eastern end. Discovering natural caverns beneath the cliffs, the clan establishes a new community within the caverns, enlarging and embellishing the existing chambers and mining the gem-rich strata.
c. 3775 A small Dwarven hunting party returns to the Solhaven caverns to discover that their community has been wiped out. Only dismembered limbs and great swaths of blood remain of the thriving enclave's population. Rumors persist to the present day, but the true nature of what slaughtered the Dwarven families beneath the cliffs of Solhaven, if it is known, is a secret held by the dwarves. The few survivors gather the remains of the deceased, seal the caverns and inter the remains beneath a massive boulder at the head of the nearby falls. Christening the waterfall "the Cascade of Tears", the Dwarven survivors abandon the location and return to the mountains to the northeast.
c. 3961 The Kannalan Empire, a loosely defined "empire" comprised of mostly Halflings, Humans and Giantmen, falls to the combined effects of internal strife and humanoid and barbarian assaults. From the central territory south of the DragonSpine and west of Ta'Nalfein, the humanoids drive the refugees westward.

An elven family fleeing the razing of the northernmost Kannalan city of Ziristal finds refuge on a large island in the middle of the Cairnfang River, near modern Solhaven. Drawn to the relative safety of the island retreat, other refugees swell the ranks of the settlement to the point that hostile humanoids in the area begin to attack the island with increasing frequency. The founding family, whose common tongue name has survived as "Wildwood", organizes the defense of the island, and the construction of a castle and extensive battlements is begun.

A handful of isolated imperial outposts resist the crumbling of the empire, while others are abandoned or overcome by various foes. River's Rest, the Kannalan Empire's western port city, struggles against the ensuing chaos, and the Kingdom of Elanith holds as a place of refuge for those fleeing the anarchic remains of the fallen empire. The commander of The Citadel maintains his post and the surrounding territory falls under his leadership. Seven other cities, including the empire's capital city of Veng, fall as the empire crumbles. Only three other western Kannalan cities survive the collapse: Toullaire, Kedshold and Gor'nustre.

The influx of refugees bolsters the independent towns of Elstreth, Kai Toka, and Tamzyrr greatly, as the refugees settle in the areas surrounding the holdings. The remaining cities of the former Kannalan Empire continue in a feeble trading alliance, but the internal strife that preceded the collapse of the empire continues and the alliance exists in name only. The next 300 years are fraught with petty squabbles between the cities and repeated assaults by humanoids. Scholastic advancement during this period slows to a near halt.

c. 4011 After nearly fifty years of successfully withstanding the chaotic aftermath of the Kannalan collapse, the last in a line of several commanders of The Citadel is assassinated. The Council of Mages, which had been appointed as an advisory council to the commander, takes temporary leadership of the small territory.
4045 Founding of Voln's first monastery by Manor Lord Fasthr K'Tafali near Kedshold, a surviving city of the former Kannalan Empire.
c. 4058 The Council of Mages' "temporary" control lasts for roughly fifty years. Conflicting philosophies, incompatible policy goals, racial animosity and clashes of personality and ego all serve to divide the Council into constantly shifting factions. These internal conflicts cripple the Council's ability to act and govern effectively. Bands of marauding trolls and orcs begin to raid territories once under the protection of the Citadel. This rapid collapse deepens the Council's internal strife, making it even less effective.

Increasingly aggressive trolls are joined in a temporary alliance by some krolvin raiders, who have long, lingering memories of the days when the Citadel represented a major territorial power. Together, this alliance successfully overruns and loots the Citadel compound, and as the people of River's Rest flee the invaders, the Kingdom of Elanith falls. The survivors of the attack flee northward toward Fairport, swelling the seaport's population.

4168 Dark sorcerous forces inhabiting the wilderness north of Solhaven Bay organize an attack by the disparate humanoid factions. Wildwood family members stage a last ditch defense of the island as less magically capable members of the community flee to the mainland. Mystical energies blast the island and its fortifications throughout the storm-wracked night. In the bleak light of dawn, no sign of any survivors can be seen, and some form of powerful ward, presumably raised in defense, prevents any sentient being from setting foot on the island for centuries to come. Wildwood Island survivors construct a makeshift fort atop the cliffs south of the Cairnfang River, and under the fort's protection a fishing village is built on the golden beaches below the cliffs.
4222 Tamzyrr enters a trading and defense alliance with Elstreth and the city of Kai Toka on Kezmon Isle. The trading alliance helps the three cities grow tremendously, particularly Tamzyrr, as it is the port that the other two cities must trade through. The defense alliance exists on parchment only and never results in a cooperative military effort.
4240 The Kingdom of Torre is founded in the area surrounding Maelstrom Bay. The capital city of Fairport accounts for most of the kingdom's population, with the rest being scattered fishing villages and farmsteads.
4270 Tamzyrrian Overlord Simlorn Anodheles dies, and his only daughter, Selantha Anodheles, takes control of Tamzyrr.
4273 Elstreth is besieged by an army led by the Elven bandit-lord Terilithian. Unable to repel the mercenary army alone, Elstreth requests military aid from Tamzyrr; Overlord Selantha Anodheles mobilizes her army to respond. Two days before Selantha's army arrives, Lord Jestril of Elstreth is slain in his sleep by an assassin. The Tamzyrrian army reaches Elstreth in time to prevent the mercenary army from overtaking the city, and with Selantha's victory the city of Elstreth declares her to be Lord Jestril's successor.

Animosity towards Elven citizens is on the rise as word of the Elven bandit attack on Elstreth is carried to the allied cities and beyond. Humans have not forgotten that Elves once kept them as slaves and there have long been hard feelings between the races.

4274 Selantha bolsters the defenses of Elstreth with a permanent garrison of Tamzyrrian troops to prevent another bandit attack. As time passes, the merchants of Elstreth accept her rule since it is no more restrictive than Lord Jestril's.
4276 Selantha offers her governance to the city of Kai Toka in order to further solidify the alliance, "in the interest of protecting the fair citizens of Kezmon and improving their economic state". Kai Toka politely refuses the offer.
4277 Over the course of three months, nearly a quarter of Kezmon's shipping is raided and plundered by pirates, resulting in a food shortage for the isle. Overlord Selantha again makes her offer to Kai Toka, and in a surprising public address, Lord Gursten accepts. With Tamzyrrian escorts, merchant ship losses become virtually nonexistent.
4278 The wizard Jaxillar presents the legendary blade Searswathe to Selantha during her coronation as Empress of the Turamzzyrian Empire, during which Tamzyrr is declared the capital city. The "empire" at this point is little more than a small collection of allied city-states, but Selantha's vision is to bring many more of the surrounding cities under her control.
4280 Empress Selantha sends emissaries to the cities of Kedshold, Lolle, Waterford, and Gor'nustre offering them her protection from the Giantmen and human clans that assault the cities' caravans. The cities all refuse the offers.
4281 Gor'nustre loses an entire caravan carrying expensive woods in a particularly brutal massacre by Elven bandits. In a surprising but irrational response, Gor'nustre publicly blasts Selantha as being the instigator of the attack and claims that she is using Elven bandits to try to force them into the Empire. Kedshold and Toullaire join with Gor'nustre in open defiance of Empress Selantha, creating the Kannalan Alliance, and they break off trade with the Empire. Imperial emissaries sent to the three cities are whipped and returned to Tamzyrr. Outraged at this affront, Empress Selantha declares war upon the Alliance.

Negative public reaction towards Elven citizens increases, and the underlying animosity rises to a more vocal level with the news of the attacks on the Alliance caravans.

4282 The war between the Turamzzyrian Empire and the Kannalan Alliance continues for six years, with little advantage being gained by either side. Finally, Selantha advances upon Gor'nustre but her six month long siege proves futile. The night after the Imperial army retreats from the walls of Gor'nustre, a rear scout brings news that the gates of Gor'nustre are lying in rubble. Selantha's army returns to Gor'nustre and easily takes the city, burning it to the ground. A wide variety of rumors are begun surrounding the events leading up to the fall of Gor'nustre, ranging from a magical accident (primarily supported by the imperial court), to dragons, demons or wizardry (often "black Elven wizardry").
4288 Lolle and Waterford are joined under King Thurbon with the founding of the Kingdom of Hendor. Thurbon immediately begins bolstering defenses around the two cities and along Hendor's border. While Elven citizens are not as harassed in Hendor as they are in the Empire, Elven spellcasters are treated somewhat harshly in light of the accusations surrounding the defeat of Gor'nustre.
4290 With Gor'nustre fallen, Kedshold eventually succumbs to Selantha's army as multiple supply caravans to the city are ambushed and destroyed. Lady Kemistara surrenders the city to Selantha, who promptly beheads her and burns Kedshold to ashes.

With its two allied cities gone, weak as the alliance might have been, Toullaire is now the nearest city to the humanoids of the old empire, and fighting both Selantha and the humanoids would be disastrous. In desperation, Toullaire concedes to Selantha, but Archmage Hergios is never turned over to imperial forces. Selantha's army burns the wizard's manor, leaving the rest of the city intact. Hergios is never seen again, though rumors persist that he is still a powerful force within Toullaire.

c. 4293 Tension between Turamzzyr and Hendor increases as Selantha's army has rebuilt after the recent war and seems poised to turn its attention to the new kingdom. Trade relations are virtually nonexistent as merchants going each way are treated harshly.
4294 Hendoran soldiers cross the border and attack a small group of imperial soldiers, leading to Selantha's denouncing Hendor for "aggressive action against the peaceful citizens of the Empire" and declaration of war with the Kingdom of Hendor. King Thurbon denies any attack, but the declaration of war is not rescinded.
c. 4295 A series of battles with Hendor lead to small gains for Selantha, but Thurbon's years of preparation prevent her from achieving any major victories. The decade is filled with minor battles, up until 4303. The drawn out conflict with Hendor prevents Selantha from moving on to the Kingdom of Torre, which was likely her next target.
4302 Empress Selantha Anodheles I dies in Tamzyrr. Her son, Bezzender, ascends to the throne.
4303 Emperor Bezzender leads a valiant assault against Hendor, but he is unable to penetrate the defenses of the well-prepared Hendorans.
4307 Members of the House of Lampion poison Bezzender and his heir with Luukosian deathwort in an attempt to wrest control of the throne from the Anodheles family, killing both. The House of Kestrel has a witness to this treachery, however, and presents it to the leading families of the empire. Lords Calthus and Megron Lampion are executed for treason, and Chaston Kestrel ascends to power as Regent for young Verdel Anodheles, Bezzender's nephew.
4309 Imperial soldiers capture and behead Ehranon, the grandson of the bandit-lord Terilithian, whom they claim confessed an alliance between the Anodheles family and the "sylvan devils". Verdel Anodheles' family is forced to flee Tamzyrr and the regent is crowned emperor.

[Note: The other powerful families did not actually accept this as proof, but there was little incentive to attempt to refute the regent. The term "sylvan devils" is used to mean Elvenkind in general, not the Sylvankind. The typical imperial citizen does not differentiate between the Elven races: In human eyes, Elves are Elves.]

4310 Chaston declares that all citizens of Elven descent are prohibited from owning land or businesses. Elven holdings are seized by the empire, and large emigration of Elven citizens begins. The Elves migrate easterly into the Wyrdeep Forest, and north, with many travelling to Hendor. After prophesying a terrible curse upon the Isle, the Elven archmage Inar'ru leads a group of over two thousand Elves and half-Elves away from Kezmon in nearly a score of ships, sailing westward. They are never heard from again.

[Note: The Wyrdeep Forest is considered within the Turamzzyrian empire, but the forest is largely uninhabited by civilized people; the Elves that flee there are generally left alone.]

4312 Thurbon II of Hendor signs a treaty with the Empire, ending their war. The recent years had only been minor skirmishes, but this treaty makes the end of the war official and clears the way for Chaston to look elsewhere for expansion.
c. 4314 Imperial troops march into the foothills of the DragonSpine mountains, engaging in repeated battles with barbaric Giantmen clans. Unable to defend against regimented military tactics, the scattered tribes fall back further into the mountains. Fighting continues for nearly ten years, after which the imperial army is finally stopped at a narrow mountain pass. The imperial outpost of Kragsfell is founded in the southern mountains to mark the new border of the Empire.
4317 Increased piracy on the shipping lanes between Kai Toka and Tamzyrr causes an uproar amongst merchants in both cities. The famed pirate captain Bloody Malovor taunts the imperial government with his brazen attacks, gaining notoriety by sending any imperial soldiers and diplomats back to Tamzyrr in gruesome, mocking displays. Attached to each of the murdered messengers is a bloody cross over their imperial insignias. Unable to ignore such an open challenge to himself and the safety of the empire's commerce, Chaston is forced to focus his attention on developing a stronger navy for the Empire, which to this point had been largely unnecessary with the lack of a seafaring enemy.

[Note: The krolvin were a known seafaring threat, but they seldom raided far enough south to give the Empire concern.]

4319 The flagship of the navy, The Sea Drake, is sunk in a battle with sea raiders. Due to the increasing necessity for a naval force, Chaston postpones his designs on the lower DragonSpine Mountains, though a handful of mines begin operation under the protection of the imperial army. Over the course of the next century shipbuilding becomes a major source of income for Tamzyrr, rivaling the famed shipwrights of Kezmon Isle.
c. 4320 Battles with pirates between Kai Toka and Tamzyrr continue, with a few legendary pirates becoming very wealthy from their trade. As the imperial navy gains experience in combating the raiders, however, buccaneering dwindles. By 4328 the sea raids have become almost nonexistent, though Malovor is never captured.
4324 Rebel Elves harass imperial citizens and destroy several caravans as they travel to remote eastern provinces. Imperial troops respond, crushing the rebellion and forcing the brigands to flee eastward into the Wyrdeep Forest.
4327 Mount Ysspethos erupts in a violent, fiery display, rocking the city of Tamzyrr. The imperial palace is badly damaged as pillars topple and ceilings crush the royalty within. Emperor Chaston is killed in the catastrophe, as are both of his daughters. His young cousin, Immuros, ascends to the throne as the closest surviving heir.
4328 Immuros sets about restoring the shattered city of Tamzyrr, gaining popularity among the citizens of the empire as he directs workers to repair public buildings and many of the town's neighborhoods before allowing them to work on his own palace.
c. 4330 In a drastic change of policy from his predecessors, Immuros reduces the standing imperial army (though he keeps the navy intact). Over the next five decades, Immuros institutes programs for the creation of an empire-wide irrigation system and improved roads for transportation. Economically, the Turamzzyrian Empire improves dramatically under his rule.
4332 The town of Krestle is founded near the site of the destroyed Kedshold.
4335 Immuros initiates a trade agreement with the Kingdom of Hendor, further solidifying the peace treaty that had been signed twenty years prior. Hendor sends timber and furs to the Empire while receiving cloths and crafted goods in return.
c. 4339 With the improved economy and reduction in tension, Hendor begins expanding northward, conquering orc, ogre and hobgoblin forces in taking the territory east of the Sea of Fire over the course of a two-decade campaign. For the first eighteen years of this campaign only minor gains are made as the Hendoran army struggles with the great numbers of humanoids in the area. The "monstrous" horde is led by a shaman lord, Hrg'golg, and with a well-positioned citadel guarding a major pass leading northward, Hendor's troops find it a difficult task to oust the defenders.
4343 Imperial workers begin building the city of Immuron on the site of fallen Gor'nustre.
4354 An assassination attempt on Immuros fails, and the House of Urleth is blamed for the treachery. When Harlond Urleth commits suicide as imperial troops advance on his estate, Immuros makes a surprising political play in which he declines to officially punish the surviving members of the family. Instead, he appoints Xerrem Urleth as lord of the distant Highmount province, trading imperial lands there for the Urleth estate and holdings. Whether due to humble acceptance of Immuros' mercy or due to an inability to pursue further treachery from such a remote location, Immuros is not threatened by the House of Urleth for the remainder of his rule.
4357 General Pfelstev of Hendor defeats a combined army of orcs, hobgoblins and ogres in the Battle of Mensyl Pass, during which Lord Gyles of Lolle slays the great ogre shaman Hrg'golg. This battle is a major victory in that it allows human armies to advance farther north than they have been since the days of the Kannalan Empire. (Individual Humans have forayed into the Northlands, but never a large group such as this army).
c. 4359 The emigration of the magically inclined Elves has dramatically reduced the number of magically trained citizens within the Empire. In an attempt to reverse this significant decline in practitioners of magic, Immuros orders the founding of a school for the study of the arcane arts.

Many of the emigrants have immigrated to Hendor. Hendor is a predominantly Human nation, yet, and Elven citizens there are still discriminated against. For the most part segregation is encouraged, though some miscegenation occurs over time.

4362 The Hall of Mages is founded in Tamzyrr, and the initial response exceeds Immuros' hopes. The number of imperial spellcasters increases markedly over the remainder of Immuros' reign.
4367 Immuron is declared the new capital of the Honneland province with a major festival in honor of the emperor.
4375 Death of Immuros in Tamzyrr leads to the House of Kestrel splitting into multiple factions. His eldest daughter, Celeste, is the expected heiress, but her brothers Keilthar and Lurrion both challenge for the imperial throne. In the first year of the fighting, Celeste's loyal forces capture Lurrion and he is executed by her own hand.
4377 As it becomes evident that he cannot topple Celeste from her throne, Keilthar persuades Elstreth to secede from the empire, declaring themselves a free city-state. Keilthar is appointed to Overlord and the imperial garrison at Elstreth swears allegiance to their new leader after a brief period of infighting. Celeste declares the city of Elstreth as rebels against the imperial throne and sends several legions to lay siege to the city.
4378 Lord Keilthar's forces are unable to withstand the imperial army and they surrender after Keilthar drinks poison to commit suicide. Celeste orders all officers of the Elstreth garrison executed (over 200 officers total); the remaining soldiers are taken back to Tamzyrr as slaves. As a final statement of her unquestionable authority, she places the eldest child of each aristocratic family of Elstreth in the imperial dungeons in Tamzyrr.

While her statement of authority has impact in Elstreth, Celeste's hold on the throne remains tenuous.

4379 The military is rocked by the Elstreth secession and the loyalty questions that arise from the split. A sense of self-mistrust ripples through the forces in the face of such treason, leading to a heightened call for imperial loyalty being ingrained in the army training. Additionally, with the loss of several thousand soldiers to slavery the military is weakened and requires years to rebuild. Celeste is unable to increase taxation in order to bolster the military due to her own tenuous hold on power.

While none of the aristocratic families are ever quite powerful enough to challenge for the throne, they do see a notable increase in their power within the empire.

As a result, Celeste is a relatively ineffective ruler. With a weakened military and uncertain strength on the throne, she spends the bulk of her reign engaged in political maneuvering to retain her position. To her credit, she does manage to hold her throne until her death, which is no small feat considering the state of the empire.

4402 Celeste Kestrel dies when her ship is lost in a storm as she returns from a trip to Kai Toka. She has no children of her own and her brothers' children are the children of traitors to the throne. The House of Kestrel was already teetering on the throne, and this is the event that pushes them over the brink. Through the recent years the House of Burzost has been moving into position for this very event, since it was well known that there was no clear heir to the throne. With only a small amount of conflict, Jasdurel Burzost is declared Emperor of Turamzzyr.
4405 A great wave of Giantman barbarians pours from the DragonSpine, attacking the Highmount province. Yunnag Stormthrower leads the massive horde to a quick victory over the fortress of Kragsfell, during which the entire House of Urleth is slain. Kragsfell is sacked and burned by the barbarians.

The imperial forces have been itching for a war for decades, seeking a means to regain the honor that was lost at Elstreth. Jasdurel sends four legions out to Highmount to engage the barbarians.

4406 Imperial forces are better trained than the barbarians, and even outnumber the mountain tribesmen, but the barbarians are truly at home in the mountainous terrain. After the first few engagements teach the imperial forces that Yunnag's horde is a sincerely dangerous foe, the legions respect the barbarians hold on the area surrounding Kragsfell and set their goal upon holding the remainder of the Highmount province.

Yunnag proves to be a shrewd leader and the tribes regard him as the son of one of their deities. Over the course of the two decades after the defeat of Kragsfell, his fervent followers are able to push the imperial troops from the mountains that comprise the eastern half of Highmount.

c. 4410 After two centuries of relative peace, Solhaven Bay's curse once again rears its head as the thriving fishing town is laid waste in a single night. The community's future becomes tenuous as the same calamity befalls the town three times in as many years. Piecing together the evidence and the distorted accounts of those who were able to flee each time, visiting sages from the east conclude that the opal-flecked beaches, which the town is built on, are a "nesting" ground for kracken. Whether eggs were actually laid at some time in the distant past, or whether the sands somehow cause the creatures to simply spring forth from the ether, the conclusion is that rebuilding the town will be a waste of time unless all of the sand is removed first. During the extensive examination of the beaches at the base of the cliffs, the sealed entrance to the Dwarven caverns is discovered. An envoy is sent to the nearest Dwarven outpost to request information and the dwarves' guidance as to whether the site is sacred and how they might regard the community's plans and proximity. The envoy returns with a fairly complete account of the Dwarven enclave's unfortunately brief history and the assent of the dwarves that the community is welcome to the beach, the caverns and the cliff top. It is at this time that the Dwarven name for the falls becomes known and is adopted as the falls' "real" name. Also, the dwarves' comment regarding the cliff top fortress is communicated verbatim, and, although those claiming knowledge in the Dwarven tongue debate whether "vorn ahvis" means "high sanctuary" or "high tomb", the name sticks. The cliff top defenses are expanded as the town is rebuilt high above the beach, and a decades-long task is begun to excavate all of the sand from the base of the cliff and haul it a safe distance to the south.
4417 The Kingdom of Torre is annexed by the Turamzzyrian Empire.
4424 Death of Jasdurel. Trynius is crowned emperor.
4431 Yunnag Stormthrower dies. Krulgon the Bear takes control of the barbarian tribes. While not as much of a tactician as Yunnag was, Krulgon is still a strong leader and the barbarians remain steadfast in the mountains for several years.
4437 After a shaman from his clan foretells of great victories for the barbarian horde, Krulgon leads a large force from the mountains and into the forested hills of Highmount. General Reminord lures the barbarians into a large open vale and crushes them with his well-trained troops. The Battle of Wefter's Vale is a decisive victory for the imperial troops and Krulgon is forced to retreat back to the mountains with a severely reduced force. This battle marks the turning point in the campaign.

Over the next 20 years the imperial forces are able to regain the mountainous region of Highmount, though they make no more progress than the border had been in the days of Kragsfell.

4451 Emperor Trynius, the despotic son of Jasdurel, has two wealthy Turamzzyrian aristocrats executed for an ill-timed jest. The high-class citizenry go into an uproar, but Trynius' military is able to keep them from open rebellion.
4459 The fortress of Kragsfell is rebuilt by imperial troops at the mouth to Lost Soul Pass. (No relation to the creature, the name is associated with the idea that anyone who enters the pass travels beyond the protective reach of the gods... a 'lost soul'.)

While the war with the barbarians did not go as well the military would like, it has led to an economical boost to the nation as its citizens work hard to support the effort. Some Elven and half-Elven citizens have begun to create 'underground' organizations that provide services to human fronts. The Humans that work with them provide the Elves with land and/or buildings in which they can foster small communities, though all holdings are still technically in control of the Humans.

Elven communities within the Wyrdeep have begun sending lumber and furs to within the empire, with the aid of human intercessors. The imperial attitude towards the Elves within the great forest has been to largely ignore them. The Elves are technically in violation of Chaston's Edict, but there is little incentive to send troops into the forest to deal with them, and the typical imperial citizen is just happy that the Elves are far from his doorstep.

4461 At the age of 71, Emperor Trynius takes Ryani, a sixteen-year-old tavern dancer, for his wife. The upper class citizens are again incensed.
c. 4467 The imperial territory around Kragsfell has been largely uncivilized until this time, as claiming the territory within the empire and claiming it to be safe are two entirely different things. However, Turamzzyrians continue to expand their settlements, moving eastward under the aegis of Kragsfell and other outposts. Dwarven traders begin coming to the mountain fortress to trade their metal goods and ores.
4473 A rival magical school is started in the city of Toullaire under the guidance of Llaeron and Meddria Roelas. While not as large as the school in Tamzyrr, many students choose Toullaire's school for the less restrictive education that is provided.
c. 4476 Excavation of the beach below Vornavis is completed, and the Dwarven caverns are unsealed and explored. A group of Dwarven elders sent to observe the activities are greeted with deference and ceremony, and the official return of dwarves to the area is touted as a landmark occasion by the ruler of Vornavis. Clerics of a number of Liaboan deities ceremonially cleanse the caverns, and work is begun to connect the caverns to the town above. Despite forecasts of doom by vocal naysayers, nothing occurs that might suggest a continuance of the dwarves' misfortune. Work is also begun on facing the entire cliff below Vornavis with granite so that the beach cannot re-form.
4479 After a 55 year reign, Emperor Trynius dies in Tamzyrr at the age of 89. Three would-be rulers take the throne over the course of the next two years, none of which last more than nine months. The last of these three, Emperor Roginard, amends Chaston's Edict during his short rule, adding restrictions on other non-Humans. These Ordlyn, as they come to be known, are prohibited from attaining positions of influence in guilds or other civilian organizations. Ordlyn, like the Elves, are prohibited from attaining leadership positions in the military as well.

Ordlyn - Non-Humans, except Elves
Hathlyn - half-Elves - Generally outcast and treated as full Elves by the empire, while treated as Humans by the Elves.

4482 Emperor Levian Chandrennin ascends to power. Levian is a very hedonistic, decadent ruler, and in the fashion of Trynius is a tyrannical leader over the influential families of the empire. Levian has little interest in expanding the borders and is actually kept busy just maintaining his grasp upon the throne. Nine leading members of powerful families are assassinated during his reign, and while the accusations are never voiced publicly, the rumors are that Levian is behind the murders.
4486 Hendoran expeditions into the Sea of Fire make contact with the Tehir, nomadic people of a tribal culture that have adapted to the extremely harsh environment within the great desert. A handful of Hendoran merchants begin trade with the Tehir in exchange for rare animal products and herbs, but due to the harsh territory and the fact that the nomads only gather in large groups every few years, the volume of trade is never very great.
c. 4492 Imperial citizens begin to resettle the area around the mouth of the Tempest River on Maelstrom Bay. The new village of River's Rest is built upon the ruins of the old. The community remains small for centuries, as most people are drawn to the larger port city of Fairport to the northwest.
4504 Under the reign of King Bethellick the Bold, Hendor undergoes a quarter-century transformation into a feudal nation. While it is still nearly two centuries until the Empire makes this change, the aristocratic families of the Empire begin to press the emperors for more rights and power.
4519 Dwarves build Doggoroth Keep near modern Talador. The citadel allows the Dwarves to begin working mines in the area and withstand the onslaught of humanoids.
4547 The Hall of Mages, controlled by the House of Kestrel, becomes involved in a serious dispute with The Arcanum, the magical school in Toullaire. Led by the wizardess Hyla Kestrel, an official complaint is lodged with Empress Eschylle that The Arcanum is allowing reckless use of magic. No official action is taken, but many students turn to the Hall of Mages, favoring structure and reason over the recklessness espoused by the Arcanum.
4565 A major magical catastrophe destroys the city of Toullaire, causing a devastating earthquake that damages Krestle, Immuron and Elstreth, and even shakes the city of Tamzyrr. The disastrous combination causes several volcanoes to erupt, hurling a huge cloud of dust and ash into the air that covers the region for several months. Dust falls as far away as the Kezmon Isle. Imperial historians call the territory the Wizardwaste, but the citizens of Krestle and Immuron call it "Ba'Lathon", which translates to "Land in Pain" in the elder Kannalar tongue.

Faced with the clear proof of the folly of irresponsible and unrestricted magical training, Empress Verranna passes a law requiring mandatory registration of all wizards and sorcerers within the Empire, and to require all elemental magic instruction to be approved and guided by the Hall of Mages. Casting of elemental magics (Minor Elemental, Major Elemental, Wizard, and Sorcerer Circles) without registering leads to imprisonment, and using elemental magic against another individual is punishable by death.

The House of Kestrel now controls all legal magical education within the empire.

4579 Doggoroth Keep falls to an orc horde. The few surviving Dwarves flee into Hendor.
c. 4586 Legend of Koargard becomes a common passion for explorers after barbarians pass the old legend on to adventurers near Kragsfell. Over the next four centuries, many search through the DragonSpine Range seeking the great mountain and the residence of the King of the Gods. Expeditions often do not return, and none find the legendary site.
4593 An expedition of warriors into Ba'Lathon discovers the Breach, which is the great crater created in the destruction of the Toullaire. The extent of the desolation is roughly forty miles in diameter, with the Breach being just under two miles wide. The area has become a desolate wasteland that is uninhabitable due to the heavy ash and dust that have smothered the land. Permanent storms continue to plague the territory, with odd, supernatural effects. Whispered gossip is that the land is cursed by the damned souls of those who sought too much power.
c. 4596 Once bitten, twice shy - the inhabitants of Vornavis encourage the repopulation of the land at the base of the cliffs near the town, but appreciative of the safety of their own location, few are inclined to move their homes or families down to the bayside. With the increasing commerce with the inland Turamzzyrian provinces, the need to foster the growth of the fledgling port is recognized. Vornavis invests the resources to construct an extensive wooden platform over the rocks and tidal pools left as a result of the "removed" beach.
4599 A fringe Elven community slays a tax collector sent by the lord whose land includes the Wyrdeep Forest. Lord Gallard Wilke's forces respond, destroying the small village.
4600 Other Elven communities within the Wyrdeep rebel, turning back any non-Elves that try to enter the forest. Emperor Krellove Chandrennin vows to deal harshly with the rebellion and sends a small force of imperial troops into the territory to aid Wilke. Just barely into the forest, the imperial forces are repelled by a combined Elven effort that is surprisingly well trained.
4602 The Elven rebels give a little ground, falling back deeper into the Wyrdeep Forest. The foul beasts of the forest and the thick arboreal terrain prevent the imperial army from having the success that it expected. Rumors of aid for the rebels from the Elven Nations appear to have merit.
4604 Imperial forces destroy many of the fringe Elven communities but are still unable to penetrate the Elven defenses further into the forest. Late in the year, an imperial scout captures an Elven courier from Ta'Nalfein. Emperor Krellove begins mobilizing for war.
4605 The small army that has been fighting in the Wyrdeep builds the stronghold of Gallardshold on the edge of the forest. Emperor Krellove continues to send groups of soldiers into the forest after the Elves. Elven communities deep within the forest struggle to survive against the terrible forest creatures, but still remain independent.

General Vaycero, Lord of Idolone, leads a great army eastward, pushing into the neutral territory that provided a buffer from the Elven Nations.

4607 Vaycero's army finds little organized resistance as it rumbles through the eastern territory, easily beating the humanoids and scattered Elven bands that it finds. The emperor gains confidence as word reaches Tamzyrr of Vaycero's victories, but the truth of the matter is that his army is on the distant frontier of the Elven Nations, and the bands that it is defeating are only small frontier guard posts.

Late in the year, Vaycero splits his army into three groups, each headed by a field general, and advances in a triple-pronged assault on the Nalfein borders. Generals Sykka and Rostelhoff engage small Elven armies and achieve minor victories.

4608 Imperial forces meet an organized Elven army near what is now known as Barrett's Gorge. General Vaycero's forces win a decisive battle when General Sykka's army surprises the main Elven archer contingent, and the survivors of the Elven army retreat.

Vaycero's army is forced to halt its conquest as the supply trains that support it are having difficulty staying with the army. Barbarian tribes from the southern DragonSpine pillage two supply caravans and orcish raiders decimate another. The general has his army build a fortress to guard the gorge and a contingent of troops is left to guard the fortress while the rest of the army returns to western Turamzzyr.

4610 General Vaycero prepares another army for a continued expansion into the Elven frontier. Many aristocratic leaders oppose further campaigns, as the war is forcing them to train their own troops for the protection of their lands while the main force of the imperial army is on a distant conquest. A sickly, aging Krellove refuses to listen and orders the army to proceed. Emperor Krellove dies before Vaycero begins his march, however, and Toscus the Fat opts against a continued campaign.

This marks the effective end of the First Elven War.

4613 A pelt hunter in the Sea of Fire discovers an ancient, crumbling city deep in the heart of the desert. The city's prior inhabitants and their disappearance are mysteries.

The Tehir have legends of an ancient people whom they fear to discuss without constantly invoking their gods to ward off dark spirits. According to Tehir legend, the city was ruled by a trio of priest-kings. For reasons unknown, the priest-kings fought with one another bringing down the wrath of the gods. A dark shadow passed over the city and its people, and all were slain, their spirits consumed to placate their angry gods.

Over the next century great monoliths are discovered throughout the Sea of Fire, all of which seem to be related to the ancient city. Bir Mahallah, as the city is known to the Tehir, becomes a place of interest for explorers and adventurers, though interest wanes as many expeditions to the area do not return. Those that do return tell of terrible undead and mysterious, unseen spirits that can turn a man to dust in his sleep.

4622 A Nalfein messenger is captured after leaving Tamzyrr with a message from Emperor Toscus. A great scandal erupts and a member of the imperial guard assassinates Toscus.
4628 Witch Winter: An incredibly harsh winter falls over the western continent, and the bitter cold causes many deaths. Against his advisors' recommendations, Emperor Baeronnar sends General Sykka with a large army to advance upon the Elven lands to 'catch them by surprise'. Sykka's army reaches Barrett's Gorge, but most starve to death over the winter. Cannibalism is rampant, and less than one in five soldiers survive the winter.

Issyldra, the Ice Queen, appears in the DragonSpine. Great creatures descend from the DragonSpine mountains during the winter: ice hounds, glacei, giants, trolls, elementals, and more. Hendor's army, paralyzed by the weather, is unable to effectively defend against Issyldra's hordes. The Kingdom of Hendor nearly falls as Lolle is devastated by the invaders.

King Erlister of Hendor calls upon Baeronnar for aid, but with the bulk of the imperial army freezing in their ill-advised campaign against the Elven Nations, Baeronnar is unable to send assistance. Most of eastern Hendor is taken by Issyldra.

4629 Without support from Hendor, Mensyl Keep falls back into orcish hands. The terrible winter is magically held over Hendor, causing great starvation among its citizens. Only fringes of the Turamzzyrian Empire are affected, but many refugees pour into the northern lands, fleeing Issyldra's icy grasp.
4630 Hendor falls to Issyldra. Essentially, everyone in Hendor either starves, fights and dies, or flees.
4632 A band of Turamzzyrian adventurers led by two highborn youths penetrate Issyldra's frozen citadel, Rimefast, and defeat her, ending the terrible winter over Hendor. Llaestal Anodheles and Rasimm Roelas become great heroes for their part in defeating Issyldra, in which they apparently used an artifact uncovered in the Sea of Fire along with the blade Searswathe, which has been passed down through the Anodheles line.
4635 The Turamzzyrian army engages large groups of humanoids as it attempts to conquer the lands that once were Hendor. The humanoids prove to be tenacious fighters, and outnumber the imperial forces. However, over the course of the next three years the imperial army takes the cities of Lolle, Waterford and Nydds. Mensyl Pass remains as the greatest humanoid stronghold left in the province of Hendor.
4644 In a great battle, General Jyllander captures Mensyl Pass, reopening the northlands to Turamzzyrian expansion. For the most part, Human settlers stick to the protected territory south of the pass, resettling Hendor.
4651 The first expedition into the Wizardwaste in over half a century discovers odd occurrences. The region experiences erratic magical fluxes, and the chaotic effects are often catastrophic for the caster and those nearby. As the expedition nears the Breach, the magic becomes even more unpredictable, until the magic fails completely within the Breach itself.
c. 4666 Humanoid raiders begin attacking imperial territory on the edge of Ba'Lathon. Explorers into the wasteland discover several tribes of creatures have taken residence there, mostly those that dwell underground (where they can take shelter from the constant storms). Over the course of the next several centuries the land becomes a haven for the hardier humanoids and other, stranger, creatures.
c. 4670 Pressure for a change in the political structure of the nation rises dramatically as families from Hendor have been pushing for rights similar to what they had before the kingdom fell. Most leading families support the push for change, as it gives them more power while reducing the absolute power of the throne.
4680 The volume of trade passing through the port below Vornavis has grown, to the point that a group of savvy merchants form the Mercantylers' Guild. The guild approaches the ruler of Vornavis with a proposal of "free" status for the thriving seaport. Although the process takes over a year to complete, the ruler of Vornavis recognizes the opportunity and approaches the Emperor Baeronnar II with a request for membership in the empire, both for his city and for the free port. Wrestling with the unenviable task of approaching the imperial throne with a request of membership for a town still rumored by some to be named, "high tomb", and a port that has simply been tagged "the Port", the ruler of Vornavis presses his advisors for an attractive name for the seaport that might offset the questionable name of his own city. The name of Solhaven appears on the official request presented to the throne.
4681 The Province of Vornavis and the free port of Solhaven are accepted into the Turamzzyrian Empire as Emperor Baeronnar II willingly accepts a significant increase in taxes with little in the way of offsetting obligations.
4686 Intense political pressure from the powerful imperial houses forces Emperor Baeronnar II to abdicate his throne.

Perrinor Rysus is crowned emperor. He has gained the support of a large number of the wealthy houses of the empire by swearing to address the outrageous precedent that the despotic Trynius, Krellove and other recent rulers have set. He convenes the Council of Lords, during which he takes counsel from the leading houses of the empire. With a group of four advisors, Perrinor begins scribing the Rysus Codex.

4694 Emperor Perrinor completes the Rysus Codex, a massive document that details the laws of the empire. This text will serve for all future emperors as the guiding document for the imperial legal system. It includes the rights of every person in the empire, from the emperor down to the field workers and beggars. The most important part of the Codex is wherein it details the emperor's obligations to the populace, and the rights of the people (upper class) in the face of imperial mandates. For the most part, middle class citizens and lower see little immediate effect.

The Codex does not mention slaves, Ordlyn or Elves. There is significant dispute among later rulers and nobles on whether this equates slaves and non-Humans, or if it simply considers 'men' to be irrespective of race. Perrinor never clarified his intent before his death later this same year. Slaves have no rights under the Codex, as they are not people, they are property. Even those that support the concept of 'men' being a generic term do not consider Elves truly equal, as Elvenkind are prevented from being high-class citizens through Chaston's Edict. The Codex does not make Chaston's Edict obsolete.

Emperors tend to leave the interpretation of this aspect of the Rysus Codex to the individual leaders for their own territories. Naturally, races tend to migrate to territories that are less restrictive.

With the establishment of the Rysus Codex as imperial law, the empire begins the transformation to a feudalistic society, and noble titles and holdings are bestowed upon the leading families of the empire.

4715 Civil war erupts in the empire as Emperor Feadros Rysus dies and his heir is assassinated before coronation. Several of the new duchies, counties and baronies vie for the throne in open battles. Two claim the throne simultaneously, as Duke Cassolus Chandrennin and Countess Vicalle Mestyr make their assertions of leadership. Regardless, neither has much support and neither is considered a true ruler. Before the year is out, Cassolus is assassinated.

Countess Vicalle had risked virtually all of her claim on the hopes that other small baronies near her own would rise up in support of her, largely on the contention that the larger houses were all corrupt. However, in light of the recent establishment of the Codex, what would have been a great rallying cry only a half century before is now mostly ineffective.

The House of Mestyr is publicly accused of the assassination of Duke Cassolus in separate claims by Count Greythane, Earl Hurrst and Earl Feurstein. Vicalle attempts to call the Imperial army to her command, but only those imperial forces local to her county respond.

4716 A year of battling between Vicalle and the combined forces of Hurrst and Feurstein brings them to a stalemate. Both sides have seen heavy losses. Greythane's forces, while initially numerically inferior to the others, are now the most powerful army left in the Empire.
4717 As the year begins, most fighting is tentative, as each side knows that a mistake will be fatal. The threat of Greythane's forces keeps each side from any large military commitments.

Near midsummer, Vicalle Mestyr is found murdered in her bed. Greythane's army immediately mobilizes against Earl Feurstein and Earl Hurrst. A major battle ensues, and both armies are nearly destroyed. Greythane emerges victorious, but in such a weakened state that he cannot claim the throne with any true physical authority.

Lady Lyssandra Anodheles voices a claim to the throne. While the Anodheles family has been politically quiet for many years, there is still significant support for the family among the populace. Selantha's legendary leadership still evokes a powerful nationalist emotion in the hearts of many imperial citizens, and Llaestal's heroic role in defeating the Ice Queen has not been forgotten.

4718 Lady Lyssandra Anodheles leads an army against Count Greythane, and with her victory she asserts her claim to the throne of Turamzzyr. A handful of noble families dispute her claim, referencing the assertion that the Anodheles are influenced by the Elven Nations. Enough families support Lyssandra, however, for her to take the throne. Her position is fairly unstable, and the recent civil war has led to significant intrigue and political infighting between the powerful families of the empire.
4721 After a shaky three years of reigning as empress, Lyssandra finally gains the support of Paltrach, Patriarch of Koar, and with the backing of both the military and the church she finally gains a measure of full authority over the empire. When the unmarried Lyssandra becomes pregnant, rumors fly of an illicit liaison between the empress and the patriarch, but no proof is made public. The child is stillborn -- or so Lyssandra claims.

[Note: The Church of Koar holds significant power due to its sphere of Law and Rulership. Having the blessing of the priesthood is a major trump for Lyssandra, as many citizens consider it to be divine concurrence with her claim. Future emperors all seek a similar blessing.]

4725 Empress Lyssandra dies suddenly from a stroke, and her nephew Rallick is crowned emperor since Lyssandra has no children.
4735 The imperial outpost of Jantalar is founded north of Hendor. It is built to protect imperial settlers from attacks by Giantmen and other "less human" races that dwell in the mountains, forests, and wastelands to the north. Jantalar grows to be a relatively large city, primarily due to the fertility of the plains that it guards to the south and east.
4737 Declaration of Koar as the patron deity of the Empire. Over the next several decades the Church greatly increases in power.
4754 A cleric named Harland claims to be the bastard son of Paltrach and Lyssandra. While many people believe his claim, there is little support for overthrowing Emperor Rallick, the nephew of the 'childless' Lyssandra. Harland disappears suddenly.
4769 Reveling in his church's recent ascension, Prelate Fzendoor of Immuron calls upon the Empire to drive into the eastern lands, against the Elven Nations. Emperor Rallick the Valiant, a devout follower of Koar himself, mobilizes the imperial army and marches to Barrett's Gorge. Rallick breaks with previous tradition in leading the imperial army personally.
4770 The Elven House of Nalfein sends an ambassador to Rallick in an attempt to persuade the emperor to instead turn his army towards Ta'Faendryl, thus seeking to kill two birds with one stone. However, while Rallick contemplates his response, army scouts bring news of burned farms and massacred human families with evidence that it was Nalfein marauders.

The brutal attack forces Rallick to move against the Nalfein nation. With his army fired by the burning passion of vengeance, Rallick rolls through the first Nalfein army that greets him on his conquest into the Nalfein nation.

4771 Rallick's army pushes on into the Nalfein nation, finding only minimal resistance at first. Finally, near the great Susserlin River, a second army engages Rallick. Emperor Rallick is again victorious but takes a mortal wound from an arrow. As he lies dying, Rallick calls Prelate Fzendoor to his deathbed and charges him with continuing the conquest.

For two reasons the imperial army meets disaster after Rallick's death. First, the army that they have just defeated was the smaller of two Nalfein armies advancing to meet them. And second, Prelate Fzendoor, who declares himself the new general of the imperial army, is a charismatic, not a tactician. Three weeks after Rallick's death, the imperial army is again engaged in a great battle, and this time the Nalfein army nearly destroys them. Less than one man in four survives the battle and the Turamzzyrians are forced to retreat.

The Nalfein army harries the retreating Turamzzyrians, pushing them all of the way back to Barrett's Gorge.

4772 Emperor Theron signs a treaty with the Nalfein nation, ending the Second Elven War.
4790 Krolvin buccaneers land on Kezmon Isle and sack several small towns. The imperial navy responds and is victorious. In an act of defiant malice, the krolvin burn three villages that they have sacked and pour barrels of salt into the irrigation ditches before succumbing to the imperial forces.
c. 4799 The Church of Koar has grown tremendously in influence and now rivals the power of the throne. This leads to an eventual schism, with part of the clergy interpreting Koar's tenets to say that they should be the ones to lead, while others feel that they are there to support the Emperor. The rebellious priests are in violation of the Rysus Codex, which clearly places the Emperor above the priesthood, but they have just enough plausibility to their interpretation to draw a strong following. (It's only a slight twist to say that the Patriarch could be Emperor, and thus be over the priesthood)
4800 With the support of roughly half of the clergy of Koar, Emperor Ommindar the Stout overcomes the faction that seeks his throne and reins in their power. From his rule forth, the Patriarch of Koar is appointed by the emperor from Koar's high priests and is imminently dismissible by the emperor. This essentially gives complete control over Koar's church to the emperor. While the clergy of Koar still enjoy increased stature over other priests, they are in no way a challenge to the authority of the Emperor.

[This leads to an interesting situation for future aspirants to the throne, as overthrowing the throne often requires support of Koar's clergy before success is possible. Therefore, a challenger has to woo the priesthood to get into the seat, at which point he has power over that same priesthood. The opportunity for deceit and treachery is significant. This is one of many reasons that there have been no successful coups within the empire since this year.]

4814 Marriage of Selantha Anodheles to Garl Chandrennin. This politically earthshaking event joins two of the most powerful families in the empire, and solidifies the Anodheles' position on the throne. (Selantha's previous husband, Prince Arne, was killed in a hunting accident. At least as far as getting ambushed by a mountain troll war party and eaten for dinner counts as an accident.)
4820 Death of Ommindar the Stout. Selantha Anodheles ascends to the throne, taking the name of Selantha II.
4832 Selantha II avoids an assassination attempt by her son Valkern, though Valkern succeeds in killing his older half-brother, Morlan, with a drink poisoned with Luukosian deathwort. (Morlan was Selantha's son by Prince Arne)

At the order of the empress, Valkern's feet are severed and he is chained to a stone in the Tamzyrr harbor. The sharks attracted to Valkern's wounds bring a violent and bloody end to the traitorous young man.

Though she has no hard proof, Selantha II is very suspicious of her husband's role in the attempted coup, and she has him effectively exiled to the Chandrennin estates near Elstreth as her Southern Sentinel. With the lack of activity in the southern empire and its proximity to the Southron Wastes, the position is the weakest of the three Sentinels. Selantha declares her cousin, Wayrick Anodheles, her heir.

The Chandrennin family is reduced in influence with Garl's effective demotion from Princeship, but they remain a politically strong family. As time progresses they find themselves slipping, since they have no blood ties to the ruling line, but they are still a family of dukes and duchesses.

4841 Third Elven War: Major campaign against the Faendryl

Following a prophecy of great and magnificent times for the empire by a proclaimed seer, Selantha II is determined to be every bit the great empress that her namesake was and take her glorious place in imperial history. A handful of her advisors feed her visions of grandeur, and she sets her sights on none other than the Elven city of Ta'Faendryl.

The Clergy of Koar fully support this endeavor, declaring it the will of the Arkati that the Turamzzyrian Empire smite the black-hearted fiends that cursed the land with foul magic in ages past. At the same time, they rouse the spirits of the empire by deriding the power of the Elves' dark sorcery, using the lack of recent Faendryl political/military activity as proof that the Faendryl are feeble in this age.

By late spring, the empire has formed an army at Barrett's Gorge, and within weeks the army has marched to the fringes of Faendryl territory. Eastern Sentinel Happersett halts the army to build small fortifications from time to time, as support for supplies will be required for an extended campaign, and by early fall three strongholds are built on the route toward Ta'Faendryl. The Turamzzyrian army engages small groups of dark Elves. Initial conflicts are with minor dark Elven soldiers and commoners and pose little resistance to the massive imperial army.

After the completion of Harald's Keep, the third of the Turamzzyrian strongholds, a small organized army of Faendryl engage the imperial force. The Faendryl have a small number of sorcerers with this army, and the dark summoners conjure a handful of foul demonic creatures, but the sheer numbers of the Turamzzyrians are sufficient to ensure a decisive imperial victory.

Morale for the Turamzzyrian army is at its peak as they believe that the demons that they have just faced and defeated are the worst that the Faendryl can muster. The army splits into three groups, with the main force staying the winter at Harald's Keep. The other two forces spend the winter season at the imperial strongholds of Tedronne and Creyth.

4842 Thrilled with her army's early success, the empress appoints the prophet Caerol to the position of Royal Seer for his great wisdom.

Sentinel Happersett reforms his army as the spring comes and once again begins marching toward Ta'Faendryl. Faendryl reluctance to release the full force of their sorcerous art upon the Humans results in another victory for the imperial army at Gellig. Unfortunately (for the Turamzzyrians), it is this victory that fully enrages the Faendryl.

The Faendryl send eight score demonmasters to bolster a force of several thousand dark Elven soldiers. The imperial army engages the Faendryl army in late spring, and while the Turamzzyrians fight valiantly at the outset, they are not prepared for the incredible power of the demons released by the great Faendryl sorcerers. A horde of demons descends upon the imperial army laying destruction to its mortal foes.

The renowned knight of the Order of the Crimson Fist, Sir Gallestan the Mighty, and Sir Hughrond, The Golden Knight of Kezmon Isle, each defeat a half dozen of the demons before being struck down. With the combination of seemingly unstoppable foes and the loss of two of their greatest heroes, the imperial troops nearby lose their resolve and flee the carnage. The fear ripples through the army, and within minutes the bulk of the imperial army is fleeing the battlefield, running for distant Creyth in a chaotic, panicked mass.

Scattered bands of knights attempt to rally the army and stand against the demonic horde, but they are too few and are crushed by the Faendryl and their conjured allies. Most knights flee with the common soldiers. The humiliating defeat becomes known as The Breaking.

The imperial army collects into a somewhat organized force at the stronghold of Creyth, though they have lost a quarter of their force to the Faendryl and another quarter have fled past Creyth, heading for Tedronne or Barrett's Gorge. With Sentinel Happersett missing and presumed dead, the leadership of the army falls to Duke Nyrmont of Kezmon. While Nyrmont is a respectable leader and tactician, he is unable to forge the remaining army into a formidable force.

The stronghold of Creyth is a simple fortress, not a great citadel. The harrying Faendryl army sends its demons against the stronghold for a week, and though the stronghold is not overrun, Nyrmont can see that he is fighting a losing battle. The demons are simply too strong and the fear inspired by their presence is having a terrible effect upon his men. Under the cover of night, Nyrmont orders his troops to abandon the stronghold, escaping through tunnels dug under the walls.

The army flees past the stronghold at Tedronne and does not stop marching until it reaches the citadel at Barrett's Gorge. The imperial force is less than one third of what it was only a month prior. The Faendryl army does not pursue the imperial soldiers beyond Tedronne, though some of the summoned fiends continue to harry stragglers.

In a fit of rage upon hearing of the disaster at The Breaking, Selantha orders the execution of Caerol for his false prophesy. The empress, realizing that she will be remembered for this foolish war, begins drinking quite heavily. She is rarely seen in public over the next year, and when she does appear, she is never sober.

The Third Elven War (by imperial reckoning) ends with no treaty being signed. This is also known as the Faendryl War.

4843 Empress Selantha II dies, a victim of her alcoholic excess. Her cousin, Wayrick Anodheles, is declared emperor per Selantha's declaration years prior that he was to be her heir.
c. 4845 Foul beasts have taken the land beyond Barrett's Gorge, fiends and heinous offspring of the creatures summoned by the Faendryl in the war, along with scattered bands of desperate, unsavory folk who wish to be beyond the arm of imperial law.

The unnatural offspring of the fiends and various indigenous creatures raid the land around Barrett's Gorge often. While the defenders within the fortress at the Gorge can handle the atrocities, the beasts are smart enough to not attack the fortification. Constant patrols are required, and it is not uncommon for entire patrols to be overcome when they encounter their supernatural foes. Several farmsteads are massacred, and traders cease coming to the Gorge. Even most smugglers cease working between the Elven Nations and Turamzzyr, as the value of their goods cannot offset the risk.

4847 At Emperor Wayrick's command, imperial military and construction laborers begin building the Demonwall. Finished in 4909, this great wall stretches from the DragonSpine mountains to the Southron Wastes, running along the canyon near Barrett's Gorge and ending at Ba'Lathon. Its stated purpose is to provide a first line of defense against the demons of the Faendryl. The only way around is far to the south, through the Wastes.
4848 The Order of the Golvern Star is founded. This martial organization was formed in response to the embarrassing loss at the hands of the Faendryl. Sir Pyrrhon Von Kammersteyl, a knight from Immuron, gathers a large following of warriors to his ultra-disciplined ideal. The Golvern Star believes that had the imperial forces been more disciplined, they would have been victorious at the Breaking.

The Golvern Star grows quickly to number roughly 200 knights and 600 squires, pages, and men-at-arms. The Order of the Golvern Star is intensely loyal to the throne and their goal is to attain glory for the empire. While largely autonomous, the OGS accepts a role as an elite arm of the imperial military. Unlike other military groups of the time, the OGS does not answer to any of the Sentinels. The OGS is allowed to determine its own goals and activities, though one thing has held true for their entire history: whatever the throne asks, the OGS does.

c. 4851 Constantly marauding beasts beyond the Demonwall have cost the empire many laborers, and the project is moving more slowly than anticipated. At Wayrick's request, the Order of the Golvern Star sends 150 of its knights to the Demonwall to provide leadership and inspiration to the soldiers there. From this year forth there is a permanent force of 150 OGS knights assigned to the Demonwall. With the addition of these knights, losses to the workforce are reduced dramatically.
c. 4862 Imperial citizens begin settling around the Dwarven mining town of Talador. The town is the site of a silver mine that the Dwarves have been working for several decades.
4873 In the midst of a terrible storm, Kezmon Isle mysteriously disappears, leaving no trace of its existence. Some rumors are that it sank, others are that it was taken by the Curse of Inar'ru.
c. 4880 The Dwarven miners of Talador, mindful of the unusual regard shown to their race by the people of Vornavis, have been directing the majority of the silver trade from their mines westward. In an official petition to the imperial throne, the ruler of Jantalar details the loss of revenue to the inland territories due to this racially based favoritism and requests that the port's free status be revoked. The emperor chooses to do nothing, since the throne is receiving taxes from the silver trade in any case, but the first official instance of animosity between Vornavis and Jantalar is documented.
c. 4883 Several gem and ore mines are founded within the DragonSpine mountain range as imperial soldiers defeat orc, goblin and giantkin forces that have laid claim to the territory. Small villages of miners, farmers, and herdsmen crop up. The small northern town of Mestanir is founded near a powerful religious site known as the Crown of Koar.
4892 Founding of Wehnimer's Landing by adventurer Rone Wehnimer.
4895 Explorers into the Sea of Fire are slain by a group of Tehir. As the territory is completely surrounded by imperial holdings, Emperor Rallick II directs an imperial force to enter the desert and conquer the Tehir.

The imperial soldiers setup two strongholds near desirable oases within the desert, and there are limited hit-and-run engagements with Tehir nomads. The imperial troops are able to easily handle the nomads, but the harsh climate takes its toll. Patrols often do not return, victims of the brutal desert.

4902 Rallick II recalls the bulk of the imperial troops from the Sea of Fire. The lack of an organized enemy to confront has confounded imperial efforts to conquer the Tehir, and the losses to the harsh terrain and climate have made it a losing campaign. The two strongholds remain, but only as minor outposts to support pelt hunters and the rare trader.
4909 Completion of the Demonwall as it has reached the edge of the Wizardwaste. By this time the Order of the Golvern Star has grown to nearly 350 knights and 900 squires. The 150 knights on the Demonwall no longer comprise the bulk of the order, and the knights become more involved in other areas of the realm.
c. 4912 The economic boost from the increased development of resources in the DragonSpine has increased the influence of the merchants. Over the course of the next century, as merchanting becomes more and more powerful, the demand for the high quality goods provided by Ordlyn and Elves begins to overcome the racial barriers imposed by Chaston's Edict and centuries of animosity.
4916 Emperor Rallick II dies of a heart attack. His son, Prentius, is only nine years old and is not yet able to take the throne. Rallick's brother, Baermar, is declared Regent.
4921 The House of Kestrel supports the claim of Trydall, a young man whom they've raised, to be the true heir to the throne, as he is a descendant of Lyssandra's bastard, Harland. Prentius is enraged and demands that the Order of the Golvern Star be directed against the Kestrels, but Regent Baermar refuses to give the command. Instead, Baermar only states that he trusts Koar's wisdom in the matter, and that through Koar's guidance, the truth will be revealed. In an initial response, the elders of the Church of Koar are as outraged as Prentius and declare the claim false.

Over the course of the next two weeks, there is significant political maneuvering as the noble houses of the realm move to side with one heir or the other.

Two weeks after the Kestrels announce Trydall's claim, the Patriarch of Koar makes a surprising statement of support for Trydall! In search of guidance for this trying time, the patriarch consulted Koar with a commune. To his surprise, the commune verified that Harland was indeed the son of Lyssandra and Paltrach, and that Trydall was the direct descendant of Harland.

Per the law set forth in the Rysus Codex, if a ruler dies with no legitimate children, illegitimate children may lay claim to the throne. Naturally, it is very difficult to prove if a male ruler sows his oats and sires a child. but in this case it was an empress and many were aware that she was with child. Lyssandra's claim that the child was stillborn is now refuted by the Patriarch of Koar. With the blessing of the Church of Koar behind him, along with several of the noble houses, Trydall's claim to the throne is acknowledged.

An assassination attempt on Trydall in the hours preceding his coronation fails, and the assassin is captured. Within a few hours the assassin confesses to being hired by Prentius. Prentius attempts to deny the fact, but the evidence is clear. Realizing that he has been caught, and that the sentence for an attack on the emperor is death, Prentius leaps to his death from a tower window as imperial soldiers arrive to arrest him.

Four noble houses had sided with Prentius throughout this drama, and had even considered future political intrigue to get Prentius to the throne (particularly the Chandrennin family, as they had the most to lose). Emperor Rallick (the first) was a heroic emperor in the imperial view. To now declare that he was improperly on the throne does not sit well with some, especially two centuries after the fact! Prentius' irrational attack on Trydall causes any support for this branch of the Anodheles family to crumble, though, and Trydall sees little further opposition to his rulership.

While he himself was not a bastard, the common folk (and many of the nobles, when they feel they can get away with it) give the emperor the title of Trydall the Bastard due to his lineage.

4922 Emperor Trydall bestows the hereditary position of Royal Magister upon the patriarch of the House of Kestrel. The Royal Magister governs the study of arcane arts within the empire, and serves as advisor to the emperor. As the founders and leaders of the Hall of Mages, the governance over arcane study is not a true change for the Kestrels. What is significant, however, is that with the appointment to a hereditary advisor position, the Kestrels gain in political strength. The Royal Magister is an official position very close to the emperor, on equal footing with the Sentinels, with the additional advantage of always being at the emperor's side, whereas the Sentinels must advise from a distance.

With the bestowal of the Royal Magister position, the Kestrels cede their lands local to Tamzyrr and Trydall grants them a small earldom south of the city, including The Swale.

4926 An imperial expedition in the northern seas discovers the Krolvin Isle, homeland to the krolvin, and returns to Tamzyrr with this news. This is the first realization that the krolvin are a sovereign nation, as all prior contact had been with scattered krolvin pirates and raiders, and previous imperial expeditions into the northern seas had never returned. Empress Geleena Anodheles sends three emissaries to the isle, proposing peace between the nations. The emissaries are butchered and returned in pieces, and the empress declares war with the krolvin.

Great numbers of krolvin attack the northern coastal areas of the empire, primarily Solhaven, Brisker's Cove and Wehnimer's Landing. Highland reiver clans aid in the many battles against the krolvin, battles that continue on for an entire season and are known as the Krolvin War. After their war-leader is slain, the krolvin are finally defeated and the bulk of their forces are driven from the continent. Only small pockets of the krolvin remain in remote areas.

4935 Earl Ander Kestrel persuades Emperor Trydall that the true way to defend the empire against the threat of the dark Elves is to encourage the study of magic within the empire. After all, the military had not shown itself up to the task of defeating their demonic foes.

Trydall agrees, relinquishing some of the restrictions on elemental magics within the empire, save those of a sorcerous nature. Registration is still mandatory, and crimes involving magic are dealt with very harshly. However, pursuit of arcane knowledge does not specifically require Kestrel approval.

The House of Kestrel founds the Imperial Drakes, a new branch of the military consisting solely of skilled wizards. With this organization, magical training for military mages could be standardized and focused for specific military needs, and a military officer would know what the minimum capabilities of an allied spellcaster would be. Previously, allied spellcasters had wide variances in capabilities, leading to battlefield errors when one may not be able to perform as required.

4953 The Horned Cabal appears in the northern Wastes, a group of 5 liches that controls a powerful ancient necromantic artifact known as the Sphere of Sorrow. The Sphere allows the liches to summon a horde undead to do their bidding, and they move their dark force against the southern border of the empire in constant raids on smaller towns and villages. Battles tend to be small, often including less than 200 undead. Smaller holdings closest to the Southron Wastes are abandoned as commoners flee the undead threat.

The Horned Cabal causes significant problems for the southern empire from this time until the present.

4960 Southern Sentinel Urgland Hurrst struggles with the Horned Cabal's undead minions for several years as they raid village after village. When his request for aid garners only two hundred soldiers and five Imperial Drakes, Hurrst enlists the aid of a small brotherhood of Voln. With the aid of the brotherhood, Sentinel Hurrst is able to regain some of the land that was lost to the Cabal.

Over the course of the next century the Horned Cabal is a constant threat in the southlands, and at least every decade there is a significant engagement. Because of this, Voln's previously minor following grows tremendously, though it never rivals the greater deities of Koar, Imaera or Lorminstra.

Brigands that in the past had hidden in the northern parts of the Southron Wastes have become virtually nonexistent.

4966 Discovery of copper in the Sea of Fire. Emperor Yarrowe sends imperial troops into the territory to provide protection for mines. Fighting with the Tehir increases as several tribes refuse to allow their territory to be invaded by outlanders. The fighting in the Sea of Fire has continued through to modern day, as the Tehir hit-and-run tactics coupled with the harsh environment make them a difficult enemy to defeat. At the same token, the Tehir are unable to drive the outlanders from the mines, and often their raids are ineffective against the well-guarded imperial caravans.
4969 Sentinel Hurrst requests extension of the Demonwall to continue from Ba'Lathon to the western coast. Emperor Yarrowe denies the request, castigating the earl for his inability to handle the Horned Cabal, "a mere nuisance". The Sea of Fire and DragonSpine mines have the attention of the imperial troops, mostly because they provide greater benefit to the emperor's coffers than does the farmland of the south.

The Voln monastery near Elstreth is increasing, but the Cabal appears to be matching their growth. The conflict along the southern border continues, drawing Voln followers from throughout the empire and even a substantial number of Ordlyn and Elven followers from beyond the imperial borders.

4977 Forces along the Demonwall are embattled as Eastern Sentinel Greythane defends against increasingly aggressive fiends. Airborne fiends fly over the wall at night and overcome a remote wall outpost, allowing their allies to enter through the captured gate. OGS knights respond to the need and lead the imperial army to victory, with the aid of Imperial Drakes to deal with the flyers, but not before hundreds of imperial casualties are inflicted by the attackers. The OGS contingent assigned to the Demonwall is increased to 200 knights, and Imperial Drakes are doubled to number nearly 200 as well.
4981 Imperial patrols pressing into the northeastern frontier encounter strange denizens in a great forest, and several patrols are lost. The specifics on the encountered creatures are unclear as the handful of survivors from subsequent patrols had conflicting reports, though they spoke of the forest becoming 'alive', and apparently acting as a sentient entity. With the imperial armies engaged in several efforts concurrently, further conquest into the wildwood is halted.
c. 4993 The past several decades have given the empire new foes, between the conflicts in the Sea of Fire, the southlands and the northeastern forests. Nearly a century of reduction in tension between the Ordlyn and Elven races and imperial citizens has significantly improved relations, particularly in those cities most distant from Tamzyrr. As the empire has grown and skilled workers and crafters have come into demand, a handful of influential guild positions have begun to go to Ordlyn. Dwarves are renowned for their great ability with metalworking and stone working, and landowners often select Giantmen for physical labor. Most cities still deny non-Humans the right to own land or businesses, but Lolle and Solhaven have ceased enforcing Chaston's Edict (with respect to Ordlyn) unless it is to their benefit.

This is not to say that there is true integration, even in the border towns. There are still a lot of strong feelings between the races, and the non-Humans are often reminded that they are not full citizens. However, as long as a skilled Ordlyn worker works within the accepted social system, they are generally treated fairly. Blatant harassment is often dealt with by local merchant guilds, as they do not wish to see a loss in their profits due to overzealous thugs.

Of the interior lands, Elstreth is the most tolerant of non-Humans, primarily due to the efforts of Ordlyn Voln members in the constant struggle against the minions of the Horned Cabal. The slave market drops significantly in this period as well, and within the next 60 years the only slaves remaining are those who have lost their freedom as punishment for crimes.

4997 Founding of Kharam-Dzu by Ghorsa Borthuum. The town began as a small Dwarven settlement to support the Borthuum Mining Co.'s mining claim on the great peak known as Stormbrow. While this was not an imperial expansion, trade with the Borthuum Mining Co. was primarily with imperial merchants and provided a small boost to the imperial economy.
5008 Syssanis, a powerful necromancer dwelling in a secluded stronghold near River's Rest, draws the attention of Count Glavedd. With the current struggle against the Horned Cabal in the south, locals are fearful of the dark magic being practiced in the necromancer's swamp fortress. Glavedd sends several companies into the swamp, and each time the soldiers are unsuccessful in overcoming Syssanis and his minions. The quicksand and quagmire of the swamp couple with the ever-present heavy fog to confuse the soldiers, and many are lost without ever engaging a tangible foe.

Having lost many troops in attempting to overcome the necromancer's undead minions, Count Glavedd reconsiders his desire to remove this 'threat'. Since there is no real benefit to fighting Syssanis, Count Glavedd simply withdraws his troops to Fairport. Syssanis has no designs on taking River's Rest for his own and is quite happy to be left alone in his swampland stronghold.

River's Rest becomes a haven for the more 'unsavory' folk that wish to avoid the law in Fairport. Glavedd considers the lawlessness of River's Rest to be acceptable as it keeps many troublemakers out of Fairport, which is the economic center of his county. Most riverboat traffic ceases stopping in River's Rest, porting in Fairport instead.

As time passes and Syssanis dies, the folk of River's Rest restore a semblance of law in their town, though it is never as strict as a typical imperial town. Future counts have been pleased to allow River's Rest to have a pseudo-independent state as it relieves them of much of their duty to the town, while the town does still pay taxes to fill the county's coffers. County troops will patrol through the town from time to time, but there is no official garrison present.

5020 A horde of Horned Cabal minions surges into the southern empire, skirting the edge of the Wizardwaste as it progresses toward Immuron. Elstreth sends a large force to flank the undead army, and after the force leaves the protective walls of the city, a second horde attacks Elstreth. Duke Eorlon Chandrennin turns his army around to return to aid the besieged city, and as he does the northern undead army turns to flank him. The southern undead army moves northward, trapping Chandrennin's army between the Horned Cabal's hordes. The Horned Cabal's minions attack Chandrennin's army, decimating the outnumbered Turamzzyrians. The duke is slain in the great battle known as the Battle of Tyllan (after a small village nearby).

Having destroyed most of Elstreth's army, the Horned Cabal's horde moves southward, toward the city. Chandrennin's army held out long enough, however, for Southern Sentinel Kyr Calquinor to march eastward with two thousand men from Ubl, joining a legion of soldiers from Tamzyrr and The Swale north of Elstreth. Calquinor's army engages the undead horde as the horde edges along the mountains, and in a massive battle known as the Battle of Skyreach, the undead are finally defeated after four days of fighting. (Skyreach is the largest of the small mountains east of Elstreth.)

The two great battles have left Elstreth and Ubl weakened in their defenses, but the Horned Cabal is unable to capitalize on their weakness, having lost a majority of their undead minions in the final battle.

5030 As Talador's silver mine has been in significant decline over the past few decades, many of the Dwarven miners have left in search of new mines. As a result, the human population now controls much of the business and politics of the town, though there is goodwill between the races. Fear of humanoid attacks leads the town to accept the imperial offer of protection, and Talador is annexed into the empire at the request of its merchant council. Ciaran Donnebrugh, the head of Talador's council, is bestowed with a baronial position, though this title is of little importance in Talador. The merchant council still controls the 'barony', and when Donnebrugh retires from the council years later, the new council leader is the true leader of Talador. The baronial title, however, remains in the Donnebrugh line.

With the annexation of Talador, an imperial garrison is established in the town to aid in defending against orcish raiders from the nearby Doggoroth Keep.

Elven businesses begin to appear in outlying cities of the empire. Since real power is tied to land ownership, businesses are typically overlooked. Trade with the Elves in the Wyrdeep increases as the need for human intermediaries decreases.

5048 In their greatest offensive in decades, the Horned Cabal cuts off the trade road between Idolone and The Swale with several thousand undead. Two key outposts along the road fall to the dark forces, and it is three months before the imperial army is able to regain control of the area. A company of heroes comprised of Imperial Drakes and knights of Idolone are instrumental in the final defeat of the spectral champion that leads the Cabal's forces.
c. 5054 Student enrollment in the Hall of Mages has been steadily increasing over the past several decades, partially due to the enticing promise of adventure and fame brought by the Imperial Drakes' recent success. The Kestrels had already built satellite colleges in Elstreth and Nydds, but they are unable to support the influx of students. At the Royal Magister's request, Emperor Hannelas consents to founding five more arcane colleges, along with five colleges dedicated to non-magical scholastics.
5074 After several years of only minimal encounters, a large horde of many thousand undead presses into the southern dukedom and baronies. Southern Sentinel Marcus Calquinor is assassinated as he gathers imperial forces to combat the undead threat, and in the chaos that follows the Horned Cabal nearly overcomes the defenders. While a Luukosian cult is assumed to be behind the assassination, there is no proof.

Duke Bannon Chandrennin assumes leadership of the troops and is able to temporarily hold the undead horde in the hills south of Elstreth, though it is obvious that the undead will not be held indefinitely. Voln Grandmaster Allasander calls upon distant brotherhoods to send aid, and nearly sixteen hundred members respond to fall under Chandrennin's command. Unable to await the arrival of additional imperial troops, Duke Chandrennin leads his force against the undead. As the armies become engaged, it is immediately apparent that the Horned Cabal has a new weapon in their arsenal. The main forces of the two armies battle for two weeks, and as each defender falls, the Horned Cabal raises their erstwhile foe to enlist in their undead legion!

Two thousand imperial troops from Tamzyrr, a hundred knights, two score Imperial Drakes and a few hundred more Voln brothers and sisters, including Patriarch Jaynus, Grandmaster of the Voln brotherhood in Nydds, arrive to bolster the defenders, and the imperial army narrowly averts being overrun by an undead offensive. Jaynus reveals a ritual that, when coupled with simple blessing of the dead, will prevent them from being raised by the Sphere of Sorrow's power. Priests of every Liabo denomination hasten through the battlefield performing the ritual on the fallen to prevent them from being raised as foes.

Even with the newfound knowledge the great battle is not easily fought as the undead army has grown with the addition of the newly dead, and the priests run low on the physical component for their ritual, pure potions. Thousands of defenders fall, and a small band of Voln monks that sought to slip past the main force and challenge the liches of the Cabal directly are defeated after slaying only a single lich of the pentarchy. However, the efforts of the martyred band sufficiently disrupt the Cabal to allow Duke Chandrennin's forces to overcome the undead legion. The remaining four liches of the Horned Cabal flee into the northern Wastes, taking the Sphere of Sorrows with them. Spiritcry, the legendary greataxe wielded by the martyred Grandmaster Allasander is lost, presumably also taken by the retreating liches.

From this time until the present the Horned Cabal is fairly quiet. Undead still roam the southernmost territory of the empire, but no large or well-planned attacks occur.

5075 In light of the duke's victory over the Horned Cabal, Emperor Hannelas appoints Duke Bannon Chandrennin to the position of Southern Sentinel. Duke Chandrennin is very popular among the people of the southern lands, and the imperial decision is welcomed gladly. This marks the first time since the reign of Selantha II that the Sentinel position is bestowed upon the Chandrennin family.
5080 Southern Sentinel Chandrennin requests imperial aid in extending the Demonwall from the Wizardwaste to the western coast of the empire. Hannelas consents and construction begins. This work is currently in progress.
5087 Jantalar defeats Talador with the aid of mercenary witch hunters, capturing the nearby silver mine. Earl Weirlund, the Northern Sentinel, expresses his disapproval for Baron Hochstib's actions, even against a territory with no nobility. (The Donnebrugh family still resides in Talador, but since they are not involved in leadership of the barony they are nobles in name only, and the other nobles of the north consider them of little significance.) Talador's lack of noble leadership or significant representation in the royal courts has proven to be of greater importance than the merchant council foresaw, as the council is unable to gain the support necessary to withstand Baron Hochstib's forces. The Sentinel makes it clear that any actions against lords in good standing with the empire will not be tolerated, but he is willing to allow this incident slide.
5089 Jantalar defeats the orcs at Doggoroth Keep, removing one of the greatest humanoid threats in the north. Once again, witch hunters are integral in neutralizing the opposition's spellcasters.

A powerful being known as Tyrgh, the Chaos Lord, arises in the Wizardwaste, leading an army of strange creatures out of the chaotic badlands. The initial encounter with soldiers from Brantur is a catastrophe, and the imperial defenders are slaughtered. Fortunately for Brantur, the creatures are apparently unable to survive outside of Ba'Lathon for long. As a second, more organized, imperial force moves against the Chaos Lord's army, they are surprised to discover that many of their foes lie dead or ailing, seemingly chronically ill. With his army withering around him, Tyrgh is defeated by a trio of Imperial Drakes, and those creatures able to run are forced back into the Wizardwaste.

5091 A merchant power struggle in Jantalar between Dwarven gemcutters and Human jewelers leaves three human citizens dead. Enraged citizens call for the enforcement of Chaston's Edict against all non-Humans. Through this, Baron Hochstib is able to declare hundreds of Ordlyn to be criminals, thus clearing the path for their enslavement in accordance with current imperial policy. Hathlyn (half-Elves) that live in the human community are treated fairly poorly, though a few are treated as Humans, largely due to Hochstib's compassion for others such as he.
5092 Earl Weirlund of Hendor dies, and before the emperor designates a new Sentinel for the north, Emperor Hannelas dies as well. Within a month of the Sentinel's death, Jantalar moves its forces on Mestanir.

Mestanir is a small barony known for its practitioners of arcane arts and for its important holy sites, the Crown and Fist of Koar. Pilgrims of Koar make the journey to the King of Liabo's sacred sites each year, and the Church of Koar is a powerful influence in the area. For reasons unknown, the Royal Magister makes no initial protest against the Jantalarian invasion.

Empress Mynal'lyanna ascends to the throne when her three elder siblings are each slain. Two die of a particularly virulent disease that resists all treatment, and the third is spirit drained by a great banshee that attacked him in the very streets of Tamzyrr one evening! Mynal'lyanna avoids a vile fate through happenstance, as she has spent the summer in Nydds.

Whispered hubbub is that Mynal'lyanna was behind the deaths, but there is no evidence to support the rumor.

Surprisingly, the newly crowned empress does not designate a new Northern Sentinel. Expectation had been that she would select the late earl's heir, but Mynal'lyanna has other plans. Per the Rysus Codex, the position of Sentinel is to be filled within four years unless the empire is in a state of war, in which case the ruler may decide to delay the appointment. In the past, however, the appointment has traditionally been made within a few months. Broadly interpreting the conflict between Jantalar and Mestanir to be a true war, Mynal'lyanna declines to designate a new Sentinel.

Initial conflict with Mestanir is inflicting great losses on Jantalar's forces, as there are enough magic users of Mestanir to overwhelm the relatively few witch hunters. Spells of mass destruction are able to keep Jantalar's forces from easily conquering the small barony. Realizing that the witch hunters are not sufficiently effective against the numerous spellcasters of Mestanir, Baron Hochstib petitions the young empress for assistance, suggesting the use of an obscure crystalline artifact known as a Mandis Crystal. (The Mandis Crystal is a dreadful artifact that drains mana from its surroundings, preventing all magic within its influence.) The Empress consents to Hochstib's request, and with the power of the Mandis Crystal behind them, the Jantalarian army easily conquers the mages of Mestanir.

Baron Hochstib expels all mages from the small barony, though he allows the pilgrimages of Koar's faithful to continue. With the use of the Mandis Crystal, the baron falls into disfavor with the House of Kestrel, and actually finds them opposed to his efforts, but he has gained the support of the empress.

5093 Empress Mynal'lyanna brings back much of the Turamzzyrian pride within the empire, reviving the restrictions imposed on non-Humans by Chaston's Edict. The infusion of racial pride becomes most prevalent in the military and nobility, and in cities nearest to the imperial capital.

The empress increases taxes to support a significant increase in imperial troops, declaring her vision of conquest and expansion into the corners of the world. Funding for the extension of the Demonwall is reduced due to the greater needs of the imperial army, and the burden of completing the wall falls on Sentinel Chandrennin.

5094 Rebellion at Talador - Radical Dwarven rebels collapse the mine, killing many Jantalarian soldiers and all of the prisoners in the mine. Such desperate measures only prove how barbaric the Dwarven rebels are, as they willingly sacrificed hundreds of their own kind in order to lash out at a few score loyal Jantalarian soldiers.
5096 Jantalar declares war upon barony of Vornavis and blockades the Free Port of Solhaven. This extends Empress Mynal'lyanna's procrastination in designating a Northern Sentinel as the northlands are once again "in a state of war".
5098 Vornavis completes caravan road to Wehnimer's Landing, allowing the barony to bypass the Jantalarian blockade to some extent.
5100 Modern day

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