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Platinum Frequently Asked Questions | GemStone IV SIGN UP FOR FREE! | MEMBER LOGIN · LOGIN HELP 

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Frequently Asked Questions

GemStone Platinum service has been available since 1999, and even still, a number of questions seem to get asked over and over. So, with that in mind, we have attempted to collect the most common questions and post their answers here in one place. Of course, all of these answers are subject to change and some of them are even subjective in nature, but that's the case with any living document. We will make all attempts to keep it up to date.

A point of interest, these questions were pulled from the message forums and/or asked at various Cons (SimuCon, VegasCon and other Player Gathers) and their answers were based on the responses by many players of GemStone Platinum and the GemStone Platinum GameMasters. To all that read the forums and help out answering questions, we send our thanks.

Platinum Accounts
- I can't afford Platinum / It's an EXTRA $49.95* a month.
- What do I get for my $49.95*?
- I have a basic account, do I need to upgrade to Premium and then to Platinum?
- I was told that you had to apply and be accepted into Platinum.
- You can only play Platinum?
- I can't bring my character from Prime into Platinum?
- Ok, what if I use my Prime name in Platinum, do I lose the use of it in Prime?
- How about bringing my character back to Prime from Platinum if I ever decide to leave?
- Can I use my trial period character later on if I don't sign up for Platinum right after the trial ends?
- How many extra character slots do I get with a Platinum account?
- Some of my Prime characters show up on the Platinum menu with a (NC) next to their names?
- Are there more character names available in Platinum?
- I want to use my character's name from Prime, but it's telling me that the name is in use?
- Ok, what are people's feelings on using the same character name from Prime?
- If I don't like Platinum and decide to leave, will I lose everything in my Premium account?
- I was told I can't transfer a character from one account to another?
- What's this about a 30 day trial membership?
General Information
- How long has the Platinum service been around?
- I tried Platinum, but didn't see much.
- Is the character manager the same as for Prime characters?
- There isn't anyone I know there!
- Is there a difference in character development in Platinum?
- Is the Platinum world the same as in Prime?
- What other (mechanics) differences are there between Platinum and Prime?
- The Amunet.
- Death can be harsh? Tell me more.
- The Portals.
- Portal ticket? You need a ticket for the portals? How does it work and how much are they?
- Where is the main player base located?
- Can I join my same House (Silvergate, Paupers, Brigatta, etc.) in Platinum?
- Can I own a regular home?
- How many trains is the highest trained character in Platinum?
- Are there more events/merchants/role-playing opportunities than in Prime?
- I'm seriously considering joining Platinum, but before I do, what professions are needed most?
- I can't deal with such a low population!
- Can you say something to convince me to try Platinum?
- What if I have a question that's not answered in this FAQ?
- I've only been playing GemStone for about a month, can a newbie play Platinum?
- Tell me about PvP and CvC in Platinum.
- I saw a character I knew from Prime and started talking to them and they ignored me!
- Someone was mean to me when I went into Platinum!
- Does the dark side of GemStone get much representation in Platinum? I know my character will be shunned by most, but, will I be resigned to walking alone all of my career?
- Is there buying and selling or is it pretty much hunt and get treasure?
- I'm not sure I can role-play as well as expected.
- Is Voln, Sunfist, and/or that other Society available in Platinum?
- It took 2 weeks before I figured out why people were squinting at me when I asked them for healing, spells, whatever.
- Hey, I need a DS check! Can ya swing at me?
- I'm feeling pretty tired, perhaps a nap is in order.
- Can I script hunt/heal/craft in Platinum?
- Can one person make a difference in Platinum?

- Things to Remember Your First Days in Platinum

FAQs About Platinum Accounts

I can't afford Platinum / It's an EXTRA $49.95* a month.
It's actually only an extra $10 a month over your Premium subscription! The math is: Basic Subscription ($14.95) + Premium Subscription ($25.00) + Platinum Subscription ($10.00) = $49.95.
*Plus tax in MD and MO


What do I get for my $49.95*?
You get all the benefits of the Basic, Premium and Platinum subscriptions. Your subscription includes, but may not be limited to both the Prime and Platinum game servers, all the Premium benefits such as Four Winds on both servers, including your bankbook, manifest, and 'length of service' gifts, Premium Pricing for events such as pay quests and SimuCon, expanded character slots and special Platinum pricing for pay events/quests on the Platinum server. There are also several benefits that Platinum players receive that are not offered to Premium subscribers, such as not having to wait until you are level 20 to obtain a last name, special rewards for Platinum points, and the ability to have GM interaction and support for player-run storylines and events when time permits. The Platinum community is rich with diversity and it is indeed a second, completely separate world to play within. We have our own timeline, our own heroes, and our own storylines – none of which exist in Prime.
*Plus tax in MD and MO


I have a basic account, do I need to upgrade to Premium and then to Platinum to gain all the benefits of both?
No, if you upgrade to Platinum, you are automatically upgraded to a Premium account and given all those benefits in Prime also. After your upgrade you will have access to the Platinum server with all the benefits available to anyone and also a Premium subscription on the Prime server which gives you all the benefits available to anyone there too. This is all included in your $49.95* subscription.
*Plus tax in MD and MO


I was told that you had to apply and be accepted into Platinum.
Anyone can join Platinum and there is no acceptance policy or role-play test you have to pass. If you apply for the 30-day trial account, you will have to wait 1-3 business days for the Events, Premium and Platinum SGM to approve your account. See "What's this about a 30 day trial membership?" for more details about a Platinum 30 day trial subscription.


You can only play Platinum?
No, you still have access to all your Prime characters and can play that too if you wish, you just can't play Platinum and Prime at the exact same time.


I can't bring my character from Prime into Platinum?
Platinum is a completely separate game server. In many cases, however, you will be able to bring your character's name over, but that character will have to start from scratch. The historical timeline in Platinum is different from Prime and so are the character's histories. It would be way too disruptive to have a 60th train Wizard all of a sudden show up in the world from nowhere. Your character wouldn't have "grown-up" here and made a name for his or herself. Most of the people don't go into Prime and could not care less about characters from there and porting a character over would leave that old world knowledge in the character and player's head alike. We'd rather not see someone talking about the "old lands that were like these but not" or a "parallel universe."


Ok, what if I use my Prime name in Platinum, do I lose the use of it in Prime?
No, they are two separate game instances. Your Prime character will still be there for you to play any time you wish.


How about bringing my character back to Prime from Platinum if I ever decide to leave?
For the same reasons that you can't bring a character into Platinum, you can't bring one back into Prime.


If I use the 30-day trial and then wait for a few months before I sign up for Platinum, can I still use the character I played in the trial period?
Absolutely. However, when you reactivate Platinum, you may find that the character you created is not there. A quick call to billing will take care of that and you can continue with your character where you left off.


How many extra character slots do I get with a Platinum account?
You get an extra 26 slots with your Platinum account. You get an extra 15 with your Premium account. You get one with your basic account. Total slots are 42.


I just upgraded to Platinum! All my Prime characters show up on the Platinum menu with a (NC) next to their names?
The (NC) means the names are available but 'Not Created'. If the names show up there, they are reserved for your use. If they don't show up there, they probably have already been used in Platinum. The names are only reserved if you had that character name when Platinum originally opened. You can write and ask them to unlock a name that is on your prime account and they'll usually do so if it is not actively in use on another Platinum account.


Are there more names available in Platinum or is it the same names that are available for Prime?
Yes, there are more names available. The only names that were reserved in Platinum were the names that were created already at the time Platinum went live. There have been a number of name purges since that time and since Platinum has fewer users, fewer of those names have been reused.


I want to use my character's name from Prime, but it's telling me that the name is in use?
Character names existing in prime when Platinum first started in 1999 were set aside for use in Platinum by those people. Any character names created since then were not set aside. So someone else could have chosen that name in Platinum than the owner in Prime. Someone else is likely using that name already in Platinum, or has in the past.


Ok, what are people's feelings on using the same character name from Prime?
Characters in Platinum have no clue who your character is or was in Prime (even if the players do). As far as they are concerned, you just fell off the turnip wagon like the rest of them.  As a side note, some players do use the same character name from Prime, however, that does not mean they have the same race, culture, attitude or any other qualities the Prime character had. The character in Prime could be a pure and good human cleric of Lorminstra and could be a paranoid evil Dhe'nar sorcerer in Platinum.  Watch before you assume.

On a side note, we'd like to say something about character names here.  The players in Platinum tend to prefer character names that allow personality and character traits to come out through consistent role-play, rather than being stated up-front in a obvious name. While most any name within policy is acceptable, you will find that the characters in Platinum will respond better to a new character whose name isn't contrived.  For example; if you want to role-play a warrior bent on slaying orcs, then role-play that, but don't name your character Orcslayer; it's too contrived (and sometimes difficult to hunt orcs with if others are around). Overly cutesy names fall into the same realm and don't usually go over well here, so please, no Smoocherpies, or Dazzlebritches unless you have a good role-play reason why they are called such.


If I don't like Platinum and decide to drop it, I'm not going to lose everything in my Premium account, am I?
Everything on your Prime account is separate from the Platinum account as far as characters are concerned.


I was told I can't transfer a character from one account to another?
Not quite true. You can ask the Events, Premium and Platinum SGM if you wish to do so. The policy is to prevent people from selling characters, which can be very disruptive in a small community such as Platinum.  Read more in the Platinum news (NEWS 5 12), it is detailed there.


What's this about a 30 day trial membership?
There is a 30 day trial membership to try out Platinum, free* of charge. So, if you've been wondering what all the fuss is, here is your opportunity to find out. To sign up for a free* trial, simply submit a request and the Events, Premium and Platinum SGM should approve your request within 1-3 business days. This offer is subject to change at any time!

* Note: The free trial is for 30 days of Platinum billing only. Platinum may have areas where Premium subscriptions are needed. The trial does not include Premium. You will need to upgrade to enjoy those benefits, however, Platinum may have some areas in game with their Premium restrictions lessened or removed.


General Information FAQs

How long has the Platinum service been around?
Platinum opened in February of 1999.


I tried Platinum, but didn't see much.
How much did you play? Your first Prime character probably took some time to get their bearings as well. If you are going to try it, try it. Focus solely on Platinum for a full month; don't even venture into Prime during that time. Give it a fair shake.


Is the character manager the same as for Prime characters?
Yes, the Platinum and Prime versions are exactly the same.


There isn't anyone I know there!
Bring a friend or two to try Platinum with you, or make some new friends!  We'd bet that you actually do know people in Platinum but they are playing a character with a different name than you know from Prime. Making new friends is part of the adventure!


Is there a difference in character development in Platinum? For example do characters gain experience faster than Basic/Premium?
Character development is the same as in Prime, the only difference is that in most areas, there is no death's sting (with the exception of CON penalties). This is not to say death is easier on the Platinum side, remember, we have other penalties on death.


Is the Platinum world the same as in Prime?
Yes and no. For the most part all the same areas exist in Prime and Platinum. When a new area, new races and or other game enhancements are released, they are done in both Prime and Platinum. In fact, most mechanics are released to Platinum first. However, because the history of Platinum is different from Prime's (the histories split in 1999 when Platinum came online) there may be some differences noticed. Come on over, poke around a bit, see if you can spot the subtle differences in our world.  A few different tents perhaps, a wagon or cart stocked with goods, and don't forget the museum of history where you will learn many new and interesting facts.


What other (mechanics) differences are there between Platinum and Prime?
There are a number of very important differences between Platinum and Prime, mainly due to the smaller population. Among them are the following;

The Amunet.
The amulet, or amunet as some refer to it, is not limited to the area where you are, in fact, it can be heard worldwide. Do not fear though, it is not abused and rarely very noisy. There are a few player imposed rules in Platinum regarding the use of the amulets however. A few examples are:
  • In order to keep a world wide amunet from becoming a cacophony of voices, the players ask that you conduct any merchandising over the merchant channel of the net. Please be mindful that this is a role-playing game, first and foremost, and so any sales should be conducted with that in mind. Items may also be exchanged or queried about via the player boards, or simply by striking up a conversation with your neighbor in the game instance.
  • In keeping with the Platinum goal of encouraging good role-play, we also ask that you refrain from emotions via thoughts. (i.e. You hear the faint thoughts of John echo in your mind, "Laugh!" or "::sigh::") This goes along with the general dislike of TTM, OTW, CB, BRB and other abbreviations and also the use of :) emoticons. A good way to sum this up was stated on the Platinum forums recently, it was something along the lines of, "It isn't so much about what is or is not allowed here [in Platinum], its more about each player challenging themselves to avoid the easy and obvious out of character methods as well as finding in character ways of getting their message and ideas across."

The amunet also allows us to keep each other informed of our whereabouts. It is strongly recommended that you announce where you are hunting if you wish to be rescued. With sometimes only 1-4 clerics in the game, if they don't know where to look for you, death can be very harsh.


Death can be harsh? Tell me more.
There are a number of things different in Platinum that you will have to get used to when dealing with death. First and foremost, when (not if) you die, you'll drop anything currently in your hands. This is another reason you want people to know where you are hunting so they can help retrieve your weapons when some critter picks them up and takes off running. Another difference is that if you should decay, everything you are wearing or have on your person is left where you decayed. Yes indeed, you do show up at the nearest altar completely bare of worldly goods. Hopefully someone is out gathering your items, because at this point it is a race against the janitor. The one plus to dying in Platinum is that there is no death sting (with the exception of CON penalties) in most areas. One of the most important things you can do to help yourself in these instances is to always, always register your items of value! It is a simple process and doesn’t cost a silver. If an item is registered and you require staff help to retrieve something, it helps out tremendously.


The Portals.
Zendigar, a Chronmage, cast a powerful spell sometime during the month of Imaerasta, 5101. The spell ripped a hole in time and space, causing a rift to form. The rift manifested itself in a cavern beneath the well in Wehnimer's Landing, and allowed travel between locations all over the continent of Elanthia. (See more about this in the Platinum Museum.) But, the rift was unstable, so, once in a while the towns end up paying for it to be 'shored up.' Because of this you'll need to buy and keep current a ticket to use the portal system.


Portal ticket? You need a ticket for the portals? How does it work and how much are they?
Easy really. Just have your portal ticket in your hand and walk through the portal. After some mind wrenching agony you'll hopefully end up in one piece on the other side. OK, just kidding about the agony part. You can only buy a ticket at the Landing portal or at the Ta'Vaalor portal, so if your ticket runs out in another city, you could be in for a long walk.

The first portal ticket you buy will cost 2,500 silvers. After that, a portal ticket costs 25,000 silvers for 30 days of travel. For another 25,000 silvers you can add an additional 30 days to the ticket.

By the way, don't go East or West in the portal until you are a higher level and make sure you get a MAP! (Ask about the map on the Platinum forums). We'll also warn you now, if you use the portals without a ticket, bad things will happen to you. You have been warned.


Where is the main player base located?
For the most part, the major population uses the Landing as its center. The portal system allows quick travel to most any place in the world and with it you can quickly find characters almost anywhere. Many characters will setup base in a town while they hunt there and not leave until hunting other areas however. Look around the towns, you might find a new friend there. The main gathering spots tend to be:

   Wehnimer's Landing - Small Park, by far the most common gather spot.
   River's Rest - The Commons
   Icemule Trace - Town Square Central
   Ta'Vaalor - Amaranth Court
   Ta'Illistim - The Hanging Gardens


Can I join my same House (Silvergate, Paupers, Brigatta, etc.) in Platinum?
There are no CHE’s in Platinum that are open and available for public membership. While the buildings do exist in Platinum, they are all covered by a mysterious swirling barrier that keeps anyone from going inside and there are no references to the names of these Houses anywhere (not even a street name or a gate keeper can be found). Platinum does, however, have several wonderful MHOs that are great organizations to consider joining instead.


Can I own a regular home?
Of course. And you have a much better chance at a home alteration here also. Keep in mind that all Premium rules (waiting periods and the like) still apply to home ownership in Platinum.


How many trains is the highest trained character in Platinum?
We have players of all levels in our community, from 0 trains right up to 100. The average character level in Platinum is around 30 trains.


Are there more events/merchants/role-playing opportunities than in Prime? I don't seem to see tons of 'Platinum Only' events on the calendar.
Don't let the calendar fool you. Many events in Platinum aren't announced, though most merchants and raffles are announced on the boards at the very least. Several role-playing events take place that are never calendared or announced on the boards, as GMs like to interact with the Platinum players as often and as spontaneously as they can. This can be anything from NPCing a local in the Landing such as Kilron from the pawnshop, to bringing on a rain storm and helping the players have a mud fight in the small park to name a few examples. Also, keep in mind that when a merchant shows up in Prime, there can be hundreds of people vying for a spot in line, while in Platinum, there are much less. Just that one little fact makes it much more likely that you'll get something done.


I'm seriously considering joining Platinum, but before I do, what professions are needed most?
The professions are pretty much balanced in Platinum the same as they are in Prime. Yes, sometimes we are short on one or the other, however, within a month or two they seem to swing another way and balance themselves out once again. We stress over and over, play what you want to play, not what others want. If you really want to know this information, it varies from week to week. Don't rely on fame lists or anything else, just come in and look around or ask on the Platinum forums when you are ready to roll something up.


I can't deal with such a low population!
Platinum does have a smaller population in comparison to Prime, this is true. However, there is something to be said for being a member of a community where everybody knows your name. In a small community such as ours players have a lot of control over their playing environment, and the Platinum team GM's are devoted to all the players and have the time to watch the entire population, not just a few. A few players have been heard to exclaim, "I just couldn't think of anything else to get altered so I just gave my spot in line to someone else!" The bottom line is, Platinum is not for everyone and it may not be for you either, but before making that decision based on population numbers, consider this – How many people do you role-play with at one time right now? In Platinum, you can role-play with anyone that you come across at any time and receive a response that is in character and a genuine attempt to role-play in return. How nice would that be?


Can you say something to convince me to try Platinum?
This is actually a question we hear a lot at SimuCon and in the message forums. Do you walk into an amusement park and ask the ride operators to convince you to try their rides? Exactly why you should just hop in and try it yourself and see if you like it or not. Everyone has different expectations, desires and needs, and Platinum may or may not suit yours.


What if I have a question that's not answered in this FAQ?
We have a 'Platinum Questions' message forum over in the Prime Forums area where you can post any question that you have and the Players, GMs and/or Moderator will answer to the best of their ability.


Role-Playing FAQs

I've only been playing GemStone IV for about a month, can a "newbie" play Platinum?
While it is a little more difficult to be a newbie in Platinum (we have no Mentors or GameHosts to help players) it isn't impossible. Many new players have started out in Platinum and have done quite well with a bit of persistence. The main thing to keep in mind is simply to stay in character and whisper your requests for help. Once someone acknowledges your request, then ask your questions in whispers or ask them if they have time to go to a private table in one of the many inns where you can have a "out of character" discussion without disrupting other player's role-play. Rest assured, most everyone in Platinum will help answer your questions. As an aside, Platinum also has its own set of message forums where you can post messages with questions about character help or almost anything else that may be on your mind. There are also MHO organizations run by players within Platinum that focus on helping those new to the instance.


Tell me about PvP and CvC in Platinum.
There really should never be PvP (Player vs. Player conflict) in any game and if it were to start in Platinum, it would be dealt with pretty harshly. CvC (Character vs. Character conflict) is a whole other story. There is little CvC that will lead to the injury or death of another, possibly because the ones who tend to lop off heads are given a fairly wide berth in situations which might lead to their aggressions being unleashed. Most of these characters are pointed out to new members of the Platinum society soon after arriving, so don't worry about that too much. Keep in mind that no one kills without reason in Platinum. For instance, your character might be killed for things that s/he might otherwise get away with in Prime such as slapping, punching or kicking another character. Imagine some peasant three days off the turnip farm strolling up to "Merlin" and slapping him upside the head. Think there would be enough left of said peasant to fill a thimble?


I saw a character I knew from Prime and started talking to them and they ignored me!
Just because the names are the same, does not mean the characters are the same or that the same player owns them. Even if they are the same player, that doesn't mean the character would know your character! Platinum is a completely separate instance of the game and ties that you had in Prime do not exist for your character here in Platinum. Feel free to whisper OOC to the player if you wish to acknowledge them and indicate who you were in Prime, but please understand that not all players wish to cross those instance lines.


Someone was mean to me when I went into Platinum!
Well, some characters are mean to everyone as a part of their role-play! Perhaps you can take the opportunity to flesh out how your character would respond to this type of treatment and see where it goes. If they are harassing you, please let a staff member know and the situation will be corrected. However, keep in mind that there is a difference between role-played aggression and player issues. If it is a role-played aggression, you will hopefully find a way to role-play in return. You are going to meet all kinds of character types in Platinum, some nice and some not so nice. Our hope is that you will find the fun in both instances and perhaps even grow as a character in the process. Also, feel free to ask any other players (via the boards or an OOC whisper, or even an IC discussion) regarding that character and why they are the way they are. You might find out some interesting tidbits in response.


Does the dark side of GemStone get much representation in Platinum? I know my character will be shunned by most, but, will I be resigned to walking alone all of my career?
Yes, there are a number of Evil/Mean (E/M) characters in Platinum, and no, you won’t walk alone. The population is used to them and as long as they are role-played well, they are accepted as such. E/M is not an easy road to travel in Platinum however, as the population is low. Aid is a precious resource and E/M characters lose some of that. As in all cases, there are those who will aid anyone no matter what their crimes and also those who are E/M themselves who may or may not aid you, depending. We would also point out that there is a fine line separating E/M and ‘jerk,’ being able to play one well without crossing that line is a feat in itself. One is welcome where the other is not. So, if you feel you are up to the task, feel free.


Is there buying and selling or is it pretty much hunt and get treasure?
Platinum is a mostly barter and trade zone by choice of its players. Selling on the amunet is fine within reason as long as it is role-played and kept to the merchant channel. Some prefer to give things away as needed to people because we remember that we all started from absolute scratch there. Also, silvers in Platinum are not as abundant as they are in Prime. Don't expect to get everything on a silver platter, but do expect the generosity of the populace to overwhelm you at times. This is not to say that you won't see anyone selling something, once in a while you'll see some offerings on the Platinum message forums and also via character planned auctions in the game.  Also, check the containers and benches in the park as well as with the MHO organizations that are dedicated to offering the public needed goods for free. A lot of people collected wands, scrolls, statues, alchemy components and other items that are of use for players, then donate them to these organizations to distribute.   If you see something that you’d like to donate, please feel free to contact someone about this or even just leave it on the bench for another!


I'm not sure I can role-play as well as expected.
Role-play in Platinum is not always better than role-play in Prime. The major difference is that most everyone stays in character and rarely will you see anything out of character. Yes, there are a few great role-players in Platinum, however most are average. But they do try, and that's all the players ask of you.


Is Voln, Sunfist, and/or that other Society available in Platinum?
Yes, all three are active and available the same as in Prime.


It took 2 weeks before I figured out why people were squinting at me when I asked them for healing, spells, whatever.
People are role-playing when you approach them for services, and if that character does not know who you are, they might respond with confusion or even outright refuse depending on that character’s personality. Introduce yourself, get to know the characters a bit, and then try asking for something that you need. Don’t be afraid to utilize the amunet and ask if anyone knows of a good locksmith or a talented healer in the local area that you are in either. This is an attempt on your part to interact with the community and they will interact in turn! Platinum is a small community and as such, many times, you will find that you are dependant upon yourself for these things, however. So please also make sure that you utilize your coins wisely and help yourself when able. It is always best to plan for no help but your own, then if you do get some it is a bonus! This is not to say that people in Platinum do not enjoy helping each other, as we do enjoy it. But we are not always around or able, or even willing, at every moment to do so.


Hey, I need a DS check! Can ya swing at me?
You'll find that in Platinum, the player's don't take kindly to such out of character references such as AS, DS, TD and the like. This includes, but is not limited to abbreviations such as AFK or BRB. If you need someone to check your defenses, ask them for such or ask for a check of your spell defenses. Keep the mood flowing and reading like a novel and you'll do fine.


I'm feeling pretty tired, perhaps a nap is in order.
We all need to step away from the computer once in a while. When you do so, please take your character to a table, room at the Inn or a private house before doing so. It is annoying to many players when one comes across a character snoozing away in the small park or town square and when spoken to is totally unresponsive.


Can I script hunt/heal/craft in Platinum?
Absolutely. You must be completely attentative while doing so, however. This includes being able and willing to respond to your environment if necessary. For more on this policy, please read over POLICY 18.


Can one person make a difference in Platinum? I have grown tired of being one of the crowd in Prime.
Absolutely! Many new faces have come into Platinum and more than a few have put forth the effort to make changes and create new and exciting role-play opportunities for many in the game. Since the population is generally small in comparison to Prime, your character will always touch the lives of at least a few others, if not all. As one long-time player said in response to this very question on the boards – "Well golly! I guess you can play Prime, and talk about history, or play Platinum and be a part of it."


Things to Remember Your First Days in Platinum

1: Read the FAQ and Platinum Guide... completely!
2: Announce where you are hunting on the amunet!
3: Remember that characters drop anything in their hands upon death. If you drag a corpse to 'safety' without trying to recover lost gear, the gear may end up lost forever. Register your items!
4: If you decay, you drop EVERYTHING and may lose some or all of it before you can return to the spot you died to pick it up. See number 2 of the list!
5: Many characters in Platinum are more than willing to help out new characters, but, despite the amunet, they don't know if you are new, so find a way of letting them know.
6: Read the Platinum forums. They are a crucial part of the Platinum community and its communication. You don’t have to post, but please read them for announcements at the very least!
7: Not every character in Platinum is 'nice' and if your character is insulting, rude or otherwise combative, expect an in-character response from the victim. And yes, this does mean they might kill your character. Remember that if you do get into a conflict with another character, it's the character and not the player who is angry. Many conflicts in Platinum are role-played out viciously while the participants exchange friendly whispers.
8: The small population in Platinum means we don't have hordes of rogues, clerics or empaths working nonstop.  Your first few days in Platinum will probably be spent learning self-reliance techniques – Surty and Larton do a booming business here.
9: Relax, have fun, make some new friends. That is what Platinum is all about.


Go Play!