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The Hotel
HJ Lunch

Photo Index

  >> Page 1: Wednesday - The Hotel

  • The Sheraton provides a highly appropriate atmosphere for this fantasy-drenched convention.

  • Courtyards and fountains abound with fabulous taverns lining every walkway.

  • Tudor style rooms host our weary warriors on the rare occasion they decide to rest.

  • A lake and pool just outside the ballroom and bar fill out this idyllic setting.

  >> Page 2: Wednesday - Dinner

  • Larger than life! Dunryc leads the parade to Nino's, our destination for dinner.

  • Mikare informs the restaurant's manager that when she said "party of 80", she really meant "party of 80!"

  • Aeatherion and Harmonius exchange stories before dinner, perhaps pretending not to notice the rather provocative art behind them.

  • Salads, spaghetti, caprese, oh my! The food at Nino's was magnifico! And the service fantastico!

  • Say, "Cheese!" Elriic helps himself to an Italian delight.

  • Alex, Eldreth, Navlys, Tamral, and Llorrin were just a few who got their money's worth at the Backstreet Jazz and Blues Club.

  • The Greeks invaded the hotel bar. The pillagers include Bonk, Phalo, GM Hypatia, GM Jacinda, GM Feral, GM Leonius, Gerett, GM Logos and Effie peeking in from the back.

  >> Page 3: Thursday - Afternoon

  • The famous St. Louis arch towers over these friends and sightseers - Hobris, Tenasia, Vytoria, Eupholus, and Aavarine.

  • This view from the peak of the arch reveals the Adam's Mark hotel (lower right corner, beige building), the site of SimuCon '98.

  • Easy access and gorgeous weather all weekend made casual lunches the norm for gamers such as these: Lmerri, GM Sebbril, Caden, GM Zilana, and GM Warden (backwards).

  • Further down the walk were more lunching gamers at the Trainwreck Saloon - Collettea, GameHost Nemraesha, Soim, and Chasitee.

  • ...And this very large group of GemStoners dine beneath the clock tower shortly after registering. Recognizable faces here include Mikare, Barachado, Aeatherion, GM Ildran, GM Tilmont, Blueland, and Lmerri.

  >> Page 4: Thursday - Afternoon

  • Henna-licious! At $25 per artwork, the owner of Helping Hands Henna had a very good weekend cause we kept her going nonstop! Crysiana was among the first customers to this overwhelmingly popular merchant.

  • Will Game For Food!
    That was one message on a plethora of humorous t-shirts from this merchant, along with beautiful crowns, circlets, and jewelry. Tyrathia, Aleximarus, and Kitain look through the wares.

  • Shaylha is utterly amazed by the Woodbaby Puppet creatures that sit on your shoulder and move around. Skog and Onysablet examine a blue critter of their own.

  • Skog likes little critters. Skog tries one on.

  • Spunn, who founded Simu radio back in 2002, kicks off this year's broadcast with speakers GM Khaladon, GM Elbrion, and GM Aiza.

  • Newbies! In the first ever "SimuCon Orientation" seminar Elonka Dunin orientates 1st-time-con-goers Nonomis, Matrina, Edoch, Leika, Hobris, and others on essential lessons for the con, such as how much sleep deprivation a human can survive, where to find the parties, who not to take drinks from, and who to run away from on sight (i.e. Phillus, Prestius, Jolebin, Flamesong, etc).

  >> Page 5: Thursday - Games

  • GM Kabosh and Tom Zelinski (both seated) hand out chips and table positions to the 50 players who signed up for the wildly popular poker tournament. Lystid, Nimmo, GM Verse, Michael Niemeyer, and Aemergin await their chips. Dainslef is already seated.

  • Spunn hosts the Hero's Journey team in a fascinating discussion about Simutronics' "next big thing". On the panel are product manager Eric Slick, CEO David Whatley, artist Tracy Butler, designer Dave Dean (back) and many others.

  • Down the hall several tables of Settler's competitors make their moves, as Navlys is seen doing here in the faces of Delmax, Kynevon and Landrion.

  • Scatter-brained! These guys aren't afraid to bust open the Scattergories box. Are they actually reading the rules?

  • Even alcohol can't slow Prestius! Back at the poker tournament he makes an early move to quickly become the tournament chip leader over Mikare, Amorisse, Rorschach, and others while GM Solomon and Soim watch from above.

  • Now that's a poker face! Wise players should beware of Lurch.

  >> Page 6: Thursday - Games

  • GM Kabosh (top left) deals to the final table of the poker tournament. Look at those serious players! Its GM Elbrion, GM Tigermist, Kraelyst, Shavay, Prestius, Emarori, Harmonius, and GM Tolli (not pictured).

  • Emarori, GM Tolli, and Harmonius hold their breath as the cards are turned. Apu, Gnafelot, Redarch, and Dunryc observe safely from behind.

  • With just two players left, Harmonius raises, putting Kraelyst (not pictured) to the test.

  • Kraelyst calls... and wins the hand and the tournament! GM Zabari, Nosaj, Blueland, GM Shakahn and others bear witness.

  • 'Round midnight the 'Stoners wrestle control of the SimuCon radio broadcast, led by Spunn and GM Tigermist. Ketum, GM Voraviel and Thrassus chill in the back.

  • A hop and skip down the hall finds the Greeks Par-Taying merrily. Wave hello to Bonk, GM Jubalee, GM Jacinda, Flamesong, Lytaria, and Liye.

  >> Page 7: Thursday - Games

  • Bayn and Tagen strain their brains in a grueling chess match! Good thing they pumped up with some McDonald's brain food beforehand!

  • Kristy monkeys around, waves her hands about wildly, and acts like a maniac, much to the pleasure of GM Leigh and GM Karianne. She claims it is because they're playing the immensely popular and wacked-out game of Curses, but we have other suspicions.

  • "I wanna cast magic missile!"
    Lakus and GM Chakram do battle in this game of Talisman, which began at 9:00pm Thursday and wouldn't end until after 5:00am Friday - at which time the lobby, game rooms, and hospitality suite were still surprisingly active.

  • Uno! Sleigher and Razzera prove that no game will go unplayed during this night of gaming.

  • The debauchery of SimuCon continued to be broadcast around the world till the wee hours of the morning. Spunn, GM Vaschka, Alisaire, and Blackscythe obviously enjoying the radio as much as the viewers back home.

  >> Page 8: Friday - Livestock

  • "You lookin' at me?"
    The Plat Bunny gives GM Kabosh the evil eye.

  • The fierce and evil bunny wreaks havoc and spreads terror throughout the hotel! ....but pauses for autographs and pictures with adoring fans such as Mihalia. Rekarth (back left) wisely keeps his distance.

  • Can you hear the elevator music in your head? Belazriel and Lissa have a very surreal moment.

  • Later at the con Solstitia's (left) Warrior Chicken from DragonRealms Platinum makes an appearance, brandishing a sword and doing a dance for the costume judges.

  • Trouble erupts in the bar as the Warrior Chicken clashes with the Pink Plat Bunny of GemStone! Some livestock just can't hold their liquor.

  >> Page 9: Friday - HJ Lunch

  • Lunchtime in the ballroom - Arcadion and Elriic wave candles as Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb reverberates from the stage.

  • Check out the polynomials on her! Oh yeah, and the beautiful scenery. The clothing, of course, is highly customizable. Can't imagine why David chose this view?

  • Ooooooh!

  • Aaaaaah!

  • Beating a dead horse!
    In a demonstration on the physics involved in HJ, cows were dropped from the sky and horses plowed through walls. Of course the most excitement came when the horse plopped over dead and was then beaten with projectiles. Sick crowd.

  • That slug-type thing is going to stick a crystal in the spiral thing, then a fish-type thing will fly in and eat the energy... or something. It was all very cryptic and impressive, but not quite as much fun as when they later made four of those slug-type things start dancing together.

  • Those who attended the "Want to be a Hero's Journey GM?" seminar later that night were treated to more travels through Elanthia (yes that right, the land will be called Elanthia). This time our heroine is slightly better clothed.

  • On a thin ledge far above the ground... the crowd begins to chant. "Jump... Jump... Jump!" If the HJ team doesn't make it possible to jump off cliffs and kill horses there might be a few disappointed customers.

  >> Page 10: Friday - Laptops

  • Laptops were everywhere as people took constant advantage of the WiFi connections provided by Simutronics, such as the four laptops in this picture (look closely) with Menlatham at the front.

  • Also on the computer were GM Ceiswyn... and GM Towint...

  • ... and Redarch...

  • ...and Gnafelot. (Amee engrossed in her nails).

  • ...and Mozzik... and Board Monitor Pomae
    (GM Risek and Smegul watch as Blasword brings coffee).

  • Surprise! Two more - GM Skiori and GM Paklin. Anyone else notice the preponderance of DragonRealms folks on laptops? That's because the GemStone folks hid better, but we found them anyway.

  • Willowlea gives a warning glare atop her beanbag chair.

  >> Page 11: Friday - Laptops

  • Not even taking a break to smoke, Greever relocates outdoors with his laptop, while Desorceri partakes in another popular con activity - drinking and smoking.

  • Tyrathia's laptop is permanently attached as she transmits info 24-7 back to the waiting masses.

  • Two at once! Jekipe and Rogtos, who is uploading photos and quotes to his site, simucon2004.com, while still at the con!

  • Too ashamed even to show his face, this gamer is in the first stage of addiction - Denial. He shall remain unnamed.

  • Good-natured Eldrad knows he's been busted.

  • Lissa and GM Ildran plug in on Sunday morning, and they're not the only ones.

  • Even into the courtyard goes Rorschach and his laptop, along with the smiles of GM Pandoreh and GM Tigermist.

  >> Page 12: Friday - Pre-Party

  • Most folks found their way out into the beautiful St. Louis weather, such as Valadimir and Faunuzia/Allaya in the Sheraton courtyard.

  • Down the alley, GM Logos, Lytaria, Gerett, and Liye take a break from the seminars.

  • GM Anji finds a quiet spot to enjoy some soup from the St. Louis Bread Company.

  • Just outside the bar (before the night's invasion), the Platinum players of DragonRealms pose for a group picture. Approximately front to back: Barnacus, Lakus, Nikiloi, Jekipe, Solstitia, Fumier, Talace, Davius, Raecear, Treshan, Flura, Renwulf, and Leshrak.

  • GM Kylie and GM Karianne have their fortunes told. I see much misbehaving in their futures!

  >> Page 13: Friday - Parties

  • First to the dance floor at the 80's party were "the physics guy", who works with the Hero's Journey team, and his wife. Yes, that's a pink tie and suspenders! That is sooo Miami Vice!

  • Lytaria, crimped and flashy, poses in front of a book of 80's trivia and a radical Garbage Pail Kid collection! Wicked!

  • Shiva Malone struts her 80's stuff straight to the big dance.

  • Baby Shakahn parties like its 1999! He'll be breakdancing and Moonwalking in no time. Mommy Purreliss watches over his shoulder.

  • The Material Girl Phalo grooves to Boy George while other dancers fluoresce in the background.

  >> Page 14: Friday - Parties

  • She Bop!
    Pretty in pink, Flura plays hostess to the 80's party. The pink hair is real.

  • Back in the game room Nikiloi (center) goes off the deep end while playing Curses! Carrey, Mystyria, Davius and GM Shakahn sit on either side of him.

  • Let It Ride!
    These Platinum players gamble with silvers (and the rent money) in GemStone's favorite casino game. Players include Somman, Silurian, Carli, Thenjhar, and Athias.

  • Twister at the 80's party! You might not recognize the players here, that's because they're members of the hotel staff!

  • Sing us a song, piano Dwarf!
    GM Kabosh reprises his role as piano Dwarf for another year of sing-a-longs, nearly drowning out the Curses chaos in the game room and the 80's music in the dance room. Rorschach, GM Von, Casilla, Prestius, and others join in.

  • Beth Paddock can't hide from us - we see that Poison t-shirt! Rock on!

  >> Page 15: Saturday - Seminars

  • Carefully disarming and picking a treasure chest during the live-action quest, Dakira is shocked to discover a bunny hiding inside. Artrusus shields his face and someone calls for holy hand grenades.

  • Mob boss GM Jackson Shephard shakes down Shiva Malone at the Modus Interactive Mystery. GM Leigh Phelps, Jennifer Plumley, Alexhandro and others also play important roles.

  • Donated by Lissa
    Holy hand grenades and mobster crime theater have nothing on this GemStone seminar game - "Pin the P on Prestius!" GM Kabosh and Rorschach get a good laugh at Prestius' expense.

  • Reversing roles, the DragonRealms GameMasters seize control of the SimuCon broadcast with the likes of GameMasters Solomon, Ssra, Jeremael, Skiori, Paklin, and Obseden.

  • Friends from GemStone relax in the hotel courtyard.

  • Donated by Eoworfinia
    Costumes begin to show up in anticipation of the costume contest beginning at noon. As if from the halls of Rivendell comes an Elven noble, Aavarine.

  >> Page 16: Saturday - Seminars

  • The Alliance of Heroes gang broadcast their wicked thoughts onto the internet. Smirking and cheering are [front row] Skippy, GM Jubalee, GM Bontinor, GM Jacinda, GM Hypatia, [back row] GM Schism, GM Feral, Anika, GM Leonius, Lytaria, Flamesong, Phalo, Gerett, and Liye.

  • At the DragonRealms career fair (a cool interactive seminar introducing "careers" to DR) GM Ceiswynn displays the baker career by making bread from scratch.

  • Hashi makes origami, GM Zabari learns about runes from Lycanthus, and GM Tribanin does woodworking at the career fair.

  • Plat Crashers!
    This devious bunch waiting in the back of the GemStone Platinum seminar is clearly up to no good. Here's mugshots of Taru, Lurch, Ylena, and Rorschach

  • Tamral and Taru spring into action, sealing the exit from the Plat seminar. They are foiled when Carli (not pictured) stands up and simply pushes the door, since it opens outward where there is no tape.

  >> Page 17: Saturday - Costumes

  • Oengus poses for the costume judges in an almost entirely handmade costume, including his awesome shield and chainmail.

  • Eridal is easy on the eyes of the three female judges.

  • Alliance of Heroes favorite Phalo comes as Athena and leaves as the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place AoH costume winner!

  • Prydaens prowl the halls! Marrk and Nimmi get the blues because they get no break from their costumes for over 8 hours.

  • Elven Emarori and Elothean Apu take the stage for competition.

  • GM Helena makes a fetching lass, even more so with her authentic English accent.

  • Elriic and Crysiana enter the "late judging" in the village courtyard. A miscommunication in the convention book combined with very early judging left these two and others searching for judges, but all ended well as judging hours were extended.

  • The enchanting faerie Aavarine, known for her fantastic wings throughout the years, dons her third costume of the convention.

  >> Page 18: Saturday - Costumes

  • Bayn is engulfed in magical orbs of light! ...or maybe that's just a camera flash off the mirrors.

  • Motarra and Rowayn impress the con-goers with rich costumes, but scare the "normals" sitting in the window next to them.

  • Nice breeches!
    Washee and Augie stroll to the outdoor costume judging, which makes a much better setting for photos anyways.

  • And your little dog too! Alixi's purple dress and matching dog accessory were a hit. People were lining up to take pictures.

  • The Ghostly Flower Girl of GemStone (aka GM Vaschka) harvests petals for her ghostly purposes.

  • The lovely Leika at her first con is apparently no rookie to costuming. Pointed ears seem to be all the rage this year.

  • Eldreth displays his sword for Effie, who seems duly impressed. (What would a convention website be without a tiny bit of innuendo?)

  • How much for a belly dance? As the costume dinner draws near, more well-dressed adventurers flood the halls, such as Chasitee, Jensene, and Shaylha.

  >> Page 19: Saturday - Dinner

  • In lieu of a speech, David Whatley instead presented this Mystery Science Theater 3000 dissection of a speech-giving tutorial, which included instructions for proper use of "lip and tongue action." Now there's a joke that never stops giving.

  • Good friends dined together at each table of ten, this one containing Cameron, Lissa, GM Ildran, GM Warden, Dunryc, and GM Tolli.

  • We bet this Prydaen, Felis, had a tough time eating, and besides that there wasn't a single mouse on the menu.

  • Long-time friends from cons past... Aleximarus, Kitain, Deloria, and Tanath.

  • Equally prepared to fight or drink are the finely clothed likes of Hepsik, Shylore, Aeatherion, GM Tigermist, and Prestius.

  • Newcomers and veterans share in the feast, all making new friends in Soim, Sypria, Artrusus, Dakira, and Kraelyst.

  • French-Canadian Rohrr performs contact juggling (like in the movie Labyrinth) with comedic asides in a French-Canadian accent that had all the girls swooning.

  >> Page 20: Saturday - Dinner

  • Winners of the DragonRealms portion of the costume contest were Barnacus (1st), Marrk and Nimmi (2nd), and Elriic (3rd). Each winner won great prizes (which will be shipped to them just as soon as the prizes arrive in St. Louis).

  • Ranger Barnacus reveals how he got 1st prize in the costume contest - by stripping down to nothing but a leaf! Remember when we said the judges were all female?

  • Anika, player of a Centaur Storyteller, recites two poems she composed about adventures in Alliance of Heroes.

  • 2nd place GemStone costume winner Desorceri the Vesperti (center) looks like he's just found lunch with fellow winners Bayn (1st) and Eldreth (3rd). Eldreth remains on stage to lead us in a Scottish folk song.

  • Ylena plays both beautiful and sinister excerpts from The Lord of the Rings. Does she know her audience or what?

  • The Most Modus!
    Since none entered the costume contest, the Modus Operandi GMs voted on who had been the "Most Modus" at the con - the winners were Ichiko Daiumi (2nd place), Shiva Malone (1st), and Jennifer Plumley (3rd).

  • Pepoco rounds out the talent with a bit of stand-up comedy.

  >> Page 21: Saturday - Dinner

  • The first special award went to GM Brauden. The prize - smile on a stick!

  • GM Riel and GM Jeremael (not pictured) won best CE and Dev GMs respectively. The prize - microwavable spotted dick (from England). The can says "Good for 2 minutes" and "No GM ingredients." It is a real product - we couldn't make this stuff up!

  • SimuCon 2004 Poker champion Kraelyst accepts a set of clay poker chips and the Mel Gibson poker movie Maverick as his prize.

  • Harmonius nabs 2nd place in the poker tourney, winning a wooden chip rack and the DVD of Rounders.

  • Prestius takes home a poker game and movie for his 3rd place victory, while Shavay and Emarori (not pictured) each win poker movies as well for their 4th and 5th place wins respectively.

  • Light and Shadow!
    This year's con-wide game was won by Naijul (2nd) and Kynevon (1st) who got a full-sized replica of Sauraman's staff and Gandalf's staff respectively.

  >> Page 22: Saturday - Dinner

  • The Conquerors of Katan!
    Dimaire and Landrion each reap prizes for winning the Settlers of Katan tournaments.

  • GM Hunterleigh reaches to draw names from David Whatley's basket, but as you'd expect he keeps holding it higher or pulling it away.

  • GM Solomon prepares to raffle a ball and chain, but David remarks that he already has one.

  • Cameron of GemStone goes first, ready to win that iPod, he begins, "So I, uh.." Bzzzzztt! Less than 1 second!

  • Anika thinks she has what it takes, but only talks for 10 seconds before being buzzed... BUT, that's enough to beat all 4 other competitors and she wins the iPod!

  • The talent show continues outside as Rohrr (the contact juggler from before) removes his shirt (please calm down ladies) and proceeds to light up the sky by breathing fire!

  >> Page 23: Saturday - Parties

  • Hoola Hoop queen Crysiana takes 2 hoops at once at the hop.

  • Aemergin picks up where Quavvy left off, supplying over 1500 shots (and we don't mean the needle kind) to these party-hardy gamers.

  • Alixi and GM Elbrion make an appearance at Aemergin's now-famous Room 114.

  • The cups looked like specimen jars, but the drinks inside were fantastic, including shots of "Pink Plat Bunny", "Eldreth's Death Rum", "Heartburn Relief" and more.

  • Some people actually bought drinks from the bar (we've heard they even sold out of alcohol one night)! The party continues with Rohrr, Talace, and Fumier. Cheers, mates!

  • Even the game rooms saw some action on this last night of con, as folks like Arcadion, Magdar, Delmax, and Jay tried to cram in their last games of Settlers or Curses until next year.

  >> Page 24: Saturday - Parties

  • At the DragonRealms party Krinahd puts on a big smile, as do the many folks behind him.

  • Bartender Celestiaa serves up a mountain of mixed drinks to customers like GM Edahla on the right.

  • GM Major, flush with fellowship, gives his trademark grin.

  • Isn't love so sweet? GM Valdrik and Mohaun exchange a romantic drink. Are they staring into each others eyes?

  • Back on the radio GM Helena (on the table) is kidnapped to satisfy the unspeakable plotting of these GemStoners, including Spunn, GM Khaladon, GM Vaschka, GM Voraviel (AKA Phillus) and Gnafelot.

  • The highlight of the 50's party is the hoola hoop contest, where Purreliss just closes her eyes and prays nobody gets hurt.

  • Taffei, wearing her best 50's duds, also puts on a humorous show as we all discover how bad we are with hoola hoops. Desorceri waits in the wings for certain humiliations.

  >> Page 25: Sunday

  • Sunday morning. Alexhandro. Need we say more?

  • Pink Plat Bunny's head on a stick rolls out the door. Last year he was kidnapped and hung, this year beheaded. Poor guy gets no respect.

  • Packed and checked out, Grassimino, Jutatip, and Seihjin say goodbye to a great weekend.

  • GM Obseden makes off with several computers from the hospitality suite. A passerby runs off, calling for Obseden to be arrested for pilfering!

  • The Alliance of Heroes crowd runs a street faire from noon to 5:00 (we told you there were cool seminars on the last day). Here Liye goes fishing and wins an alteration!

  • Further into the faire GM Leonius deals some Three Card Monty to GM Schism, and reveals that the rules in the instruction book actually require the dealer to cheat.

  • Tree-lovers!
    DragonRealms Rangers prove they really don't like to stray from their trees. Returning to their roots are Thangor, Napan, and Motarra.

  >> Page 26: Sunday

  • At the Modus Operandi build-your-own-watergun seminar, Felis opens up with his "Duck-o-matic 2000". Fellow creator Pepoco and rival Drongol stand transfixed. Raycha and others watch from a safe distance.

  • Drongol giggles at the tiny squirt from his own device (we promised some innuendo!), which he dubs the "Drong-o-matic 2004". Although not as powerful as the Duck-o-matic, Drongol wins for most creative watergun thanks to its pump-action and beer-bottle plunger.

  • The GM sleuths of Modus retire to Casa Gallardo in the Westport Village for their final meal - Kylie, Ryan, Karianne, and Leigh.

  • Casa Gallardo is subsequently invaded by about 60 total DragonRealmers (in 3 different parties). The largest group is seen here, munching big on chips and salsa. Needless to say, the restaurant was unprepared for this size crowd on a Sunday afternoon (even though we warned them)!

  • Back at the hotel large groups gather in the lobby as friends drift off, one by one.

  • One last bar-side lounging. After 5 days of nonstop pictures, GM Kabosh finally proclaims no more photos! Also here: Rorschach, Nephrenia, Giantphang, GM Uska, GM Verse, and Michael Niemeyer.

  • Well maybe just one more photo. Aavarine and Purreliss say goodbye... till next year!

Color Key:
GemStone IV
Alliance of Heroes
Modus Operandi
CyberStrike 2
Simutronics Staff


Photography and site design by Kraelyst and Aavarine of DragonRealms.
© Copyright 1986-2004, Simutronics Corp. All Rights Reserved.