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Bard Spellsongs


1001 Holding Song
1002 Vibration Chant
1003 Fortitude Song
1004 Purification Song
1005 Lullabye
1006 Song of Luck
1007 Kai's Triumph Song
1008 Stunning Shout
1009 Sonic Shield Song
1010 Song of Valor
1011 Song of Peace
1012 Sonic Weapon Song
1013 Song of Unravelling
1014 Sonic Armor
1015 Song of Depression
1016 Song of Rage
1017 Song of Noise
1018 Song of Power
1019 Song of Mirrors
1020 Traveler's Song
1025 Singing Sword Song
1030 Song of Sonic Disruption
1035 Song of Tonis
1040 Troubadour's Rally
1050 Unnamed

spell policy · spell circles

To sing a spellsong the Bard must first PREPARE the song using either the spellsong number or the mnemonic. Next, the Bard SINGs the song either at himself or a target.

SING or SING <target>

Mana Points (MP) are required to begin singing a spellsong, with an additional MP cost when the song is renewed. The renewal cost is variable, based on the Bard's level, [LINK] Influence[/LINK], and [LINK] Logic[/LINK], and grows as the Bard's ability in these areas increases. This renewal cost is lower than the base mana cost of the spell and is noted, where applicable, in the spell description. Each rank of [LINK] Mental Lore, Telepathy[/LINK] that the Bard trains in will increase their renewal time by 2 seconds.

A Bard may use SING STATUS to see which spellsongs they are currently singing and an approximation of duration before the next renewal interval. A Bard can either RENEW a specific spellsong by including the spell number or the mnemonic after the command or RENEW ALL in order to renew all their spellsongs.

Most songs cost their level in Mana Points (MP) each time they are sung. For example, 1003 Fortitude Song, a level 3 spellsong, has a base cost of 3 mana. After the second song, there is an additional charge of MPs, added every renewal interval. This multi-song penalty applies any time the Bard is singing three or more songs, and increases dramatically with each additional song added. The increased cost for controlling multiple songs considers the number of songs sung, Bard circle songs known, [LINK] Discipline[/LINK], and [LINK] Logic[/LINK] statistics.

A Bard may use STOP SINGING to stop singing the spellsongs. Using the STOP SINGING command will require the Bard to PREPARE and SING the spellsong(s) again. It is possible for a Bard to STOP SINGING a specific spellsong by including the spell number or the mnemonic after the command.


1001 · Holding Song [HOLDSONG]
Duration: Holding Song lasts as long as the Bard is singing the song.

Type: Attack

Using the forces of air and vibration, this song will lower a single foe's ability to defend by 10 percent. Holding song affects one creature, plus an additional creature for every 7 bard song ranks over 1 (i.e. 2 at 8 ranks, 3 at 15, etc.).

The song can be sung at a target (SING THIRD ORC) or unfocused (SING). The unfocused version affects the first creature in the room, then the next, until the bard's limit is reached. The targeted version starts at the creature specified, and adds additional creatures until the bard's limit is reached or the last creature in the room is affected. This song can affect characters not in the bard's group, but will cycle through the available creatures first.

Holding Song is more effective when the Bard plays an instrument and sings the song at the same time, reducing the target's Defense Strength (DS) by an additional 5-15 points. This bonus applies only to the first creature/primary target.

Mana cost is 1 + 2 per extra creature when first sung, or 1 + 1 per extra on renewal. Renewals on this song are not automatic, the bard must manually renew it (RENEW 1001).
1002 · Vibration Chant [VIBCHANT]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack

With this chant, a Bard can find the exact pitch needed to make an object unstable, and then focus the sound energy upon a target. This will cause an object held by the target to vibrate free from the holder's grasp. Occasionally, the Bard will achieve perfect resonance, causing non-magical objects to explode.

Training in [LINK] Mental Lore, Manipulation[/LINK] increases the chance of breaking the target's weapon/shield.
It is not possible to blow up enchanted weapons.
1003 · Fortitude Song [FORTITUDE]
Duration: Fortitude Song lasts as long as the Bard is singing the song.

Type: Defense

Through the aid of music and magic, a Bard singing this song bolsters his or her Defense Strength (DS) by +10.

Renewal Cost: 1 Mana Point (MP)
1004 · Purification Song [PURESONG]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Utility

While singing this song, the Bard can direct the resulting sonic vibrations across the surface of a gem, removing blemishes and impurities in the process. Every successful round increases the value of a gem by 10 percent. There is a chance of a failure ending in damage or destruction of the gem. It is possible to create an imbeddable gem or a gem usable in the recharging process.

Training in [LINK] Mental Lore, Manipulation[/LINK] reduces the chance of failure when purifying a gem.
1005 · Lullabye [LULLABYE]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Attack

Using the persuasive power of song, the Bard may sing a lullaby at a single target. The target may experience varying degrees of drowsiness, react more slowly than normal, be temporarily immobilized, or fall completely asleep. Undead are immune to the higher-level effects, but may become drowsy or slowed.

This spellsong is not renewable and not stackable upon itself.
1006 · Song of Luck [LUCKSONG]
Duration: Song of Luck lasts as long as the Bard is singing the song.

Type: Utility

This group song aids in many maneuvers and in a couple of other areas. Lady Luck is fickle, though, and may not always come to the Bard's aid. Increased song knowledge increases the likelihood that she will aid the Bard (and his/her party members).

The Mana Point (MP) cost of Song of Luck is 6 mana, +1 for every 4 Bard spellsongs know, over 1006. For example, if a Bard had 20 Bard spellsongs, the cost would be 9 Mana Points (6 + (14/4)).

Renewal Cost: Half of the base Mana Point (MP) cost
1007 · Kai's Triumph Song [KAISONG]
Duration: Kai's Triumph Song lasts as long as the Bard is singing the song.

Type: Bonus

While singing this song, the Bard stirs the sense of confidence of all members of his or her party, giving them increased fighting ability. Following the base Attack Strength (AS) bonus of +10, the graduated bonus is +1 AS for every Bard Spellsong known over seven, up to +20 AS. The initial mana cost is 7, +1 for every point of AS boost over +10.

Once the Bard knows 19 Spellsongs, the group will experience increased Health Point recovery.

The caster's group will experience an increased AS bonus with [LINK] Mental Lore, Telepathy[/LINK] ranks. The AS increase begins with +1 at 3 Telepathy ranks and tops out at +11 for 88 Telepathy ranks.

Renewal Cost: 2 Mana Points, +1 for every point of AS boost over +10.
1008 · Stunning Shout [SHOUT]
Duration: Immediate; not renewable

Type: Attack

The bard focuses the power of their shout into a physical blow that strikes their target with great force. In addition to the damage caused, the target may be knocked down, stunned, or disoriented for a period of time.

The song is an instantaneous attack, not added to the song maintenance list and not renewable. Primary damage caused is based on the warding roll and increased slightly by training in [LINK] Elemental Lore, Air[/LINK]. The secondary critical is based on bard vs. target level and the warding roll, and may be either an impact or unbalance critical. Tertiary effect is either a stun or a disorient effect. Stun duration is not stackable with other stuns (but the greater duration of the two stuns will apply). Disorientation varies in severity based on the warding roll, but will always result in at least some round time for the target, plus possible other ill effects.

Mana Point (MP) cost is 8 per cast.
1009 · Sonic Shield Song [SONICSHIELD]
Duration: Sonic Shield lasts as long as the Bard is singing the song

Type: Defense

While singing this song, the bard creates a shield of air that can be wielded in the left hand. The base shield bonus is +10. For every two Bard spellsongs known, a bonus of +1 is added to the base shield bonus, for a maximum bonus of +35. For example, a level 20 Bard that knows 15 Bard spellsongs would sing a sonic shield with a bonus of +18.

Like a real shield, success with a sonic shield is dependent upon the Bard's [LINK] Shield Use[/LINK] skill. The default shield is a medium sized shield.

Available shields by size:

kidney shield
small shield

heater shield
knight's shield
lantern shield
medium shield
target shield

kite shield
large shield
pageant shield
round shield

tower shield
wall shield


After preparing the spell, SING <shield type>.

The strength of a sonic shield is 1. The base durability of a sonic shield is 125 + 1/2 the character's level. Training in [LINK] Elemental Lore, Air[/LINK] provides a bonus to the base durability of sonic items. A minimum of 1 Air Lore rank will provide a bonus of 5 to the item's base durability. This bonus maxes out at a durability bonus of 201, with 101 Air Lore Ranks.

Training in [LINK] Elemental Lore, Air[/LINK] reduces the shield hindrance when evading an attack. At 20 ranks, the bard's shield will be treated as being one size smaller for hindrance purposes. At 50 ranks, the bard's shield will be treated as being two sizes smaller, and at 100 Air Lore ranks, the shield will be treated as being three sizes smaller. In other words, a bard with 100 Air Lore ranks can use a sonic tower shield and only receive the hindrance of a small shield.

Renewal Cost: 4 Mana Points (MP)
1010 · Song of Valor [SONGVAL]
Duration: Song of Valor lasts as long as the Bard is singing the song

Type: Defense

By singing tales of heroism and valor, the singer creates an aura of protection about himself, bolstering his defense by +10 Defense Strength (DS), +1 DS for every 2 Bard spells known over 1010.

With the increase in defense, there is an increase in mana cost. The base mana cost is 10, +1 for every +2 DS beyond +10.

Renewal Cost: 3 Mana Points (MP), +1 for every +5 DS bonus over +10.
1011 · Song of Peace [PEACESONG]
Duration: Song of Peace lasts as long as the Bard is singing the song

Type: Utility

The singer creates a minor sanctuary where all creatures and players are held passive due to the soothing rhythmic sounds of the song. While this spell is in effect, most creatures will avoid entering the area of the spell. Persons or creatures that are in the area will not be able to attack or steal from others.

Soothing an entire room can be an arduous task, however, and the presence of enemies can prevent the spell from pacifying them. Any unfriendly creature in the room that is above the caster's level will contribute (based on level difference) to the failure chance of the spell. Additionally, any unfriendly creatures in the room that are equal to or less than the caster's level (but no more than 10 levels below the caster's) will contribute a small amount to the failure chance of the spell. Training in [LINK] Mental Lore, Telepathy[/LINK] will reduce the failure chance of the spell.

[LINK] Minor Demons[/LINK] that are summoned by Sorcerers are beasts of chaos that are capable of interfering with a Song of Peace. Certain demons can even break existing sanctuaries, forcing the Bard to stop singing their song. Training in the [LINK] Bard Spellsongs[/LINK] and [LINK] Mental Lore, Telepathy[/LINK] can help the Bard prevent a demon from interfering or breaking his or her sanctuary.

A sanctuary will prematurely end shortly after the Bard leaves the room in which the spell was cast. Bards may renew Song of Peace to create a new sanctuary in the current room.

Renewal Cost: 4 Mana Points (MP)
1012 · Sonic Weapon Song [SONICWEAPON]
Duration: Sonic Weapon lasts as long as the Bard is singing the song

Type: Attack

While singing this song, the bard can weave vibrating air and magic around their right hand into a weapon of the Bard's choosing. The base weapon bonus is +10. For every two Bard spellsongs known, a bonus of +1 is added to the base weapon bonus, for a maximum bonus of +35. For example, a level 20 Bard that knows 15 Bard spellsongs would sing a sonic weapon with a bonus of +18.

Like real weapons, success with a Sonic Weapon is dependent upon the Bard's applicable [LINK] weapon[/LINK] skill.

After preparing the spell, SING <weapon type>.

Many of the weapons found in the [LINK] Weapon Guide[/LINK] can be created. If there is a weapon name that would only be available by alteration, the bard must be holding that weapon in their hand to be able to create the sonic version. Weapons with special properties, such as katanas, naginatas, and claidhmores, can not be created with this song.

The strength of a sonic weapon is 1. The base durability of a sonic weapon is 160 + 1/2 the character's level. Training in [LINK] Elemental Lore, Air[/LINK] provides a bonus to the base durability of sonic items. A minimum of 1 Air Lore rank will provide a bonus of 5 to the item's base durability. This bonus maxes out at a durability bonus of 201, with 101 Air Lore Ranks.

Each rank of [LINK] Elemental Lore, Air[/LINK] will add to a separate chance for the weapon to flare on any given hit. There is a possibility that the sonic weapon could flare twice on a given hit.

Additionally, the bard is able to attack undead with an unflaring version of Sonic Weapon at its base bonus of +10.

Renewal Cost: 4 Mana Points (MP)
1013 · Song of Unravelling [UNRAVEL]
Duration: Immediate; manual RENEW

Type: Attack/Utility

Versus a player or creature target, the song will dispel a targeted spell or random spell if available. A penalty to the target's warding attempt is based on the singer's song knowledge. Targetted attempts do not receive the full benefit of this bonus, are more difficult to achieve versus spiritual spells, and are progressively harder against higher level spells.

If no spells are active on the targeted player or creature, the song will try to drain mana from the target. The amount of mana drained per attempt is based on the singer's song knowledge. The amount of mana recovered is based on the singer's song knowledge and [LINK] Mana Control, Mental[/LINK] skill.

Versus a magic item, the song will drain charges from the item and convert to mana. Mana from non-elemental sources will be less efficient than from elemental sources.

Renewal Cost: The base renewal cost is 4 Mana Points (MP), adjusted for the target's spell circle and spell level. This song is not auto-renewable. If the song is dispelling random spells or draining mana from a character/creature/object, it may be manually renewed for the duration of the song and will continue to target the original target. Unravelling targeting spells from a target is not renewable in any form.
1014 · Sonic Armor [SONICARMOR]
Duration: Sonic Armor lasts as long as the Bard is singing the song

Type: Defense

While singing this song, a Bard can weave vibrating air and magic, similar to Sonic Shield and Sonic Weapon. The difference is that this spellsong forms a sonic barrier around the singer, effectively acting as magical armor. The base armor bonus is +15. For every two Bard spellsongs known, a bonus of +1 is added to the base armor bonus, for a maximum bonus of +35. For example, a level 20 Bard that knows 15 Bard spellsongs would sing song armor with a bonus of +23.

In addition, Sonic Armor provides resistance to heat, cold, and electrical attack, and is slightly susceptible to impact attacks. The susceptibility to impact attacks will not change as the Bard gains levels, but the heat, cold, and electrical resistance will improve as the Bard learns more spellsongs. Like real armor, use of Sonic Armor is dependent upon the Bard's [LINK] Armor Use[/LINK] skill.

5Light Leathertorso
6Full Leathertorso, arms
7Reinforced Leathertorso, arms, legs
8Double Leatherhead to toe
9Leather Breastplateplate torso
10Cuirboulli Leathertorso, arms
11Studded Leathertorso, arms, legs
12Brigandinehead to toe
13Chain Mailtorso
14Double Chaintorso, arms
15Augmented Chaintorso, arms, legs
16Chain Hauberkhead to toe
17Metal Breastplatetorso
18Augmented Breastplatetorso, arms
19Half Platetorso, arms, legs
20Full Platehead to toe

After preparing the spell, SING <AsG number>

The singer can specify the Armor Sub-Group (AsG) when casting by including the number of that group, using the chart. If unspecified, the song will default to Full Leather (6).

The strength of sonic armor is 1. The base durability of sonic armor is 210 + 1/2 the character's level. Training in [LINK] Elemental Lore, Air[/LINK] provides a bonus to the base durability of sonic items. A minimum of 1 Air Lore rank will provide a bonus of 5 to the item's base durability. This bonus maxes out at a durability bonus of 201, with 101 Air Lore Ranks.

Training in [LINK] Elemental Lore, Air[/LINK] will boost the elemental damage resistance provided by the armor.

Renewal Cost: 5 Mana Points (MP)
1015 · Song of Depression [DEPRESSION]
Duration: Immediate; manual RENEW

Type: Attack

Singing this song will cause all not joined to the singer to become depressed, decreasing their desire to ward against magic and attack. This will cause them to suffer -20 to their Target Defense (TD) and react slower than normal.

Each rank of [LINK] Mental Lore, Telepathy[/LINK] will boost the TD pushdown from the song. Also, the slow effect of the spell will be increased by one second, cumulative, at 10, 25, 45, 70, and 100 Telepathy Lore ranks.

Renewal Cost: 6 Mana Points (MP). The bard must manually renew Song of Depression (RENEW 1015).
1016 · Song of Rage [RAGESONG]
Duration: Immediate; manual RENEW

Type: Attack

This song stimulates memories of anger in the target, causing it to become enraged and attack with full force. As a natural side effect, the singing bard becomes the focus of the target's anger. A single target will go to a fully offensive stance and try to attack the singer relentlessly for the song's duration. The singer must be visible in the room, and the creature may occasionally give up and walk away if it has no chance to hit the singer.

Training in [LINK] Mental Lore, Telepathy[/LINK] increases the effectiveness of the song, potentially increasing the level of rage. The potential increase is up to one level of rage at 5 Telepathy ranks, two levels at 15 Telepathy ranks, three levels at 30 Telepathy ranks, and four levels at 50 Telepathy ranks.

Renewal Cost: 4 Mana Points (MP). Multiple renewals on a single target "stack", forcing the creature to become more and more enraged, and adding additional round time to the target. The Bard must manually renew Song of Rage (RENEW 1016).
1017 · Song of Noise [NOISESONG]
Duration: Song of Noise lasts as long as the Bard is singing the song

Type: Utility

Calling upon the echoes of every song ever sung, the bard creates a cacophony of sound, disrupting the magical forces in the area. Due to the difficulty in singing this song, the bard may experience trouble renewing or singing other songspells while this song is in effect.

Renewal Cost: 7 Mana Points (MP).
1018 · Song of Power [POWERSONG]
Duration: Song of Power lasts as long as the Bard is singing the song

Type: Bonus

The singer of this song becomes a moving focal point of magic in the area, providing improved mana recovery for everyone joined to the singer.

Renewal Cost: 15 Mana Points (MP)
The bard can potentially lose control of the mana flows and potentially harm both himself and those around him.
1019 · Song of Mirrors [MIRRORS]
Duration: Song of Mirrors lasts as long as the Bard is singing the song

Type: Bonus

When singing Song of Mirrors, the Bard's voice will form resonant tones that will create the illusion of multiple images of the Bard in the room. As such, the attacker will have more difficulty hitting the Bard, since it will become difficult to tell which is the true Bard and which is a mirror image. This illusion provides the defense equivalent of 20 [LINK] Dodging[/LINK] ranks, +1 for every 2 Bard spellsongs known over 1019.

With this increased bonus, there is an increased mana cost. The base mana cost is 19, +1 for every 5 Bard spellsongs known over 1019.

Renewal Cost: 8 Mana Points (MP), +1 for every 10 spellsongs known over 1019.
1020 · Traveler's Song [TRAVELSONG]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Utility

Tapping into the elemental forces, the bard creates an illusion of past revelry so real that the bard's entire party is transported to the location of the past event.

20MPs By singing this song, the caster's entire party is transported to the nearest Inn, or a more dangerous area on a failure. Will work anywhere that a ring will work. Other side effects of the song may include dizziness and thirst. A failure will result in loss of mana and injuries upon arrival.
1025 · Singing Sword Song [SINGSWORD]
Duration: Singing Sword Song lasts as long as the Bard is singing the song

Type: Attack/Utility

Through clever manipulation of vibrations, a Bard can force magic and air to take the shape of a particular free-floating weapon. This free-floating weapon will follow the Bard into most areas, and he or she can direct it to attack foes. The Bard will receive a portion of the normal Experience Points and Fame Points they would be eligible for through damage done with this weapon.

The rigors of the magic demand the Bard maintain optimal mental condition in order to fully realize the advantages of the spellsong. If the Bard is stunned or has injuries to the head, eyes or nervous system the sung weapon's attack strength will be reduced. If the Bard is calmed, unconscious, or unable to concentrate due to extensive injury, the weapon will fail to attack outright.

The weapon's attack strength is based upon the skill of the Bard in the weapon type, the number of spells known over spell 1025, the Bard's knowledge of [LINK] Mental Lore, Manipulation[/LINK], as well as the [LINK] Aura[/LINK] and [LINK] Influence[/LINK] stat bonuses. Other songs, spells, potions, or other items that increase the Bard's attack strength will not affect that of the weapon.

The speeds of the various weapons available via Singing Sword Song reflect the speed of the weapon when used by a character in combat.

Melee Weapon Type -Speed
Cudgel (Club)4
Morning Star5
Twohanded Sword7
War Mattock6

Ranged Weapon Type -Speed
Short Bow4
Composite Bow5
Light Crossbow5
Heavy Crossbow7

Thrown Weapon Type -Speed

The caster can continue to perform other functions without receiving RT from the weapon's attacks. The singer may even attack with another weapon in his or her hands at the same time.


Upon preparing the spellsong, the Bard can sing one of twenty-one weapon types, using the format SING <weapon type>. The currently available types are listed above.

Controlling the weapon is done with the TELL command:

TELL WEAPON TO <command>, where <command> is:

ATTACK [target] - Attacks the specified creature or player. If no target is specified, it will attack a random eligible creature.

CEASE - Causes the weapon to stop attacking

RETURN - Causes the weapon to return to the room the Bard is in if it becomes "lost" or "stuck". Note that some areas of the game are naturally inaccessible to the weapon

Use STOP 1025 to eliminate the weapon.

Renewal Cost: 15 Mana Points (MP).
1030 · Song of Sonic Disruption [DISRUPT]
The bard singing this song is able to resonate their voice to such a degree that all not joined to the singer must suffer sonic disruption of their bodies.

30MP 20MPs/manual renewal. Once a renewal every non-joined player and all creatures must ward the resonant vibrations of the song or suffer vibration injuries. Renewals on this song are not automatic, the bard must manually renew it (renew 1030).

At 15 ranks in [LINK] Mental Lore, Manipulation[/LINK], the singer will be able to focus the disruption on a single creature, at half of the normal mana cost. As the Bard becomes more skilled with Manipulation Lore, it will be possible to gain the benefits that are normally restricted to Bards using instruments, until at 75 Manipulation Lore ranks the Bard will be able to sing the single-target version of this spell as if accompanied by a two-handed instrument.
This song is made more effective by a bard playing an instrument.
1035 · Song of Tonis [TONISSONG]
Duration: 60 seconds

While singing this song, a Bard magically imparts all members of his or her party with additional speed, making all of their actions a bit quicker, and giving them an increased chance to dodge incoming attacks. Specifically, Song of Tonis increases the defensive equivalent of the group's [LINK] Dodging[/LINK] skill by +20 ranks as well as adding a -1 second haste effect.

Training in [LINK] Elemental Lore, Air[/LINK] will increase the dodge benefit of this song, and at certain thresholds, the haste effect will be increased (-1 second haste effect at 30 ranks, then again at 75 ranks). Dodging is increased from 1 Dodging rank at 1 rank of Air Lore, with the maximum being 20 Dodging ranks at 96 ranks of Air Lore.

The duration of Song of Tonis can be increased by training in [LINK] Mental Lore, Telepathy[/LINK]. The bonus is +1 second per rank for the first 20 ranks of Telepathy Lore. Every 2 ranks of Telepathy Lore thereafter will increase the spellsong's duration +1 second. The total maximum duration addition for 100 ranks of Mental Lore, Telepathy is 60 seconds.
The Dodge ranks are increased at the following Elemental Lore, Air thresholds:
1040 · Troubadour's Rally [Shout 1040]
Duration: Immediate

Type: Defense/Utility

Through this spell a Bard may, with a sufficiently powerful cry, rally his comrades. A strong shout can waken the sleeping, bestir the calmed, break a stun, return lost mobility, and even bring the recumbent to their feet.

A debilitated Bard can attempt to rally himself with a shout, however, because of his impaired condition this will be more difficult than rallying others. The same shout that frees the Bard also has the possibility of freeing his group, but the group cannot be freed unless he is free of sleep, calm, stun, and immobility.

Troubadour's Rally is invoked via SHOUT 1040. The spell will attempt to remove the following conditions from every group member of the Bard caster: calm, sleep, stun, immobility, web, and prone/sitting.

Calm and sleep conditions on group members are removed with guaranteed success. Stun, immobility, and web effects are removed at a base rate of 90%, -3% per second remaining in the effect's duration, +3% based on [LINK] Mental Lore, Telepathy[/LINK] ranks on a summation scale, seed 1. The minimum rate is 10%.

Prone and sitting conditions will be cleared as if the afflicted group member had entered the STAND command, but with no roundtime, and an additional bonus equal to the Mental Lore: Telepathy modifier calculated in the stun, immobility, and web removal rates.

Though the Bard cannot assist his allies while he is stunned or immobile, he can attempt to rally himself, albeit at a more difficult base rate. Doing so will allow the rallying shout to affect the rest of his group.

Stun, immobility, and web effects for the Bard are removed at a base rate of 60%, -2% per second remaining in the effect's duration, +2% per [LINK] Mental Mana Control[/LINK] rank. The minimum rate is 40%.

Prone and sitting conditions for the Bard will be cleared as if he had entered the STAND command, but with no roundtime, and an additional bonus equal to the Mental Mana Control modifier calculated in the stun, immobility, and web removal rates.

Each of the negative states will have the chance to be removed from all affected by the spell, with a flat cost of 40 mana to the Bard.

1050 · Unnamed
Not yet implemented
The exact nature of this spell is unknown at this time.

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