
Nilandia records GM
Vaschka's every word, while Gahread
gah-reads over her shoulder.

Giggling like a gang of Solhaven schoolgirls, Mekthros,
Ellistra, Subarashi,
Raelee, and Licel
enjoy their discussion date with GM Hadlir.

These Seminar Fairees (or does attendees sound better) pose for a
photo outside the seminar hall: GM Mestys,
Glimmin, Phenomenon,
Larktrill, and Porcell.

Let the games begin! Another evening of gaming starts up with GM
Karianne Estre, GM Leigh Phelps,
GM Caroline Rupert, GM
Eve Roquelaure, and Ransom.

Door clowns guards - better known for their clowning
than their guarding: GM Essentius,
GM Chakram, and GM
Callida. |

Discussion Faire beanbaggers forsake tables for a more zen approach
to seminar discussion: GM Khaladon,
GM Aiza, GM
Sleken, and Speaker. |

One meeellion Kronars! Mwuhahaha!
A seminar on how to be bad - do these guys really need the lessons?
GM Alvy, Tanath,
Elec, Neissa,
and Jhime cackle maniacally at
the "Roleplaying Evil" seminar. |
GemStone IV
Alliance of Heroes
Modus Operandi
CyberStrike 2 Hero's Journey
Simutronics Staff |
SimuCon Quote:
GM Llearyn: I can definitely say maybe! |