The 12:30 Wrapup was a chance to discuss with Elonka
the things we all liked and disliked from this and other SimuCons
and to make suggestions for the future. It was also a nice chance
to get the majority of people still in St. Louis together one last

You'd think these two must be up to something if not for
the fact that Pridenjoy and real
life wife GM Anji always
have the best grins.

GM Elbrion looks extremely mischievous
between GM Khaladon and GM
Taiven. Could be because he brought even more
bullet shots to the wrapup! Naughty, naughty.

Elonka Dunin, General Manager at Simutronics, takes
suggestions for future cons. Somehow I just don't think "free
liquor" is going to make her list.

GM Mignon gets a big laugh out
of whatever Elonka is doing up front. Firenzes,
Birdsongg, Kilthal,
and GM Taiven also applaud from
behind. |

GM Schism boldly displays his
shirt - "I'm only wearing black because all of my PINK
clothes are dirty." |

One final look at the Sheraton patio and the few who remained on Sunday
before making their last goodbyes to SimuCon 2005. |
GemStone IV
Alliance of Heroes
Modus Operandi
CyberStrike 2 Hero's Journey
Simutronics Staff |
SimuCon Quote:
GM Tribanin: I like napping. And occasionally a dwarf or
two, but that's a private matter. |