
Not even out of the game room and the partying has begun. Alasia
and Zequa raise a toast to SimuCon

GM Laurie Sutherland is surprised
to see GM Essentius outside the
hotel bar. |

More partying persists on the patio with Sepher,
Eiadh, Aenir,
Myrisa, and Mekthros.

Back at the bar Spiritshadow and
Etsk order up some drinks, and
shortly after the entire liquor shelf collapses, spilling $100s worth
of liquor onto the floor. Please join me in a moment of silence...

Not tired of poker yet, Dunryc,
Mikare, Porcell,
and Dimaire pull up for another
round (this one possibly for money).

Ta-dah! Phii and Quanette
make a splash with their virgin 'Con appearance. What is that guy
looking at?
GemStone IV
Alliance of Heroes
Modus Operandi
CyberStrike 2 Hero's Journey
Simutronics Staff |
SimuCon Quote:
Dainar (holding crackers to forehead): I'm a crackhead! |