
Father Pridenjoy whips out his
glowing neon whip and neck-chain. Kinky.

The judges, GM Tribanin, GM
Eve, and GM Schism,
are hard at work... drinking some beers, oggling the women, and occasionally
scoring the costumes.

Real life bard Wynder/GM
Chade (he plays mandolin, flute, and drums) plays along
with the dueling pianists at the cocktail party and even scores a
solo partway through.

Where there's music and mayhem there's gypsy lasses - Enter Jassrainna
and Shaylha! |

Too much Red Bull at this table! (Red Bull gives
you wings, get it? Oh, nevermind.)
Aavarine (left), well known for
her wings each year, is joined by two other winged creatures this
year, including the green faerie Waveshell. |
GemStone IV
Alliance of Heroes
Modus Operandi
CyberStrike 2 Hero's Journey
Simutronics Staff |
SimuCon Quote:
Tyrathia: Jesus Christ!
Jolebin: Yes, my daughter? |