
Let's do the Time Warp again!
That's right, we're dancing to piano music from Rocky Horror Picture
Show. The Warped dancers include Jolebin,
Celeberin, Eoworfinia,
GM Obseden, and others.

Dayle and Dainar
kick up their heels as well. They're probably glad we don't have video.

Onsite staff watch and cheer the piano playing and dancing.

The con's cutest couple, Spiritshadow
and Waveshell, appear entranced
by the musicians.

Eldreth sneaks outside with his
armor and sword. The adjacent wedding party runs screaming!
GemStone IV
Alliance of Heroes
Modus Operandi
CyberStrike 2 Hero's Journey
Simutronics Staff |
SimuCon Quote:
Jolebin: I would keep drinking if I thought there was a decent
chance of someone trying to take advantage of me. |