
GM Tribanin cracks himself up
along with Brablo and Dullen.

GM Mitra, pensive, contented,

All hail, smelly cat! These board monkeys had a large showing at the
con with [front] Gryck, Surisa,
Itodep, [back] Camchak,
Urwin, Poshly,
Phii, Quanette,
Jhime, and GM

If you build it, they will come...
Aemergin plans for a reprisal
of his famous Room 114 party of SimuCon 2004 fame. Boomsplat
is also present to inspect the stand Aemergin constructed to hold
a giant slab of ice. Not sure what it's for? Keep reading.

The patio crowd has no limits - all games welcome. Here's GemStoners
Gazaroth, GM
Lothwyn, and GM Mignon. |

We don't bite... okay, just a little. Toy/Chandani
and Birdsongg/Martaine show their
pearly whites as ye old clock tower rises in the distance. |
GemStone IV
Alliance of Heroes
Modus Operandi
CyberStrike 2 Hero's Journey
Simutronics Staff |
SimuCon Quote:
GM Tribanin: I like napping. And occasionally a dwarf or
two, but that's a private matter. |