
Hi, I'm Dainar. This is my brother
Eridal, and this is my other brother
Eridal. That's Llorrin's
wife singing opera and Corky
with the drink.

Friends Tanath and GM
Helena make conversation on the final night in St. Louis.

GM Royce and wife Sherry (the
1st Hero's Journey player, she claims) outside at the DragonRealms
patio party.

The 1st casualty of Party at Room 114. Those darn chairs just won't
stay still. Navlys (with child),
Morgatha, and the man in red help
up a fallen Oengus, who's pride
was just slain in a single blow.

The bullet shots are back. Raycha,
GM Ethereal, and Willowlea
rummage through the crate for the perfect flavor. Don't drink the
pink ones! |

A liquor luge! Liquor flows down the winding grooves
and straight into Boomsplat's
waiting mouth. Licel is watching
(and looks like he's already gone a few times himself). So this is
what the ice was for! |
GemStone IV
Alliance of Heroes
Modus Operandi
CyberStrike 2 Hero's Journey
Simutronics Staff |
SimuCon Quote:
Dainar: Hi, I'm Dainar. This is my brother Eridal, and this
is my other brother Eridal. |