This year seminars began on Day 1, at noon, right
after registration! The Profession Faire ran all afternoon with each
guild and profession setting up a table for some roundtable discussions.

Welcome to the ER - GemStone Empaths GM Estild,
GM Mignon, and GM
Hadlir talk medicine with Valaraukar
and Nilandia.

At the DragonRealms "N" table you would expect
discussions about Necromancers, but Stravos,
Magdar, and GM
Towint decide "N" can mean any "N"
and talk about Novices instead, probably at Towint's urging. I've
got an N word for them - Nutheads!

All your stuff are belong to us
Rolach lurks at the most crowded
DragonRealms table in the room - everyone loves a rogue.

We love inflatable objects! Artist Candy Palmer and
boyfriend Fred relax outside the seminars on a handy inflatable chair
provided by Simu.
GemStone IV
Alliance of Heroes
Modus Operandi
CyberStrike 2 Hero's Journey
Simutronics Staff |
SimuCon Quote:
GM Mitra: What are some obstacles to running events?
Jolebin: Apathy. |