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Command Guide

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"A" and Punctuation Commands






The single and double quote (' and ")

These punctuation marks may be used as short cuts in place of using the command SAY. Depending on the punctuation at the end of your message, your character may "say", "ask", or "exclaim."

" or ' <MESSAGE> followed by a period (.) or no punctuation.

You say, "<MESSAGE>."

Eratika says, "<MESSAGE>."

" or ' <MESSAGE> followed by a question mark (?).

You ask, "<MESSAGE>?" Eratika asks, "<MESSAGE>?"
" or ' <MESSAGE> followed by an exclamation point (!). You exclaim, "<MESSAGE>!" Eratika exclaims, "<MESSAGE>!"


When another character offers to give you an object (using the GIVE command), you may use this command in order to agree to take the item from them and put it into your own inventory. You may also DECLINE. One of your hands must be empty in order to accept an item.


You accept Trakkar's offer and are now holding a heavy backpack.

Eratika has accepted your offer and is now holding a heavy backpack.

(used after EXCHANGE is used)

You hand Trakkar 100 silvers.

You accept Trakkar's offer and are now holding an acid-stained vultite wall shield.

Eratika hands you 100 silvers.

Eratika has accepted your offer and is now holding an acid-stained vultite wall shield.



This command may be used in order to accuse another character of theft in front of the constable. (Note, you must be in the same room as the constable.) For more information type HELP CONSTABLE in the game.

ACCUSE <name>


You make your accusation to the constable. After a brief moment of consideration, the constable turns to you and says, "I'll issue a warrant for Eratika's arrest immediately!"

(Note that messaging may differ depending on the circumstances.)

Kelista exchanges a few words with the constable. After a moment, the constable turns to Kelista and says, "I'll issue a warrant for Eratika's arrest immediately!"

(Note that messaging may differ depending on the circumstances.)



This is a very flexible roleplaying command which can be used to aid your character in acting in any way that you wish. The command is followed by a detailed description of what you wish your character to do. If the description is begun with an apostrophe and an s ('s) then the description is altered to begin with your name as a possessive. The resulting text will always be enclosed in parentheses.

ACTION <description>

>act jumps up and down.

(Eratika jumps up and down.)

(Eratika jumps up and down.)

ACTION 's <description>

>act 's sneeze sprays Kelista.

(Eratika's sneeze sprays Kelista.)

(Eratika's sneeze sprays Kelista.)


This command provides advice to new users. It provides a number of helpful tips and pieces of information which are important when one first begins their adventures in GemStone IV. If you are a new player, it is recommended that you type this command within the game.

ADVICE The text provided when this command is entered is very lengthy. Please type this command in game for the full output. N/A


This command is one which can only be used in special circumstances. New players will occasionally receive a message which asks if they would like to find answers to their questions. If the new users types AGREE, they will be teleported to a mentor who can help them learn all they need to know about the game.

The message a new player will hear will be similar to this:

You hear the voice of a crier nearby, "Gnafelot is now available to answer new adventurers' questions at Silverwood Manor in Wehnimer's Landing. (Go outside and use DIR SILVERWOOD to find the way there.)"

(If you would like to be teleported to Gnafelot, just type AGREE within the next minute.)

Note that when you are done consulting with the Mentor, you leave by typing OUT, and it will return you to the room you originally were in before you typed AGREE.


Your surroundings suddenly change...

[Silverwood Manor, Courtyard]
Painted a pristine shade of white, a short stone wall lines the entire expanse of the courtyard. Leading towards the entry of the manor, short boxwood hedges line the multicolored stone path.
Also here: Mentor Gnafelot
Obvious paths: east, out.

Strina suddenly vanishes from sight!



This command is used for hunting with a crossbow or bow.


AIM <body part>

The following are possible body parts:

right leg left leg right arm left arm right hand left hand
right eye left eye back abdomen chest head

The opponent must actually possess the body part you are targeting for an aim to be successful.

Whatever body part you specify, this will be your default target area until you decide to either aim for another body part, or stop specific aiming all together.

Type AIM CLEAR, or AIM RANDOM to stop aiming. Note that aiming at a target area will add at least one second to your round time.


>aim abdomen

You're now aiming at the abdomen of your target when using a ranged weapon.

N/A (because others cannot see which target area of the critter has been selected by the archer)



This command is used for ambushing creatures from hiding, or for aiming a melee attack at a specific body part, or both.


Ambush <Opponent>
Ambush <Opponent> <body part>

The following are possible body parts:

right leg left leg right arm left arm right hand left hand
right eye left eye back abdomen chest head

The opponent must actually possess the body part you are targeting for an aim to be successful.

When ambushing from hiding, the wound's severity is increased, provided that you are training in the Ambush skill.  Note that AMBUSH always includes at least a 5% parry rate. AMBUSH also always adds 3 second of round time unless your base round time is below 5 seconds. See ATTACK for reference to special Voln messages which may occur when one successfully kills undead critters by AMBUSHing, ATTACKing, CASTing, FIREing, HURLing, MSTRIKEing or TRIPing)

AMBUSH <Opponent> <Body Part>
(not hiding)

>ambush warhorse left arm



You swing a silvery vultite axe at a skeletal warhorse!
AS: +300 Vs DS: +200 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +64 = +199
... and hit for 41 points of damage!

Hard hit shatters shield arm.
Vultite axe clashes with steel barding!
[STR/DU: 85/200 vs. 95/480, d100(Open)= 90]

The skeletal warhorse groans in agony as its bones crack under the force of the blow!
Roundtime: 6 sec.

Aelphaba swings a silvery vultite axe at a skeletal warhorse!
AS: +300 Vs DS: +200 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +64 = +199
... and hits for 41 points of damage!

Hard hit shatters shield arm.
Vultite axe clashes with steel barding!
[STR/DU: 85/200 vs. 95/480, d100(Open)= 90]

The skeletal warhorse groans in agony as its bones crack under the force of the blow!

AMBUSH <Opponent> <Body Part>
(from hiding)

> ambush lord head

You leap from hiding to attack!

You swing a silvery vultite axe at a skeletal lord!
AS: +300 Vs DS: +177 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +40 = +204
... and hit for 75 points of damage!

Incredible blast shatters head into a red spray.
You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the skeletal lord's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.

The skeletal lord wails in terrifying pain one last time and lies still.
Vultite axe clashes with visored helm!
[STR/DU: 85/200 vs. 35/551, d100(Open)= 41]
Roundtime: 6 sec.

Aelphaba leaps from hiding to attack!

Aelphaba swings a silvery vultite axe at a skeletal lord!
AS: +300 Vs DS: +177 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +40 = +204
... and hits for 75 points of damage!

Incredible blast shatters head into a red spray.

The skeletal lord wails in terrifying pain one last time and lies still.
Vultite axe clashes with visored helm!
[STR/DU: 85/200 vs. 35/551, d100(Open)= 41]

AMBUSH <Opponent>
(from hiding)

>ambush lord

Note that this is the same as attacking from hiding, except an additional ambushing roundtime is added.

You leap from hiding to attack!

You swing a silvery vultite axe at a skeletal lord!
AS: +300 Vs DS: +298 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +81 = +124
... and hit for 36 points of damage!

Right hand severed at the wrist!
The lord's splintered lance falls to the ground.
The skeletal lord is stunned!

The skeletal lord groans in agony as its bones crack under the force of the blow!
Roundtime: 6 sec.

Aelphaba leaps from hiding to attack!

Aelphaba swings a silvery vultite axe at a skeletal warhorse!
AS: +300 Vs DS: +215 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +31 = +151
... and hits for 81 points of damage!

Wicked slash slices open the skeletal warhorse's chest!
Heart and lungs pureed!

The skeletal warhorse falls to the ground motionless.



This is a roleplaying command. The synonym verb for this command is CLAP.


You applaud.

Eratika applauds.

(if you are missing an arm)

You wave an arm around in a vain attempt to applaud. Angelianna waves an arm around in a vain attempt to applaud.


You look at a rolton and clap your hands.

Eratika looks at a rolton and claps her hands.

APPLAUD <DEAD CREATURE> You look at the dead kobold and applaud. Eratika looks at the dead kobold and applaud. [sic]


You glance at a raspberry marinated orc toe and clap your hands.

Eratika glances at a raspberry marinated orc toe and claps her hands.


You applaud Trakkar.

Eratika applauds you.


You clap your hands.

Eratika claps her hands.



This command may be used to determine the value of treasure items (skins, pelts and gems.) Merchants will be willing to give you a specific appraisal, or a character may appraise their own items. While inside an appropriate merchant shop, such as the fur and gem shops, you may also have a container of items appraised. You must hold the container in your hand. Note that after the merchant appraises your container, you may wish to SELL <MY CONTAINER>.

This command may also be used on another character in order to determine their health. Clerics will be able to determine information about dead characters which is important for resurrections.

Additionally, this command may be used to determine the breakage values of a weapon or armor.

(while at an appropriate merchant)

> appraise coral

You ask the gem dealer to appraise some polished pink coral.

The gemcutter takes the pink coral and inspects it carefully before saying, "I'll give you 365 for it if you want to sell."

Eratika asks the gem dealer to appraise some polished pink coral.

The gemcutter takes the pink coral and inspects it carefully before saying, "I'll give you 365 for it if you want to sell."

(while away from a merchant)

> appraise jaws

A failed appraise:

You turn the warhorse jaws over in your hands, meticulously inspecting for flaws. As best you can tell, the 10 warhorse jaws in your bundle are in decent shape.
Roundtime: 100 sec.

A successful appraise:

You turn the warhorse jaws over in your hands, meticulously inspecting for flaws. You estimate that of the 10 jaws in your bundle, 1 is crude quality, 1 is poor quality, 3 are fair quality, 3 are fine quality, 1 is exceptional quality, and 1 is outstanding quality. You estimate that the total value of your warhorse jaws is approximately 2500 silvers.
Roundtime: 100 sec.

A failed appraise:

Aelphaba turns a bundle of warhorse jaws over in her hands, meticulously inspecting for flaws.

A successful appraise:

Aelphaba turns a bundle of warhorse jaws over in her hands, meticulously inspecting for flaws.


>look in my wrap
In the tiger fur wrap you see a skeletal warhorse jaw, a green garnet, a violet spinel, a gleaming glaes longblade, a gold ring, a skeletal warhorse jaw, a skeletal warhorse jaw, a skeletal warhorse jaw, a skeletal warhorse jaw, a bundle of skeletal warhorse jaws and a skeletal warehorse jaw.

>rem my wrap
>You remove a sabre-tooth tiger fur wrap from your shoulders.
>appraise wrap
>You ask Dakris to appraise the contents of a sabre-tooth tiger fur wrap.

Dakris takes the tiger fur wrap and inspects the contents carefully before saying, "There are 4 items that I do not deal with at all. I did find 32 items that I'll give you 13271 silver for, if you want to sell."
Dakris then returns a sabre-tooth tiger fur wrap to you.






Aelphaba removes a sabre-tooth tiger fur wrap from her shoulders.
Aelphaba asks Dakris to appraise the contents of a sabre-tooth tiger fur wrap.

Dakris takes the tiger fur wrap and inspects the contents carefully before saying, "There are 4 items that I do not deal with at all. I did find 32 items that I'll give you 13271 silver for, if you want to sell."
Dakris then returns a sabre-tooth tiger fur wrap to Aelphaba.

APPRAISE <PERSON> (appraising as a cleric)

You glance at Trakkar and immediately realize he has 0 spirit levels out of a maximum of 10, and is currently preserved for 2236 seconds.
You also notice that he has minor bruises on his neck, a fractured and bleeding left arm, some minor cuts and bruises on his right leg, some minor cuts and bruises on his left leg, minor cuts and bruises on his chest, deep lacerations across his abdominal area, a swollen left eye, and minor bruises about the head.
He has a mangled left arm.
He is bleeding slightly from the left arm, and from the abdomen.
He is also quite dead.


APPRAISE <PERSON> (appraising as a non-cleric)

>You take a quick appraisal of Trakkar and find that he has minor bruises on his neck, a fractured and bleeding left arm, some minor cuts and bruises on his right leg, some minor cuts and bruises on his left leg, minor cuts and bruises on his chest, deep lacerations across his abdominal area, a swollen left eye, and minor bruises about the head.
He has a mangled left arm.
He is bleeding slightly from the left arm, and from the abdomen.
He is also quite dead.


APPRAISE <ARMOR or WEAPON> Careful examination indicates that "a glaes shield" has a strength of 69 and a durability of 220. You determine the current state of the glaes shield to be at 100% integrity. N/A


This is an informational command which supplies the breakage values for all basic armor types.

ARMOR (The resulting text is too lengthy to display here. Type ARMOR inside the game for a detailed listing.) N/A


This command is used in order to learn the specific capabilities of a set of armor. The armor must be held in your right hand. Anyone other than a highly-trained warrior may be able to determine it's group, subgroup, and coverage. Advanced warriors will be able to determine an armor's padding, but not it's enchantment. Warriors may also determine the capabilities of the weapons they are trained well in.

For more specific information on armor, visit the Elanthian Armor Guide in The Armory.

(for everyone other than highly-trained warriors) 

>assess brigandine

You examine the brigandine closely and you don't note anything, aside from the fact that it would be classified as rigid leather armor, and covers the torso, arms, legs, neck, and head.

Aelphaba examines the brigandine closely, trying to determine how well it protects.




(for highly trained warriors)

For example, Murgin is a warrior of 50 general trainings, and this is what he saw when he assessed some forest green brigandine armor (Murgin has a 209 skill level in armor, which is 109 times of training in it):

On his first try, Murgin sees that the brig is padded but not to what degree:

Examining the brigandine closely, it looks like it's padded against critical blows. It also looks as if it would be classified as rigid Leather armor, and covers the torso, arms, legs, neck, and head.

On his second try, Murgin doesn't see that the brig is padded at all:

You examine the brigandine closely and you don't note anything, aside from the fact that it would be classified as rigid leather armor, and covers the torso, arms, legs, neck, and head.

On his sixth try, Murgin sees the DEGREE of padding:

Examining the brigandine closely, it looks like it's heavily padded against critical blows. It also looks as if it would be classified as rigid leather armor, and covers the torso, arms, legs, neck, and head.

Murgin examines some forest green brigandine closely, trying to determine how well it protects.



This command is used in order to request assistance from the staff of GemStone IV.


Assist Cancel
Assist Position
Assist Request <reason>

Type HELP ASSIST in the game for more information.


The text provided when this command is entered is rather lengthy. Type ASSIST within the game to read the text outputted.


Assist request removed. You are no longer in the queue.



Your previous request is still pending. You are number 1 in the Premium User queue.

You may cancel your request for assistance at any time by typing ASSIST CANCEL.


You need to specify the reason why you need assistance. To do so, type ASSIST REQUEST <your reason for assisting goes here>

>assist request Um, this isn't a request, sorry, just testing. I will cancel immediately. :)

Your request has been sent to the GM's currently onduty.

You are number 1 in the queue.

You may cancel your request for assistance at any time by typing ASSIST CANCEL.



This is the most basic of all combat commands. For more details on it's usage, view the attack section of the combat guide. The synonym for Attack is Kill.


Attack <Opponent>

If you ATTACK <Opponent> and then just type ATTACK alone, you will automatically hit the critter you previously just attacked. This is handy as creatures tend to run in and out of rooms and they are often difficult to keep track of.

In order to attack you must wield a weapon in your right hand. If you do not have a weapon, or if you do not have a hand, you will be unable to attack.

You can attack from hiding. This can provide a bonus.

Some creatures can only be attacked with weapons which are enchanted to a specific degree. Vruul, for instance, are immune to any weapon fewer than three enchants. Undead creatures may only be attacked with blessed or sanctified weapons.

When Voln members kill undead creatures, they are given special messaging. The death of undead is significant to all Voln members.


> attack troll

You swing a mithril hilted vultite falchion at a thunder troll!
AS: +251 vs DS: +95 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +73 = +266
... and hits for 114 points of damage!

Blow cracks a rib and punctures a lung.
Breathing becomes a challenge.

The thunder troll howls in agony one last time and dies.

Hilted vultite falchion clashes with leather armor!
[STR/DU: 90/200 vs. 10/80, d100(Open)= 66]
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Note that depending on the your abilities, your opponent's abilities as well as your situation, the messaging for Attack may change drastically.

Eratika swings a mithril hilted vultite falchion at a thunder troll!
AS: +251 vs DS: +95 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +73 =3D +266
... and hit for 114 points of damage!

Blow cracks a rib and punctures a lung.
Breathing becomes a challenge.

The thunder troll howls in agony one last time and dies.

Hilted vultite falchion clashes with leather armor!
[STR/DU: 90/200 vs. 10/80, d100(Open)=3D 66]

(concerning the Voln messaging only) 


>attack seeker

1. A Volner killing a seeker with a Volner onlooker:

You swing a deep green vultite falchion at a seeker!
AS: +305 Vs DS: +189 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +43 = +194
... and hit for 82 points of damage!
Horrible slash to the seeker's head! Brain matter goes flying!
Looks like it never felt a thing.

You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the seeker's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.

The seeker screams, "Nooooo!" as she clatters to the ground into a lump of ancient bones and rotting robes.
The silvery luminescence fades from around a seeker.
Roundtime: 6 sec.

2. A Non-Volner killing a skeletal warhorse with a Volner onlooker:

You gesture at a skeletal warhorse.

You hurl a stream of fire at a skeletal warhorse!
AS: +243 Vs DS: +191 with AvD: +45 + d100 roll: +61 = +158
... and hit for 58 points of damage!

The skeletal warhorse falls to the ground motionless.
A skeletal warhorse no longer seems distracted.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

3. A Volner killing a skeletal lord with a Non-Volner onlooker:

You swing a silvery vultite axe at a skeletal lord!
AS: +300 Vs DS: +192 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +75 = +224
... and hit for 100 points of

Massive blow smashes through ribs and drives the skeletal lord's heart out the back.

You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the skeletal lord's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.

The skeletal lord wails in terrifying pain one last time and lies still.
Vultite axe clashes with chain mail!
[STR/DU: 85/200 vs. 95/300, d100(Open)= 50]
Roundtime: 6 sec.

1. A Volner witnessing another Volner killing a seeker (it is irrelevant whether the killer is a Voln member, so long as the onlooker is in Voln, the onlooker will see the special message):

Aelphaba swings a deep green vultite falchion at a seeker!
AS: +305 Vs DS: +189 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +43 = +194
... and hit for 82 points of damage!
Horrible slash to the seeker's head! Brain matter goes flying!
Looks like it never felt a thing.

You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the seeker's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens. 

The seeker screams, "Nooooo!" as she clatters to the ground into a lump of ancient bones and rotting robes.
The silvery luminescence fades from around a seeker.

2. A Volner witnessing a Non-Volner killing a skeletal warhorse:

Hannal hurls a stream of fire at a skeletal warhorse!
AS: +243 Vs DS: +191 with AvD: +45 + d100 roll: +61 = +158
... and hits for 58 points of damage!
You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the skeletal warhorse's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens.
The skeletal warhorse falls to the ground motionless.
A skeletal warhorse no longer seems distracted.

3. A Non-Volner watching a Volner kill a skeletal lord:

Aelphaba swings a silvery vultite axe at a skeletal lord!
AS: +300 Vs DS: +192 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +75 = +224
... and hits for 100 points of damage!

Massive blow smashes through ribs and drives the skeletal lord's heart out the back.

The skeletal lord wails in terrifying pain one last time and lies still.
Vultite axe clashes with chain mail!
[STR/DU: 85/200 vs. 95/300, d100(Open)= 50]


Go Play!