Awards for all the week's events were announced
at the Saturday dinner. Assassin's winners included:
Most Stealthy - Neowing, the sole
CyberStrike 2 attendee
Best Criminal - Elec, a high level
Thief, very appropriate
and Worst Criminal - Rolach, also
a DR Thief... yeowch! |

Smoochee Boochees!
Westly tries to steal a kiss from
Lilibeth. Olmec
purses his lips like Toby Mcguire and hopes he's next (heh heh, only
kidding, but he does have a Toby-smirk).

I'd love to be a perp if these are the women chasing me down! The
Modus ladies, GM Hazel Gilbrook,
GM Leigh Phelps, GM
Caroline, and Ransom Blackhawk,
get together for a final evening of food and fun.

Awards for all the weekend's events were given out by GM
Solomon, who ran the whole dinner show. Here are the 500
Poker Chip 1st prize for the Texas Hold'em Tournament won by Apu!

Special attention was paid to everyone's favorite Aussie, Dunryc
of GemStone, who will be returning to Australia this year. One last
time for posterity: Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! Oy, Oy, Oy!

Skippy feels like Santa Clause - he's making his
list and checking it twice! Costume contest winners Phii,
Eldreth, Sypria,
and Tarkisis wait in line for
Skippy to give out their prizes, which included $75 for 1st, $50 for
2nd, and $25 for 3rd. |

Bubba, also known as GM Solomon, can always make 'em laugh. Appreciative
onlookers include Pomae, Wynder/GM
David Whatley, and Susan Zelinski. |
GemStone IV
Alliance of Heroes
Modus Operandi
CyberStrike 2 Hero's Journey
Simutronics Staff |
SimuCon Quote:
Dunryc: Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!
Oy! Oy! Oy! |