
There's more people here than an ABBA reunion!

Special mention for the costume contest and a Toys R Us gift certificate
went to Baby Shakahn, the ~2 year old child of GM
Shakahn and Purreliss.

GM Jeremael remembered.
In a tearful moment, GM Solomon
announced that one of the most talented, prolific, and well-liked
DragonRealms GameMasters had passed away a month earlier. The large
card he is holding was passed around for signing by those who had
been touched by GM Jeremael. Oengus, the GemStone player who won 1st
prize in the costume contest, contributed his entire $75 prize to
a college fund set up for Jeremael's children.

To wrap up the dinner GM Solomon
brought back the ever-popular "When Customers Attack" segment
- actual letters from angry and often absurd customers (names omitted
of course).

...Meanwhile, Aemergin's slab
of ice has arrived and he begins cutting the grooves with his propane
torch. |

"Since your staff is clearly illiterate, please have someone
read this letter to your upper management." That's a sample
from the "When Customers Attack" file that had these players
rolling with laughter: [clockwise from left] Jhime,
Neissa, Urwin,
Ahalaia, Maulem,
Niamara, Quanette,
and Phii. |
GemStone IV
Alliance of Heroes
Modus Operandi
CyberStrike 2 Hero's Journey
Simutronics Staff |
SimuCon Quote:
Solomon: Player Report: I just lost 4 levels, a husband and
I don't know what else.
From the crowd: Can I get everything back except
the husband? |