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Command Compendium


"C" Commands


Used to cackle (a variation of laugh).
CACKLE You see:
You cackle!

Others see:
Ceosanna cackles!
CACKLE <player> You see:
You cackle at Bob!

Bob sees:
Ceosanna cackles at you!

see HELP.

Used to cancel outstanding offers from a BARTER or GIVE command.

Use ASSIST CANCEL to cancel an assist.

Use REFER CANCEL to cancel a referral.

Used in connection with collector's cards and cases.
CARDS ADD Add a card to a collection.
CARDS COMPLETE Used to make a full set of cards, you must have one of each type of card in your collection.
CARDS COUNT Used to count how many cards you have without listing them.
CARDS DUPLICATES Lists any duplicate cards you have.
CARDS LIST List what cards you have.
CARDS NEEDED Lists all cards you need to complete your collection.
CARDS REMOVE Remove a card from a collection.

Used to CARVE branches, sticks, and talismans (Talismans are for Warrior Mages only.).

CARVE (item) WITH my (knife, or other carving device)

This verb is used for casting prepared spells on yourself (if no target it specified), items, critters, specific body parts, and other players. (See PREPARE on how to prepare a spell and TARGET on how to target an attack spell.)

WARNING: Use caution when casting on another player without their consent. Doing so can violate policy and result in warnings and/or harsher penalties.

This verb is used to center telescopes on a target. You can then FOCUS it and PEER through it at the object specified.
CENTER TELESCOPE ON <celestial body> You see:
You put your eye to the silverwillow telescope and attempt to center on the black moon Katamba.

Others see:
Ceosanna puts her eye to a basic silverwillow telescope.
CENTER TELESCOPE ON <player> You see:
You peer at Bob through a basic silverwillow telescope.
Bob's magnified eye blinks back at you.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna peers at you through a basic silverwillow telescope.
You peer into the wrong end of a basic silverwillow telescope.

Others see:
Ceosanna peers down the wrong end of a basic silverwillow telescope.

This command is provided as a way to settle PvP disputes when both parties agree. The default challenge usually (but not always) protects you from dying. However, you may die or be seriously injured during the duel and may later die of your wounds. Having an empath on hand or herbs would be a wise precaution.

LOCAL LAWS AND RESTRICTIONS STILL APPLY. Fighting in town zones (including in and around the guilds and town gates), whether in an arena or not, may get you arrested, particularly if a death is a result of the challenge. Empaths may issue challenges but they will still go into shock if they attack someone. Paladins will not have their souls harmed but if clerics kill or spill blood on holy ground, their god will still be displeased.

NOTE: You can also choose to ignore a challenge, rather than accepting or refusing it.

CHALLENGE <CRITTER> also has RP messaging depending on what is in your hands (empty, weapon, shield, weapon and shield).
You puff out your chest and strut around!

Others see:
Ceosanna puffs out her chest and struts around!
CHALLENGE <character> <type> <reason> <injured person> Issues a challenge.

TYPEs of challenges:
   • Blood (The challenge ends at first blood.)
   • Blow (The challenge ends when first blow that lands.)
   • Death (The challenge ends when one is dead. Death may only be challenged under vengeance and then only for killing.)
   • Pain (This is the DEFAULT. The challenge ends when one is knocked unconscious.)

REASONs are:
   • Contest (This is the DEFAULT. It is contest of skill versus skill.)
   • Honor (Your honor was violated by opponent and you seek satisfaction.)
   • Justice (You seek justice for crimes committed against yourself or others.)
   • Restitution (You wish restitution for actions taken by another against you or another. This is restricted to the Arenas.)
   • Theft (You are accusing person of theft against yourself but seek only satisfaction.)
   • Vengeance (You or a relative were killed or stolen from recently. The injured person must be named after the reason.)

Note: Injured Person is only used with a Vengeance challenge.
CHALLENGE <character> ACCEPT <reason> Used to accept a challenge and begins the duel.

REASONs are:
   • Bow (This is the DEFAULT. It shows respect without admission or denial of guilt.)
   • Mistake (This is a denial of guilt. You claim the challenge has been issued mistakenly.)
   • Strike (This is an admission of guilt. You strike the challenger with hand or item in right hand.)
CHALLENGE <character> REFUSE <reason> Used to refuse a challenge. Reasons are the same as CHALLENGE ACCEPT.
CHALLENGE <character> STOP <reason> Stops a challenge.

REASONs are:
   • Accept (You accept the surrender of your opponent.)
   • Admit (You admit to your guilt. This automatically ends the challenge in favor of the challenger. This and Deny are not available for a Contest challenge).
   • Deny (You want it to end but you deny the reason you were challenged. Requires opponent use ACCEPT.)
   • Mercy (This is like a no-contest, but you accept guilt. This also requires that your opponent ACCEPT.)
   • Refuse (You turn down the surrender of your opponent.)
CHALLENGE <character> SURRENDER <reason> Ends a challenge. Reasons are the same as CHALLENGE STOP.
CHALLENGE <self> You see:
You raise your chin slightly, bolstering your courage.

Others see:
Ceosanna raises her chin slightly in a show of defiance.
CHALLENGE FULL Displays all the information found here.
CHALLENGE HELP Displays the basic information on how to accept, refuse, or stop a challenge.
CHALLENGE INFO Displays the information listed under the main entry above.

Bards use this verb in connection with certain enchantes taught by their Guildleaders, but anyone can use this verb to chant multiple verses. Each verse line must be separated by a semicolon.

WARNING: This command should not be used just to attract attention. An example of this would be to chant that you are selling a sword, or that you have injuries needing tending. Use of chant in this manner is considered disruptive to the DragonRealms RolePlaying environment.
CHANT <as a bard> An example of what you see as a bard:
You take a deep breath, then begin to chant a mesmerizing cadence designed to improve the study skills of those around you.

Others see:
Ceosanna takes a deep breath, then begins to chant a mesmerizing cadence designed to improve the study skills of those around her.

Ceosanna's voice takes on an almost lyrical quality as she launches into the chorus of "Faenella's Grace", each word flowing to the next with a seamless ease.

CHANT <verse;verse;verse> You see:
You chant:

"Zylna pon zylna dabra hulza!
Ista reva don!
Anaku dingir!"

(Time to Next Chanting: 9 seconds.)

Others see:
Ceosanna chants:
"Zylna pon zylna dabra hulza!
Ista reva don!
Anaku dingir!"

Spellcasters use this verb for charging magical devices with energy (mana), not for combat.

CHARGE <item> <amount>

This can be used to check how many TDPs (Time Development Points) it will take to raise your charisma statistic. Charisma helps you with Bardic songs, bargain with shopkeepers, extends your spirit health (and therefore the time it takes before you auto-depart after dying), and is used in various magical 'spell vs statistic' contests, among other things.

Use INFO to view all your statistics at once.

Used in DragonRealms: The Fallen to CHAT with other clan members.

NOTE: This verb is limited to Platinum and The Fallen.

Similar to gweths, this allows you to chat with other players on a game-wide level. Use CHATTER /OFF and /CHATTER ON to toggle the messaging.

CHECK BALANCE when in a bank.

CHECK IN REROLL when at an Inn
Warning: REROLL will wipe your character completely without having to rename him/her. You will have to rechoose race and features and begin again at level 0 with no profession, experience, inventory and vault contents. Only do this if you want to reroll but keep your current name.

CHECK IN RETIRE when at an Inn
Warning: RETIRE will force you to rename your character and reset it completely. After picking a new name you will have to rechoose your race and features and begin the game at level 0 with no profession, experience, inventory and vault contents. Only do this if you want to rename your character as well as reroll your character.

Used to shout approval in general or for someone else.
CHEER You see:
You just feel so pleased with yourself, you can't help letting out a hearty cheer.

Others see:
Ceosanna gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
CHEER <player> You see:
You let out a hearty cheer for Bob!

Bob sees:
Ceosanna looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Used by S'Kra Mur make a type of trilling sound.
CHIRR You see:
You chirr contentedly.

Others see:
Ceosanna makes a chirring noise in the back of her throat.
CHIRR <player> You see:
You chirr contentedly at Bob.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna makes a chirring noise in your direction.
CHIRR <self> You see:
You chirr contentedly to yourself, your tail undulating gently back and forth.

Others see:
Ceosanna chirrs contentedly to herself, her tail undulating gently back and forth.

Used when you need to choke.
CHOKE You see:
You gag, desperate for air!

Others see:
Ceosanna gags horribly and gasps for air!

This enables spellcasters to choose a spell that they want their Guildleader to teach them. This is also used in the character manager, allowing you to choose one feature over another.

This is a combat move that can be used to harm your opponent. For example:

Driving in like an adept combatant, you chop an etched bone-handled carving knife at a thug. A thug attempts to dodge, taking the full blow. The knife lands an extremely heavy hit that scratches the right bicep (But another battle scar for the thug's collection!).

Used when you find something funny and want to chortle.
CHORTLE You see:
You chortle softly at some secret joke.

Others see:
Ceosanna chortles softly at some secret joke.
CHORTLE <player> You see:
You chortle at Bob.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna starts chortling at you!

NOTE: This is a *Bard Only* ability

You can cause other bards to sing with you by using the CHORUS command followed by your verses. Separate each verse line by a semicolon. For example:

CHORUS And the highwayman came riding;Up to the old inn door...

This only works if another player is singing chorus with you. To do this, they must type SING WITH Bob. To stop, they can either SING WITH Bob STOP or CHORUS STOP. Both chorus leader and chorus singer must be sufficiently skilled to sing chorus.

Used when you find something funny and want to chuckle.
CHUCKLE You see:
You chuckle.

Others see:
Ceosanna chuckles.
CHUCKLE <player> You see:
You chuckle at Bob.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna chuckles at you!
CHUCKLE <self> You see:
You chuckle to yourself.

Others see:
Ceosanna chuckles to herself.

This is a combat move that can be used while BRAWLing to circle around your opponent. For example:

You fake a thug, first moving one way and then another, leaving it off balance.

CLAIM <# or Name>
This command is used to claim an object that is waiting for you in the game. Be sure to type in the claim number or name exactly as it was given to you.

Also see HOME CLAIM to claim an available home in your current room.


This is a combat move that can be used while BRAWLing to claw at your opponent.
CLAW As a Prydaen:
You rake your claws across a thug's left eye badly clawing it with a heavy slashings that rips away the eyebrow and surrounding tissue above the left eye.

For other guilds:
You rake your fingers across a thug's left hand badly clawing it with a heavy slashings that rips a small chunk of flesh from its left forearm.

This allows you to clean various items, such as altars and instruments.
CLEAN <item> WITH <cloth, etc.> Since there is no need to clean a whistle with a cloth, you see:
With an expert's care, you carefully drain and clean your silver whistle until you're satisified that you've removed a good deal of dust and residue from it.

Others see:
With an expert's care, Ceosanna carefully drains and cleans her silver whistle.
CLEAN <self> You see:
You dust yourself off.

Others see:
Ceosanna dusts herself off.

Used when you want to grasp something tightly.
CLENCH <player> You see:
You reach your shaking hands out to Bob and imagine wadding him up into a little ball.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna reaches her shaking hands out toward you, face twisted in an odd grin.
CLENCH <self> You see:
You ball up your fists stiffly at your side.

Others see:
Ceosanna balls up her fists stiffly at her side.
CLENCH <weapon> You see:
You clench your carving knife tightly until your knuckles go white.

Others see:
Ceosanna clenches her carving knife tightly until her knuckles go white.
You clench your fist.

Others see:
Ceosanna clenches her fist.
You grit your teeth.

Others see:
Ceosanna grits her teeth.

This allows you to climb various things found in the realms, such as hills and trees.

This allows you to close various items found in the realms, such as containers and doors. For example:

>close pack
You close your leather pack.

Used when you want to clutch something or someone.
CLUTCH You see:
You wring your hands.

Others see:
Ceosanna wrings her hands.
CLUTCH <item> NOTE: The messaging differs depending on the item.

You see:
You clutch your silver whistle tightly.
You clutch your carving knife, your palms sweating with fear.

Others see:
Ceosanna clutches her silver whistle tightly.
Ceosanna looks nervous as she clutches her carving knife.

CLUTCH <player> You see:
You make a grab for Bob's arm, missing by a mile.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna tries to grab your arm, but misses by a mile.
CLUTCH <player> <bodypart> Valid options are:

   • ARM

You see:
You grab Bob by the arm and whimper softly.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna grabs you by the arm and whimpers softly.

   • HAIR

You see:
You glare angrily at Bob. Ohh, if only you could just rip his hair out!

If Bob has no hair, you see:
You glare angrily at Bob. If only he had hair so you could tear it right out!

Either way, Bob sees:
Ceosanna glares angrily at you, her fingers twitching.

   • HAND

You see:
You grab Bob's hand and whimper softly.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna grabs your hand and whimpers softly.

   • NECK

You see:
Your fingers twitch as you look at Bob, tempted to wring his neck.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna's fingers twitch as she looks at you angrily.
CLUTCH <self> You see:
You clutch your chest in mock horror.

Others see:
Ceosanna clutches her chest in mock horror.
CLUTCH <self> <bodypart> Valid options are:


You see:
You double over, clutching your belly and moaning.

Others see:
Ceosanna doubles over, clutching her belly and moaning.

   • ARM

You see:
You grab at your arm. Oh, the pain!

Others see:
Ceosanna clutches her arm in obvious pain.

   • BACK

You see:
You clutch the small of your back, grimacing with pain.

Others see:
Ceosanna grimaces with pain, pressing one hand against the small of her back.

   • CHEST

You see:
You clutch your chest with an anguished expression.

Others see:
Ceosanna clutches her chest with an anguished expression.

   • EYES

You see:
You clutch your eyes as tears stream down your cheeks.

Others see:
Tears stream down Ceosanna's cheeks as she clutches her eyes.

   • HAIR

You see:
You tear at your hair with a frantic expression.

If you are Prydaen, you see:
You tear at your mane with a frantic expression.

If you are bald, you see:
You clutch at your scalp with a frantic expression.

Others see:
Ceosanna tears at her hair with a frantic expression.

If Ceosanna is a Prydaen, others see:
Ceosanna tears at her mane with a frantic expression.

If Ceosanna is bald, others see:
Ceosanna clutches at her scalp with a frantic expression.

   • HAND

You see:
You rub your hand, trying to work the stiffness out.

Others see:
Ceosanna rubs her hand, flexing the fingers with a pained grimace.

   • HEAD

You see:
You grab your head and moan softly.

Others see:
Ceosanna grabs her head and moans softly.

   • LEG

You see:
You clutch at your leg, almost falling as you try to put your weight on it.

Others see:
Ceosanna clutches at her leg, almost falling.

   • NECK

You see:
You grab at your throat with a piteous whimper.

Others see:
Ceosanna clutches her throat with a piteous whimper.



This toggle allows you to squelch other characters' combat messages, except for death hits and critical hits. For example:

Other characters' combat messages now turned OFF.
Other characters' combat messages now turned ON so you can see them.

This allows you to combine like substances, as long as you are holding them. For example:

You glance down to see some muljin sap in your right hand and some muljin sap in your left hand.
>combine sap with sap
You combine some muljin sap with some muljin sap.

This allows you to command another player to do something. Moon mages also have a spell that allows them to use this to have brief control over a creature.
COMMAND (ship pilot) Used to issue commands to the NPC pilot of a ship.

COMMAND <target> TO <subject> If your target is another player, you see:
You command Bob to get to work!

Bob sees:
Ceosanna commands you to get to work!

This is used by clerics to check their devotion to their chosen god.
COMMUNE (for other guilds) You see:
You begin to act like you are trying to commune with your god, but you have no idea if you are doing it correctly.
Roundtime 3 sec.

Others see:
Ceosanna bows her head and grows still for a moment.

This can be used to compare weapons, ammunition, armor, and shields with others of the same type using the appraisal skill. You can even compare items that another character has shown to you.

COMPARE <item 1> WITH <item 2>
COMPARE <player> <item 1> WITH <item 2>


CONSENT <player>
This gives permission to the person of your choice to help you.
WARNING! This will allow them to affect you with substances and pick up your grave items.

This removes your consent.

WARNING! This will allow any Empath to affect you with substances. This does not allow an Empath to pick up your grave items.

This removes your consent for any Empath to affect you with substances.

NOTE: This is *Thief Only*.

Thieves use this verb when performing secret actions. Bad things have been known to happen to anyone who speaks of this out loud.

Used when you need to cough.
COUGH You see:
You cough.

Others see:
Ceosanna coughs.
COUGH <player> You see:
You look at Bob and cough.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna looks at you and coughs.
COUGH <self> You see:
You clear your throat.

Others see:
Ceosanna clears her throat.

Used to count everything in the area, visible critters, and objects.
COUNT <object> For alchemical substances: You count how much is there.
For ammunition: You count how much is there.
For containers: You count everything inside.
For food and drink: You count how much is left.
COUNT <player> You see:
There appears to be only one Bob, but you never know.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna is looking at you in the most suspicious manner.
COUNT <self> You see:
Perhaps fooled by a recent look in a mirror, you make sure there's just one of you.

Others see:
Ceosanna pats herself down. Whatever.
COUNT CRITTER Count all the visible critters. You can also use CREATURE.
COUNT ROOM Count everything in the area. You can also use AREA and ALL.

Used when you want to cover your ears, eyes, or mouth. You can also do the same to another player.
COVER <bodypart> OF <player> Valid options are:

   • EARS

You see:
You cover Bob's ears with your hands.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna reaches over and covers your ears with her hands.

   • EYES

You see:
You cover Bob's eyes with your hand.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna covers your eyes with her hand.

   • MOUTH

You see:
You place your hand over Bob's mouth.

Others see:
Ceosanna places her hand over your mouth.
COVER <bodypart> OF <self> Valid options are:

   • EARS

You see:
You cover your ears with your hands.

Others see:
Ceosanna covers her ears with her hands.

   • EYES

You see:
You cover your eyes.

Others see:
Ceosanna covers her eyes with her hand.

   • MOUTH

You see:
You cover your mouth with your hand.

Others see:
Ceosanna covers her mouth with her hand.

Used to cower from someone or something.
COWER You see:
You cower.

Others see:
Ceosanna cowers in fear.
COWER <critter> You see:
You cower away from a Maelshyvean cinder beast.

Others see:
Ceosanna cowers away from a Maelshyvean cinder beast.
COWER <player> You see:
You cower away from Bob.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna shrinks fearfully away from you!

This allows you to crawl through tight spaces that you normally cannot enter by walking upright.

Used to cringe.
CRINGE You see:
You cringe.

Others see:
Ceosanna cringes.

There is an abundance of items found in the realms that can be crushed, some of which can be used as ingredients for a variety of things like juice, tea, and healing potions. You use this verb in conjunction with a mortar and pestle. For example:

You glance down to see a white ceramic pestle in your right hand and a clear glass mortar in your left hand.
>look in my mort
In the glass mortar you see some blocil berries and some blocil pulp.
>crush berr with my pest
You crush the blocil berries into some blocil pulp.
Roundtime: 10 seconds.

Used when you feel the need to cry.
CRY You see:
You begin to weep softly.

Others see:
Ceosanna begins to weep softly.
CRY <player> You see:
You look at Bob and start to cry.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna looks at you and suddenly starts crying!

This can be used when you want to curse, without using words that could violate policy.

WARNING: Use caution when cursing another player as it can affect some of the functions that the other player is allowed to do. Be aware that doing so can cause retaliation by the cursed player.
CURSE You see:
You mumble something unprintable.

Others see:
Ceosanna mumbles something unprintable.
CURSE <critter> You see:
You mumble something unprintable at Maelshyvean cinder beast.

Others see:
Ceosanna mumbles something unprintable at Maelshyvean cinder beast.
CURSE <player> You see:
You look at Bob and curse him.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna looks at you and raises her voice in a curse that sends a shiver through your body.
CURSE <self> You see:
You mumble something "colorful" to yourself.

Others see:
Ceosanna mumbles something.

Used when you want to curtsy. You can curtsy using emotes, to another player, and to creatures/items.
CURTSY You see:
You curtsy.

Others see:
Ceosanna curtsies.
CURTSY <creature/item> You see:
You curtsy to a Maelshyvean cinder beast.

Others see:
Ceosanna curtsies to a Maelshyvean cinder beast.
CURTSY <emote> Valid emotes are:


You see:
You give an awkward curtsy, nearly falling!

Others see:
Ceosanna gives an awkward curtsy, nearly falling over!

   • BOB

You see:
You bob a quick curtsy.

Others see:
Ceosanna bobs down and back up in a quick curtsy.

   • DEEP

You see:
You sink into a deep curtsy.

Others see:
Ceosanna sinks into a deep curtsy.

   • FLIRT

You see:
Lashes lowered in a pretense of modesty, you give a flirtatious smile as you sink into a graceful curtsy.

Others see:
Lashes lowered modestly, Ceosanna gives a flirtatious smile as she sinks into a graceful curtsy.


You see:
Hands moving gracefully, you sink down in a formal curtsy.

Others see:
With a graceful flutter of her hands, Ceosanna sinks down in a formal curtsy.


You see:
You curtsy gracefully.

Others see:
Ceosanna curtsies gracefully.


You see:
You give a slight curtsy, barely worth the name.

Others see:
Ceosanna gives a slight curtsy, barely worth the effort.
CURTSY <player> You see:
You curtsy to Bob.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna curtsies to you.
CURTSY <player> <emote> Valid emotes are:


You see:
You curtsy awkwardly to Bob, your ankles wobbling as you try not to fall.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna curtsies awkwardly to you, nearly falling.

   • BOB

You see:
You bob a quick curtsy to Bob.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna bobs a quick curtsy to you.

   • DEEP

You see:
You sink down in a deep curtsy before Bob, your lashes lowered.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna sinks down in a deep curtsy to you, her lashes lowered.

   • FLIRT

You see:
Your lashes lowered in a pretense of modesty, you give Bob a flirtatious smile before sinking into a graceful curtsy.

Bob sees:
Lashes lowered modestly, Ceosanna gives you a flirtatious smile before sinking into a graceful curtsy.


You see:
Hands moving gracefully, you lower your head and sink into a formal curtsy before Bob.

Bob sees:
With a graceful movement of her hands, Ceosanna lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy to you.


You see:
You curtsy gracefully to Bob.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna curtsies gracefully to you.


You see:
You give Bob a slight curtsy, barely more than a quick bob.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna gives you a slight curtsy, barely more than a quick bob.

This is used when you need to cut something. For example, when a flower is too tough to just GET:

>get rose
The rose's stem is mighty tough - you're going to need a knife.
>get my knife
You get an etched bone-handled carving knife from inside your leather pack.
>cut rose
You cut yourself a somber black rose with your knife.



Rated E: Everyone Interactive -- The content of this site may change due to interactive exchanges.  Mild Violence.

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