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Command Compendium


"G" Commands


Used when you want to draw a sharp breath.
GASP You see:
You gasp!

Others see:
Ceosanna gasps!
GASP <player> You see:
You gasp at Bob!

Bob sees:
Ceosanna gasps at you!
GASP <self> You see:
You hold your breath.

Others see:
Ceosanna holds her breath.

Used when you want to convey a look of amazement.
GAWK You see:
Your jaw drops.

Others see:
Ceosanna's jaw drops.
GAWK <player> You see:
You gawk at Bob.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna gawks at you.
GAWK <self> You see:
You gawk at yourself.

Others do not see you do this.

Used when you want to give something a steady look.

Usage: GAZE <character|creature|item|direction>
GAZE MY <feet|foot|fingers|hands|nose|arm|leg>
GAZE AT <character> IN <type>

Type can be; mournful, happy, sadly, grim, worship, dreamy, thought, timid, hope, sympathetic, silent, defiantly, awe, wonder, admiration, amazement, longingly and fondly.
GAZE (self) You cross your eyes.

This verb will give you information about REAL GEMS, which are hidden all around the realms. These gems can be redeemed for real precious stones with the same name.

NOTE: Free accounts, employees of Simutronics, and relatives of Simutronics employees are not eligible.

Used to get something in your inventory, on the ground, or elsewhere in the room you are in. This can cause problems if there is an item on the ground that is similar to one in your inventory. When specifically attempting to get something from your inventory, it is a good habit to use MY. For example: GET MY BOLT.

Used when you want to giggle.
GIGGLE You see:
You giggle.

Others see:
Ceosanna giggles.
GIGGLE <player> You see:
You giggle at Bob.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna is giggling at you.
GIGGLE <self> You see:
You giggle at some secret joke.

Others see:
Ceosanna giggles a little oddly.

Used to check what items you are holding in your hands.

You glance down to see a black razor in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.
GLANCE (person) You glance at Callave.

Used when you want to give something a fierce look.
GLARE You see:
You glare.

Others see:
Ceosanna glares.
GLARE <creature> You see:
You glare at a Maelshyvean cinder beast.

Others see:
Ceosanna glares at a Maelshyvean cinder beast.
GLARE <item> You see:
You glare at a cluttered desk.

Others see:
Ceosanna glares at a cluttered desk.
GLARE <player> You see:
You glare at Bob.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna glares at you.
GLARE <self> You see:
You bare your teeth.

Others see:
Ceosanna bares her teeth.

Used when you want to give something a sullen look.
GLOWER You see:
You glower.

Others see:
Ceosanna glowers.
GLOWER <creature> You see:
You glower darkly at a Maelshyvean cinder beast.

Others see:
Ceosanna glowers darkly at a Maelshyvean cinder beast.
GLOWER <item> You see:
You glower at a cluttered desk.

Others see:
Ceosanna glowers at a cluttered desk.
GLOWER <player> You see:
You glower darkly at Bob.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna glowers darkly at you.
GLOWER <self> You see:
You crouch down and sulk.

Others see:
Ceosanna crouches down and sulks.

You gnash your teeth.
GNASH (person | creature) You gnash your teeth at Callave.

You gnash your teeth at a scavenger troll.

GNASH (self) You grind your teeth.

Use this to GO into or through doors, windows, or other portals, or onto chairs, sofas, or other seating surfaces.
GO <chair> You sit on the chair.
GO <portal> You go through the door.

Gor'Tog only.

Tog sees:
Your mind drifts to thoughts of food and you begin to drool, thinking of all of the wonderful things to gobble.

Room sees:
Solomon's eyes go dreamy and he begins to drool.
GOBBLE (non food item) Not even your stomach is strong enough for that.
GOBBLE (person) You see:
You gaze hungrily at Callave, and for a brief moment, he seems to take on the image of a roasted haunch of savory, dripping meat.

Person sees:
Solomon looks at you, mouth parting slightly and a strand of saliva forming on his lip. Maybe you should be nervous?
GOBBLE( food item) You messily gobble down all of the honey cake.

This is used when you need to grieve in general or for another player or creature.
GRIEVE You see:
You throw back your head and let out a loud keening cry of pure grief.

Others see:
Ceosanna lets out a loud keening cry of pure grief.
GRIEVE <critter> You see:
You grieve for a Maelshyvean cinder beast.

Others see:
Ceosanna grieves for a Maelshyvean cinder beast.
GRIEVE <player> You see:
You gaze at Bob with a look of utter sorrow in your eyes.

Bob see:
Ceosanna gazes at you with a look of utter sorrow in her eyes.
GRIEVE <self> You see:
You fall to the ground and let out a heart breaking cry of pure grief.

Others see:
Ceosanna falls to the ground and lets out a heart breaking cry of pure grief.

This is used when you want to grimace.
GRIMACE You see:
You grimace.

Others see:
A pained expression crosses Ceosanna's face.

This is used when you want to grin at another player, an item, or even a creature. You can also use emotes to enhance your grin.
GRIN You see:
You grin.

Others see:
Ceosanna grins.
GRIN <critter> You see:
You grin at a Maelshyvean cinder beast.

Others see:
Ceosanna grins at a Maelshyvean cinder beast.
GRIN <emote> Valid emotes are:

abash, cheer, cold, crooked, drunk, ear, evil, flash, half, happy, idiot, impish, insane, joy, maniac, mischief, nervous, not, pain, relief, rueful, sad, sheep, wicked, silly, slow, sly, stupid, smug, triumph, ugly, weak, weary, wide, wry

When using an emote such as "triumph," you see:
You break out in a triumphant grin.

Others see:
Ceosanna breaks out in a triumphant grin.
GRIN <item> In this case a desk, you see:
You glance at a cluttered desk and grin.

Others see:
Ceosanna glances at a cluttered desk and grins.
GRIN <player> You see:
You grin at Bob.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna grins at you.
GRIN <player> <emote> When using an emote such as "pain," you see:
You grin bravely at Bob, ignoring your pain.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna grins bravely at you, ignoring her obvious pain.

This will only work with a working grindstone. To use one, you must turn it to get it up to a high rate of speed, and then push grindstone with <item>. This will prepare the <item> for grinding, but you will need to repeat as needed.

Be aware that as you increase one category others will change also.

Edge indicates how good an edge you want.
Point indicates how sharp of a tip.
Balance is how well it fits in your hand for parrying.
Weight is, well, how heavy it is to wield.
Power is how well you are able to apply its attributes.


This can be used in response to a really bad pun.

You groan.

This can be used when you really need to apologize for some dastardly deed.
GROVEL You see:
You begin to grovel desperately.

Others see:
Ceosanna begins to grovel with a desperate look on her face!
GROVEL <player> You see:
You grovel and tug on Bob as you beseech him to show mercy and kindness towards you!

Others see:
Ceosanna bows to you and begins groveling! With a quivering voice, Ceosanna begs you to show mercy and kindness for her inexcusable actions!

This can be used to growl generally, or at another player. Rakash in moonskin can also use this verb instead of SAY.

Note: Using this to speak will eliminate any L's from a sentence and replace them with R's. Also, any R's will be exaggerated.
GROWL You see:
You growl ferociously!

Others see:
Ceosanna growls ferociously!
GROWL <player> You see:
You growl at Bob.

Others see:
Ceosanna growls at you.
GROWL <self> You see:
You growl low in the back of your throat.

Others see:
Ceosanna growls low in the back of her throat.
GROWL <speech for Rakash> You see:
You growl, "I need to sell some rrrubies."

Others see:
Ceosanna growls, "I need to sell some rrrubies."

If you use too many R's in a sentence, you see:
All you can manage is a pitiful wheezing noise.

Others see:
Ceosanna makes a pitiful wheezing noise.

This is used when you want to grumble about something.
GRUMBLE You see:
You grumble.

Others see:
Ceosanna grumbles.
GRUMBLE <player> You see:
You grumble at Bob.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna grumbles at you.
GRUMBLE <self> You see:
You grumble to yourself.

Others see:
Ceosanna grumbles to herself.

This is used when you want to grunt at another player, a creature, or even an item. If you are a Dwarf, you may also add an emote.
GRUNT You see:
You make a grunting noise.

Others see:
Ceosanna makes a grunting noise.
GRUNT <creature> You see:
You grunt at a Maelshyvean cinder beast.

Others see:
Ceosanna grunts at a Maelshyvean cinder beast.
GRUNT <player> You see:
You grunt at Bob.

Others see:
Ceosanna grunts at you.
GRUNT <player> <emote> or GRUNT <emote> Emotes for *Dwarves Only*:

angrily, calmly, cautiously, cheerfully, coldly, confidently, coyly, curtly, darkly, dreamily, dryly, emphatically, enigmatically, excitedly, firmly, greedily, grumpily, guardedly, haggardly, happily, harshly, hauntingly, helplessly, hesitantly, hopefully, hopelessly, innocently, kindly, laughingly, longingly, loudly, lovingly, matter-of-factly, meekly, mischievously, mockingly, nervously, painfully, patiently, playfully, quietly, rancidly, regretfully, sadly, sarcastically, sheepishly, slowly, smugly, softly, sternly, sweetly, teasingly, tenderly, tiredly, weakly, wistfully, wryly
GRUNT <self> You see:
You grunt to yourself.

Others see:
Ceosanna grunts to herself.

This is used when you want to guard another player or an item. If you are guarding another player in combat, creatures will engage you first. If you are guarding an item on the ground, keep in mind that all items on the ground are at risk of permanent loss, and cannot be authorized for replacement.
GUARD <item> You see:
You move into position to guard a battered leather pack.

Others see:
Ceosanna moves over to guard a battered leather pack.
GUARD <player> You see:
You move over to guard Bob.

Bob sees:
Ceosanna moves over to guard you.
GUARD STOP When guarding another player, you see:
You stop guarding Bob.

Bob sees:
Absinthe stops guarding you.

When guarding an item, you see:
You stop guarding.

Note: There is currently no room messaging when you stop guarding an item.

This is used when you feel the need to gulp, such as:

You gulp.

Used to guzzle one of the hundreds of bevereges that are available.
GUZZLE <beverage> You see:
You guzzle down the wine.

Others see:
Ceosanna guzzles down some of her wine and then smacks her lips and wipes them with her sleeve.



Rated E: Everyone Interactive -- The content of this site may change due to interactive exchanges.  Mild Violence.

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