Command Compendium
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"H" Commands
Used to hack new trails in wilderness areas
Racial greeting intended for Kaldarian use.
Verbs for interacting with hair (yours or other's):
BRAID: Person carefully braids his hair.
BRUSH: Person runs his hair brush through his hair. while tousled: Person brushes his hair out. while unkempt: Person pulls his hair brush through his hair.
MUSS: Person tousles his hair. while tousled: Person musses up his hair. while unkempt: Person plays futilely with his hair.
TIE: Person pulls his hair back into a ponytail. while tied: Person pulls on his ponytail.
UNBRAID: Person unravels his braid. while loose: Person runs his fingers through his hair.
UNTIE: Person shakes his hair out. while loose: Person flips his hair over one shoulder.
A verb which allows players to attemt to keep from being engaged. Dependant on skill checks.
>hangback You start trying to hang back to avoid combat.
>hangback You are already trying to hang back as much as you can. To stop, type HANGBACK STOP.
>hangback stop You stop trying to hang back.
Display's for magic users their current attunement and harness status.
harness You have a complete attunement to the mana flowing through this area. Attunement: [0%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>50%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>100%] You will not share harnessed mana with others in your group. You are receiving harness warnings (HARNESS WARN is set).
HARNESS HELP >harness help Usage: HARNESS....................see your harness information HARNESS <amount>...........harness mana and hold it for later use HARNESS SHARE <ON / OFF>...set whether you share held mana with others
HARNESS WARN...............warn when using up most of your harness and also displays an ASCII graph of current harness HARNESS VERBOSE............see harness messages (if PP skill allows) HARNESS harness messages (default) HARNESS INFORMATION........explains what all this means
You can also use MANA to see your harness information while in roundtime.
Returns status of your body/spirit/fatigue/injuries
Actual Message Sample |
You have a rather strong body. Your body feels at full strength. Your spirit feels full of life. You have no significant injuries.
Verb for newcomers Response to typing hello is:
Hello to you, too!
If you are trying to talk, put a ', a SAY, or a " in front of what you wish to say. For example: To say, "Hello!" you would type:
SAY Hello!
Note: No need to use end quotes.
If you need help, just type HELP or ADVICE for assistance.
Help is available for the following subjects: Topic | #pages | Topic | #pages | Topic | #pages
| Starting | 8 | Commands | 4 | Verbs | 3
| Professions | 11 | Guilds | 2 | Experience | 2
| Skills | 6 | Stats | 3 | Training | 3
| Combat | 10 | Creatures | 4 | Death | 2
| Magic | 10 | Economy | 3 | Caravans | 1
| Roleplaying | 4 | Etiquette | 5 | Geography | 3
| Rerolling | 1 | Merchants | 2 | Time | 1 |
USAGE: HELP <subject>. To go to a specific page: HELP <subject> <page #> or HELP <subject> PAGE <#>. If you cannot find an answer for your question in HELP, you might try asking other players, or if your problem is of a technical nature, type ASSIST to get help from a GameMaster. Remember, DragonRealms is an adventure, many things are there for you to discover on your own. Particularly regarding puzzles and quests.
Role play verb allows players to hiccup.
Allows players to hide from other players or creatures with skill checks involved.
A racial ability of S'Kra Mur is to be able to Hiss
A S'Kra Mur hisses: You hiss. Others see <name> hisses.
Other Race hisses: Hisser sees: You hiss in a pretty good imitation of a S'Kra Mur. Others see: <name> makes a hissing noise that sounds almost like a S'Kra Mur.
Allows one player to form a group by holding another player's hand, subject to specific checks one of which are the avoid settings. Similar to the verb JOIN.
HOLD (worn item) |
Removes item and puts it in your hands. |
HOME LOOK returns some general information about the area. HOME CLAIM <#> claims an available home in your current room. HOME CHANGE changes the way your room is described. HOME SWAP enables you to swap the position of your 'bed' and 'table' items. HOME GUEST <player> sets ONE guest who may enter the home at any time. HOME GUEST CLEAR clears your guest. HOME SCENT changes the scent of your home. HOME PRIVACY <FAMILIAR | LOCATE> turns privacy options on or off. HOME SAVE saves your room description, scent, privacy options and guest. HOME DEED turns your home and its contents into a deed.
Allows players to hoot, returns what they sound like depending on their guild and gender. Geared for Rangers to actually sound like an owl.
Used by general population to howl. Also some messaging is particular to Rangers and particular to RAKASH in Moonskin. Ordinary player types Howl You throw your head back and howl! Everyone sees Prae throws her head back and howls!
Rakash out of moonskin howl: You throw your head back and howl! Not bad... but you sound much more impressive in moonskin. Others see: Anji throws her head back and howls!
Rakash in moonskin type Howl and they see: Options: HOWL's a great day and you just couldn't help yourself. HOWL LONELY..........awwww. HOWL KATAMBA.........sing to the moon! HOWL <dead person>...for mourning a fallen comrade. HOWL WARNING.........looks like trouble. HOWL PAIN............let others know you hurt. HOWL HOME............send out a call to return home. HOWL VICTORY.........celebrate your success. HOWL HUNT............invite those who hear you to join the hunt. For the full grown: HOWL CHALLENGE.......establish your rank among those of your gender. HOWL off to the opposite sex. HOWL HITHER..........calls out to your bonded mate.
All Non Rakash get the same message no matter which Howl a Rakash in moonskin uses and that is: Anji lifts her face to the sky and howls. The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.
Messaging when Rakash are in Moonskin as seen by other Rakash |
Non-Rakash receive a standard message in all instances which is: Anji lifts her face to the sky and howls. The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area.
HOWL HAPPY...........You let out a bright joyous howl, full of life and vigor. Other Rakash see: Anji howls joyfully, head thrown back to the sky.
HOWL LONELY..........You let out a mournful howl. Other Rakash see: Anji lets out a mournful lonely howl... does she know you're here?
HOWL KATAMBA.........You howl melodiously, serenading the black moon. Other Rakash see: Anji howls melodiously, serenading the black moon.
HOWL <dead person>...You howl in lamentation for the fallen Prae. Other Rakash see: Anji howls in lamentation for the fallen Prae.
HOWL WARNING.........You howl sharply, warning the pack of danger! Other Rakash see: Anji howls to warn the pack of danger!
HOWL PAIN............Your vocal cords vibrate with your pain, bristling your fur. Other Rakash see: Anji howls in pain causing your fur to bristle.
HOWL HOME............You release a specifically pitched howl calling your family home. Other Rakash see: Anji releases a howl pitched to notify her family to return home.
HOWL VICTORY.........You bellow a victorious howl that grows louder as it rips from your larynx. Other Rakash see: Anji lets rip a victory howl that sets your blood pounding.
HOWL HUNT............You release a warrior's howl calling all who can hear it to join in the hunt. Other Rakash see: Anji howls an invitation to join her in the hunt.
For the full grown: HOWL CHALLENGE.......You howl your challenge to the other (howler's gender) females of the pack! Female Rakash hears: Anji howls in challenge! Rakash Male and all non rakash hear: Anji lifts her face to the sky and howls. The haunting song of a wolf resonates through the area. HOWL COURTSHIP.......You let out a ululating howl, calling out to the (opposite gender) males of the pack. Rakash male sees:Anji lets out a beguiling, ululating howl. Rakash females and non-Rakash see standard message.
HOWL HITHER..........calls out to your bonded mate.(Must be Rakash bonded to Rakash) If not bonded, Rakash see: You are not bonded to anyone and cannot call this way to someone other than your mate. If bonded to another Rakash who is ingame howler will see: You release a beckoning howl that calls to (mate). Otherwise "Your howl could not reach the one you seek. Other Rakash see: (Howler) howls in the distance, calling (mate) to come to (him/her). |
Usage: HUG HUG [player|critter|item] HUG [player|critter|item] <emote> Valid emotes are: love, friend, tender, fierce, tight, bear, ginger, brother, formal, brief, aunt, half-hearted
USAGE: hum <happy, sad, cheerful, mournful>
Role play verb that provides for self-sarcasm, or as an alternative to cheer verb.
"You let out a loud Huzzah! "You let out a loud Huzzah! for <player>! If done to self "You mutter a sour Huzzah to yourself.
If done over a dead critter You let out a triumphant Huzzah! over the body of <critter>!
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